Search Results for Tag : Agreement
Notifications & Circulars
Implementation of the expanded India-Chile PTA(14.05.2017)
India and Chile have entered into another milestone in their trade relations as an agreement on expansion of India-Chile PTA which was signed on 6th S.....
Tags : Expansion, PTA, Agreement
International Cases
Inspection should only be refused if the redacted paragraphs are manifestly irrelevant(19.03.2018)
In present case, on 8 February 2018, the Plaintiff issued a subpoena to Mr Simon Guy Theobald, former administrator of the Defendant, requiring produc.....
Tags : Amending Agreement, Unredacted version, Inspection
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) signs Agreement with the Metal Industries Development Institute (MIDI), Ethiopia(12.06.2017)
Keeping in line with Prime Minister Modi's stress on stronger and long-term cooperation between African countries and India for mutual benefits in the.....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, CSIR
Government of India and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany Sign Government to Government Umbrella Agreement and other agreements(04.12.2017)
The Government to Government Umbrella Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning Finan.....
Tags : Agreement, Financial Cooperation, Signing of
Ireda and Rumsl Signs Agreement for Large-Scale Solar Parks in Madhya Pradesh(31.01.2018)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) and Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited (RUMSL) signed an agreement today for financing the share.....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Solar Parks
Indian Advance Pricing Agreement regime moves forward with signing of four Advance Pricing Agreements(04.09.2017)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into 4 more Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) during August, 2017. Out of these 4 Agreements, 3 a.....
Tags : Agreements, Signing of, International transactions
India signs a Loan Agreement of $328 Million with the World Bank for Improved Health Services in Andhra Pradesh(27.06.2019)
The Government of India, Government of Andhra Pradesh and the World Bank Executive signed here today a Loan Agreement of $328 Million to help improve .....
Tags : Agreement, Loan, Health services, Improvement
Cabinet approves protocol amending the Agreement between India and Sri Lanka for avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income(12.02.2020)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the Signing and Ratification of the Protocol amending the Agreement .....
Tags : Agreement, Amendment, Double taxation
Top Story
India and Brazil signed a Social Security Agreement which will exempt detached workers from making social security contributions in either countries,.....
Tags : Agreement, Bilateral, Social security
India and Kazakhstan agree to boost Defence and Military Technical Cooperation(04.10.2018)
Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman was on a three-day visit to Astana, Kazakhstan from October 02, 2018 at the invitation of Minister of Defence of .....
Tags : Defence, Military Cooperation, Agreement
Exim Bank agreed to provide Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 38 million to the Government of the Republic of Mozambique(01.08.2019)
1. Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated March 20, 2019 with the Government of the Republic of Mozambique for ma.....
Tags : Agreement, Line of Credit, Support
India-USA Bilateral Competent Authority MAP/APA Meeting(17.11.2016)
The Bilateral Competent Authority Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) / Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) meeting between India and USA was held in Washing.....
Tags : Meeting, Bilateral, Agreement
BBIN passenger vehicle movement promoting cross border participation and economic benefits regains momentum(15.01.2018)
As a landmark step, Bangladesh, India and Nepal have agreed on the operating procedures for passenger vehicle movement in the sub-region under the Ban.....
Tags : Agreement, Passenger vehicle, Cross border
ISA and India sign the Host Country Agreement(26.03.2018)
The International Solar Alliance (ISA) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), signed the Host Country Agreement here, today. The Agreement will g.....
Tags : Host Country, Agreement, Signing of
Government Revises Model Concession Agreement for PPP in Major Ports(08.03.2018)
In order to make port projects more investor friendly and make investment climate in the Major Port sector more attractive, the Government has approve.....
Tags : Concession Agreement, Major Ports, Revision
New $ 318 million loan Agreement Signed with World Bank to Support Climate Resilient Agriculture - over 500,000 Farmers to Benefit in Tamil Nadu(26.12.2017)
The Government of India, the Government of Tamil Nadu and the World Bank today signed a $318 million loan agreement for the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agric.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, Signing of, World Bank
Government of India and World Bank sign $200 Million Loan Agreement for the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project(30.10.2017)
The Government of India and the World Bank today signed a $200 million Loan Agreement for the Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project. The.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, Signing of, Project
India and OECD sign agreement to enable India's participation in Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) to be held in 2021(28.01.2019)
A Signing ceremony of Agreement between India and OECD for India's participation in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2021, in pre.....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Participation, Programme
Cabinet Approves Signing of Air Services Agreement Between India and Greece(22.02.2017)
Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the signing of Air Services Agreement (ASA) between India and Greece. The .....
Tags : Air services, Approval, Agreement
If Court finds that transaction is not for agreement of sale, no relief of refund of advance can be granted(02.01.2017)
Principal District Judge accepted case of Defendant in toto and rejected relief of specific performance. However granted decree for refund of a sum of.....
Tags : Agreement, Nature, Specific performance
Two Indian firms may conduct arbitration outside Country and under a foreign law, if there was an agreement to that effect(24.08.2016)
Disputes arose between Appellant and Respondent. Respondent by its letter purported to terminate AGREEMENT-I. Thereafter, Respondent made a request fo.....
Tags : Jurisdiction, Agreement, Arbitration, Assertion
A person approaching Court for redressal of grievance must place all relevant facts before Court clearly without any reservation even if those facts were against him(29.03.2019)
In Complaint case, it was stated that, Appellant/Complainant booked two units in Block-C in Commercial Complex project named "Conscient One" which was.....
Tags : Execution, Agreement, Possession, delivery
First Investment Agreement signed between NIIF and a wholly owned subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Inv estment Authority(16.10.2017)
Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India and the Government .....
Tags : Agreement, Investment, Signing of
Government of India and NDB sign agreement for USD 500 Million to provide fast, reliable, safe and comfortable public transport system in the national capital region(19.11.2020)
The Government of India, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited and the New Development Bank.....
Tags : Agreement, Public Transport System, Signing of
EESL signs agreement with NOIDA authority to install EV charging units and related infrastructure(09.07.2020)
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture of PSUs under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, has signed an agreement with the .....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, EV charging units
Cabinet approves Accession of India to the Nice, Vienna and Locarno Agreements(13.03.2019)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister has approved the proposal for accession of India to (i) The Nice Agreement concerning the Internation.....
Tags : Agreements, Approval, Registration, Trademarks
Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 20.10 million to the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua(05.11.2020)
1. Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated June 12, 2020 with the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua, for mak.....
Tags : Exim Bank, LoC, Agreement
Agreement to confer exclusive jurisdiction on one of Courts to exclusion of other, neither forbidden by law nor against public policy(04.10.2016)
Instant petition filed by Petitioner against Respondent, Mahindra Logistics Limited, seeking appointment of an Arbitrator to adjudicate disputes betwe.....
Tags : Arbitrator, Appointment, Agreement, Jurisdiction
Once the seat is determined, the Court of that place shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with all matters relating to arbitration agreement between the parties(06.07.2020)
The Petitioner is seeking appointment of an arbitrator under Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration agreement betw.....
Tags : Agreement, Dispute, Jurisdiction
Cabinet approves signing of Air Services Agreement between India and Morocco(29.08.2018)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the revised air services agreement to be signed between India and Mor.....
Tags : Agreement, Air services, Approval
Cabinet approves signing of the UN Convention on International Settlement Agreements resulting from mediation by India(31.07.2019)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the signing of the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreem.....
Tags : Mediation, UN Convention, Settlement Agreements
India Signs Open Skies Agreement With Six Countries During ICAN 2016(15.12.2016)
International Civil Aviation Negotiations (ICAN) - 2016 were held recently in Nassau from 5th to 9th December, 2016. In an informal conversation with .....
Tags : Agreement, Open skies, Signing of
Cabinet approves Framework Agreement between India and Indonesia on cooperation in the exploration and uses of outer space for peaceful purposes(06.02.2019)
India and Indonesia on cooperation in the exploration and uses of outer space for peaceful purposes
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minist.....
Tags : Approval, Framework Agreement, Exploration, Outer space
Failure to cross examine witness on material portions of deposition must be taken as being truthful and credible(07.12.2016)
Plaintiff had filed present suit for a summary decree in sum of Rs.1,49,50,000/- with interest @ 18% p.a. on amount of Rs.1,00,00,000/¬ from .....
Tags : Agreement, Dues payment, Dishonour
Court could hear appeal on any other substantial question of law not formulated by it, but only after recording reasons that, case involves such a question(15.02.2019)
The Appellant had filed the suit for specific performance of Agreement to Sell that was decreed by the Court of Additional Civil Judge, by the judgmen.....
Tags : Specific performance, Agreement, Entitlement
India and USA set to sign Bilateral Agreement for Exchange of Country-by-Country (CbC) Reports(15.03.2019)
India and the USA would finalise signing of agreement for Exchange of Country-by-Country (CbC) Reports on or before 31st March, 2019.The agreement wou.....
Tags : CBC reports, Agreement, Signing of
Morocco and India agree to assist in Legal and Commercial Matters, NIC to support Modernization of Courts(13.11.2018)
Morroco & India yesterday signed an agreement to further mutual legal assistance in Civil & Commercial Courts. Union Minister of Law & Justice and Ele.....
Tags : Commercial Matters, Assistance, Agreement
Specific performance of a contract cannot be enforced in favour of a person who fails to prove readiness to perform essential terms of agreement(04.10.2019)
The Plaintiff assails correctness of the order allowing the second appeal of the Defendants. By the impugned order, the High Court set aside the concu.....
Tags : Obligation, Agreement, Specific performance
Plaintiff should plead and prove his readiness and willingness as a condition precedent for obtaining relief of grant of specific performance(13.09.2018)
The Plaintiff filed a suit for specific performance of contract. The trial Court concluded that, no agreement to sell had been executed between the pa.....
Tags : Agreement, Performance, Willingness
Insufficiently stamped agreement cannot be acted upon by court(10.04.2019)
Present appeal arises out of a sub-contract given by the Appellant to the Respondent in respect of work. Disputes arose between parties, and on 2nd Ja.....
Tags : Agreement, Enforceability, Stamp
An agreement to agree without a deadlock-breaking mechanism was not enforceable(15.10.2020)
The Appellants launched an application in the Gauteng Division of the High Court, Pretoria for orders declaring and enforcing servitudal rights. The s.....
Tags : Servitudal rights, Agreement, Enforceability
Tender process is designed to induce competition in a very structured way by facilitating independent conduct of potential service providers(03.10.2018)
Present matter concerned a complaint referral by Competition Commission against two firms active in provision of brand activation services: Geometry G.....
Tags : Anti-Competitive Agreement, Contravention, Provisions
Grant of relief of specific performance is a discretionary and equitable relief(07.01.2019)
The Appellant filed the civil suit against the Respondents claiming specific performance of the contract in relation to the suit land. The Respondents.....
Tags : Agreement, Specific performance, Entitlement
Proviso 6 to Section 92 of Evidence Act is not applicable if the document is without any ambiguity(07.05.2021)
Present appeal is filed against the judgment of the Bombay High Court, in Second Appeal, wherein the second appeal was allowed in favour of the Respon.....
Tags : Agreement, license, Business
Section 10 of Warehousing (Development And Regulation) Act, 2007 is applicable only if Respondent is a 'warehouseman'(01.06.2021)
Present is an application under Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Petitioner seeks interim reliefs primarily restraining th.....
Tags : Agreement, Lien, Permission
Exim Bank's Government of India supported Line of Credit of USD 100 million to the Government of the Republic of Mauritius(12.08.2021)
Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated February 19, 2021 with the Government of the Republic of Mauritius, for ma.....
Tags : Exim Bank, Agreement, LoC
Dispute could not be raised by way of a writ petition on the disputed questions of fact(06.09.2021)
The challenge in the present appeal is to an order passed by the Division Bench of the High Court dismissing an intra-court appeal and affirming the o.....
Tags : Agreement, Payment, Direction
Exim Bank provided Government of India supported additional Line of Credit (LoC) of USD 190 million to the SBM (Mauritius) Infrastructure Development Company Ltd.(05.05.2022)
Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has entered into an agreement dated January 06, 2022 with the SBM (Mauritius) Infrastructure Development Compa.....
Tags : LoC, Support, Agreement
Court cannot tweak the terms of the tendering process set by an expert(12.10.2022)
The present Judgment will dispose of two Writ Petitions seeking the issuance of the writ of mandamus directing the Municipal Corporation of Delhi ("Re.....
Tags : Agreement, Execution, Direction
Agreement could be terminated by either party in terms of the legislation(28.10.2022)
The issue in the appeal was whether the Appellant, KeyHealth Medical Scheme (KeyHealth), was entitled to revoke the agreement it had with the Responde.....
Tags : Agreement, Revocation, Permission
Rights and duties of the parties to the contract subsist or perish in terms of the contract itself(18.11.2022)
Present appeal is against the decision of the High Court in an Arbitration Revision under Section 19 of the Madhya Pradesh Madhyastham Adhikaran Adhin.....
Tags : Agreement, Award, Legality
Prayer Clause is a sine qua non for granting decree of refund of earnest money(14.12.2022)
The present appeal is directed against the judgment passed by the High Court whereby a second appeal preferred by the Appellants was dismissed and jud.....
Tags : Sale Agreements, Termination, Specific performance
Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa Rules did not confer a discretionary power upon the Arbitrator to decide whether to adjudicate the defence of repudiation(31.03.2023)
The second Respondent brought arbitral proceedings against the Appellants. The dispute submitted to arbitration concerned two agreements. In the award.....
Tags : Agreement, Defence, Repudiation
Clauses in which the annexures were mentioned had to be read not in isolation, but as part of the whole agreement(20.02.2023)
The issue in the appeal was whether an agreement concluded between the appellant, the first respondent and the second respondent was: (a) void for vag.....
Tags : Agreement, Clauses, Implementation
RuPay Domestic Card Scheme Agreement between India and the UAE(05.10.2023)
NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), has entered into a strateg.....
Tags : RuPay, Domestic Card Scheme, Agreement
A public procurement contract concluded in breach of the legal provisions is invalid and cannot be enforced(15.09.2023)
Present appeal concerned a dispute arising from an addendum to a service level agreement duly concluded between the Appellant, Kunene RampalaInc.(KR I.....
Tags : Addendum, Agreement, Legality
A collective agreement is a statutory construct, medical scheme is not recognized as a party to the collective agreement by the Labour Relations Act (LRA)(22.12.2023)
The appeal centred around a dispute between the South African Municipal Workers’ Union National Medical Scheme (appellant), a self-administered medica.....
Tags : Collective agreement, Rights, Entitlement
Non-fulfilment of the suspensive conditions renders the contract void ab initio(26.01.2024)
Present is an appeal against the judgment and order of the Gauteng Division of the high court, sitting as a court of first instance. The matter concer.....
Tags : Clause, Agreement, Validity
A person must apply for registration as a credit provider, if the total principal debt exceeds the threshold prescribed(21.12.2023)
Present is an appeal against the decision of the High Court, where it is declared that a loan and an acknowledgment of debt (the AOD) was subject to t.....
Tags : Loan, Agreement, Repayment
India Signs Financing Agreement with World Bank for US$ 63 Million for Tejaswini(28.02.2017)
A Financing Agreement for IDA credit of US$ 63 million (equivalent) for the "Tejaswini" Socio-Economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women.....
Tags : Empowerment, Adolescent Girls, Agreement, World bank
Arbitral Tribunal can't Award Interest if Agreement Expressly Bars Its Payment: SC(08.02.2019)
Supreme Court has reiterated that arbitrator cannot award interest on award if the agreement expressly prohibits grant of interest.
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitral Tribunal can't Award Interest if Agreement Expressly Bars Its Payment
SC: Permanent Injunction Can’t be Sought on The Basis of an Unregistered Agreement to Sell(27.09.2022)
Supreme Court while observing that a relief of permanent injunction cannot be sought on the basis of such an unregistered document/agreement to sell, .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Injunction, Unregistered Agreement
Cabinet approves Agreement on Proposed Participation of India in PISA(19.02.2019)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given ex-post facto approval to the Agreement between India and the Organization fo.....
Tags : Approval, Agreement, Participation, PISA
Supreme Court: Illegal Agreement to Sell Cannot be Carried Out in Favour of Plaintiff(30.09.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that an agreement contrary to law cannot be enforced by the Court in favour of Plaintiff in a suit for specific performance.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Agreement
DGCA and USTDA sign agreement for aviation safety and technical assistance(09.02.2016)
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation of India and the United States Technical Development Agency signed the Grant Agreement for India Aviation Sa.....
Tags : Civil aviation, safety, audit, agreement
Cabinet apprised of Agreement between India and Uzbekistan on Cooperation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation(22.11.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been apprised of an Agreement on Cooperation in the field of Science, Technolog.....
Tags : Agreement, Science, Technology, Innovation
Cabinet approves agreement between India and Philippines on co-operation and mutual assistance in customs matters(22.11.2017)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the signing and ratifying of an Agreement between India and Philippines on .....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Customs
Agreement signed on repatriation of Bru persons to Mizoram(03.07.2018)
In a major breakthrough on repatriation of displaced Bru persons from Mizoram since 1997, an agreement has been signed by Government of India, Governm.....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Repatriation, Bru persons
Indian Advance Pricing Agreement regime moves forward with the signing of 16 APAs by CBDT in March, 2018(03.04.2018)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) entered into 14 Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (UAPA) and 2 Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (BAPA.....
Tags : Advance Pricing, Agreement, Signing of
Mauritius, Singapore Investments Fully Taxable for Capital Gains(01.04.2019)
Capital Gains on investments made in India through companies in Mauritius and Singapore will become fully taxable from 1st April because of revisions .....
Tags : Capital Gains, Mauritius, Singapore Investments, Double-Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) signs four more unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs)(07.02.2017)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance has entered into four more unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements .....
Tags : Agreement, Signing, Advance pricing
Calcutta HC: Agreement of Sale Changes Nature of Relationship Between Landlord and Tenant(04.03.2022)
Calcutta High Court has observed that when an agreement of sale is entered into by a landlord and a tenant, the nature of the existing relationship ch.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Agreement of Sale
Del. HC: True Copy of Arbitration Agreement Sufficient for S.11 Petition if Stamp Duty Not Disputed(24.08.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that if the stamp duty of the arbitration agreement is not disputed, the true or certified copy of the agreement containing .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration Agreement, True Copy, Stamp
SC Says, Our View Not Enough to Render Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004 Invalid(10.03.2016)
Supreme Court has clarified that its ruling on the Presidential Reference on validity of Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004, would not render .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004
When there are only two partners and one has agreed to retire, the retirement amounts to dissolution of the firm(26.05.2020)
In present matter, on 29th March 1989, Guru Nanak Industries and Swaran Singh filed a civil suit against Amar Singh claiming that, the latter had reti.....
Tags : Firm, Dissolution, Agreement
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and Jordan on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters(28.02.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the signing and ratifying an Agreement between India and Jordan on Coopera.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Administrative Assistance, Customs Matters
SEBI Penalises NDTV Over Non-disclosure of Loan Terms(30.12.2020)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs. 5 Crores on New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) for not disclosing information .....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs. 5 Crores on New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) for not disclosing information on loan agreements with Vishvapradhan Commercial (VCPL) to public shareholders.
Cabinet approves ex-post facto approval for Agreement on the facilitation of visa arrangements signed between India and Maldives(16.01.2019)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its ex-post facto approval to the Agreement on the facilitation of visa.....
Tags : Visa arrangements, Approval, Agreement
SC: Arbitration Clause in Insufficiently Stamped Agreement Cannot be Acted Upon by Court(17.02.2020)
Supreme Court has observed that an arbitration clause in an agreement which is required to be duly stamped was not sufficiently stamped, cannot be act.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Insufficiently Stamped Agreement
Quota allotted under the Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement: Minutes of the Meeting dated 9.5.2018(22.05.2018)
Reference is invited to the Minutes of the Meeting dated 9.5.2018 under the Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement as uploaded on the DGFT's website (Cop.....
Tags : Quota, Allotment, Free Trade Agreement
Document containing contract to transfer right, title or interest in an immovable property for consideration is required to be registered, if party wants to rely on same(04.07.2018)
Instant appeal emanates from the decision of the High Court dated 2nd December, 2016 allowing the application preferred by Respondent Nos. 1 & 2 (Defe.....
Tags : Suit agreement, Document, Admissibility
Delhi High Court: Not Compulsory to Use the Word ‘Seat’ in an Arbitration Clause(11.04.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that to determine the jurisdiction of the Court having jurisdiction over the proceedings arising out of the arbitration agre.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration Clause, Arbitration Agreement
Impact of Trade Agreements(01.01.2019)
Some industry associations including those relating to steel have expressed concerns on imports under bilateral free trade agreements with Japan, Kore.....
Tags : Trade Agreements, Impact, Exports, Imports
One Sided Clauses in Builder-Buyer Agreements is Unfair Trade Practice: SC(03.04.2019)
Supreme Court has held that the incorporation of one-sided clauses in a builder-buyer agreement constitutes an unfair trade practice as per Section 2 .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Builder-Buyer Agreement, Unfair Trade Practice
Kar. HC: Parties Can’t be Forced to Arbitration Proceed. if Not Signatory to Joint Venture Agreement(29.03.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that if the parties are not signatories to the Joint Venture Agreement then the Court cannot direct them to be parties t.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Arbitration Proceedings, Joint Venture Agreement
India and Britain signed three Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements(18.11.2016)
India and Britain signed three more bilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (in short ‘APAs’) to reduce litigation between both countries arising out of.....
Tags : Agreement, Bilateral, Advance Pricing
Indian Advance Pricing Agreement regime moves forward with signing of five UAPAs and two BAPAs by CBDT in January, 2018(07.02.2018)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into five Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (UAPA) and two Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreemen.....
Tags : Advance Pricing, Agreement regime, UAPAs, BAPAs, Signing of
SC: Arbitration Clauses in Unstamped Agreements are Inadmissible but not Void(13.12.2023)
Supreme Court 7-judge bench while overruling the 5-judge bench judgment in N.N. Global Mercantile Pvt. Ltd. v. M/s. Indo Unique Flame Ltd. (MANU/SC/04.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitration Clauses, Unstamped Agreements
Mad. HC: If Parties are in Agreement, Formal Contract Signature by Other Party Not Necessary(31.07.2024)
Madras High Court has held that if it is proved that parties are in agreement, a formal contract signature by other party is not necessary in order to.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Contract Signature
Cabinet approves signing of Paris Agreement(20.04.2016)
The Union Cabinet approved India’s participation in the Paris Agreement adopted at the 21st Conference of Parties held in Paris in December 2015.
Tags : paris agreement, climate conference
Cabinet approves proposal for Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation between India and the United States of America(23.10.2019)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation between India .....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Science and Technology
Tel. HC: Existence & Validity of Arb. Agreement Must be Determined u/s 11(6) of A&C Act by Court(24.06.2024)
Telangana High Court has observed that the Court while exercising the jurisdiction under Section 11(6) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 h.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, Arbitration Agreement, S. 11(6) of A&C Act
Cal. HC: Optional Clause for Arbitration is Not an Arbitration Agreement(12.06.2023)
Calcutta High Court has held that clause which provides for resolution of dispute either by way of litigation or arbitration cannot be held to be a bi.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Optional
Cal. HC: Conduct of the Parties Can't Substitute Arbitration Agreement(22.08.2022)
Calcutta High Court has held that Court while exercising powers under Section 11 of Arbitration & Conciliation Act is bound to examine existence of ar.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Objections
Cabinet approves Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion between India and Iran(14.03.2018)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved an Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of F.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Double Taxation
Notification of provision of Agreement and Protocol entered between India and Chile(03.05.2023)
Whereas, an Agreement and Protocol between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of Chile for the elimination of .....
Tags : Provisions, Agreement, Protocol
India and Morocco sign Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters(12.11.2018)
An Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters was signed by Shri Kiren Rijiju, Minister of State for Home on behalf of the Government of.....
Tags : Criminal Matters, Assistance, Agreement
India Notifies Protocol Amending Mauritius Tax Treaty(16.08.2016)
India has notified a landmark Protocol that has now amended an existing 33-year-old Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Mauri.....
Tags : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Mauritius
Bom HC: Arb. Clause Can’t be Invoked By Individuals/Minorities Of Housing Society In Dev. Agreement(09.02.2024)
Bombay High Court has held that individual/minority members of society cannot invoke arbitration clauses in development agreements against developer b.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Housing Society, Development Agreement, Arbitration Clauses
Delhi HC: Stamp Duty Insufficiency on Arbitration Agreement is Jurisdictional Issue U/S 16 A&C Act(26.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that the sufficiency of the stamp duty on the arbitration agreement is a jurisdictional issue under Section 16 of the Arbit.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, stamp duty, arbitration agreement, Section 16, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Delhi HC Upholds NHAI's Challenge Against Arbitral Tribunal's Fee Fixing Authority(17.05.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that the Arbitral Tribunal is permitted to fix its fee, if its appointment is made by way of an ad hoc agreement between th.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitral Tribunal, Agreement
Cabinet Approves Signing of an Agreement Between India and Poland on Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture and Allied Sectors(22.02.2017)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for signing of an Agreement between India and Poland on coop.....
Tags : Approval, Agreement, Agriculture Sector
A settlement agreement can be set aside if it was fraudulently obtained(24.07.2024)
The Appellant and the Respondent were married, out of community of property, with the inclusion of the accrual system, on 4 November, 2000. Subsequent.....
Tags : Settlement agreement, Clauses, Common mistake
Cal HC: Reference to Master Facility Agreement Not Sufficient to Incorporate Arbitration Clause(16.08.2023)
Calcutta High Court while observing that arbitration clause can’t be incorporated by reference without clear intention of parties, has held that a gen.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Master Facility Agreement, Arbitration Clause
ITAT: Royalty from Operator Agreement not Chargeable to Income Tax Under Indo-US Tax Treaty(30.11.2021)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi has held that royalty from Operator agreement not chargeable to Income Tax under Indo-US Tax Treaty.
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Royalty from Operator Agreement
Indian Railway Station Development Corporation (IRSDC) enters into Tripartite Agreement with French National Railways (SNCF) and AFD, a French Agency(11.06.2019)
AFD a French agency, has agreed to provide in-kind grant financing up to 7,00,000 EURO, through French National Railways (SNCF)-Hubs and Connexions as.....
Tags : IRSDC, Tripartite Agreement, French Agency
Allahabad HC: Non-Availability of Agreement Not Material if Parties Don’t Dispute its Existence(06.09.2022)
Allahabad High Court has held that an application under Section 8 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act cannot be rejected merely because the origin.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Arbitration, Agreement
Delhi High Court: Settlement Agreement Should Not Encourage Further Litigation(15.05.2017)
Delhi High Court has rapped it Mediation Cell for drawing up a settlement agreement that had resulted in further litigation.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Settlement Agreement
Kar. HC: Sufficient Bank Bal. Not Absolute Pre-requisite to Establish Readiness to Execute Agreement(24.01.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that although it is relevant to consider the bank balance of a party while considering the matters of readiness and will.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Sale Agreement, Bank Balance
Delhi HC Dismisses Plea Seeking CBI Probe in DMRC-DAMEPL Agreement for Siphoning Off Public Money(14.03.2022)
Delhi High Court has dismissed a plea seeking investigation by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in a 2008 agreement between Delhi Metro Rail Corp.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, DMRC-DAMEPL Agreement
Gujarat HC Grants Interim Injunction on Immovable Property Based on Agreement to Sell(30.03.2022)
Gujarat High Court has ordered interim injunction on an immovable property and has restrained its owner from changing its status during the pendency o.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Agreement to sell, Immovable Property
ITAT, Delhi: Interest Can’t be Levied on Additional Income Declared under Modified Return(20.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has ruled that the interest under sections 234B and 234C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for non/short payment of adv.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Income Tax Act, 1961, advance tax installment, advance pricing agreement
Cabinet approves agreement on simplification of visa requirements for travel of certain categories of citizens between India and South Africa(19.02.2019)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the signing of Agreement between India and South Africa on simplific.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Simplification, Visa requirements
Guj. HC: Bank can’t refuse Title Deed After clearing Charge over Property Through 3rd Party Sale Deed(25.07.2022)
Gujarat High Court has held that once the bank agrees to sell a property mortgaged with it by a loan defaulter and a third party pays full considerati.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Title Deed, Sale Agreement
Commission is not required to show any anti-competitive effects of agreement as anti-competitive effects are presumed(23.03.2017)
Present case concerns a complaint referral brought by Competition Commission against Respondents; Dawn Consolidated Holdings (Pty) Ltd ("Dawn"), DPI P.....
Tags : Shareholding Agreement, Contravention, Provision
Del. HC: Can’t Consider Participation in Arbitration Proceedings as Waiver of S. 12(5) A&C Act(09.01.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that applicability of Section 12(5) of Arbitration and Conciliation Act can only be waived off by an express agreement and n.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration, Express Agreement, Waive
Cabinet approves signing of Bilateral Investment Agreement between India Taipei Association in Taipei and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India(24.10.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the signing of Bilateral Investment Agreement (BIA) between India Taip.....
Tags : Investment Agreement, Bilateral, Approval
SC: Unless Notified by Centre, Court Can’t Give effect to Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement(19.10.2023)
Supreme Court has held that unless Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement has been notified by the Central Government under Section 90 of the Income Tax .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, Notified
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and Tajikistan on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters(17.05.2017)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for signing and ratifying, an Agreement between India and Ta.....
Tags : Approval, Agreement, Custom Matters
Pricing in case of Put or Call options in JV Agreements(05.07.2017)
The Reserve Bank of India had, vide amendment Notification No. FEMA 294/2013-RB dated 12th November, 2013, permitted the optionality clause (put and c.....
Tags : JV Agreements, Options, Pricing
Kerala HC: Section 53A of Transfer Of Property Act Not Applicable To A Void Agreement For Sale(28.09.2021)
Kerala High Court has ruled that Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is not applicable in respect of an agreement for sale which is void.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Void Agreement For Sale
Kerala HC: Farmers Who Sell Grains to Govt. Can't be Shown as Borrowers in Paddy Receipt Sheets(16.11.2023)
Kerala HC has held that the farmers who sell their paddy to the Government under the tripartite agreement cannot be treated and shown as borrowers in .....
Tags : Kerala HC, Tripartite agreement
Court can lift corporate veil to determine common business goal and privity of interest(17.08.2015)
The corporate veil can be lifted by the Court in “diverse circumstances” to determine the true nature of a company or a group of companies. The Appell.....
Tags : Corporate veil, subsidiary, agreement
Central Government Notifies Agreement or Arrangement on CMAA in Custom Matters(13.07.2021)
Central Government has notified that Agreement or Arrangement on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance (CMAA) in Customs matters shall be s.....
Tags : Central Government, Agreement or Arrangement on CMAA in Custom Matters
Kar. HC: Existence of Arbitration Agreement Can be Presumed if No Denial is Made in Reply(06.09.2022)
Karnataka High Court has held that arbitration agreement is said to exist if the petitioner has asserted its existence in its notice of arbitration an.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Notice
Contract be constituted by an offer and acceptance when putative offer reveal an intention to give rise, upon acceptance, to an obligation(11.05.2017)
Robert Ian Edwin Partridge died on 6 October 2008. By his will made on 29 December 1995, he appointed Appellant, Mrs. Lola Levingston, as his executri.....
Tags : Will, Agreement, Existence
ITAT, Delhi: Payment to Microsoft for Software Purchase Does Not Amount to Royalty(04.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has observed that the assesee, HP Services (Singapore) cannot be taxed for royalty as per the Indo-Singapore Doub.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, HP Services, Indo-Singapore, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, Microsoft company
Allahabad HC: Electricity Act Inapplicable When Contract is for Supply of Materials Simplicitor(22.04.2022)
Allahabad High Court has ruled that the embargo under Section 86 of the Electricity Act, 2003 does not apply when the agreement is for supply simplici.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Section 86 of the Electricity Act, agreement, transmission, distribution
India and Morocco sign agreements for cooperation in Water Resources, Road and Marine Sectors(14.12.2017)
A delegation of the Moroccan Government, led by Mr. Abdelkader Amara, its Minister for Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water called on Shri Nitin .....
Tags : Agreements, Signing of, Water Resources, Road, Marine Sectors
Section 14(i) of IBC not apply to transactions, arrangements or agreements, under the Convention & Protocol, relating to aircraft, aircraft engines, airframes and helicopters(03.10.2023)
WHEREAS, the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipme.....
Tags : Provisions, Applicability, Agreement
Where there is merely a possibility of parties agreeing to arbitration in future, as contrasted from an obligation to refer disputes to arbitration, there is no valid and binding arbitration agreement(11.02.2019)
In facts of present case, the Petitioner and Respondent Nos. 1 to 4 entered into joint development agreement on 25th November, 2011 for development of.....
Tags : Agreement, Dispute, Reference
An inference may be drawn in favour of a party who bears the onus if it is the most probable inference to be drawn(10.01.2018)
Present case concerns two exceptions the Respondents have brought to a case referral from the Competition Commission. The Commission alleges that, in .....
Tags : Price fixation, Agreement, Anti-competitive, Contravention
Cabinet approves Cooperation Agreement between India and Denmark in the field of Renewable Energy with focus on Offshore Wind Energy(15.04.2019)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for a Cooperation Agreement between Ministry of New and Re.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Renewable Energy
Mere fact of agreeing to an oral variation is not a contravention of the clause(16.05.2018)
In facts of present case, MWB Business Exchange Centres Ltd operates serviced offices in central London. On 12 August 2011, Rock Advertising Ltd. ente.....
Tags : Oral agreement, Variation, Validity
Cal. HC: Admitting Jurisdiction in Pleading Enough for Express Agreement(16.02.2023)
Calcutta High Court has held that filing of pleadings before arbitral tribunal and agreeing to jurisdiction of the tribunal therein satisfies the requ.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Express Agreement, Jurisdiction, Arbitration
For specific performance of contract, Plaintiff is required to prove readiness and willingness to perform his part of obligations under contract(06.07.2017)
Present First Appeal is against judgment and decree passed by Civil Judge. By impugned judgment, Plaintiff's suit for specific performance of contract.....
Tags : Agreement, Specific Performance, Refusal, Validity
Government of India, Government of Rajasthan and World Bank sign a $250 Million Agreement to Support Electricity Distribution Sector Reforms in Rajasthan(28.08.2018)
The Government of India, the Government of Rajasthan and the World Bank signed here today a $250 million Development Policy Loan (DPL) to support the .....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Electricity Distribution, Reforms
CBDT inks the 300th Advance Pricing Agreement(01.10.2019)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has signed the 300th Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) during the month of September, 2019. This is a significa.....
Tags : CBDT, Advance Pricing, Agreement
Ker. HC: Living Together on the Basis of Marriage Agreement Has No Legal Sanctity in the Eye of Law(17.10.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that when the couple is living together on the basis of a marriage agreement, they have to be treated as persons in live-in.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Marriage Agreement, Section 498A
Cabinet approves Faculty Exchange Agreement between National Defence College, New Delhi and National Defence College, Dhaka, Bangladesh(17.05.2017)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval to the Faculty Exchange Agreement signed betwe.....
Tags : Approval, Agreement, Defence college
The new Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between India and Bhutan has come into force with effect from 29th July 2017(31.07.2017)
The bilateral trade relations between India and Bhutan are governed by the Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between the Government of India an.....
Tags : New Agreement, Trade, Commerce
Government of India and ADB sign $926 Million Loan Agreement for Mumbai Metro Rail Project(01.03.2019)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of India signed a $926 Million Loan Agreement today to operationalize two lines for the Mumbai Met.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, Signing of, Rail Project
India Signs Loan Agreement with the World Bank for USD 39.2 Million for the project "Assam Citizen Centric Service Delivery"(05.06.2017)
An agreement for IBRD Credit of USD 39.2 Million from World Bank for the project "Assam Citizen Centric Service Delivery" was signed here today. Loan .....
Tags : Agreement, Loan, Project
Once execution of agreement to sell and payment of sale consideration is admitted by vendor, nothing further is required to be proved by vendee(11.04.2022)
The Appellant herein original plaintiff has preferred the present appeal against impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court, by which the Hi.....
Tags : Specific performance, Agreement, Execution
A tax on sale or purchase of goods includes a tax for transfer of right to use goods(04.12.2019)
The question involved in the appeal is whether it is open to the State of Karnataka to levy Sales Tax in view of the Time Charter Agreement dated 8th .....
Tags : Agreement, Transaction, Tax, Levy
SC Issues Notice on Plea Raising Grievances of Flat Purchasers in Absence of Buyer Agreement(05.10.2021)
Supreme Court has issued notice to the Centre on a batch petitions under Article 32 raising the grievances of flat-purchasers that in the absence of u.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Absence of Buyer Agreement
Delhi HC Delineates Circumstances to Invoke Group of Companies Doctrine(11.10.2022)
Delhi High Court has held each Company is a separate legal entity, hence, an agreement entered into by one of the Companies in a group, cannot be bind.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Group of Company, Arbitration Agreement
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) signs another Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) with subsidiary of a Japanese Company(07.03.2017)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into a bilateral Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) with rollback provision with a Japanese subsidia.....
Tags : Agreement, Billateral, Advance Pricing
India Signs Loan Agreement with the World Bank for USD 25.2 Million for Chhattisgarh Public Financial Management and Accountability Program(05.03.2019)
The Government of India, the State Government of Chhattisgarh and the World Bank signed here in New Delhi today a $25.2 Million Loan Agreement to supp.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, World bank, Signing of
NCLT: Indemnity of Obligations Under an Agreement Is Not 'Financial Debt' Under IBC(14.10.2022)
National Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai while adjudicating an application has observed that indemnity of the obligations under the Agreement is not a 'f.....
Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, financial debt, indemnity, Agreement
Bombay HC: Unregistered Agreement Can't Be Enforced Under Employees Compensation Act(24.01.2022)
Bombay High Court has held that an unregistered agreement between an employer and employee cannot be enforced to seek more compensation than what is a.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Unregistered Agreement
Multi System Operators to provide signals of TV channels to LCOs only with written interconnection agreement(17.08.2016)
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued a cautionary to all multi system operators to provide signals of TV channels to LCOs only with.....
Tags : TV channels, Signals, Written interconnection agreement
SC: Reference to Facilitation Council Maintainable In Spite of Independent Arbitration Agreement(01.11.2022)
Supreme Court has held that reference made to Facilitation Council is maintainable in spite of an independent arbitration agreement existing between t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Facilitation Council, Arbitration Agreement, MSME
Tel. HC: GST to Be Paid on Land Development Rights Transferred Under Joint Development Agreement(12.02.2024)
Telangana High Court has held that Goods and Service Tax (GST) is to be paid on the transfer of land development rights under a joint development agre.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, Goods and Service Tax, Transfer of Land, Joint Development Agreement
Bombay HC: Agreement on Name of Arbitrator Would Not Amount to Waiver of Notice(02.05.2022)
Bombay High Court has observed that simply because the Arbitration agreement provides for the name of the arbitrator, the same would not amount to a w.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, Section 21, Arbitration agreement
SC: Possessory Right of Prospective Purchaser Protected U/S 53A of TP Act(08.06.2023)
Supreme Court has held that even though sale agreement doesn’t confer proprietary rights in an immovable property but prospective purchaser having per.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Sale Agreement, Possessory Right, Prospective Purchaser
Bombay HC: Claim for Recovery of Security Deposit Is Arbitrable U/S 41 SCC Act(11.05.2022)
Bombay High Court has reiterated that where the parties to a Leave and License Agreement are governed by an Arbitration Agreement, determination of th.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, License Agreement, Arbitration Agreement
Delhi HC: Trademark Disputes that Arises Out of Contractual Rights and Obligations are Arbitrable(06.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that all the disputes arising out of the Trade Marks Agreement are not outside the scope of arbitration. The Court opined th.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Trade Marks Agreement, arbitration, grant, registration, trademarks
Joint Venture Agreement signed between Ministry of Railways and Government of Chhattisgarh for "Formation of Joint Venture Companies"(04.08.2016)
A Joint Venture Agreement was signed between Ministry of Railways and State Government of Chhattisgarh for "Formation of Joint Venture Company" in the.....
Tags : Joint Venture Agreement, Projects, Railways
Bombay HC: Tax Invoices Having Reference to Arbitration, Does not Constitute Arbitration Agreement(13.04.2022)
Bombay High Court has held that acceptance of tax invoices by the opposite party, comprising a reference to arbitration, doesn’t lead to the presumpti.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, tax invoices, arbitration, arbitration agreement
Cabinet approves India-Morocco Cooperation Agreement in Railway Sector(20.02.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval to the Cooperation Agreement between India and.....
Tags : Approval, Co-operation Agreement, Railway Sector
Mutual Recognition Agreement between India and Taiwan for Organic Products(10.07.2024)
The Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for organic products between India and Taiwan has been implemented w.e.f. 8th July 2024 during the 9th Working .....
Tags : Mutual Recognition Agreement, Organic Products
Once the seat of arbitration is replaced by mutual agreement, changed venue becomes 'seat of arbitration'(13.04.2021)
The present appeal arises out of the impugned judgment passed by the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad in which Special Civil Application filed by th.....
Tags : Venue, Jurisdiction, Mutual agreement
Supreme Court: Valid Compromise has to be in Writing and Signed by Parties(18.07.2024)
SC has held that for a valid compromise in a suit there has to be lawful agreement or compromise in writing & signed by parties which would then requi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Lawful Agreement, Valid Compromise
Government of India, the Government of Uttarakhand and the World Bank sign $120 million Loan Agreement to improve access to Water Supply Services in the Hilly State of Uttarakhand(22.01.2018)
The Government of India, the Government of Uttarakhand and the World Bank Board signed here today in New Delhi, a $120 million Loan Agreement which wi.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, Water Supply, Improvement
India signs Loan Agreement with the World Bank for USD 21.7 Million for Strengthening the Public Financial Management in Rajasthan Project(29.05.2018)
An Agreement for IBRD Credit of USD 21.7 Million from World Bank for the Strengthening of Public Financial Management in Rajasthan Project was signed .....
Tags : Loan Agreement, Signing of, Rajasthan Project
SC to States: Submit Suggestions for Model Builder-Buyer Agreement With Mandatory RERA Clauses(10.01.2023)
Supreme Court has asked States to submit suggestions to Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on model builder-buyer agreement with the mandator.....
Tags : Supreme Court, RERA, Builder-Buyer Agreement
Cabinet approves the new Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between India and Bhutan(27.10.2016)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has approved an Agreement on Trade, Commerce and Transit between India and Bhuta.....
Tags : Agreement, Trade, Billateral
Calcutta HC: Arbitration Agreement Not Discharged By Death of Party and Is Enforceable(18.04.2022)
Calcutta High Court has observed that an arbitration agreement will not be discharged by the death of a party and it will be enforceable by or against.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, arbitration agreement, legal representatives
CBDT Notifies Revised Form 3CE for APA Seeking Taxpayer Identification Number of AE(20.06.2017)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified revised Form 3CE for Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) wherein furnishing of Taxpayer Identification.....
Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Advance Pricing Agreements
India signs Financing Loan Agreement with the World Bank for US$ 74 Million for Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project (UKWDP)(18.09.2018)
A Loan Agreement for IBRD Credit of US$74 million equivalent for the Uttarakhand Workforce Development Project (UKWDP) was signed with the World Bank .....
Tags : Loan Agreement, World Bank, Project (UKWDP)
Liability in tort, delict or quasi-delict can only arise, if a causal connection can be established between damage and event in which that damage originates(21.03.2018)
In facts of present case, between May 2005 and February 2009, Mr. Mukhtar Ablyazov was the chairman and controlling shareholder of the claimant, a ban.....
Tags : Conspiratorial agreement, Damages, Jurisdiction
SC: Incorporation of One-Sided Clauses in Apartment Buyer’s Agreement is Unfair Trade Practice(12.01.2021)
Supreme Court has held that the incorporation of one-sided and unreasonable clauses in the Apartment Buyer's Agreement constitutes an unfair trade pra.....
Tags : Supreme Court, One-Sided Clauses in Apartment Buyer’s Agreement
SC: ‘Existence of Arbitration Agreement’ Would Include Aspect of Validity of Arbitration Agreement(16.12.2020)
Supreme Court has held that the expression 'existence of arbitration agreement' in Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 would incl.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Validity of Arbitration Agreement
Chhattisgarh HC: If Agreement Stipulates for Reference to DRC, Claimant Must Exhaust that Remedy(18.04.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that an application under Section 11 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 is not maintainable if the Petitioner .....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court. Application, Dispute Resolution Committee, Agreement
SC: Physical Manifestation of Agreement is Required to Attract Offence of Criminal Conspiracy(26.08.2022)
Supreme Court has held that some kind of physical manifestation of agreement to commit an offence is required to attract the offence of Criminal Consp.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Agreement, Criminal Conspiracy
Del. HC: Supplementary Agreement Executed Under Duress Can’t Preclude Party to Claim Damages(14.08.2023)
Delhi High Court has held that a supplementary agreement executed by a contractor forego of its claims cannot preclude him from claiming damages if th.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Supplementary Agreement, BOT contracts
CBDT Enters into Five Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreement with Indian Taxpayers(29.06.2017)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has entered into Five Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreement with Indian taxpayers during June, 2017.
Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Advance Pricing Agreements
Del. HC Issues Guidelines For Preparing Mediation Settlement Agreements In Matrimonial Cases(22.05.2023)
Delhi High Court has issued guidelines to be followed by mediators while drafting settlement agreements in matrimonial cases and observed that such ag.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Settlement Agreements, Matrimonial Cases
Central Board of Direct Taxes signs three more Advance Pricing Agreements pertaining to the Engineering Goods and Shipping sectors(04.01.2017)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has started the year 2017 by entering into three unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) today. The thre.....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Engineering Goods and Shipping sectors
All. HC: Juris. While Dealing With S.34 App. Can’t be Disputed by Party Filing S.9 App. in One Court(22.05.2024)
All. HC has held that if a party has filed an application under Section 9 of A&C Act, 1996 before one court then objection regarding territorial juris.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Territorial Jurisdiction, Arbitration Agreement
Delhi HC: filing of Written Statement Qua Transaction, Not Imply Waiver of Rights in Arbitration(13.05.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that a party cannot be deemed to have waived its right to invoke arbitration merely because it has filed a written statemen.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, arbitration, arbitration agreement
SC Declares Punjab Government Order on Sutlej Yamuna Link Canal Issue Unconstitutional(10.11.2016)
Supreme Court, while setting aside Punjab Government's order quashing Water Sharing Agreement with Haryana, has ruled that Punjab must share water wit.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Water Sharing Agreement, Punjab, Haryana
Government of India and the World Bank sign $300 Million Agreement to help scale-up India's Energy Efficiency Program(28.08.2018)
The Government of India and the World Bank signed here today a $220 million Loan Agreement and a $80 million Guarantee Agreement for the India Energy .....
Tags : Agreement, Signing of, Energy Efficiency Program
SC Division Bench Delivers Split Verdict in Civil Appeal from Specific Performance Suit(16.01.2023)
Supreme Court division bench comprising Justices M.R. Shah and B.V. Nagarathna a split verdict in a civil appeal arising out of a suit seeking specifi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Specific Performance Suit, Civil Appeal, Agreement of Sale
Centre Notifies Standard House Purchase Agreement(03.11.2016)
Centre has notified a Standard House Purchase Agreement that builders all over India will have to sign with home buyers, which will result in automati.....
Tags : Standard House Purchase Agreement, Notification, sale agreement
SC: Arbitration Agreement in Unstamped Contract Which is Exigible to Stamp Duty Not Enforceable(25.04.2023)
Supreme Court Constitution Bench has held that instrument which is exigible to stamp duty may contain arbitration clause and which is not stamped can’.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Constitution Bench, Arbitration Agreement, Unstamped Contract
Orissa HC: Consideration Received as per Joint Development Agreement is “Business Income”(14.08.2017)
Orissa High Court has ruled that consideration received by land owner as per joint development agreement is “business income” when the land is treated.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Joint Development Agreement
Status of BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement(18.12.2017)
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) signed a framework Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) in June 2015 to enable movement of passenger and cargo veh.....
Tags : Status, BBIN, Motor Vehicle, Agreement
ITAT: Law Does Not Mandate Written Agreement to Prove Commission Expenses(13.06.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi bench while deleting an order disallowing expenses has held that there is no law that mandates a written a.....
Tags : ITAT, Written Agreement, Commission Expenses
Kar. HC: Can’t Accept Photostat Copy of Unregistered Sale Agreement as Secondary Evidence(19.03.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that for a trial being held under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, a photocopy of an unregistered sale agr.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Section 138 of NI Act, Unregistered Sale Agreement, Secondary Evidence
SC: On Execution of Agreement to Sell and Payment of Advance, Vendee Not Required to Prove Further(15.04.2022)
Supreme Court has held that once the execution of agreement to sell and payment of advance substantial sale consideration is admitted by the vendor, t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Execution of Agreement, Vendor, Vendee, Proof
Paris Climate Agreement Kicks In(04.11.2016)
Historic Paris Climate Agreement which aims at combating climate change came into force, when less than a year after negotiators from nearly 200 count.....
Tags : Paris Climate Agreement, United Nation
ITAT: Hire Charges Received by Owner Under ‘Time Charter Agreement’ Not Taxable As Royalty(23.01.2023)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has ruled that hire charges received by the owner of a ship for chartering its vessel under a ‘Time Charter Agre.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Time Charter Agreement, taxable
SC: Dispute regarding Discharge of Contract is Arbitrable as per Arbitration Agreement(22.07.2024)
SC has observed that once contract has been discharged by performance, no right to seek performance, or to perform any obligation remains under it but.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitration Agreement, Discharge of Contract
MP HC: RERA Should Refer Development Agreement to Registrar of Stamps if it is Not Duly Stamped(15.06.2023)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that if RERA comes to the conclusion that the development agreement in question is not duly stamped, it was incumbe.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, RERA, Development Agreement, Stamp
Kar. HC: Section 8 of A&C Act Can't be Invoked Based on a Non-Binding Arbitration Agreement(08.07.2022)
Karnataka High Court has held that since the agreement between the parties provided for a 'non-binding' arbitration, there was absolutely no intention.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Intention, Arbitration Agreement
Agreement with France for supply of Rafale Fighter Jets(18.12.2017)
An Inter-Governmental Agreement was signed on 23rd September, 2016 between the Government of India and French Republic for the procurement of 36 Rafal.....
Tags : Agreement, Supply, Fighter Jets
SC Explains Conditions to Invoke Section 53-A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882(24.12.2024)
Supreme Court while explaining conditions to invoke Section 53-A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, has observed that protection under Section 53-.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Transfer of Property, Sale Agreement
Sikkim HC: If Underlying Contract is Invalid, Arb. Agreement Allows Tribunal to Assume Jurisdiction(15.11.2024)
Sikkim HC has noted that the validity of an arbitration agreement, in the face of the invalidity of the underlying contract, allows the Arbitral Tribu.....
Tags : Sikkim High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Arbitral Tribunal
India Signs Loan Agreement with World Bank for USD 100 Million for "Shared Infrastructure for Solar Parks Project"(20.11.2017)
A Guarantee Agreement for IBRD/CTF loan of USD 98 million and Grant Agreement for USD 2 million for the "Shared Infrastructure for Solar Parks Project.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, World Bank, Solar Parks, Project
SC: Conviction Can’t Convict Accused While Overriding Agreement Between Parties to Compound Offence(03.02.2023)
Supreme Court has held that High Courts cannot override and impose their will on the parties if parties to a litigation proceeding have entered into a.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Compound, Override, Agreement
US Federal Court Issues Temporary Restraining Order Barring Devas-Antrix Agreement(02.03.2021)
United States Federal Court has issued a temporary restraining order barring start-up firm Devas Multimedia from entering any agreement with Antrix Co.....
Tags : United States Federal Court, Devas-Antrix Agreement
Two More Advance Pricing Agreements signed by Central Board of Direct Taxes(29.12.2016)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has closed the year 2016 by entering into two more unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) today. The AP.....
Tags : Advance Pricing, Agreements, Signing of
EU Court Scraps US Data-Sharing Agreement(17.07.2020)
European Court of Justice has struck down a trans-atlantic agreement that allows companies to move data between the European Union and the United Stat.....
Tags : European Court of Justice, US Data-Sharing Agreement
SC: NBFC & Leasing Co. Not Liable to Pay Interest Tax on Installments Under Hire Purchase Agreement(05.01.2023)
Supreme Court has held that non-banking finance (NBFC) and leasing companies are not liable to pay tax on the interest component included in the hire-.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-Banking Finance, Hire Purchase Agreement
Cal HC: Agreement’s Certified Copy Attested by Notary Enough to Meet Condition of S. 8(2) of A&C Act(04.04.2024)
Calcutta High Court has held that in order to entertain an application under Section 8(2) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 it would be su.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Certified Copy, Original Arbitration Agreement, Notary
Government Notifies Revised Double Taxation Agreement with South Korea(27.10.2016)
Government has notified a new Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and South Korea, which was signed by Prime Minister Narendra Mo.....
Tags : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, India, South Korea
SC: Non-Signatory Party’s Relationship with Signatory Signify Intention to be Bound by Arb. Agreement(23.09.2024)
SC has stated that mutual intent of the parties, relationship of a non-signatory with a signatory, commonality of subject matter, composite nature of .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-Signatory, Arbitration Agreement
Calcutta High Court: Intention to Arbitrate Must be Clearly Stated by Parties Within Agreement(23.01.2024)
Calcutta High Court has held that parties to an arbitration agreement should clearly state their intentions to arbitrate and should abstain from using.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Intention to Arbitrate, Agreement
Supreme Court: Entering Into Sale Agreement With Minor is Void and Unenforceable(27.02.2024)
Supreme Court has held that per the Contract Act, 1872 it is clearly stated that for an agreement to become a contract, the parties must be competent .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Contract Act, 1872, Sale Agreement, Minor
ITAT: Consideration For Accessing Database Cannot Be Treated As 'Royalty'(08.03.2022)
Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has observed that the consideration for accessing Database cannot be treated as 'Royalty' under In.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, India-US
ITAT, Delhi: Interest Can’t be Levied on Additional Income Declared under Modified Return(20.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has ruled that the interest under sections 234B and 234C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for non/short payment of adv.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Income Tax Act, 1961, advance tax installment, advance pricing agreement
ITAT, Delhi: Performance Guarantee Commission is Not Business Income Under DTAA(29.03.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has observed that performance guarantee commission by an assessee from its foreign Associated Enterprise is not i.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, Assessee, Income Tax
ITAT: Profits from Providing Technical Services to Other Airlines is Covered Under DTAA(08.06.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi while upholding the decision of Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) has held that profits from providing .....
Tags : ITAT, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, Technical Services
SC Issues Notice in Plea Against Judgment Upholding Termination of Power Purchase Agreement by Adani(17.09.2021)
Supreme Court has issued notice in a curative petition filed by Gujarat Urja Vikas Ltd(GUVL) against the judgment dated 2nd July 2019 that upheld term.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Termination of Power Purchase Agreement
CBDT Signs Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) to Usher in Certainty in Taxation.(06.08.2015)
In an effort to usher in certainty in taxation, the CBDT signed a further two Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) with multi-national companies. It has s.....
Tags : advance pricing agreements, cbdt
Punjab & Haryana HC: Stamp Duty to Be Levied on Agreement to Sell(11.04.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that when there in an agreement to sell to the effect that possession has been delivered, stamp duty is lev.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, agreement to sell, stamp duty
CBDT signs 20 Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements with Indian taxpayers(30.08.2016)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) entered into twenty (20) Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs). The Eurozone is facing a mounting cris.....
Tags : Unilateral, Advance Pricing Agreements, Sighing of
Delhi HC: Waiver Under Section 12(5) of A&C Act has to be by an Express Agreement in Writing(25.05.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that any right u/s 12(5) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 that deals with the ineligibility of persons to be a.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration and Conciliation, Agreement, Arbitrator
Delhi HC: Dispute Arising Between Parties Subsequently Can Be be Proceeded In Separate Arbitration(13.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that a successive dispute arising from the same transaction can be referred to a separate arbitration and the arbitration ag.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, arbitration agreement
Delhi HC: As Is Where Is Condition in License Agreement Not to Absolve Parties from Disclosures(05.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has upheld the award of an Arbitral Tribunal that stipulated that the condition of as is where is basis in an Agreement of License do.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitral Tribunal, as is where is, License Agreement
SC: Doctrine of Lis Pendens Arises from the Time the Petition is Filed(11.11.2024)
Supreme Court while refusing to allow specific performance of an agreement to sell, has held that doctrine of lis pendens comes into play from the mom.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Lis Pendens, Agreement to Sell
SC: It is Referral Court’s Duty to Decide Issue of Existence and Validity of Arbitration Agreement(17.05.2023)
Supreme Court has held that it is duty of referral court to conclusively decide issue of existence and validity of an arbitration agreement if the sam.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitration Agreement, Referral Court
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and Uruguay regarding Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters(04.01.2017)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved signing and ratifying an Agreement between India and Uruguay regardin.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Mutual Assistance
ITAT, Mumbai: Payment for Transponder Services Not Amount to Royalty(08.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has observed that the payment for transponder services would not amount to royalty under the provisions of Incom.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, transponder services, royalty, Income Tax, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements
Delhi HC: Time Spent in Mediation Would be Excluded from Limitation for Invoking Arbitration(13.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has ruled that when the agreement between the parties provides for compulsory mediation, the time spent in the mediation process shal.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, agreement, mediation, limitation period
Unsigned Arbitration Agreement Not Invalid in All Cases: Supreme Court(05.11.2018)
Supreme Court has held that the only prerequisite for an arbitration agreement is that it should be in writing and it cannot be said that in all cases.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Unsigned Arbitration Agreement
ITAT, Mumbai: Payment for Transponder Services Does Not Amount to Royalty(11.04.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has observed that the payment for transponder services would not amount to royalty under the provisions of Incom.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, transponder services, royalty, Income Tax Law, Double Taxation, Avoidance Agreements
TRAI mandates written agreements between broadcasters and operators(07.01.2016)
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India released the Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable Services) Interconnection (Digital Addressable Cable .....
Tags : Trai, television, broadcaster, operator, written agreement
Del HC: Invoices Having Arbi. Clauses that Show Mutual Acceptance Can be Inferred as Arbi. Agreement(15.07.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that an arbitration agreement may be inferred directly from the invoices on which actions of the parties are based and which.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Mutual Acceptance
Payment obligation is only applicable as long as the land lease remained valid(05.08.2021)
Appeal is against impugned order of High Court, which upheld an application brought by Capital Propfund 4 (Pty) Ltd, for an order declaring a leases a.....
Tags : Leases assignment, Agreement, Ownership rights
Cabinet approves Agreement between India and Morocco on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters(01.11.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Agreement between India and Morocco on Mutual Legal Assistance in Crim.....
Tags : Agreement, Legal Assistance, Criminal Matters
Bom. HC: Party Can Waive Ineligibility of Arbitrator by an Express Agreement in Writing(14.11.2024)
Bombay HC has observed that a party can waive ineligibility of an arbitrator by an express agreement in writing under Section 12(5) of Arbitration and.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Express Agreement, Ineligibility
Unsigned Arbitration Agreement Not Invalid in All Cases:Supreme Court(05.11.2018)
Supreme Court has held that the only prerequisite for an arbitration agreement is that it should be in writing and it cannot be said that in all cases.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitration Agreement
SC Directs SEBI to Examine Sahara Group's Joint Venture Agreement Proposed for Developing Land(09.01.2025)
Supreme Court while hearing contempt petitions against Sahara Group of Companies, has directed the Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to examine .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Joint Venture Agreement, Sahara Group
MP HC: Can Set Aside Award u/s 34 of A&C Act if Arbitrator Travels Beyond Arbitration Agreement(18.11.2024)
MP High Court has held that while passing an award if the arbitrator travels beyond the terms of arbitration agreement then the award can be set aside.....
Tags : MP High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Section 34
P&H HC: Unregistered Agreement to Sell Can't be Accepted for Establishing Possession of Property(08.06.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that an unregistered agreement to sell cannot be accepted by the Court for granting possession in favour of the.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Possession, Unregistered Agreement
Approval for a resolution in the First Assembly of ISA for amendment of the Framework Agreement(01.11.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given ex-post facto approval for moving a Resolution in the first Assembly of the I.....
Tags : Resolution, Approval, Framework Agreement, Amendment
ITAT: Goodwill Acquired Under Slump Sale Agreement Eligible for Depreciation(04.07.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Hyderabad Bench has held that the depreciation is allowed on goodwill acquired under a slump sale agreement unde.....
Tags : ITAT, Depreciation, Slump Sale Agreement
SC: Foreign Award Can be Binding Against Non-Signatories to Agreement(11.08.2021)
Supreme Court has held that a foreign award can be binding on non-signatories to the arbitration agreement and can be thus enforced against them.
Tags : Supreme Court, Non-Signatories to Agreement
Bom. HC: Scope of Examination u/s 11(6A) of A&C Act Confined to Existence of Arbitration Agreement(17.10.2024)
Bombay High Court has held that under Section 11(6A) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 the scope of examination is limited to existence of.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Scope of Examination
Unsigned Arbitration Agreement Not Invalid in All Cases: Supreme Court(05.11.2018)
Supreme Court has held that the only prerequisite for an arbitration agreement is that it should be in writing and it cannot be said that in all cases.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Unsigned Arbitration Agreement
SC: Referral Courts at Referral Stage Must Not Venture into Questions Involving Complex Facts(11.09.2024)
Supreme Court has restated that once there is existence of a valid arbitration agreement, then referral courts at referral stage would not be justifie.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arbitration Agreement, Referral Courts
ESIC Signs an Agreement with SBI for Payments To ESIC Beneficiaries on Real Time Basis(03.09.2019)
A Memorandum of Agreement has been signed between the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and SBI today in accordance with which, the SBI wo.....
Tags : Agreement, Payments, ESIC Beneficiaries
CBDT signs 5 Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) with Indian taxpayers raising the total number of APAs to 108(27.10.2016)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance entered into five (5) Unilateral Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs.....
Tags : Advance Pricing, Agreements, Signing of
Supreme Court: A Sale Cannot be Said to be a Contract(15.10.2024)
SC has observed that though an agreement to sell is a contract of sale, going by its definition under Section 54 of TPA, a sale cannot be said to be a.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Agreement to Sell, Section 54
India Signs Loan Agreement with World Bank for US$ 119 Million for "Odisha Higher Education Programme for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE) Project(07.11.2017)
A Financing Agreement for IBRD loan of US$ 119 million (equivalent) for the "Odisha Higher Education Programme for Excellence & Equity (OHEPEE) Projec.....
Tags : Loan Agreement, World Bank, Signing of
Delhi HC: Both Parents Are Involved In Overall Development of their Children(13.05.2022)
Delhi High Court while dealing with a contempt plea filed by a wife for the alleged non-compliance of the order passed by the family court, has observ.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, family court, settlement agreement
Calcutta HC: Subsequent Agreement Extending Validity Need Not Have Separate Arbitration Clause(25.04.2022)
Calcutta High Court has held that a subsequent agreement entered into between the parties need not contain a separate arbitration clause if it is made.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Subsequent Agreement, Arbitration Clause
Delhi HC Directs Air Asia to Submit Brand Licensing Agreement(14.11.2016)
Delhi High Court has directed Tata Sons-AirAsia Berhad (Malaysia) joint venture —AirAsia India, to submit its Brand-Licensing Agreement (BLA) with Mal.....
Tags : Delhi High Court , AirAsia, Brand Licensing Agreement
Cabinet approves Agreement between the GOI and Government of UK on Customs Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters(28.04.2021)
The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved the signing and ratification of an Agreement between the Government of Republi.....
Tags : Agreement, Approval, Customs Matters