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Cabinet approves signing of Air Services Agreement between India and Morocco
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the revised air services agreement to be signed between India and Morocco. After the new Air Services Agreement comes into force, the existing Air Services Agreement of December, 2004 shall stand superseded.
The Air Services Agreement signifies an important landmark in the civil aviation relations between India and Morocco and has the potential to spur greater trade, investment, tourism and cultural exchanges between the two countries. It will provide enabling environment for enhanced and seamless connectivity while providing commercial opportunities to the carriers of both the sides ensuring greater safety and security.
Major features of the Agreement include:
i) Multiple designation of Airlines by each party;
ii) The designated Airline of each party can enter into cooperative marketing arrangements with the designated carriers of same party, other party and that of a third party;
iii) This agreement allows designated airlines of either countries to establish offices in the territory of other country for the promotion and sale of air services;
iv) The designated airlines of the both countries can operate any number of services to/from the six points specified in the Route Schedule to the ASA viz. Indian designated carriers can operate any number of services to/from Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Agadir, Tangier and Fez in Morocco and similarly the designated carriers of Morocco can operate any number of services to/from New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
v) Air Services Agreement also has the provisions relating to Revocation or Suspension of Operating Authorization, Principles governing operations of agreed services, commercial opportunities, safety and security related clause etc. that have been incorporated in line of Indian Model ASA.
Keeping in view of the growth in the civil aviation sector and also with a view to modernize and improve seamless air connectivity between the two sovereign nations, the existing Air Services Agreement between India and Morocco has been updated.
The existing Air Services Agreement between India and Morocco was signed in year 2004 and does not have the updated clauses on Safety, Security, Designation of Airlines, Commercial Activities, Tariffs etc. Besides, the provisions of Cooperative Marketing Arrangements which enable both sides to establish the code share on each other flights and also on the flights of 3rd country carriers are also not available in the present Air Services Agreement.
Tags : Agreement Air services Approval
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