Notifications & Circulars
Ministry of Railways
Guidelines on "Accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facility at stations for Differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and Passengers with reduce mobility"
1. Whereas section 40 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (herein after, referred as the Act) mandates the Central Government, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner, to formulate rules for persons with disabilities laying down the standards of accessibility inter alia for facilities and services provided to Persons with Disabilities in Station on Indian Railways;
2. And whereas, the Ministry of Railways, Government of India in Nov. 2022 issued the Guidelines on "Accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facility at stations for Differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and Passengers with reduce mobility" for Persons with Disability and Elderly Persons prescribing accessibility standards for Railway station & coaches;
3. And whereas, the Ministry of Railways have reviewed the Harmonised guidelines for passengers with disabilities over Indian Railways in consultation with stakeholders and office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD);
4. And whereas, the Ministry of Railways have issued and circulated Guidelines on "Accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facility at stations for Differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and Passengers with reduce mobility" for accessibility of Railway Stations over Indian Railways to all Zonal Railways;
5. Now, the Ministry of Railways hereby notifies the Guidelines on "Accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facility at stations for Differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and Passengers with reduce mobility" and available at (See notification for detailed guidelines).
Tags : Differently abled persons Guidelines
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