modified and cl.....Tags : Prudential guidelines, stressed assets, modification
Mad. HC Initiates Suo Moto Contempt Proceedings Against DGP & Officials Over Lawyer's Arrest in 2017(16.11.2022)
Madras High Court has initiated suo moto contempt proceedings against Director General of Police (DGP) and other police officials for prima facie flou.....
Tags : Madras High Court, DK Basu Guidelines, Arrest
Supreme Court Issues Additional Guidelines for Court Staff, Advocates(15.04.2021)
Supreme Court has issued additional guidelines in view of the growing concerns amid sudden upsurge of Covid-19 cases and as a precautionary measure to.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Additional Guidelines for Court Staff, Advocates
Central Government Introduces Social Media Guidelines for Facebook, Twitter and Others(25.02.2021)
Central Government has introduced Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 for digital content, socia.....
Tags : Central Government, Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021
Cal. HC to State: Pay Compensation to Acid Attack Victim in Adherence to NALSA Guidelines(12.09.2023)
Calcutta High Court while observing that State which was once known for its progressive feminist discourse has forgotten its feminist roots, has direc.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, NALSA Guidelines, Acid Attack Victim
P&H HC Issues Guidelines on Proclamation u/s 82 CrPC(25.09.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued guidelines for issuance of a proclamation under Section 82 of CrPC for declaration as 'proclaimed offender' a.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Guidelines, Proclaimed Offender
Revised Guidelines for Ground Water Extraction Notified(13.12.2018)
In order to comply with various directions of the Hon'ble NGT and to address various shortcomings in the existing guidelines of ground water extractio.....
Tags : Ground Water, Extraction, Guidelines
Cabinet approves Exemption from applicability of DPE Guidelines to India Ports Global Limited(26.02.2020)
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has approved the exemption of the India Ports Global Ltd. (IPGL) from the DPE Gui.....
Tags : Exemption, Applicability, DPE Guidelines
Orissa HC Issues Guidelines for Compulsory Registration of FIRs(07.12.2022)
Orissa High Court has issued guidelines to the Director General of Police, Odisha (DGP) for compulsory registration of First Information Reports (FIRs.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Guidelines, FIR
SC: Need Better Guidelines to Protect Media Professionals(08.11.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that there are hundreds of journalists whose digital devices are taken away en masse and there are no guidelines with re.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Media Professionals, Guidelines, Digital Devices
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea Regarding Non Implementation of Guidelines for Scrapping of Vehicles(18.01.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice in a plea filed by the Society for Alternate Fuel and Environment (SAFE) for non implementation of the Guidelines f.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Guidelines for Scrapping of Vehicles
Guidelines on Regulation of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways(17.03.2020)
1. This has reference to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) circular DPSS.CO.PD.No.1102/02.14.08/2009-10 dated November 24, 2009 on 'directions for opening a.....
Tags : Guidelines, Payment Aggregators, Payment Gateways
Karnataka HC to State: Review Employee Transfer Guidelines(21.09.2022)
Karnataka High Court while raising concern over the increase in number of cases related to transfer orders of government employees, has asked the Stat.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Transfer, Guidelines
Amendment to Master Guidelines on Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) 2022(10.10.2023)
1. This has reference to Master Guidelines on AML/CFT, 2022 issued by the Authority vide ref: IRDAI/IID/GDL/MISC/160/8/2022 dated 1st August 2022.
Tags : Amendment, Guidelines, Anti-Money Laundering
Govt Issues Guidelines Prescribing Modalities For Disabled to Show Respect to National Anthem(27.01.2017)
Central Government has issued guidelines prescribing modalities for persons with disabilities to show respect to National Anthem at cinema halls.
Tags : Central Government, National Anthem, Guidelines
Lockdown 4.0 - States/UTs cannot dilute restrictions imposed in MHA guidelines; can only make them stricter based on local level assessment and Health Ministry Guidelines: MHA(18.05.2020)
Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), on 17.05.2020, issued the revised guidelines regarding lockdown restrictions, to contain COVID-19. As the lockdo.....
Tags : Assessment, Restrictions, MHA guidelines
Tripura HC Directs State to Issue Necessary Guidelines in Association with Aids Control Society(22.10.2021)
Tripura High Court has directed the State government as well as the Union to issue necessary guidelines to its authorities in association with the Aid.....
Tags : Tripura High Court, Guidelines in Association with Aids Control Society
SC Issues Direction to Frame Guidelines for Appointment of Support Persons Under POCSO(21.08.2023)
Supreme Court has issued direction to State of U.P to convene meeting within the next six weeks to review the facts, take action, and frame rules/guid.....
Tags : Supreme Court, POCSO, Support Person, Guidelines
Financial Information User under Account Aggregator Framework(22.11.2023)
1. PFRDA vide its circular no. PFRDA/2022/26/FT&DA/02 dated 30 September 2022 has issued guidelines for empowering NPS Subscribers to port their NPS d.....
Tags : Empowering NPS Subscribers, Guidelines
RBI guidelines on safety of bank customers(29.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has informed that an incident of data breach with respect to cards was reported and the matter is under investigation. Ind.....
Tags : Guidelines, Customers, Safety
Delhi HC Issues Guidelines for Better Functioning of Child Care Institutions(29.09.2022)
Delhi High Court while issuing guidelines for better functioning of child care institutions in national capital, has held it is unfortunate that apath.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Child Care Institutions, Guidelines
Guidelines on issuance of File Reference Numbers (FRN) to Cross Border Re-insurers(03.01.2023)
1. Background:
A. The Indian Insurance Industry is poised for growth and the Authority has been taking various steps to reduce the protectio.....
Tags : Guidelines, Issuance, FRN
SC Directs Gujarat Home Secretary to File Affidavit Indicating Compliance with COVID Guidelines(19.01.2021)
Supreme Court has directed the Chief Secretary (Home), Government of Gujarat to file an affidavit indicating compliance with the Court's order requiri.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Compliance with COVID Guidelines
Karnataka HC Issues Guideliness for E-Filing and Use of Video Conferencing Facility(26.03.2020)
Karnataka High Court has issued guidelines for e-filing and use of video conferencing facility which can be used by members of the Bar, in all Distric.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guideliness for E-Filing and Use of Video Conferencing Facility
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme of the Government of India (GoI)-Procedural Guidelines - Consolidated(13.04.2020)
1. The Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme was first launched by Government of India (GOI) on October 30, 2015. So far 37 tranches of the Sovereign Gold .....
Tags : Gold bond Scheme, Procedural Guidelines, Issuance
Hotel Classification Guidelines Streamlined to Make Them Simple, Transparent and Time Bound(17.01.2018)
The application for classification and payments of fees have been made through digital platform only and the prevalent options of application by post .....
Tags : Hotel, Classification Guidelines, Transparency
Discussion Paper on Guidelines for Payment Gateways and Payment Aggregators(17.09.2019)
Reserve Bank has today placed on its website a discussion paper on 'Guidelines for Payment Gateways and Payment Aggregators' for public comments. In t.....
Tags : Discussion Paper, Guidelines, Payment Gateways
P&H HC to Authorities: Consider Framing Guidelines to Curb Rising Immoral Trafficking Cases(16.08.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has suggested to the authorities to consider framing guidelines similar to ‘GNCT of Delhi’s guideline on operation of Sp.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Guidelines, Immoral Trafficking, Spa/Massage Centers
Supreme Court Asks Centre to Frame Guidelines on COVID Death Certificate by Sep 11(03.09.2021)
Supreme Court has directed the Union Government to show compliance by 11th September 2021 to the judicial directions passed on 30th June 2021 to frame.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines on COVID Death Certificate
Guidelines on "Accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facility at stations for Differently abled persons (Divyangjan) and Passengers with reduce mobility"(21.11.2023)
1. Whereas section 40 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (herein after, referred as the Act) mandates the Central Government, in con.....
Tags : Differently abled persons, Guidelines
Kerala HC Directs KUHS to Ensure Covid Positive Students Write Their Exams as per Health Guidelines(24.11.2020)
Kerala High Court has directed the Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) to ensure that all its students, who have tested Covid positive, are en.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Covid Positive Students, Health Guidelines
Kar. HC Issues Guidelines to be Followed for Early Detection of Pregnancy in Minor Rape Survivors(15.12.2023)
Karnataka HC while issuing guidelines for early detection of pregnancy in minor rape survivors, has observed that by the time wish for termination of .....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Pregnancy, Minor Rape Survivors, Guidelines
Kerala HC Asks Expert Committee to Formulate Guidelines on Medical Evacuation in 10 Days(03.06.2021)
Kerala High Court has directed the committee constituted by the Health Services Director, Lakshadweep, for recommending medical evacuation of patients.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines on Medical Evacuation
SC Modifies Guidelines Relating to Conferment of Senior Advocate Designations(12.05.2023)
Supreme Court has modified guidelines regulating the conferment of designation of Senior Advocates as laid down in Indira Jaising v. Supreme Court of .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Senior Advocate, Guidelines
Karnataka HC Issues Guidelines on CWCs When Child Being Surrendered(20.08.2021)
Karnataka High Court has issued guidelines on how the Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) will have to proceed to hold inquiry and counselling when parent.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines on CWCs When Child Being Surrendered
Modification in the Operational Guidelines for FPIs, DDPs and EFIs pertaining to FPIs registered under Multiple Investment Managers (MIM) structure(26.09.2022)
1. SEBI, vide circular number IMD/FPI&C/CIR/P/2019/124 dated November 05, 2019, had issued Operational Guidelines for FPIs, DDPs and EFIs (hereinafter.....
Tags : Modification, Operational Guidelines, FPIs
Supreme Court: Directions to Police and Probe Agencies to Strictly Follow Guidelines on Arrest(22.03.2024)
Supreme Court has directed the police forces and agencies in all States and Union Territories endowed with the power of arrest and custody to strictly.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Police Forces, Guidelines on Arrest
Punjab & Haryana HC Seeks Response in Plea Seeking Implementation of Covid Guidelines(22.04.2021)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has sought response from the State of Haryana, Punjab and Union Territory of Chandigarh in a plea highlighting the "grim.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Implementation of Covid Guidelines
Kerala High Court Notifies Guidelines for E-Filing on Web Portal(17.05.2021)
Kerala High Court has issued general instructions to enable e-filing on the HC web portal, stating that advocates, party-in-persons, counsel for the S.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines for E-Filing
Bombay HC Fines Vodafone For Not Forming Vishaka Panel on Sexual Harassment(25.10.2017)
Bombay High Court, while dismissing a sexual harassment complaint against Vodafone and its former top executives, has imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 fine.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Vishaka guidelines
Guidelines pertaining to surrender of FPI registration(30.03.2021)
1. In terms of SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019, any FPI ('applicant') desirous of surrendering the certificate of registration ma.....
Tags : Guidelines, Surrender, FPI registration
Union Home Ministry Issues Orders Extending COVID-19 Guidelines Till February 28(28.01.2021)
Union Home Ministry has issued an order extending the COVID-19 guidelines for surveillance, containment and caution till 28th February, 2021. The guid.....
Tags : Union Home Ministry, COVID-19 Guidelines
P&H HC Issues Guidelines for Mining Officers Regarding Seizing of Vehicles(12.10.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued guidelines aimed to ensure transparency, fairness and adherence to legal procedures in mining-related penalty.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Guidelines, Mining Officers
Guidelines for Procurement of Electricity for Medium Term from Power Stations set up on Finance, Own and Operate (FOO) basis(17.01.2017)
Whereas the Central Government is engaged in creating an enabling policy and regulatory environment for the orderly growth of generation of electricit.....
Tags : Guidelines, Procurement, Electricity
IRDAI Information and Cyber Security Guidelines, 2023(24.04.2023)
1. IRDAI vide Circular ref: IRDAI/IT/GDL/MISC/082/04/2017 dated 07th Apr, 2017 has issued guidelines on Information and Cyber Security for Insurers, w.....
Tags : Information, Cyber Security, Guidelines
Selection of Special Public Prosecutors for handling CBEC cases before Courts(29.02.2016)
The Central Board of Excise and Customs issued guidelines for selection of Special Public Prosecutors for handling CBEC cases in Subordinate Courts, C.....
Tags : cbec, prosecutor, selection, guidelines
Kar. HC: Juvenility of the Accused Must be Ascertained Before Trial; Court Lays Guidelines(16.01.2024)
Karnataka High Court while issuing guidelines to be followed by Trial Court and Special Courts for ascertaining juvenility of accused, has observed th.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines, Juvenility, Accused
Allahabad HC Orders Action Against CWC Chairman for Failure to Follow Junaid Case Guidelines(20.12.2021)
Allahabad High Court has ordered action against the Chairman, Child Welfare Committee of district Pilibhit who failed to follow the guidelines laid do.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Junaid Case Guidelines
Karnataka High Court Issues New Video Conferencing Guidelines(17.03.2021)
Karnataka High Court has issued video conference guidelines to be followed by Advocates Parties-in-Person and the person/s permitted to appear through.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Video Conferencing Guidelines
RBI grants "in-principle" approval to 11 Applicants for Payments Banks(19.08.2015)
The Reserve Bank of India granted "in-principle" approval to 11 applicants to set up payments banks under the Guidelines for Licensing of Payments Ban.....
Tags : Rbi, payments banks, approved, guidelines
Guidelines on import of gold by Qualified Jewellers as notified by International Financial Services Centers Authority (IFSCA)(25.05.2022)
1. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) formulate and implement the Foreign Trade Policy and Procedures in terms of Foreign Trade (Development .....
Tags : Guidelines, Import, IFSCA
Modification in guidelines on standard individual health insurance product(18.03.2021)
1. Reference is drawn to Guidelines on standard individual health insurance product circular Ref No.: IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/172/07/2020 dated 07.07.2020 s.....
Tags : Modification, Guidelines, Insurance product
Slight deviation from guidelines forgivable at judicial review(06.06.2016)
Manipur High Court dismissed challenge by a constable of the police force against his dismissal order, which he claimed was passed without an enquiry .....
Tags : judicial review, administrative order, national security, deviation, guidelines
Karnataka HC Quashes Clause 7 of Guidelines Issued by KSLU on Passing of Students(27.09.2021)
Karnataka High Court has quashed Clause 7 of the guidelines issued by the Karnataka State Law University by which a candidate who secures less than 40.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines Issued by KSLU on Passing of Students
Karnataka HC Strikes Down Guideline Excluding Married Daughters from Ex-Servicemen Scheme(04.01.2023)
Karnataka High Court has struck down a guideline by Department of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement, by which married daughters under the age of 25 year.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines, Ex-Servicemen, Married Daughter
8 Weeks Time Given to UP Govt. to Consider Need for Guidelines on Invocation of Gangsters Act(22.04.2024)
Supreme Court has given eight weeks time to the Government of Uttar Pradesh for considering the need to lay down guidelines for invocation of the Utta.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Guidelines, Gangsters Act
Govt. Issues Model Guidelines on Direct Selling(13.09.2016)
Government has issued model guidelines for State Governments to regulate the business of direct selling and multi-level marketing with an aim to prote.....
Tags : Government , Model Guidelines on Direct Selling
Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Section 26A Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014 - Operational Guidelines - Payment of Interest(07.06.2018)
Please refer to the circular DBOD.No.DEA Fund Cell.BC.126/30.01.002/2013-14 dated June 26, 2014 on the captioned subject, wherein Reserve Bank had spe.....
Tags : Interest Rate, Payment, Operational Guidelines
Guidelines for Order-to-trade ratio for Algorithmic Trading(24.06.2020)
1. SEBI vide circulars no. CIR/MRD/DP/09/2012 dated March 30, 2012, CIR/MRD/DP/16/2013 dated May 21, 2013 and SEBI/HO/MRD/DP/CIR/P/2018/62 dated April.....
Tags : Guidelines, Trade ratio, Algorithmic Trading
MP HC Asks Government to Examine and Decide on Plea Seeking Covid Guidelines for Journalists(28.06.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has asked the Ministry of Information and Broadcast, Government of India to examine and decide expeditiously a plea seeking .....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Covid Guidelines for Journalists
RBI releases guidelines on Tokenisation - Card Transactions(08.01.2019)
The Reserve Bank has today released guidelines on tokenisation for debit / credit / prepaid card transactions as a part of its continuous endeavour to.....
Tags : Guidelines, Release, Tokenisation
Model Guidelines on Direct Selling(12.09.2016)
Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution today informed the media that the model guidelines on direct selling.....
Tags : Direct Selling, Guidelines
SC Directs Minority Commission to Decide on Guidelines for Identifying "Minorities"(12.02.2019)
Supreme Court has directed the National Commission for Minority (NCM) to take a decision within three months on a representation seeking laying down o.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Minority Commission, Guidelines for Identifying "Minorities"
RBI releases guidelines on restructuring of advances to MSMEs(01.01.2019)
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) form an important component of the Indian economy and contribute significantly to the country's GDP, expor.....
Tags : Guidelines, Release, MSMEs
Madras HC Issues Preventive Guidelines Amid Rise in Covid-19(20.06.2022)
Madras High Court has issued directions to be followed by Advocates and others while appearing in courts which includes, wearing face masks and mainta.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Preventive Guidelines, Covid-19
Union Health Ministry releases OTT guidelines for regulation of online depiction of Tobacco Products in online curated content(31.05.2023)
On World No-Tobacco Day, Union Health Minister, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya released OTT guidelines for regulation of online depiction of Tobacco Products i.....
Tags : OTT guidelines, Release, Tobacco Products
Guidelines for revised integrated housing scheme for workers(09.08.2017)
Ministry of Labour & Employment has released guidelines for the Revised Integrated Housing Scheme (RIHS), 2016 for workers. The scheme provides housin.....
Tags : Scheme, Housing, Guidelines
Supreme Court Dismisses Plea Seeking Guidelines for Maharashtra Governor to Nominate MLCs(02.07.2021)
Supreme Court has dismissed a plea seeking a direction to the Governor of Maharashtra to frame criteria for the purpose of nomination to the Legislati.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines for Maharashtra Governor to Nominate MLCs
Guidelines for preferential issue of units and institutional placement of units by a listed Real Estate Investment Trust(27.11.2019)
Regulation 2(1)(zd) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 ("REIT Regulations"), defines a "prefe.....
Tags : Guidelines for preferential issue of units and institutional placement of units by a listed Real Estate Investment Trust
MP HC Issues Guidelines on S.14 Appln Filed by Secured Creditors under SARFAESI Act(27.11.2023)
Madhya Pradesh High Court while observing that inaction of DM/ADM/ CJMs has resulted in secured creditors rushing to High Court, leading to opening of.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, SARFAESI Act, Secured Creditors, Section 14, Guidelines
Guidelines for public issue of units of InvITs(11.05.2016)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India released guidelines for the public issue of units of infrastructure investment trusts.
As with .....
Tags : Infrastructure investment trust, public issue, guidelines
Madras HC Issues Guidelines for Extending Limitation Period in Criminal Cases(06.03.2023)
Madras High Court while criticizing the prosecution for failure to file application for extension of limitation while dealing with FIR related to sexu.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Guidelines, Limitation, Prosecution
Karnataka HC Issues Guidelines for Search of Smartphones, Laptops, Electronic Gadgets, Etc(15.03.2021)
Karnataka High Court has issued guidelines to be followed by investigating officers regarding the manner of carrying out a search and/or for preservat.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines for Search of Smartphones, Laptops, Electronic Gadgets, Etc
Bharat Bill Payment System - Amendment to guidelines(26.05.2022)
1. This has reference to the guidelines on Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS) issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) vide circular DPSS.CO.PD.No.940.....
Tags : BBPS, Amendment, Guidelines
Cal. HC to Sentence Review Board: Reconsider Remission Plea of Man Who Has Spent 23 Yrs in Jail(31.07.2023)
Calcutta High Court has directed West Bengal State Sentence Review Board to reconsider petition for remission of a man who has spent 23 years in jail,.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Sentence Review Board, Remission, NHRC Guidelines
Licensing and Formats for GM Technology Agreement Guidelines, 2016(18.05.2016)
The Central government introduced the Licensing and Formats for GM Technology Guidelines 2016 in efforts to increase access to GM traits for all seed .....
Tags : Gm trait, cotton seed, guidelines
SC Passes Guidelines to Ensure Access to CLAT for Candidates With Disabilities(18.03.2023)
Supreme Court has passed guidelines to ensure better accessibility for candidates with disability to appear in CLAT examination.
Tags : Supreme Court, CLAT, Guidelines, Disabilities
RBI releases draft guidelines on Loan System for Delivery of Bank Credit(11.06.2018)
The Reserve Bank of India today released draft guidelines on loan system for delivery of bank credit which stipulate a minimum level of 'loan componen.....
Tags : Guidelines, Release, Loan System
MHA Releases Fresh Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution Against Covid-19(25.11.2020)
Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has released a fresh set of guidelines for surveillance, containment and caution against Covid-19. The fresh norm.....
Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Guidelines for Covid-19
Madras HC Formulates Guidelines for Cancelling Bail(15.02.2019)
Madras High Court has framed guidelines to be followed by executive magistrates while ordering detention or arrest of an accused for breach of bail bo.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Formulates Guidelines for Cancelling Bail
Loans and Advances-Regulatory Restrictions-NBFCs(19.04.2022)
1. In terms of para 3.2.2 (c) and para 3.2.3 (b) & (c) of the circular on Scale Based Regulation (SBR): A Revised Regulatory Framework for NBFCs issue.....
Tags : Guidelines, NBFC
Guidelines for Utilization of Steel Slag in Road Construction released(01.07.2024)
Member (Science) Niti Aayog, Dr. V.K. Saraswat in the First International Conference on Steel Slag Road jointly organized by CSIR-CRRI and PHDCCI at N.....
Tags : Guidelines, Utilization, Steel Slag
Scheme Guidelines for remission of duties and taxes on exported products(17.08.2021)
1. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Tra.....
Tags : Guidelines, Remission, Duties
CBDT Issues Guidelines for Selection of Cases for Scrutiny for the year 2017-18(10.07.2017)
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has issued guidelines for compulsory selection of returns/ cases require scrutiny for the year 2017-18.
Tags : Guidelines for Selection of Cases
Handling of Clients' Securities by Trading Members / Clearing Members(29.08.2019)
In view of representations from Stock Exchanges as well as market participants, effective deadline for implementation of guidelines prescribed in Clau.....
Tags : Implementation, Guidelines, Date, Extension
MP HC Directs to Frame Guidelines on E-Mulaqat Facility to Prisoners with Lawyers, Family Members(16.08.2021)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the State Government to frame a SOP or guidelines on E-Mulaqat facility to be provided to prisoners in the Stat.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Guidelines on E-Mulaqat Facility
Ministry of Home Affairs Issues Guidelines for Implementation of Unlock 3(30.07.2020)
Ministry of Home Affairs has issued "Unlock 3" guidelines to be implemented outside Containment Zones which will come into effect from 1st August, 202.....
Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Unlock 3 Guidelines
Allahabad HC: No Arrest During 2 Months Cooling-Off Period After Registration of FIR(15.06.2022)
Allahabad High Court has issued certain guidelines to prevent misuse of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code including: no action should be taken aga.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Guidelines, Section 498A
RBI releases Guidelines on Establishment of Digital Banking Units (DBUs)(07.04.2022)
The Reserve Bank of India today released the guidelines on "Establishment of Digital Banking Units (DBUs)". This follows an announcement, made in the .....
Tags : Guidelines, Establishment, DBUs
Delhi HC Seeks Suggestions to Frame Guidelines to Prevent Mishaps In Schools(26.02.2016)
Delhi HC has said that no untoward incident should occur in any school in future like the ones in which the two kids died after falling into water tan.....
Tags : Delhi HC , Guidelines to Prevent Mishaps In Schools
SC Issues Guidelines to High Courts Regarding Summoning Government Officials(03.01.2024)
Supreme Court framed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the summoning of government officials to address the issue of arbitrary and frequent sum.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Standard Operating Procedure, Guidelines, Summon, Government Officials
Calcutta HC Directs Strict Implementation of COVID Guidelines During Election(14.04.2021)
Calcutta High Court has issued directions to the District Magistrate of all districts and Chief Election Officer, West Bengal, to ensure that COVID gu.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Implementation of COVID Guidelines During Election
Supreme Court Frames Guidelines for Speeding up Process of Hearing Pleas Against Death Sentences(17.02.2020)
Supreme Court has framed a set of guidelines that mandate the Apex Court benches to hear Appeals challenging decisions of High Courts confirming the a.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines for Speeding up Death Sentence Pleadings
Delhi HC Issues Guidelines for Feeding and Treatment of Community Dogs(01.07.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued a set of guidelines for feeding and treatment of community dogs after holding that every dog is a territorial being, obser.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Guidelines for Feeding and Treatment of Community Dogs
Kar. HC Issues Guidelines on Civil Imprisonment for Willful Contempt of Court Orders(24.07.2023)
Karnataka High Court has issued guidelines to be followed while ordering civil imprisonment to an accused for willful contempt of court orders under O.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines, Civil Imprisonment, Contempt
Mad. HC: Child Needs Safe & Caring Environment While Growing up, Corporal Punishment Not a Solution(27.04.2024)
Madras High Court while hearing a plea for implementation of Guidelines for Elimination of Corporal Punishment in Schools, has observed that a child i.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Corporal Punishment, Guidelines
Advisory Guidelines to Pay Salary to Unorganised Sector(24.07.2019)
Advisory/ Guidelines were issued for Payment of Wages through Bank/ digital mode to the employees, as per the details given below:
1) Letter.....
Tags : Guidelines, Salary, Unorganised Sector
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea Alleging Inordinate Delay in Issue of Guidelines for Spa Centres(06.07.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice on a petition alleging inordinate delay by the Government in issuing guidelines for opening up spa centres in the n.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Issue of Guidelines for Spa Centres
Gujarat HC: Dispute Involving Interpretation of Policy Guidelines Can Be Referred to Arbitrator(08.04.2022)
Gujarat High Court has observed that petition for referring to arbitration cannot be disallowed on the ground that the dispute involves interpretation.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, arbitration, policy guidelines, dispute
SC Directs to Bring on Record Policy Guidelines on Death Certificates Issued to Covid Patients(25.05.2021)
Supreme Court has directed the Central Government to bring on record any policy or guidelines pertaining to death certificates issued to COVID-19 pati.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Policy Guidelines on Death Certificates Issued to Covid Patients
Information regarding guidelines for handling and storage of valuable goods that are seized/confiscated by the Department(15.10.2018)
Attention is invited to Board's Instruction dated 01.12.2015 on the above mentioned subject. The Central Vigilance Commission, while discussing the re.....
Tags : Guidelines, Storage, Valuable goods
Operating Guidelines for Portfolio Managers in International Financial Services Centre(09.09.2020)
1. SEBI has issued SEBI (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as 'IFSC Guidelines') on March 27, 2015 f.....
Tags : Operating Guidelines, Portfolio Managers, IFSC
Cal. HC Formulates Guidelines for Executive Magistrates Exercising Jurisdiction U/S 111 CrPC(04.08.2022)
Calcutta High Court has laid down guidelines for Executive Magistrates exercising jurisdiction under Section 111 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Executive Magistrate, Guidelines
SC Issues Notice on Calcutta HC's Challenge Against Judgment Modifying Senior Designation Guidelines(15.01.2020)
Supreme Court has issued a notice on a Petition filed by the Calcutta High Court challenging its own judgment that allowed in part the challenge to it.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Calcutta High Court, Senior Designation Guidelines
Bombay High Court to State: Ensure 'School Buses' Compliance Under CSA Guidelines(12.05.2017)
Bombay High Court has directed State to ensure that private vehicles that are allowed to ply as “school buses” carrying children come under Common Sta.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, CSA Guidelines
All. HC to Arya Samaj Apex Body: Prepare Guidelines to Avoid Solemnizing of Child Marriages(25.04.2023)
Allahabad High Court while directing Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha to introspect and issue guidelines to avoid solemnising marriages involving min.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Child Marriages, Guidelines
Punjab & Haryana HC Seeks Punjab, Haryana & Chandigarh's Response over Ignorance of SC’s Guidelines(14.10.2016)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has sought reports from Home Secretaries of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh over ignorance of Supreme Court guidelines on.....
Tags : Punjab & Haryana HC, Narcotic Substances, Supreme Court guidelines
P&H HC: Arnesh Kumar Guidelines Applicable to Offences Punishable With Less Than 7 Yrs Imprisonment(29.06.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that directions passed by the Supreme Court in Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar with respect to procedure for arr.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Arnesh Kumar Guidelines, Arrest
Guidelines under clause (10D) section 10 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961(19.01.2022)
1. Clause (10D) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) provides for income-tax exemption on the sum received under a life insurance polic.....
Tags : Guidelines, Clause, Income-Tax Act
SC: Circulate 'Rajnesh v. Neha' Judgment to All Judicial Officers(08.11.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that its guideline regarding payment of maintenance in matrimonial cases as laid down in Rajnesh v. Neha (MANU/SC/0833/2.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Matrimonial Cases, Guidelines, Maintenance
HP HC Upholds Guidelines by NABARD Regarding Appointment of Auditors for Cooperative Banks(26.06.2023)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has upheld guidelines issued by NABARD regarding the appointment of statutory auditors for Cooperative Banks and observed .....
Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Guidelines, NABARD, Cooperative Banks
Revised Guidelines for the Financial Inclusion Fund(15.10.2015)
In light of the merging of the Financial Inclusion Fund and the Financial Inclusion Technology Fund to form the FIF as it exists today, the Reserve Ba.....
Tags : Bank, financial inclusion guidelines, fund
Supreme Court Issues Guidelines Against Child Marriages(21.10.2024)
SC while issuing guidelines against child marriages, has stated that to ensure effective use of penal provisions in the Prohibition of Child Marriage .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Child Marriage, Guidelines
SC Constitutes Committee for Formulating Guidelines on Felling of Trees for Developmental Projects(26.03.2021)
Supreme Court has constituted an expert committee for formulating scientific and policy guidelines with respect to cutting of trees for developmental .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Committee for Formulating Guidelines on Felling of Trees
Delhi High Court Upholds Amendments to Marketing Discipline Guidelines 2012(13.01.2022)
Delhi High Court has upheld the amendments to the Marketing Discipline Guidelines 2012(MDG) issued by the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) to the Petrol.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Marketing Discipline Guidelines 2012
Bombay High Court Asks State to Frame Guidelines For Construction of Flyovers(24.03.2017)
Bombay High Court has directed Maharashtra Government to set up an expert committee to frame guidelines for construction of flyovers, bridges and road.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Flyovers, Guidelines
Kar. HC Issues Guidelines for Prosecution to Follow While Seeking Death Penalty Before Trial Court(13.06.2023)
Karnataka High Court has issued guidelines for prosecution to follow while seeking Death Sentence before the trial court, which includes prosecutor pl.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Guidelines, Death Penalty
Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children, 2015(14.10.2015)
The Ministry of Women and Child Development notified revised 'Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children 2015' which came into force on 1 August, 2015......
Tags : Adoption, guidelines, 2015, workshops
Assam Fake Encounters: SC States Only Issue is Compliance of PUCL Guidelines(06.02.2025)
Supreme Court while hearing the issue of fake encounters in Assam has stated that there is not going to be any opinion on merits and the only limited .....
Tags : Supreme Court, PUCL Guidelines, Fake Encounters
Ker. HC Issues Guidelines on Crowd Management of Pilgrims at Sabarimala(14.12.2023)
Kerala High Court has issued guidelines to State Police Chief and KSRTC for crowd management of pilgrims at Sabarimala during the Mandala- Makaravilak.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines, Crowd Management, Sabarimala
Modification of Surety Insurance Guidelines(12.01.2023)
1. In partial modification of IRDAI (Surety Insurance Contracts) Guidelines, 2022 issued vide Ref No. IRDAI/NL/GDL/SIC/01/01/2022 dated 3rd January, 2.....
Tags : Modification, Surety Insurance, Guidelines
Supreme Court Grants Centre 4 Weeks Time Extension to Frame Guidelines(17.08.2021)
Supreme Court has granted four weeks time to the Centre to frame guidelines making recommendations for payment of ex-gratia assistance to dependents o.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines for Dependents of Covid Victims
Guidelines for Value Free Transfer of Government Securities(05.10.2021)
1. A reference is invited to Notification No.78 dated November 16, 2018 on Value Free Transfer (VFT) of Government Securities - Guidelines under which.....
Tags : Guidelines, Transfer, Government Securities
Operating Guidelines for Investment Advisers in International Financial Services Centre(09.01.2020)
SEBI has issued SEBI (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as 'IFSC Guidelines') on March 27, 2015 for .....
Tags : Guidelines, Investment Advisers, IFSC
RBI Issues Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks(07.10.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed payments banks and small finance banks to use digital banking to open bank accounts while streamlining their r.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, finance banks, payments banks, Guidelines
Kerala HC Seeks Explanation for Remand of Accused Arrested in Breach of Arnesh Kumar Guidelines(29.06.2022)
Kerala High Court has sought explanation from a Magistrate for remanding two accused in a case in which arrest was made without satisfying the guideli.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Arrest, Arnesh Kumar Guidelines
Centre releases endorsement guidelines for celebrities, influencers, and virtual influencers on social media platform(06.03.2023)
The Department of Consumer Affairs, under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, has released a set of guidelines called "End.....
Tags : Endorsement, Guidelines, Issuance
Internet Banking Facility for Customers of Cooperative Banks(05.11.2015)
The Reserve Bank of India has allowed State Cooperative Banks and District Central Cooperative Banks to provide Internet Banking facilities to their c.....
Tags : Internet banking, cooperative, guidelines
Guidelines under Clause (10D) of Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961(16.08.2023)
1. Clause (10D) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) provides for income-tax exemption on any sum received under a life insurance polic.....
Tags : Income Tax Act, 1961, Guidelines
SC Lays Down Guidelines for Considering Applications Seeking Amendment to Plaint(02.09.2022)
Supreme Court while laying down guidelines for considering applications seeking amendment of plaint has held that mere delay would not be a ground for.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines, Amendment, CPC
Guidelines for computing exposure for counterparty credit risk arising from derivative transactions(10.11.2016)
Please refer to the paragraph 4 of the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies issued by RBI on October 4, 2016. It was indicated therein t.....
Tags : Derivative transactions, credit risk, Guidelines
Calcutta HC Directs Amendment of Senior Designation Guidelines(01.02.2019)
Calcutta High Court has observed that condition stipulating regular practice in high court for being considered for designation as a senior advocate s.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Senior Designation Guidelines
Delhi HC Calls for Implementation of Guidelines Issued in Sujata Kohli Case(20.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has called for expeditious implementation of guidelines for promotion of Judicial Officers in the city, set out by the High Court in .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Guidelines Issued in Sujata Kohli Case
Concerns About Rise in Low-Quality Law Colleges Raised by Bar Council of India(17.04.2024)
Bar Council of India while raising concern regarding the increase in the number of substandard law colleges in India has suggested thorough inspection.....
Tags : Bar Council of India, No Objection Certificates, Guidelines
Master Circular On Insurance Advertisements(13.08.2015)
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority issued guidelines to protect the interests of the insuring public, enhance confidence on the nature.....
Tags : Insurance, advertising, guidelines
SC Rejects PIL Seeking to Enforce Vishakha Guidelines to Check Sexual Abuse at Religious Places(23.07.2019)
Supreme Court has held that it cannot entertain a PIL seeking extension of its Vishakha guidelines to religious places, including 'ashrams', 'madrasas.....
Tags : SC, Vishakha Guidelines
Guidelines under Section 194Q of the Income-Tax Act 1961(30.06.2021)
1. Finance Act, 2021 inserted a new section 194Q in the Income-tax Act 1961 (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") which takes effect from 1st day of .....
Tags : Guidelines, Section 194Q of IT Act, 1961
P&H HC Issues Guidelines to Check Unnecessary Arrests(03.10.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued guidelines to ensure that police officers do not make unnecessary arrests and that Magistrates do not casuall.....
Tags : Punjab & Haryana High Court, Guidelines, Unnecessary Arrest
Kerala High Court Frames Guidelines for Issuing Passports to Accused in Criminal Cases(01.10.2021)
Kerala High Court has observed that the grant of permission by the Magistrate enabling an accused to travel abroad will be of great significance, espe.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines for Issuing Passports
Delhi HC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Fine & Debarment of Candidates Not Wearing Masks(22.03.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to the Election Commission of India (ECI) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in a petition seeking debarment an.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Covid-19 Mask Guidelines During Assembly Elections
SC Takes Suo Moto Case for Guidelines on Court Functioning via Video Conferencing(06.04.2020)
Supreme Court has taken up a suo moto case on the guidelines for the functioning of Courts via video conferencing during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Co.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines on Court Functioning via Video Conferencing
IBBI Amends Guidelines on Technical Standards for Performance of Core Services(29.07.2021)
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has notified the Guidelines for Technical Standards for the Performance of Core Services and Other Ser.....
Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Guidelines on Technical Standards for Performance of Core Services
Bom. HC to State: Formulate Guidelines for Conducting Test Identification Parades(21.12.2023)
Bombay High Court has directed the State to formulate suitable guidelines to be adhered to while conducting a Test Identification parade in cases attr.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Test Identification Parades, Guidelines
Reserve Bank of India prescribes guidelines on distribution of dividend by NBFCs(24.06.2021)
In order to enhance more transparency and uniformity, RBI prescribes guidelines on distribution of dividend by Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFCs). .....
Tags : Dividend, NBFCs, Guidelines
Gauhati HC to State: Implement Supreme Court's Directions in Grah Rakshak Case(12.08.2022)
Gauhati High Court has directed the government of Assam to pay the Home Guards duty allowance in accordance with the Supreme Court's directions in the.....
Tags : Gauhati High Court, Home Guard, Allowance, Guidelines
Delhi HC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Fine & Debarment of Candidates Not Wearing Masks(22.03.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to the Election Commission of India (ECI) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) in a petition seeking debarment an.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Covid-19 Mask Guidelines During Assembly Elections
Allahabad HC Issues Guidelines for Functioning of District Courts, Tribunals from Jan 10(10.01.2022)
Allahabad High Court has decided to issue certain guidelines that shall be applicable to all the Courts (including Tribunals) subordinate to the High .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Guidelines for Functioning of District Courts, Tribunals
Review of Guidelines for Core Investment Companies(13.08.2020)
1. Please refer to the report of the Working Group (WG) to Review the Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Core Investment Companies (CICs), const.....
Tags : Review, Guidelines, Investment Companies
Kerala High Court Issues Precautionary Guidelines Amid Rising Covid-19 Cases Among Employees(02.06.2022)
Kerala High Court has released precautionary guidelines such as wearing of Face mask, Maintaining hand hygiene, sanitizing hands after biometric punch.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Covid-19, Guidelines
Fresh guidelines for tyre manufacturers by Ministry of Commerce and Industry(31.08.2023)
The Indian tyre industry has been witnessing a rise in the demand for production of tyres for export and domestic sales. The increasing ownership of v.....
Tags : Guidelines, Tyre Manufacturers, Investment
Kar. HC: Executive Guidelines Can’t Impose Restriction if Works of Defence Act, 1903 is in Operation(01.09.2023)
Karnataka High Court has held that Executive Guidelines cannot be relied upon by the Union Government to impose restriction as long as the Works of De.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Works of Defence Act, Executive Guidelines
SC Refers Issue on Guidelines on Mitigating Factors While Imposing Death Penalty to 5 Judge Bench(19.09.2022)
Supreme Court has referred to a five judge bench, suo motu case "In Re Framing Guidelines Regarding Potential Mitigating Circumstances To Be Considere.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines, Mitigating Circumstances, Death Sentence
Kerala High Court Issues Guidelines to Family Courts for Early Disposal of Cases(24.03.2021)
Kerala High Court has issued guidelines to streamline and prescribe a uniform procedure for disposal of cases before Family Courts in the State, obser.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines to Family Courts
Supreme Court Directs to Finalise Guidelines for Inspection of Educational Institutions(13.01.2022)
Supreme Court has directed the University Grants Commission to finalize guidelines for the inspection of educational institutions and commence inspect.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Guidelines for Inspection of Educational Institutions
Guidelines for early Resolution of Stuck Public Private Partnership projects at Major Ports(11.05.2022)
In the past decade, Government of India invited private investment into Major Port Sector and several projects were awarded under .....
Tags : Guidelines, Early Resolution, Partnership projects
Guidelines for Trading of Access Spectrum by Access Service Providers(13.10.2015)
On recommendations of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, the Central Government has allowed trading of access spectrum as per the provided gui.....
Tags : Trai, spectrum, trading, guidelines
Kerala HC Seeks Response Regarding Compliance with Guidelines on Safety of Passengers(16.06.2021)
Kerala High Court has sought response of the Indian Railways in a suo motu matter regarding safety in the Railways regarding the adherence to guidelin.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Guidelines on Safety of Passengers
Guidelines on Default Loss Guarantee (DLG) in Digital Lending(08.06.2023)
1. A reference is invited to Para ( of Section C of Annex-II to the RBI Press Release "Recommendations of the Working group on Digital Lending.....
Tags : Guidelines, DLG, Digital Lending
Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea Challenging UGC Guidelines on Autonomous Status of Colleges(14.07.2020)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to University Grants Commission (UGC) in a plea challenging the validity of the University Grants Commission (Confe.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, UGC Guidelines on Autonomous Status of Colleges
IRDAI Issues Guidelines for Share Acquisition in Insurance Companies(08.08.2016)
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has issued guidelines for acquisition of shares in listed insurance companies under wh.....
Tags : IRDAI, Guidelines for Share Acquisition
Insurance Guidelines on "Indian owned and controlled"(19.10.2015)
Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India has introduced guidelines pursuant to the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. The Guidelines men.....
Tags : Insurance, guidelines, owned, controlled
Supreme Court Issues Directions for Effective Compliance of POSH Act, 2013(04.12.2024)
Supreme Court after observing serious lapses in the implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) .....
Tags : Supreme Court, POSH Act, Guidelines
SC to PCI: Process Pharma Colleges Applications Challenging 5 Year Moratorium(02.06.2022)
Supreme Court has directed Pharma Council of India (PCI) to process the applications of colleges which challenged the PCI’s imposition of 5 year morat.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Covid-19, Guidelines
Delhi HC: Rape Victim Must be Produced Before Hospital Within 24 Hours for Conducting MTP Procedure(10.08.2023)
Delhi High Court while issuing guidelines for dealing with cases of medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) of victims of rape, has stated that Investi.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Guidelines
NGT Strikes City Govt. for Not Following PoP Idols Guidelines(17.08.2015)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) has striked Bhopal Government for failing to adhere to guidelines on plaster of paris (PoP) idols ahead of Ganesh Chatur.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal,PoP Idols Guidelines
NGT Asks All States to Issue Guidelines on Manufacture, Sale & Burning of Firecrackers(21.11.2016)
National Green Tribunal (NGT) Asks all States to issue guidelines on manufacture, sale and burning of firecrackers keeping in mind that these were a m.....
Tags : National Green Tribunal, firecrackers, guidelines, pollution
Modification in operational guidelines for FPIs and DDPs pursuant to amendment in SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2019(04.08.2021)
1. Section 9A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act) was introduced by the Finance Act 2015 and subsequently amended vide Finance Act 2020 to facilitate.....
Tags : Modification, Operational guidelines, FPIs, DDPs
RBI Issues Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines(05.11.2015)
Reserve Bank has issued operational guidelines for Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 and mandated some operational procedures for Commercial banks and pos.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Commercial banks , post offices, Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines
WCD Ministry Issues Model Guidelines for Foster Care(19.10.2015)
Ministry of Women and Child Development has issued Model Guidelines for Foster Care. Though the Guidelines provide a template for interactions and pro.....
Tags : Foster, care, model guidelines, 2015, states
Del. HC: BCI Must Frame Ethical Code for Self-Represented Litigants(21.07.2023)
Delhi High Court has stated that Bar Council of India (BCI) need to frame some guidelines for establishment of ethical code for self-represented litig.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bar Council of India, Self-Represented Litigants, Guidelines
Ker HC to State: Consider Representation by CBSE Schools Assoc. Against Proposed Fee Regulatory Comm.(09.06.2023)
Kerala High Court has directed State to consider representations filed by Kerala CBSE School Management Association challenging proposed guidelines fr.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Fee, Regulatory Committee, Guidelines
Top Court Dismisses Plea Alleging Inconsistent Guidelines of HC’s for Designating Lawyers as Seniors(03.07.2019)
Top Court has declined to entertain a plea seeking a direction to all the high courts (HC’s) to amend their guidelines in terms of the top court's jud.....
Tags : Top Court, Guidelines
SC to HCs & DGPs: Issue Notifications in Terms of Arnesh Kumar Judgement to Ensure Strict Compliance(01.08.2023)
Supreme Court while reiterating its guidelines issued in Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar (MANU/SC/0559/2014), has directed all High Courts and DGPs to .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Arnesh Kumar, Guidelines