21 November 2022


MP HC: Provision Requiring Inter-Faith Couples to Declare Conversion Before DM is Unconstitutional - 18.11.2022

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that Section 10 of MP Freedom of Religion Act, 2021 which requires a person desiring to convert religion to give a declaration in this regard to District Magistrate (DM) to be prima facie unconstitutional.

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court Freedom of Religion Unconstitutional

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SC: Additional Accused Can’t be Impleaded After Expiry of Limitation Period U/S 142 of NI Act - 18.11.2022

Supreme Court has held that impleadment of additional accused subsequent to the filing of a cheque bounce complaint is not permissible once limitation prescribed for taking cognizance of the offence under Section 142 of Negotiable Instruments (NI) Act has expired.

Tags : Supreme Court Cheque Bounce Limitation Impleadment

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Madras HC: Proceedings U/S 12 of DV Act Can Be Challenged Only Under Article 227 - 18.11.2022

Madras High Court has held that proceedings under Section 12 of Domestic Violence Act can be challenged in High Court only under Article 227 of Constitution and not by invoking the court's power under Section 482 of CrPC.

Tags : Madras High Court Domestic Violence Constitution

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SC: Need of Custodial Trial Not Relevant Aspect While Considering Bail Application U/S 439 CrPC - 18.11.2022

Supreme Court while setting aside bail granted to a rape accused has held that 'need of custodial trial' is not a relevant aspect while considering a bail application under Section 439 CrPC.

Tags : Supreme Court Bail Custodial Trial

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SC: Power of Judicial Review & Govt's Power to Reconsider Previous Govt Decision Not Comparable - 17.11.2022

Supreme Court has held that the power of the executive to look into the conduct of the previous government cannot be compared with the power of courts to 'review' a decision.

Tags : Supreme Court Judicial Review

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SC: Compensation for Future Prospects Can be Claimed in Case Injuries Result in Permanent Disability - 17.11.2022

Supreme Court has held that compensation for future prospects can be claimed in accident cases involving serious injuries resulting in permanent disablement.

Tags : Supreme Court Future Prospects Permanent Disablement

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SC Waives Requirement of Solvency Certificate for Gautam Navlakha to Avail House Arrest - 16.11.2022

Supreme Court has waived the condition to obtain a solvency certificate for availing the benefit of house arrest for Gautam Navlakha, who is lodged in Mumbai prison in the Bhima Koregaon case.

Tags : Supreme Court Solvency Certificate House Arrest

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SC: Common Man Interested in Solutions Not Meetings - 16.11.2022

Supreme Court while criticizing Punjab and Haryana governments for not taking any effective steps on recommendations made by Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune to prevent flooding near the Ghaggar river basin, observed that common man is interested in real solutions and not meetings.

Tags : Supreme Court Ghaggar River Flood

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Delhi HC: NCTE Not Empowered to Impose Penalty, Can’t Exercise Function of Regional Committees - 16.11.2022

Delhi High Court has held that National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) can’t claim existence of any inherent or plenary powers, adding that statutory authority can’t impose penalties without authority of law in absence of an express provision in the parent statute.

Tags : Delhi High Court NCTE Penalty

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SC: Computation of Period for Condonation of Delay; Time Period Excluded u/s 14 Cannot Be Counted - 16.11.2022

Supreme Court has held that time period excluded under Section 14 of Limitation Act cannot be counted for the purpose of computing the period for which delay can be condoned.

Tags : Supreme Court Limitation Condoned

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