
Ministry : Reserve Bank of India

Department/Board : Department of Regulation

Circular No. : DOR.ACC.REC.No.37/21.04.018/2022-2023

Date : 19.05.2022

Subject: Banking

Dear Sir/Madam,

Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021-Reporting of reverse repos with Reserve Bank on the bank's balance sheet

1. Please refer to the 'Notes and Instructions for Compilation' given in Part A of Annexure II to the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021, regarding the reporting of reverse repo transactions by the banks on their balance sheet.

2. In order to bring more clarity on the presentation of reverse repo on the balance sheet, it has now been decided as under:

(a) All type of reverse repos with the Reserve Bank including those under Liquidity Adjustment Facility shall be presented under sub-item (ii) 'In Other Accounts' of item (II) 'Balances with Reserve Bank of India' under Schedule 6 'Cash and balances with Reserve Bank of India'.

(b) Reverse repos with banks and other institutions having original tenors up to and inclusive of 14 days shall be classified under item (ii) 'Money at call and short notice' under Schedule 7 'Balances with banks and money at call and short notice'.

(c) Reverse repos with banks and other institutions having original tenors more than 14 days shall be classified under Schedule 9-'Advances' under the following heads:

i. A. (ii) 'Cash credits, overdrafts and loans repayable on demand'

ii. B. (i) 'Secured by tangible assets'

iii. C. (I).(iii) Banks (iv) 'Ot........