Ministry : Securities and Exchange Board of India
Department/Board : Department of Debt and Hybrid Securities
Circular No. : SEBI/HO/DDHS/DDHS_Div3/P/CIR/2022/15
Date : 09.02.2022
Notification/ Circulars Referred : SEBI circular CIR/IMD/DF/55/2016 dated May 11, 2016 MANU/SREG/0013/2016
Subject: Capital Market
Citing Reference:
SEBI circular CIR/IMD/DF/55/2016 dated May 11, 2016 MANU/SREG/0013/2016 Referred
All Infrastructure Investment Trusts
All Parties to InvITs
All Recognised Stock Exchanges
All Merchant Bankers
Framework for conversion of Private Listed InvIT into Public InvIT
1. Regulation 14(6) of the SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 ("InvIT Regulations") provides as under: "The Board may specify by issue of guidelines or circulars any other requirements, as it deems fit, pertaining to issue and allotment of units by an InvIT, whether by way of public issue or private placement."
2. Regulation 16(11) of the InvIT Regulations
"The Board and designated stock exchanges may specify any other requirements pertaining to listing and trading of units of the InvIT by issuance of guidelines or circulars."
3. A Private Listed InvIT may convert into a Public InvIT on making a public issue of units through a fresh issue and/or an offer for sale in terms of the InvIT Regulations in the manner provided at Annexure-A.
4. Post issuance and listing of such units through public issue in accordance with this circular, the Private Listed InvIT shall stand transformed and shall be considered a Public InvIT and it shall be required to comply with all provisions of the InvIT Regulations prescribed for Public InvITs.