Department/Board : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Press Release No. : 123/2019
Date : 09.12.2019
Subject: Media and Communication
Industry: Telecom
TRAI releases Pre-Consultation Paper on "Enabling Unbundling of Different Layers Through Differential Licensing"
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today released a Pre-Consultation Paper on "Enabling Unbundling of Different Layers Through Differential Licensing".
2. DoT through its letter dated 8th May 2019, inter-alia, informed that the National Digital Communications Policy (NDCP), 2018, under its 'Propel India' mission, envisages one of the strategies as 'reforming the licensing and regulatory regime to catalyse Investments and Innovations and promote Ease of Doing Business'. Enabling unbundling of different layers (e.g. infrastructure, network, services and application layer) through differential licensing is one of the action plans for fulfilling the strategy. Through the said letter dated 8th May 2019, DoT has, inter-alia, requested TRAI to furnish recommendations on enabling unbundling of different layers through differential licensing, under the terms of the clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 11 of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 (as amended) by TRAI Amendment Act, 2000.
3. In this regard, a Pre-Consultation Paper on "Enabling Unbundling of Different Layers Through Differential Licensing" has been released seeking inputs from the stakeholders. Written comments on the issues raised in the Pre-Consultation Paper are invited from the stakeholders by 6th January 2020.
4. The comments may be sent, preferably in electronic form at For any clarification/information Shri S.T. Abbas, Advisor (Networks, Spectrum & Licensing), TRAI may be contacted at Telephone Number +91-11-23210481.
(U. K. Srivastava)
Secretary I/c