Department/Board : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
Press Release No. : 71/2018
Date : 03.07.2018
Subject: Media and Communication
Industry: Telecom
Press Note on TRAI's Regulatory framework for Broadcasting and Cable TV sector
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on 3rd March 2017, notified a regulatory framework for broadcasting and cable TV service provided through addressable systems, which include the Direct to Home (DTH) Systems, Cable TV Systems provided through Digital Addressable Systems (DAS), Head-end In The Sky (HITS) and Internet Protocol TV (IPTV). The regulatory framework comprises of the following:-
(a) The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services (Eighth) (Addressable Systems) Tariff Order, 2017 dated 3rd March 2017, as amended on 30th March 2017 [the Tariff Order 2017];
(b) The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017 dated 3rd March 2017 [the Interconnection Regulation 2017];
(c) The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Standards of Quality of Service and Consumer Protection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017 dated 3rd March 2017 [the QoS Regulation 2017].
2. It is pertinent to mention that the draft/notified Interconnection Regulations and the Tariff Order were the subject matter of a challenge in two writ petitions [W.P. Nos. 44126 and 44127 of 2016] in the High Court of Judicature at Madras. The Hon'ble Supreme Court in SLP No. 14336 of 2017 vide its order dated 8th May 2017, inter alia, observed as under:
'the High Court of Madras to hear out the matters in question on day to day basis and to conclude the same and deliver the judgement, if possible within a period of one month. Status quo order already passed by the High Court on 23rd December 2016 shall continue to operate till the matter is finally disposed of
3. Apropos to the Hon'ble Supreme Court orders, the implementation of the Interconnection Regulation 2017 and the Tariff Order 2017 was kept suspended since 8th May 2017. Implementation of the QoS Regulation 2017 was also deferred because of its natural linkage with the provisions of the Interconnection Regulation 2017 and the Tariff Order 2017.
4. In the meantime, th........