Ministry : Ministry of Finance
Department/Board : Economic Affairs
Notification No. : SO4242(E)
Date of Notification : 12.10.2021
Date of Publication : 12.10.2021
Notification/ Circulars Referred : Number S.O.3732 (E), dated the 17th October, 2019 MANU/EAFF/0070/2019;S.O. 4355 (E), dated the 5th December 2019 MANU/EAFF/0075/2019;S.O. 1374 (E), dated the 27th April, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0023/2020;S.O. 2442 (E), dated the 27th July, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0046/2020;S.O. 4441 (E), dated the 8th December, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0080/2020;S.O. 3206 (E), dated the 9th August, 2021 MANU/EAFF/0033/2021;S.O. 3411 (E), dated the 19th August, 2021 MANU/EAFF/0034/2021;S.O. 4091 (E), dated the 5th October 2021 MANU/EAFF/0036/2021
Citing Reference:
Number S.O.3732 (E), dated the 17th October, 2019 MANU/EAFF/0070/2019 Modified
S.O. 4355 (E), dated the 5th December 2019 MANU/EAFF/0075/2019 Referred
S.O. 1374 (E), dated the 27th April, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0023/2020 Referred
S.O. 2442 (E), dated the 27th July, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0046/2020 Referred
S.O. 4441 (E), dated the 8th December, 2020 MANU/EAFF/0080/2020 Referred
S.O. 3206 (E), dated the 9th August, 2021 MANU/EAFF/0033/2021 Referred
S.O. 3411 (E), dated the 19th August, 2021 MANU/EAFF/0034/2021 Referred
S.O. 4091 (E), dated the 5th October 2021 MANU/EAFF/0036/2021 Referred
Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2021
S.O.4242(E).--In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (aa) and (ab) of sub-section (2) of section 46 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the C........