
Ministry : Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Department/Board : Directorate General of Trade Remedies

Notification From File No. : 06/08/2023-DGTR

Date of Notification : 12.01.2024


All Interested Parties

Oral hearing in the anti-dumping duty investigation concerning imports of "Sulphur Black" from China PR


1. This is for your information that in the above-mentioned investigation, DGTR will hold an oral hearing at 2:30 PM (IST) on 6th February 2024 in the conference hall of DGTR. Interested parties who wish to join online may join through digital video conferencing.

2. The web link and other details to join the digital video conferencing (DVC) will be shared with the interested parties over email. In case of any difficulties, you may contact the technical person, Mr. Asif, at Mobile No. 9509079786.

3. Any registered interested party who wishes to participate, should provide the name of the organisation/company, e-mail, mobile no., landline no., (with country/ state code), name and e-mail of the participating legal representative/coordinator well in advance of the hearing date.

4. A list of registered interested parties in the subject investigation is available on DGTR's website: investigation-concerning-imports-sulphur-black.

5. You will be required to make written submissions (confidential and non-confidential versions) of the views expressed at the hearing and file a rejoinder, if any, within the date and time indicated. Interested parties are advised to submit their written submission and rejoinder, if any, to the following email:, with a copy to The non-confidential submission should be circulated through email by the registered interested parties to other registered interested parties.

Devender Singh
Joint Director General (Foreign Trade)