
Ministry : Securities and Exchange Board of India

Department / Board : Market Regulation Department

Circular No. : CIR/MRD/DMS/ 12 /2012

Date : 13.04.2012

Notification/ Circulars Referred: Circular No. MRD/DSA/SE/Cir-12/09 dated October 07, 2009 MANU/SSMD/0026/2009

Referred IN

Citing Reference:
Circular No. MRD/DSA/SE/Cir-12/09 dated October 07, 2009 MANU/SSMD/0026/2009 Referred


All Stock Exchanges / All Depositories

Dear Sir / Madam,

Guidelines for Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery (DR)

1. In the event of disaster, the disruption in trading system of stock exchanges / depository system may not only affect the market integrity but also the confidence of investors. In order to address this issue, the current BCP - DR setups of some of the stock exchanges having nation-wide terminals and depositories were examined by the Technical Advisory Committee of SEBI (TAC). Based on the recommendations of TAC, the broad guidelines for BCP - DR are given below:

i. The stock exchanges and depositories should have in place Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Site (DRS) so as to maintain data and transaction integrity.

ii. Apart from DRS, stock exchanges should also have a Near Site (NS) to ensure zero data loss.

iii. The DRS should be set up sufficiently away, i.e. in a different seismic zone, from Primary Data Centre (PDC) to ensure that both DRS and PDC are not affected by the same disasters.

iv. The manpower deployed at DRS / NS should have similar expertise as available at PDC in terms of knowledge / awareness of various technological and procedural systems and processes relating to all operations such that DRS / NS can function at short notice, independently.

v. Configuration of DRS / NS with PDC