Search Results for Tag : statutory audit
Notifications & Circulars
RBI prescribes format for SAC to be submitted by NBFCs(23.06.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India introduced a uniform format for the statutory auditor certificate. Non-Banking Financial Corporations will need to fill out .....
Tags : Statutory auditor, certificate, nbfi
DIRECT TAXATION - Delay in Statutory Audit is Reasonable Cause for Delayed Filing of Tax Audit Report: ITAT(27.03.2019)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the delay in completion of statutory audit can be a reasonable cause for delay in filing of the tax.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, ITAT, statutory audit, tax audit report
Enforcement action in respect of statutory auditors of commercial banks(03.06.2019)
RBI vide its Press Release dated June 29, 2018 had put in place an enforcement action framework in respect of statutory auditors for the lapses in the.....
Tags : Statutory auditors, Commercial banks, Enforcement action
Action against statutory auditors of NBFC under Section 45MAA of RBI Act, 1934(12.10.2021)
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in exercise of the powers vested under section 45MAA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, has, by an order dated Se.....
Tags : Statutory auditors, NBFC
Conference of Statutory Auditors and Chief Financial Officers of Commercial Banks and All India Financial Institutions(09.07.2024)
The Reserve Bank held a Conference for the Statutory Auditors and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of Commercial Banks and All India Financial Institut.....
Tags : Conference, Statutory Auditors, Financial Institutions