12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : state

Blast from the Past

Winding a fine line between ‘public interest’ and interest(02.08.2004)

Tobacco advertising occupies a grey area in the debate on moral policing. On the one hand is consumer will and freedom to consume a legal substance, o.....

Tags : Pan masala, public interest, ban, state


Winding a fine line between ‘public interest’ and interest(02.08.2004)

Tobacco advertising occupies a grey area in the debate on moral policing. On the one hand is consumer will and freedom to consume a legal substance, o.....

Tags : Pan masala, public interest, ban, state



Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015(09.12.2015)

The Union Cabinet has approved amendments to the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015 made by the Select Committee of Rajya Sabha. The .....

Tags : Real estate, bill, 2015, amendments


Top Story

Widow has right to be ‘maintained’ on property(06.11.2015)

Hearing an appeal against a High Court order stating that a life estate vested in the widow of the deceased became her absolute property under Section.....

Tags : Widow, maintenance, absolute owner, estate


Real Estate Act, 2016 marches ahead with newly notified Real Estate (Regulation and Development) (General) Rules, 2016 for 5 Union Territories(31.10.2016)

The Central Government has notified the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) (General) Rules, 2016, to be applicable to the five Union Territories.....

Tags : Real estate, Rules, Union Territories


Notifications & Circulars

Online Statement Of Transaction (e-SOT) and the e-PRAN card launched for Atal Pension Yojana (APY) subscribers(25.04.2017)

With a view to digitally empower the Atal Pension Yojana (APY) subscribers and improve the quality of service, the facility of online viewing of the s.....

Tags : Pension Yojana, Online Statement, Transaction, Launch


Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards(23.06.2016)

RBI asked banks to submit Proforma Ind AS (Indian Accounting Standards) Financial Statements for half year ending 30 September 2016 by 30 November 201.....

Tags : ind as, banks, financial statements


Disclosure in "Notes to Accounts" to the Financial Statements- Divergence in the asset classification and provisioning(18.04.2017)

1. Please refer to paragraph 22 of the Fourth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16 announced on September 29, 2015 on the captioned subject. .....

Tags : Statements, Disclosure, Asset classification


International Cases

Where a range of meanings are available and it is possible to light on one meaning which is not defamatory, Court is not obliged to select non-defamatory meaning(03.04.2019)

The Respondent to present appeal, Ronald Stocker, is the former husband of the Appellant, Nicola Stocker. Their marriage ended in acrimony in 2012. Mr.....

Tags : Defamatory statement, Re-determination, Words


Rs. 200 crore set aside for Central Victim Compensation Fund(14.10.2015)

Ministry of Home Affairs introduced the Central Victim Compensation Fund to provide support to victims of various attacks, including acid attacks, rap.....

Tags : Victim, fund, central, state


WCD Ministry Issues Model Guidelines for Foster Care(19.10.2015)

Ministry of Women and Child Development has issued Model Guidelines for Foster Care. Though the Guidelines provide a template for interactions and pro.....

Tags : Foster, care, model guidelines, 2015, states


Cabinet approves promulgation of the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Ordinance, 2017(30.08.2017)

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval to the proposal of the Finance Ministry to promulgate an ordinan.....

Tags : Promulgation, Approval, Compensation, States


Court can make an order relieving a person from civil liability for a broad range of contraventions if the person concerned acted honestly and no substantial injustice is caused to any person(15.07.2021)

In facts of present case, on 13 May 2021, the Plaintiff, Jit Sun Investments Pte Ltd (Jit Sun Investments), filed an originating process seeking order.....

Tags : Deregistered Company, Reinstatement, Registration


Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies(06.12.2017)

Rationalisation of Merchant Discount Rate

1. In recent times, debit card transactions at 'Point of Sales' have shown significant growth. With.....

Tags : Statement, Regulatory Policies, Discount Rate


Court can make a winding up order on the just and equitable ground by reason of mismanagement or lack of confidence in the conduct and management of the company's affairs(01.07.2022)

By originating process which was amended on 14 February 2022, the Plaintiff seeks orders under the Corporations Act ,2001 for the reinstatement of Inf.....

Tags : Winding up, Reinstatement, Grant


India-US Strategy Energy Partnership Joint Statement(17.04.2018)

Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Dharmendra Pradhan and U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry co-chaired the inaugural meeting here today of the U.....

Tags : Partnership, Joint Statement, Energy Co-operation


US Supreme Court dismisses claim against Austrian train operator(01.12.2015)

The US Supreme Court dismissed a suit against an Austrian train operator brought by an American woman who suffered severe injuries after falling onto .....

Tags : United states, sovereign immunity, Austria, injury


How effective must counsel be?(05.10.2015)

The United States Supreme Court reversed a ruling that James Kulbicki’s defense team were unconstitutionally ineffective and had deprived him of a fai.....

Tags : United states. Effectiveness, counsel


First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2017-18 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Reserve Bank of India(06.04.2017)

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation at its meeting today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to.....

Tags : Statement, Bi-monthly report, Resolution


Roll out of e-Way Bill system for intra-State movement of goods in the States of Assam and Rajasthan(14.05.2018)

As per the decision of the GST Council, e-Way Bill system for inter-State movement of goods has been rolled out from 01st April, 2018. As on 13th May,.....

Tags : E-Way Bill, Roll out, Intra-State, Goods, Movement


Disclosure in the "Notes to Accounts" to the Financial Statements - Divergence in the asset classification and provisioning(01.04.2019)

Please refer to our circular DBR.BP.BC.No.63/21.04.018/2016-17 dated April 18, 2017, on the captioned subject, requiring disclosures by banks where di.....

Tags : Disclosure, Financial Statements, Asset classification


Second Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2017-2018(07.06.2017)

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation at its meeting today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to.....

Tags : Bi-monthly, Monetary Policy, Statement


Creating credible data on Inter-State Migrants(18.07.2018)

In Order to safeguard the interest of the Migrant workers, the Central Government has enacted the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employmen.....

Tags : Data, Inter-State Migrants, Creation


CBDT extends due date for filing of TDS statement in Form 24Q(04.06.2019)

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) had earlier notified amended Form 24Q for filing TDS statement by deductors of tax vide Notification No. 36/2.....

Tags : TDS statement, Filing of, Extension


Financial Action Task Force Public Statement(18.11.2019)

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has called on its members and other jurisdictions to apply counter-measures to protect the international financ.....

Tags : FATF, Public Statement, Financial system, Protection


Statement on behalf of the Government on the Supreme Court Judgement on Right to Privacy(24.08.2017)

The nine-judge Bench Supreme Court judgement has today pronounced in the "Privacy Case" by upholding the Right to Privacy as one protected by Article .....

Tags : Statement, Government, Judgement, Right to Privacy


Union Government reaches the landmark of distributing more than 3 Crore N95 Masks to States(13.08.2020)

In the relentless work of State/UT governments for containment and management of COVID-19, the Union Government's central role has been in strengtheni.....

Tags : N95 Masks, States, Distribution


Guidelines for preferential issue of units and institutional placement of units by a listed Real Estate Investment Trust(27.11.2019)

Regulation 2(1)(zd) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 ("REIT Regulations"), defines a "prefe.....

Tags : Guidelines for preferential issue of units and institutional placement of units by a listed Real Estate Investment Trust


Roll out of new Annual Information Statement(01.11.2021)

Income Tax Department has rolled out the new Annual Information Statement (AIS) on the Compliance Portal which provides a comprehensive view of inform.....

Tags : Roll out, Information, Statement


International Financial Services Centres Authority (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts) Rules, 2022(28.02.2022)

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 27 read with sub-section(1) of section 16 of the International Financi.....

Tags : Financial Services, Annual Statement, Accounts, Rules


Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies(07.08.2019)

This Statement sets out various developmental and regulatory policy measures in the areas of Financial Markets; Payment and Settlement Systems; Bankin.....

Tags : Statement, Regulatory Policies, Measures


Rebate of State Levies on Export of Garments- revised rates regarding(09.11.2016)

Attention is drawn to Ministry's Circular Nos.43/2016-Customs dated 31.08.2016 and 47/2016-Customs dated 20.10.2016 regarding implementation of the Sc.....

Tags : Export, Rebate, State levies


Special Window to States for meeting the GST Compensation Cess shortfall(15.10.2020)

Under Option-I States were to be provided a Special Window of Borrowing of Rs. 1.1 lakh cr, and over and above that, an authorisation for additional O.....

Tags : Special Window, States, GST Compensation Cess, Shortfall


Statement by the Ministry of Finance on the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC)'s Policy Statement(06.12.2017)

The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) released its fifth Bimonthly Policy Statement today. The MPC recognized that inflation remains firmly under contro.....

Tags : Bimonthly, Policy Statement, Release


Central Government hereby delegates all powers exercisable by the Director in relation to inter-State trade and commerce to the Controller of Legal Metrology in the State of Bihar(16.12.2020)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (7) of section 13 of the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 (1 of 2010), the Central Government, with the co.....

Tags : Powers, Delegation, Inter-State trade


Reserve Bank of India renews its Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code(20.07.2022)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has signed its renewed Statement of Commitment (SoC) to the FX Global Code ("Code"). The Code, which was initially lau.....

Tags : Renewal, Statement, FX Global Code


Diamond Dollar Account - Reporting Mechanism(23.03.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India has dispensed with quarterly and fortnightly statements previously submitted by banks giving details of the name and address.....

Tags : Diamond dollar, bank account, statement


Decisions taken by the GST Council in the 34 the meeting held on 19th March, 2019 regarding GST rate on real estate sector(19.03.2019)

GST Council in the 34th meeting held on 19th March, 2019 at New Delhi discussed the operational details for implementation of the recommendations made.....

Tags : GST Council, Meeting, GST rate, Real estate sector


Roll-out of e-Way Bill system for Intra-State movement of goods in the States / Union Territory of Arunachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Puducherry from 25th April, 2018(23.04.2018)

As per the decision of the GST Council, e-Way Bill system for Inter-State movement of goods has been rolled-out from 01st April, 2018. As on 20th Apri.....

Tags : E-Way Bill, Roll-out, Intra-State, Movement, Goods


Amendment in Section 2(zm) of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016(29.11.2022)

In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-clause (iii) of clause (sa) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2.....

Tags : Amendment, Provision, Real Estate


Notification of scheme to provide for the remission of State Levies on export of garments through the mechanism of rebate(27.06.2017)

In pursuance of the decision of the Government of India to initiate measures for reforms to boost employment generation in the employment intensive te.....

Tags : Notification, Remission, State Levies


Recommendations of States in GST council(25.06.2019)

The 35th Meeting of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council was held on 21.06.2019 in New Delhi.

All matters relating to Centre and the Sta.....

Tags : Recommendations, States, GST council


Separate Department of Disability Affairs to be set up by States(18.05.2017)

Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot, Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment while addressing the "15th National Review Meeting of State Commissioners for Per.....

Tags : States, Department, Separate, Disability affairs


Third Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2017-18 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Reserve Bank of India(02.08.2017)

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation at its meeting today, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to.....

Tags : Monetary Policy, Statement


Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms(14.09.2015)

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry released a report assessing implementation of business reforms by the States. It delves into the different areas.....

Tags : Business, state, implement, graphs, ease of doing


Monetary Policy Statement, 2022-2023 Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) May 2 and 4, 2022(04.05.2022)

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting today (May 4, 20.....

Tags : Monetary Policy Statement, Resolution, MPC


Overlapping/Conflict between Central and State Labour Laws(07.12.2016)

The 'Labour' is a subject included in the Concurrent List in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India. The concept of "Appropriate Government.....

Tags : Conflict, Labour Laws, Centre-state


Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for extension of time limits for submission of certain TDS/TCS Statements(28.06.2023)

The Central Board of Direct Taxes, in exercise of its powers under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides relaxation in respect of the follo.....

Tags : Extension, Time limits, TDS/TCS Statements



Calcutta High Court Seeks Reply on Outdoor Advertising Policy in West Bengal(14.09.2015)

Calcutta HC on PIL by Ascent Welfare Organization seeking order against back-to-back advertisement on windshields of AC buses owned by state transport.....

Tags : Calcutta HC ,State Govt.


SC: Unregistered NGOs Can’t Run Children Homes(14.09.2015)

Supreme Court has directed Centre and State Governments to shut down all children homes run by unregistered NGOs as many of these been found to be eng.....

Tags : Supreme Court,Centre ,State Governments


SC Seeks Reply on Plea Seeking Setting Up of Separate Pay Commission for Judges(15.09.2015)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Centre, State and Registrar General of all high courts on a petition filed by All India Judges Association, seeking.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Centre, State,Registrar General of all high courts


Kerala High Court Seeks Report on Action Taken Against Thachankary(15.09.2015)

Kerala High Court has ordered State Govt. to file report explaining action taken on recommendation by State Police Chief to initiate disciplinary acti.....

Tags : Kerala High Court ,State Govt.


Jammu and Kashmir High Court Issues Notice to J&K on Beef Ban(17.09.2015)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has issued notice to State on a petition challenging constitutional validity of beef ban, asking it to reply within a wee.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court,State


Madhya Pradesh HC Issues Notices on Centre, State and Oil Marketing Firms over LPG Scam(21.09.2015)

Madhya Pradesh HC has issued notices to Central and State Govt. along with three major oil marketing companies, including Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, .....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh HC,Centre, State


Ninth Circuit Sets Fair Use Guideline through YouTube ‘Dancing Baby’ Copyright Ruling(24.09.2015)

On clash over copyright in “dancing baby” case, United States Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco has held that copyright holder mu.....

Tags : nited States Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit, “dancing baby” case


Warner Music Group Loses Copyright over ‘Happy Birthday to You’ Song(24.09.2015)

United States District Court in Los Angeles has held that long claimed copyright on “Happy Birth day to You,“ the most popular tune in the English lan.....

Tags : ‘Happy Birthday to You’ Song,United States District Court,Warner Music Group


Bombay HC Directs State Govt. to Issue Circular for Reducing Weight of School Bags(25.09.2015)

Bombay HC has directed State Government to issue circular to schools, within 4 weeks, for implementation of recommendations on reducing weight of scho.....

Tags : Bombay HC, State Government


Madras HC Orders State Government to Pay Compensation to Village Panchayat(29.09.2015)

Madras HC on PIL filed by a villager of Arkonam Taluk in Vellore District, alleging that K Mani, who was granted licence for quarrying earth in villag.....

Tags : Madras HC ,State Government


Bombay High Court: Conduct Fire Audit of Courts Within 4 Months(30.09.2015)

Bombay High Court has ordered State Government to conduct fire audit in courts in Maharashtra, within a period of 4 months. The court also asked gover.....

Tags : Bombay High Court,State Government


Sikkim High Court Orders Government to Establish Dispensaries in Prison(01.10.2015)

Sikkim High Court has ordered State Government to establish dispensaries in Central Jail at Rongyek in East Sikkim and South district prison at Namchi.....

Tags : Sikkim High Court,State Government


Allahabad HC: Immediately Audit Local Bodies Which Have Not Been Audited Since Long Time(08.10.2015)

Allahabad High Court has ordered State Chief Secretary to immediately order an external audit of local bodies that have not been audited for several y.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court,State Chief Secretary


Gujarat HC Directs Govt. to Asks It Before Making Any Change in New Policy for Gir Sanctuary(08.10.2015)

Gujarat High Court has directed State Government not to make any changes in new policy for Gir Sanctuary, the last abode for Asiatic lions, without it.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court ,State Government


SC Awards US Citizen Rs 2cr Accident Compensation after 27 years of Legal Battle(09.10.2015)

SC has awarded a compensation of around Rs 1.17 crore along with interest of 6% to be paid by Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation whose bus had.....

Tags : SC ,Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation


Calcutta High Court Questions IAS Officer Alapan Bandyopadhyay’s Appointment as SEC(12.10.2015)

Calcutta HC has questioned State Govt’s decision to appoint senior IAS officer Alapan Bandyopadhyay, as the acting State Election Commissioner (SEC) a.....

Tags : Calcutta HC , State Govt, IAS Officer Alapan Bandyopadhyay, State Election Commissioner


Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement reached(05.10.2015)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement between North American countries and those in South-east and Far-east Asia was reached on 5 October, 2015. The.....

Tags : Trans pacific partnership, united states, china, asia, aiib


Allahabad High Court Orders Demolition of Real Estate Projects in Greater Noida(13.10.2015)

Allahabad High Court has ordered demolition of a number of real estate projects launched by major builders including Supertech, Amrapali and Jagat Tar.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court , real estate project, Greater Noida


NGT to Centre and States: Suggest Ways for Implementation of E-Waste Rules(15.10.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed Centre and State Governments to recommend a scheme for effective implementation of E-Waste Rules for enviro.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal ,Centre, State Governments


Bombay HC to State: What Steps Taken to Fill up Vacancies at Women's Commission(15.10.2015)

Bombay High Court on a petition filed by RTI activist Vihar Dhruve, has asked State Government to inform what steps it had taken to fill up vacant pos.....

Tags : Bombay High Court ,State Government


Gauhati HC Serves Notice to State Govt. over Bicycle Scam(16.10.2015)

Gauhati HC while taking cognizance of a complaint of alleged scam in the procurement of women's bicycles by Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam,.....

Tags : Gauhati HC, State Govt.


Madras HC Seeks Report from State over Steps Taken by it for Preservation of Folk Arts(19.10.2015)

Madras HC while taking a serious note of an article published in The Hindu Tamil on pitiable plight of folk artists in State, has directed State Gover.....

Tags : Madras HC , State Government


SC to Centre and States: Why Do Appeals Drag On(19.10.2015)

Supreme Court while taking note of long delays in hearing of appeals by various high courts, has asked Centre and State Governments as to what they pr.....

Tags : Supreme Court , Centre, State Governments


Gujarat HC Seeks Report on Investigation of Patel Quota Agitation Custodial Death Case(20.10.2015)

Gujarat High Court has directed State CID to file a progress report on investigation into custodial death case of a youth in Ahmedabad during Patel co.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State CID


Allahabad HC Directs Counsel to Seek Instructions For Security for Lawyers in Ayodhya Matter(27.10.2015)

Allahabad High Court has ordered counsel for Centre and State to seek instructions on an application alleging that proper security was not being provi.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Centre, State


Patna HC Stays Basic Grade Doctors’ Appointment(28.10.2015)

Patna HC has stayed appointment of basic grade doctors till the next order. The court directed the state to file its reply why it has given permission.....

Tags : Patna HC, state


J&K High Court Denies to Impose Strict Ban on Sale of Liquor in State(30.10.2015)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has said that it cannot direct the state government to impose strict ban on sale of liquor in the state, in view of the c.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, state government


Punjab and Haryana HC Rejects Miner’s PLea on Contract Term(02.11.2015)

Punjab and Haryana HC has rejected plea of mining lease holders from Haryana that period of mining contract should commence after obtaining environmen.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC , Miner, State Government


Bombay HC Orders State Government to Act Against Private Bus Operators(02.11.2015)

Bombay High Court has ordered State Government to take action against private luxury buses and vehicles ferrying passengers in the state thereby causi.....

Tags : Bombay High Court , State Government, Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation,private luxury buses


Gujarat High Court asks SEC to include NOTA in Gujarat Local Body Elections(02.11.2015)

Gujarat High Court has directed State Election Commission (SEC) to include option of NOTA (None Of The Above) in the upcoming local body polls in the .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Election Commission


Kerala High Court Upholds Land Acquisition by KSIDC(04.11.2015)

Kerala High Court while dismissing a batch of appeals has allowed Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) decision to acquire land for.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation


GSFC Books Patent for Gujcon Nylon Products(10.11.2015)

State-run Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd has received a process patent for its Gujcon products range under Nylon-6 that will improve qualit.....

Tags : Gujcon Nylon Products Patent, Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd


Gujarat HC Directs SEC to do NOTA Promotion for Local Body Elections(17.11.2015)

Gujarat High Court has ordered State Election Commission (SEC) to further promote option of None Of The Above or NOTA among voters in coming local bod.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Election Commission , NOTA


Rajasthan HC to State Govt.: Fill Vacancies in Education Department by June 30(19.11.2015)

Rajasthan High Court has ordered State to fill all vacancies in the education department by June 30, 2016 and said that government must give importanc.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court , State Govt.


Kerala HC Notice to Ex-State Finance Minister KM Mani and others over Corruption Case(23.11.2015)

Kerala High Court has served notice to Ex-State Finance Minister KM Mani and others including Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau Director on whether.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Ex-State Finance Minister KM Mani


J&K HC Pulls Up State Against Appointing Relatives as PROs(23.11.2015)

Jammu Kashmir High Court while taking note of ministers appointing their relatives as PROs (Public Relations Officers), has ordered State Government t.....

Tags : Jammu Kashmir High Court, State Government


Hyderabad High Court Denies to Condone Inordinate Delay in Filing Appeal(23.11.2015)

Hyderabad High Court has rejected petition filed by State Government seeking condoning of delay of 800 days in filing an appeal against acquittal of a.....

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, State Government


Gujarat HC Issues Notice to Centre on Pak Woman's Plea on LTV(06.01.2016)

Gujarat HC has issued notice to Ministry of External Affairs, State Government and Panchmahal district SP in response to a petition by a Pakistani wom.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, Ministry of External Affairs, State Government


NGT Orders Surat Collector to Recover Rs 75 Crore from SMC(06.01.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has irked over delay in formulating a concrete action plan for solid waste management in Surat and ordered district coll.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , State Municipal Corporation, Surat Collector


Bombay High Court Comes Hard Over Drink and Drive(08.01.2016)

Bombay HC, while ordering Central and State Governments to adopt zero tolerance policy over cases of drink-driving, has stressed that mere presence of.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Central , State Governments


NGT to All States: Stop Illegal Sand Mining on Riverbeds(08.01.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed all State Governments to ensure that there is no sand mining on the riverbeds being carried without prior e.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , All States, sand mining


Kerala High Court Seeks Govt. Views on Panel for Tribes(08.01.2016)

Kerala High Court has directed Centre and the State Governments to inform court of their views on its suggestion for constitution of a broad-based com.....

Tags : Kerala High Court , Attappady, Centre, State


CCI Rejects Complaint of Unfair Trade Practices Against Aura Real Estate and Waghere Promoters(11.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations of abuse of dominant position made against Aura Real Estate and Waghere Promoters relat.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Waghere Promoters, Aura Real Estate


Punjab and Haryana High Court Issues Notice to State(14.10.2015)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued notice to State, while acting on a petition alleging that the procedure adopted by Haryana Government for rec.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, State


Gujarat High Court Issues Notice to Govt., EC on PIL Alleging Minister’s Fake MBA Degree(14.10.2015)

Gujarat HC has served notices to State Government, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Shankar Chaudhary and Election Commission (EC) on a.....

Tags : Gujarat HC , State Government, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare , Election Commission


Allahabad High Court Permits Appointment, Training of 3,469 Sub-Inspectors(14.10.2015)

Allahabad HC while deciding petition alleging that many candidates from reserved categories have been wrongly adjusted in general, has permitted appoi.....

Tags : Allahabad HC , State


Gujarat High Court Slams State Election Commission(15.10.2015)

Gujarat HC has slammed State Election Commission and said that election commission was for furtherance democracy and not for diluting the process of l.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, State Election Commission


Madras HC Sets Aside Order Disqualifying Panchayat President(14.10.2016)

Madras High Court has set aside an order issued by Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (TNSEC) disqualifying a Panchayat president, on ground that th.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Tamil Nadu State Election Commission


SC Slams Centre for Failure to Prevent Racial Discrimination against Northeast People(19.10.2016)

Supreme Court has slammed Centre for not being able to take enough measures to prevent racial discrimination of people from Northeastern States in Del.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Northeastern States, racial discrimination



Introducing higher standards in tender for renewal not illegal(28.07.2015)

In a case where the Petitioner, a civil contractor, urged that a tender by the government raised standards specifically to exclude him, the Court foun.....

Tags : tender, state, court interference


Opposing an interim injunction does not necessarily constitute submitting a first statement on the substance of the dispute(11.08.2015)

Waiver of a right by a party to enforce the arbitration agreement must be gathered from the facts and circumstances of the case. The Court noted that .....

Tags : arbitration, waive, right, first statement


Bombay HC Orders State to Make Policy During 'Paryushan'(15.12.2015)

Bombay High Court has directed State Government to frame a policy as regards to two-day meat ban and closure of abattoirs during the Jain festival of .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Paryushan, State Government


Madras HC to TN: Set Up High Power Committee to Study Floods(17.12.2015)

Madras HC has ordered notice on a PIL praying for a direction to State Government to constitute a high powered committee to study the factors that led.....

Tags : Madras HC, State Government


SC's Notice to Centre over Plea on Free Food Grains(17.12.2015)

Supreme Court has sought response of Centre and eight drought-hit states on a plea seeking direction to make available free food-grains guaranteed und.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Centre, Free Food Grains , Drought-Hit States


CCI Junks Complaints against Prestige Estates Projects(18.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices made against Bengaluru-based Prestige Estates Projects.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Prestige Estates Projects


Delhi HC Asks SEC to Hold By-Polls to 13 Wards(21.12.2015)

Delhi High Court has directed State Election Commission (SEC) to hold by-elections to vacant seats in 13 municipal wards of Capital by April 30 next.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, State Election Commission


Kerala High Court Upholds Job Quota for Arrack Workers(22.12.2015)

Kerala High Court has upheld a single judge’s directive to State Government to implement a 2002 government order providing 25 per cent of daily wage e.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Government


Gujarat HC Directs State to Appoint 2 Information Commissioners(22.12.2015)

Gujarat HC has directed State Government to appoint two more information commissioners in State Information Commission for speedy disposal of cases an.....

Tags : Gujarat HC , State Government, Right to Information


Punjab & Haryana HC Seeks Government’s Reply to Telcos’ Understated Income(14.12.2016)

Punjab & Haryana HC has sought responses from Government, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology and Comptroller.....

Tags : Punjab & Haryana High Court, telecom companies, Understated Income


Compat: Flat buyers need not apply(26.04.2016)

The Competition Appellate Tribunal affirmed what the Competition Commission has been trying to tell residential flat buyers all along - builders canno.....

Tags : compat, real estate, dominant position


“No Brokerage Policy” not anti-competitive conduct(03.05.2016)

The Commission dismissed a complaint by the Confederation of Real Estate Brokers’ Association of India against the “No Brokerage Policy” advertised on.....

Tags : Real estate, internet portal, brokerage


Gujarat High Court Put Ban on Chinese Lantern(23.12.2015)

Gujarat HC has directed State Government to ban manufacturing and sale of Chinese lantern within three days as the lanterns are not only dangerous, .....

Tags : Gujarat HC , State Government


J&K HC Directs State Government to Hoist State Flag on Buildings of Constitutional Authorities(28.12.2015)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has directed the state govt. to hoist state flag on official buildings and vehicles of constitutional authorities in adhe.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, &K Prevention of Insult to State Honour Act, 1979


J&K High Court Stays Order to Hoist State Flag on Buildings(04.01.2016)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has stayed a single judge order asking Jammu and Kashmir Government to hoist State flag on all its buildings and flagpole.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir Hi, gh Court , hoist State flag


SC Orders Centre, Drought-Hit States to Come Up with Relief Plan within 10 Days(05.01.2016)

Supreme Court has directed Centre and eight states to respond within ten days on steps taken by them to provide free foodgrains and employment under M.....

Tags : Supreme Court , Centre , Drought-Hit States


SC to Gujarat Govt.: Make Functional Cooperative Tribunal(05.01.2016)

SC has directed Gujarat Govt. to make functional Gujarat State Cooperative Tribunal by filling up the vacant posts including that of judicial members......

Tags : SC, Gujarat State Cooperative Tribunal


Supreme Court Rules, Income from Palace Rents Not Taxable Under IT Law(06.12.2016)

Supreme Court has held that income earned by erstwhile rulers of a princely state or their heirs by renting out a portion of residential palace was no.....

Tags : Supreme Court, erstwhile rulers, princely state, residential palace, Income Tax


Demolition in Prez estate: Delhi HC Questions Centre, AAP Govt & Cops(12.12.2016)

Delhi HC has questioned the demolition of a slum dwelling, allegedly located in the precincts of the Presidential Estate for the past 40 years, and so.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Demolition, Prez estate


Once option is given, same cannot be withdrawn, notwithstanding this clause, employees had a right to withdraw offer during validity period but not thereafter(29.08.2016)

Appellant Corporation obtained permission for winding up of appellant’s Corporation due to losses. Considering closure of Corporation, a Scheme called.....

Tags : Voluntary Retirement, Reinstatement, Validity


Karnataka HC Issues Notice on Exemption of Speed Governors for Some Transport Vehicles(26.11.2015)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to State Government on a PIL petition questioning exemption given by the Union government to vehicle manufactur.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, State Government


Gujarat HC to SEC: Make Poll Affidavits Available Online(01.12.2015)

Gujarat High Court has directed State Election Commission (SEC) to upload all the poll affidavits of candidates contesting local body polls within the.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Election Commission


Bombay HC to Govt.: Encourage Village Youth to Take Up Farming(07.12.2015)

Bombay High Court has suggested to State Government to encourage young people in villages to entirely or partially take up farming, instead of taking .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Government


Karnataka HC Asks KSLSA to Compensate Father of Deceased Daughter who Died Following Dowry Demand(07.12.2015)

Karnataka HC has directed Karnataka State Legal Services Authority (KSLSA) to take appropriate steps to award suitable compensation payable to father .....

Tags : Karnataka HC, Karnataka State Legal Services Authority


CIC: Records of Loans to Adani Groups Cannot be Disclosed under RTI(28.11.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that records related to loans given to industries promoted by Gautam Adani cannot be disclosed as these .....

Tags : Central Information Commission, Gautam Adani , State Bank of India , Loans


Bombay HC Directs State Government to Make SPCA Functional Within Two Weeks(02.12.2016)

Bombay High Court has said that State Police Complaints Authority (SPCA) should start functioning in two weeks.

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Police Complaints Authority


Karnataka High Court Summons Vijay Mallya in Contempt Case(05.12.2016)

Karnataka High Court has ordered Businessman Vijay Mallya to appear before Court on 19 January for charges to be framed in a contempt case filed by pu.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Vijay Mallya, State Bank of India


Commercial matters to not be kept lingering in no-contest(07.09.2015)

The Delhi High Court allowed a trade mark suit in favour of international food chain, ‘Burger King’ despite the Defendant’s non-cooperation. Arising f.....

Tags : Trade mark, summons, written statement, ex parte


Effect of mis-representation on contract is same as that of non-disclosure; it affords ground for avoiding contract to aggrieved party(20.10.2016)

In facts of present case, Husband of complainant obtained an insurance policy namely Money Plus Plan from Petitioner corporation, insuring his life to.....

Tags : Contract, False Statement, Repudiation


If there is calculated effort to undermine judiciary, Courts will exercise jurisdiction to punish offender for contempt(21.10.2016)

Appellants were found guilty of committing contempt by High Court of Rajasthan. Simple imprisonment of two months and fine was imposed. Aggrieved by s.....

Tags : Derogatory statements, Contempt, Penalty


Court shall pronounce judgment where a party failed to present written statement within time permitted or fixed by Court(14.12.2016)

Plaintiff has filed present appeal impugning an order passed by d Joint Registrar whereby applications filed by Defendants for seeking permission to f.....

Tags : Written Statement, Filing, Time period


Gujarat HC Issues Notice to State over Entry Tax on Goods Bought through E-Commerce Portals(29.04.2016)

Gujarat HC has issued a notice to State Government on a petition filed by online retail major Flipkart against entry tax in State on goods bought thro.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, State Government


Real Estate Bill Becomes Act Now(02.05.2016)

Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2016 has became an act on May 1.

Tags : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2016


SC Issues Notice to Centre, States on Uploading of FIRs within 24 Hours(03.05.2016)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Central and all State Governments on a PIL seeking direction that "each and every" FIR on the official website of p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Central , State Governments


CCI Dismisses Allegations Against Real Estate Websites(05.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations that five real estate websites, including Housing.com and Magicbricks.com, abused thei.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Real Estate Websites


Gujarat High Court Says No to ‘Experience Norm’ For Judicial Services(17.03.2017)

Gujarat High Court has set aside a provision of State Judicial Service Rules which requires five years experience for candidates working with legal de.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Judicial Service Rules


Bombay HC Seeks Details of Children in State Prisons(24.03.2017)

Bombay High Court has asked State to reply on how many children are there in its 32 prisons and how much amount has been spent to establish anganwadis.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, children, state prison


P&H High Court Directs State to Pay Rs 589.2 Crore to State Warehousing Corporation For Pension(27.03.2017)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has asked Punjab Government to pay Rs 589.2 crore to State Warehousing Corporation that has failed to clear pension dues.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, State Warehousing Corporation


Kerala High Court Dismisses Plea Challenging Bank Merger(27.03.2017)

Kerala High Court has dismissed a batch of Public Interest Petitions challenging decision of State Bank of India (SBI) to acquire State Bank of Travan.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Bank of India


Mere non-supply of the inquiry report does not automatically warrant reinstatement of the delinquent employee(10.11.2017)

The Respondent was appointed as a driver with the Appellants-Road Transport Corporation. On 27th October, 1995 while driving a vehicle on Karnal-Harid.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Validity


State has no power to legislate in respect of denatured alcohol which is incapable of human consumption(13.12.2017)

The Petitioners are manufacturers of denatured spirit and have obtained a license for manufacturing under the Rules. The Petitioners claim that they h.....

Tags : Denatured spirit, Regulation, Power of state


Supervisory jurisdiction conferred on High Court is confined only to see whether an inferior Court or tribunal has proceeded within parameters of its jurisdiction(15.12.2017)

The present appeal arises from a judgment of the High Court by which an order of the trial Court allowing an application filed by the Appellant for am.....

Tags : Written Statement, Amendment, Validity


NGT Raps DSIIDC Over Functioning of CETPs in Okhala and Lawrence Road(31.07.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has rapped Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (DSIIDC) over functioning of common eff.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd


Patna High Court Raps Bar Council for 'Boycott' Call(31.07.2015)

Patna high court observed that the State Bar Council showed its double standards by giving a call to lawyers across the state for abstaining from cour.....

Tags : Patna High Court, State Bar Council, Boycott


NGT Issues Bailable Warrants against State Representatives(19.08.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued bailable warrants of Rs 10,000 each against Resident Commissioners of States Gujarat, Karnataka, Manipur, Miz.....

Tags : NGT, States, UTs


CBDT: Now File Statement of Financial Transaction at Tin Facilitating Centers(02.06.2017)

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has enabled filing of Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT) at Tin Facilitating Centers (TIN-FC).

Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Statement of Financial Transaction, Tin Facilitating Centers


Road to GST: 24 States Pass State GST Bill While 7 Yet to Pass(07.06.2017)

Twenty Four States have passed State GST (SGST) Bill till 5th June, 2017 while 7 States viz. Meghalaya, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Jammu &.....

Tags : State GST (SGST) Bill


Kerala HC: Priests/Nuns Too Have Rights of Intestate/ Testamentary Succession of Property(09.06.2017)

Kerala High Court has ruled that a person cannot be denied his/her property rights on the mere fact of being a priest or nun.

Tags : Kerala High Court, Rights of Intestate


Assam Govt Issues Guidelines for Enrolment of GST Practitioners(12.06.2017)

Assam State Government has issued a memo containing guidelines for enrolment of GST practitioners. As per the rules, portal for enrolment of GST pract.....

Tags : Assam State Government, GST


Mazahar to not be treated as previous statement unless versions exist(08.12.2015)

Video recordings made by investigating officer during preparation of scene mahazar cannot be used as a previous statement under Sections 145 and 155 o.....

Tags : Mazahar, video, previous statement


Regularization by management gives no right to retrenched employee to claim re-employment(02.01.2019)

Present appeal is directed against the final judgment passed by the High Court whereby the Division Bench of the High Court dismissed the appeal filed.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Back wages, Validity


Bombay HC: Apply FSSAI Circular on Duty-Free Shops(01.09.2016)

Bombay HC has directed Centre and State Government to ensure the implementation of the recent Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) cir.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Centre, State Government, FSSAI


Bombay HC: Can Police Provide Number to Report Traffic Violations?(02.09.2016)

Bombay HC has sought information from State Government on whether it is possible to introduce a software for automatic registration of complaints agai.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Traffic Violations, State Government


SC Denies to Take Fresh Plea on Police Reforms(06.09.2016)

SC has refused to entertain a plea seeking a direction to the Centre, State Governments and the Law Commission for implementation of police reforms an.....

Tags : SC, Centre, State Governments, Police Reforms


SC asks All States, UTs to Upload FIRs on Websites within 24 Hours(07.09.2016)

SC has directed all States and Union Territories to upload the FIRs on their websites within 24 hours of registration at police stations.

Tags : SC , States, Union Territories, FIRs


United States Supreme Court Explains Trademark Registration(11.07.2017)

United States Supreme Court, while explaining trademark registration has observed that principle underlying trademark protection is that distinctive m.....

Tags : United States Supreme Court, trademark


Government: RERA Applies to All Incomplete Projects(11.07.2017)

Government has made it clear that developers can claim exemption from Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act only if work on their apartment or .....

Tags : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act


Karnataka Notifies RERA, Builders to Disclose Size of Apartment Based on Carpet Area(11.07.2017)

Karnataka government has notified Real Estate Regulatory (Regulation and Development) Act making it mandatory for all the builders to register with th.....

Tags : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act


To classify a person employed in an industry as a workman, not only nature of work performed but also terms of appointment in job performed are relevant considerations(18.04.2019)

The Petitioner-Trust has challenged concurrent orders passed by the Labour Court and Industrial Court by filing the present writ petition. It is claim.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Validity


Existence of a sufficient cause for permitting Defendant to file written statement is imperative for granting extension of time(10.10.2019)

Present petition under Article 227 of Constitution of India, 1950 takes exception to an order passed by the learned Judge, whereby the learned Judge a.....

Tags : Written statement, Filing of, Delay


Written statement is not liable to be struck off the record, if sufficient cause is shown for delay(20.03.2020)

Present is an application filed by the Plaintiffs under Order VIII Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 [CPC] for a direction that, the written.....

Tags : Written statement, Filing, Delay


SC Asks Govt, States: How to Stop Criminal-Politician Nexus(21.09.2015)

SC while taking plea filed against Allahabad HC order constituting committee of eminent persons to suggest ways to check criminalization of politics, .....

Tags : SC,Centre, State


Bombay HC to Govt.: Not to Act on Circular Defining Guideline for Cops to Book People Under Sedition(23.09.2015)

Bombay HC has stayed State Govt’s circular defining guidelines for police to book people under sedition charges. The issue raised during hearing of PI.....

Tags : Bombay HC , State Govt


NGT Issues Notice over Unauthorized Structures on Green Belt in Gaziabad(24.09.2015)

NGT on plea seeking demolition of unauthorized structures located on green belts in Gaziabad, has issued notice to Ministry of Environment and Forests.....

Tags : NGT ,Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), UP Govt., Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA), UP State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC)


Madras HC Directs State to Appoint Chairman of Tamil Nadu Private Schools Fee Determination Committee(04.10.2016)

Madras HC has directed the State Government to fill within four weeks the post of Chairman, Tamil Nadu Private Schools Fee Determination Committee, af.....

Tags : Madras HC, State Government


Madras HC Cancels Civic Polls Notification(05.10.2016)

Madras HC has set aside notification for civic polls issued by Tamil Nadu State Election Commission and directed Commission to issue fresh notificatio.....

Tags : Madras HC, Tamil Nadu State Election Commission


Washington State Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Seattle’s Gun Tax(11.08.2017)

Washington State Supreme Court, while upholding Seattle’s tax on gun and ammunition sales, has ruled 8-1 to affirm a previous decision by King County .....

Tags : Washington State Supreme Court, Seattle’s Gun Tax


In case of reinstatement, payment of back wages is not a matter of right(29.06.2020)

Present are two petitions arising out of the impugned award passed by the Presiding Officer, Labour Court by which the Workman was reinstated into ser.....

Tags : Past conduct, Reinstatement, Legality


Allottees of real estate projects are "financial creditors" and may trigger the IBC against the real estate developer(09.08.2019)

Writ petitions have been filed in present Court to challenge the constitutional validity of amendments made to the Code, pursuant to a report prepared.....

Tags : Allottees, Real estate projects, Amendment


Gujarat HC Allows Inquiry Against Ex-DGP Sreekumar in 2002 Gujarat Riots Case(07.09.2015)

Gujarat High Court has allowed State Government to initiate a departmental inquiry, pending since 2005, against former director general of police (DGP.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court,State Government


NGT Seeks Pollution Report on All Hotels from OSPCB(07.09.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has asked Orissa State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) and Chief Secretary to take stock of pollution level at all hotel.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal,Orissa State Pollution Control Board


SC Rejects Plea Seeking Directions to Appoint Teachers and Build Schools as per RTE Act(07.09.2015)

SC while rejecting a plea seeking directions to Centre and States to appoint teachers and build schools as per Right to Education Act, has said that i.....

Tags : SC ,Centre, States


Bombay HC: Water is for All, No Region Can Claim Right over It(26.09.2016)

Bombay HC has directed State Government to formulate a State Water Resources plan within six weeks and asked them to frame an integrated water plan to.....

Tags : Bombay HC, State Water Resources


Hyderabad HC Nods for Telangana Govt.'s Egg Scheme(27.09.2016)

Hyderabad HC has upheld the decision of the Telangana State that made it mandatory for poultry farms to obtain National Egg Coordination Committee Cer.....

Tags : Hyderabad HC , Telangana State, National Egg Coordination Committee Certification


Bombay HC: Tenant Occupying Premises Before Enactment of Public Premises Act to be Ruled by State Act(26.07.2017)

Bombay High Court has observed that such persons who are in occupation prior to premises belonging to or taken on lease by government companies and co.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Rent Control Act


Bombay HC: Tenant Occupying Premises Before Enactment of Public Premises Act to be Ruled by State Act(26.07.2017)

Bombay High Court has observed that such persons who are in occupation prior to premises belonging to or taken on lease by government companies and co.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Rent Control Act


Where the negligence of the State authorities is clear from the record, appropriate compensation to the family of the victims is to be awarded(24.08.2020)

Present writ petition is filed by the Petitioners who are the legal heirs of Late Sh. Manish (aged 23 years) who lost his life on 31st August, 2014 as.....

Tags : Negligence, State authorities, Compensation


Copies of correspondence which are confidential shall not be granted, except under the orders of the Court(02.11.2020)

Appeal was against impugned order denying issuance of Copies of the statements under Section 108 of Customs Act, 1962 on basis that the statements wer.....

Tags : Statements, Copies, Denial


Bombay HC to State: Ensure Implementation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act in State(23.06.2016)

Bombay High Court has told State Government to ensure proper implementation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and to see to it that no event.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Government


Madras HC: State is Not Responsible for Man’s Suicide over School Fees(27.06.2016)

Madras HC has dismissed appeal filed by a woman seeking compensation from State Government for death of her husband who committed suicide after killin.....

Tags : Madras HC , State Government


Bombay HC Irks over State Government on Wetlands Issue(28.06.2016)

Bombay HC has irked over State Govt. for seeking modification of its March 2013 order which banned construction and reclamation on wetlands.

Tags : Bombay HC , State Govt.


Maharashtra CIC Directs State Government to Maintain E-register of RTI Applications, Disposal(18.04.2017)

Maharashtra State Chief Information Commissioner has directed Chief Secretary of Government of Maharashtra to maintain an e-register with details of a.....

Tags : Maharashtra State Chief Information Commissioner


Punjab and Haryana HC Dismisses Plea By Hotel, Restaurant Owners on Renaming of State Highways(19.04.2017)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has dismissed a plea by seven hotel and restaurant owners challenging UT Administration’s decision to not rename Madhya .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, State Highways, Liquor Ban


Government Notifies Remaining Sections of RERA, Act Shall Come into Full Force From May 1, 2017(20.04.2017)

Central Government has issued a notification announcing that sections 3-19, 40, 59-70, 79 and 80 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016.....

Tags : Central Government, Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016,


Kerala High Court Asks Over 400 KSRTC Employees to Rejoin Duty in 45 Days(05.06.2018)

Kerala High Court has directed over 400 workers of the State Road Transport Corporation, who have availed a long leave and taken up jobs abroad, to re.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Road Transport Corporation


Consumer fora has no jurisdiction to accept the written statement beyond the period of 45 days(11.02.2021)

The Petitioners have preferred the present special leave petition against the impugned order passed by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commis.....

Tags : Written statement, Delay, Condonation


State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex and place of birth or any of them(28.05.2021)

The Union Government for safeguarding the Minorities had set up a National Commission for Minorities under the National Commission for Minorities Act,.....

Tags : State Minority Commission, Sub-classification of minorities


Karnataka HC Directs Grant of Liquor Licence to Bangalore Club(06.11.2015)

Karnataka HC has directed State Government to consider renewal of its CL-4 licence (liquor vending permit for clubs), as an interim measure, while sta.....

Tags : Karnataka HC , State Government, Liquor Licence


Punjab and Haryana HC Asks State Government to Investigate into Embezzlement of Student’s Fund(21.11.2016)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has asked Haryana Government to investigate into funds meant for four lakh students being embezzled from State's Educati.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, State's Education Department


Karnataka HC Dismisses Plea Challenging Election of Malavalli MLA(21.11.2016)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed a petition that questioned election of P.M. Narendraswamy of Congress to State Legislative Assembly from Malavalli .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Congress, State Legislative Assembly, Malavalli constituency


Supreme Court to Government: Do State Panel for Women Really Exist?(23.10.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Centre if State Commissions for Women (SCW) actually exist across the country, as it dealt with the issue of precarious condi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Commissions for Women


Delhi HC: Transfer of Hospitals Under Employees State Insurance Corporation To State Govt. Illegal(23.10.2017)

Delhi High Court has declared as “illegal” the transfer of hospitals and medical colleges under Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) to State.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Employees State Insurance Corporation


Supreme Court to Unitech: Deposit Rs. 750 Crore by December(31.10.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Unitech to deposit Rs. 750 crore by December to secure bail for its director Sanjay Chandra, who is in jail in a case of al.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Unitech, real estate


SC Invalidates MP State Bar Council Election to the Post of Representative to BCI(26.11.2018)

Supreme Court has upheld Madhya Pradesh High Court order that invalidated the election conducted by the State Bar Council in 2014 to the post of repre.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India, MP State Bar Council Election


Extension of limitation will not be applicable in circumstances where the Defendant was not prevented from filing written statement(17.12.2021)

Present order will dispose of the application filed by the Defendants under Order VIII Rule 1 read with Section 151 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (.....

Tags : Delay, Condonation, Written statement


Reinstatement with full back wages is not automatic in every case of unlawful termination/ dismissal(20.09.2021)

The present appeal has been preferred by the Appellant-Bank against the order passed by High Court quashing the Industrial Tribunal’s order of directi.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Compensation


Every student with disability cannot be expelled without giving further opportunity to attain necessary levels(16.02.2018)

The Petitioner, a physically-disabled student enrolled in M.Sc. Mathematics in Respondent No. 1- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in academic yea.....

Tags : Reservation, Reinstatement, Grant


Where the inquiry is found to be defective, the employer can lead evidence before the authority to prove misconduct(08.12.2021)

The order passed by the High Court is the subject matter of challenge in the present appeal at the instance of the employer whereby the order passed b.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Legality


Apple Books Patent on Two Techniques, Tip Self-Healing Tech, Dual Rear Cameras in Future iPhone(11.01.2016)

Apple has been granted two new patents by United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for "Automated Maintenance of an Electronic Device" and fo.....

Tags : Apple, United States Patent and Trademark Office


Karnataka HC Issues Notice to State on Appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries(12.01.2016)

Karnataka HC has ordered issue of notice to State Government on a PIL questioning appointing of 10 MLAs and one MLC as Parliamentary Secretaries and g.....

Tags : Karnataka HC, State Government


NGT Issues Notice to All States over Plea to Ban Cattle Slaughter(12.01.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has sought response from all State Governments on a plea filed by a lawyer seeking nationwide ban on slaughter of indige.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , State Governments , Cattle Slaughter


Gujarat HC Issues Notices on State Government Authorities(12.01.2016)

Gujarat High Court has issued notices to various State Government Authorities while hearing a PIL seeking a directive on the issue of school children .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Government Authorities


NGT Disposes Plea Against Running of Inter-State Diesel Taxis(13.01.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has disposed of petitions which alleged that diesel powered inter-state taxis operating in Delhi were violating Supreme .....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , Inter-State Diesel Taxis


Delhi Govt. to State and Centre Entities Operating in Delhi: File VAT Returns(14.01.2016)

Delhi Government has issued a notification asking all entities of the State and Centre having offices in Delhi to furnish an online quarterly return o.....

Tags : Delhi Government, State , Centre


Involuntary Statement Leading to Recovery has No Evidentiary Value: SC(15.01.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that there is no evidentiary value to an involuntary confessional statement made under undue pressure and compulsion from t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Involuntary Statement Leading to Recovery


Reinstatement cannot flow as a matter of right, when acquittal is not an honourable acquittal(10.02.2022)

The present petition has been filed assailing the order of the Respondent, whereby the Petitioner was dismissed from service under Rule 19(i) of the C.....

Tags : Acquittal, Reinstatement, Entitlement


Resignation would be effective on its acceptance, even if the acceptance is not communicated(02.05.2022)

By present writ petition, the Petitioners i.e. the Management and the School have challenged judgment, passed by the School Tribunal, whereby oral ter.....

Tags : Direction, Reinstatement, Legality


P&H High Court: No Preference in Jobs for TET-2011 Candidates(22.02.2016)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has made it clear that candidates for master cadre cannot seek preference on ground that they passed Punjab State Teache.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Punjab State Teachers Eligibility Test


NGT Calls Meeting for Deciding Noise Standards(23.02.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Pune has called a meeting and said that it will preside over a consultative process on March 21, involving senior tra.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Central, State Governments


J&K HC Stays State’s Order over Mandatory Use of Aadhaar Card(25.02.2016)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has stayed State Government’s order which made use of Aadhaar card compulsory for availing any government benefit, includin.....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir High Court, State Government


COMMERCIAL - 120 Days Deadline to File Written Statement in Commercial Suits is Mandatory: SC(19.02.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that proviso added to Code of Civil Procedure by Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Act, 2015, is mandatory and n.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Commercial Courts, Written Statement


COMMERCIAL - Deadline of 120 Days to File Written Statement in Commercial Suits is Mandatory: SC(19.02.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that proviso added to Code of Civil Procedure by Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Act, 2015, is mandatory and n.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Commercial Courts, Written Statement


CIVIL - SC Pulls Up Governments for ‘Pathetic’ State of Court Infrastructure(20.02.2019)

Supreme Court has blamed decades-old apathy of Centre and state governments for “unimaginably pathetic” condition of court buildings and lack of adequ.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pathetic State of Court Infrastructure


Award granting reinstatement should not be passed in the cases of daily rated employees(06.06.2022)

Present petition, filed under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, 1950 challenges the award passed by the Labour Court. The learned advocate for.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Validity


Tribunal has power under Section 11A of ID Act to interfere with the punishment inflicted on an employee by the Management(12.09.2022)

The Petitioner in the present Writ Petition is aggrieved by the Award passed by the Presiding Officer. Vide the impugned Award, the learned Industrial.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Workman, Legality


Rajya Sabha Passes Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015(11.03.2016)

Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015, which intends to protect home buyers, bring in transparency and plug the flow of unaccounted mone.....

Tags : Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015


Parliament Approves The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2013(16.03.2016)

The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2013, has been approved by Parliament.

Tags : The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2013


HP High Court Asks Centre and State to Take Steps To Check Misuse Of Drugs(16.03.2016)

HP High Court has rapped Central and State Government authorities on misuse of oxytocin and directed for measures to regulate manufacture, import and .....

Tags : HP High Court, Centre, State


Chhattisgarh HC Issues Notice to State over Property Tax Hike(21.03.2016)

Chhattisgarh HC has issued notices to State Government, Urban Administration Department and Commissioner Bislaspur Municipal Corporation over hike in .....

Tags : Chhattisgarh HC , State Government


Bombay High Court Refuses Relief to Govt Employee in Bribery Case(07.03.2017)

Bombay High Court has refused to grant relief to a MSEDCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd) employee who was charged with accep.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd


Bombay High Court: State Doesn’t Seem To Value Human Rights Panel(14.03.2017)

Bombay High Court has said that State Government does not seem to care about State Human Rights Commission despite rise in instances of human rights v.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Human Rights Commission


CIVIL - Obligation of State to Procure Land for New Court Complex: Bombay HC(07.03.2019)

Bombay High Court has directed Maharashtra Government to submit proposals for the allotment of suitable land to host a new modernised High Court build.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Obligation of State to Procure Land for New Court Complex


Right to freedom of speech and expression is not an unfettered right under which defamatory statements can be made to tarnish the reputation of person(27.09.2022)

The present suit has been filed on behalf of the Plaintiff seeking relief of permanent injunction and damages against the Defendants on account of def.....

Tags : Defamatory statements, Injunction, Grant


Bombay HC to State, Pollution Board and BMC: Report Feasibility of Implementing Odd-Even Plan(18.01.2016)

Bombay High Court has issued notices to State Government, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) to report f.....

Tags : Bombay High Court , State Government, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board , Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation


Bombay HC Seeks Reply from State over Vehicular Parking under Flyovers(18.01.2016)

Bombay High Court has sought an explanation from State Government as to why vehicular parking is being allowed beneath flyovers in Mumbai despite its .....

Tags : Bombay High Court , State Government


Bombay High Court Irks over State for Not Demolishing Illegal Shrines(21.01.2016)

Bombay High Court has irked over State Government, as not even 10 per cent of illegal religious shrines have been demolished in three months and aske.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Government, illegal religious shrines


SEBI Notifies New Norms for Issue of REITs(20.12.2016)

SEBI has notified detailed guidelines for public issuance of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) including allocation of units to institutional inve.....

Tags : SEBI, Real Estate Investment Trusts


Madras HC Seeks Reason to Abolish Puducherry State Information Commission(21.12.2016)

Madras High Court has asked that under what circumstances did Centre has decided to abolish State Information Commission in Union Territory of Puduche.....

Tags : Madras High Court, State Information Commission, Puducherry


Supreme Court: State Legislature Cannot Enact Law Providing Direct Appeal to Apex Court(16.10.2019)

Supreme Court has ruled that a State Legislature cannot enact a law providing an appeal directly to the Apex Court of India. The Court struck down Sec.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Legislature


Bombay HC: Harness Whatsapp to receive child rights complaints(02.05.2016)

Hearing a PIL for women lawyers being given priority appointments as Special Public Prosecutors under the Protection of Child Rights Act, the Bombay H.....

Tags : child rights, state commission, special public prosecutor


Interim orders are always subject to the final decision(12.12.2022)

The employee – workman has preferred the present appeal feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with impugned judgment passed by the High Court by which, t.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Wages, Entitlement


In the absence of any notification under Section 10 of the CLRA Act and in the absence of any findings that the contract was sham, High Court cannot direct reinstatement(05.12.2022)

The principal employer – Kirloskar Brothers Limited has preferred the present appeals feeling aggrieved and dissatisfied with the impugned judgment an.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Legality


Judicial review is not akin to adjudication of the case on merits, unless the court finds that the findings recorded are based on no evidence(16.12.2022)

Present appeal, which has been preferred by Central Industrial Security Force and two others, takes exception to the judgment in Special Civil Applica.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, Legality


Allahabad HC Seeks Govt.’s Reply on Police Constables Recruitment Policy(28.01.2016)

Allahabad High Court has issued notice to Advocate General and also directed State Government to file its reply to writ petition challenging new rules.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court , State Government


Delhi HC for Bye- Elections in 13 MCD Wards Within 3 Months(29.01.2016)

Delhi High Court has directed State Election Commission to hold bye-elections within three months in 13 municipal wards of Delhi.

Tags : Delhi High Court , State Election Commission


SC Pulls Up States for Not Implementing MGNREGA and Other Schemes(01.02.2016)

SC has pulled up certain States for not implementing welfare legislation National Food Security Act, saying that why a state like Gujarat is not imple.....

Tags : SC , States


Govt. Amends Employees Insurance Norms to Increase Wage Ceiling From Rs 15,000 to Rs 21,000 P/M(05.01.2017)

Ministry of Labour and Employment has notified amendments to Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950 to increase wage ceiling from INR 15,000.....

Tags : Ministry of Labour and Employment, Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950


Karnataka High Court Rejects Bail Plea of IS Suspect Masroor Biswas(09.01.2017)

Karnataka High Court has refused to grant bail to Mehdi Masroor Biswas, a Bengaluru-based techie, who was arrested on charge of promoting and supporti.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Islamic State, Twitter


Consumer Courts Not Meant For Enriching Consumers: Delhi State Commission(05.12.2017)

Delhi State Consumer Commission had held that Consumer Courts are not meant for enriching the consumers.

Tags : Consumer Courts, Delhi State Commission


Supreme Court: No Ban on Filing Counter-Claim after Filing Written Statement(20.11.2019)

Supreme Court has ruled that a Court can exercise its discretion and permit the filing of a counter claim after the written statement till the stage o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Written Statement


Every allegation of fact in the plaint, if not denied in the written statement shall be taken to be admitted by the Defendant(04.03.2024)

The issue under consideration in the present appeal is regarding genuineness of the Will dated 9th October, 1984, which is a registered document, exec.....

Tags : Written statement, Specific admission, Admission


Time limit for filing the written statement is only directory and not mandatoryin non- commercial suits(10.04.2024)

The present petition assails the impugned orders passed by Trial Courtwhereby the learned trial court did not take on record the written statement of .....

Tags : Written Statement, Time limit, Extension


SC to State Bar Councils: Complete Lawyers’ Verification by June 30(18.05.2016)

Supreme Court has asked all state bar councils to make an effort to conclude verification of all advocates registered with them by June 30.

Tags : Supreme Court , State Bar Councils


SERVICE - Bombay High Court Orders Reinstatement Of HIV+ve Man As Coast Guard(25.03.2019)

After 14-years, Bombay HC has ordered reinstatement of an HIV positive man who was invalidly discharged on being diagnosed with HIV and tuberculosis.

Tags : Bombay High Court, Reinstatement, HIV


SERVICE - Madras HC Directs Reinstatement of Teacher Terminated 22 Years Ago(25.03.2019)

Madras High Court has came to the rescue of a 40-year-old secondary grade teacher whose services were terminated 22 years ago on the ground that her d.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Reinstatement


CIVIL - SC to TN Govt.: Ensure There is no Defacement of Public Places With Political Slogans And Photos(27.03.2019)

Supreme Court has directed State of Tamil Nadu to take all necessary steps to ensure that there is no defacement/disfigurement of any public places by.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State of Tamil Nadu


National Company Law Appellate Tribunal Orders Reverse Real Estate Insolvency Process(12.02.2020)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has passed an order for a reverse insolvency process, which could set a template for stressed real estate proj.....

Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Reverse Real Estate Insolvency Process


SC: HC Cannot Quash Criminal Proceedings on Basis of its Assessment of Statements u/s 161 CrPC(12.02.2020)

Supreme Court has held that criminal proceedings cannot be quashed on the basis of statements recorded before Police officials in terms of Section 161.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Criminal Proceeding on Basis of Statements u/s 161 CrPC


SC Directs Madhya Pradesh HC to Reinstate Woman Judge Who Made Sexual Harassment Allegations(13.02.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the Madhya Pradesh High Court to consider reinstating a woman judge, claiming only her seniority to be maintained, who had .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Madhya Pradesh High Court, Reinstatement of Woman Judge


Writ Court while exercising the power of judicial review may interfere, if order has been passed by an incompetent authority or without following the principles of natural justice(30.07.2024)

Writ petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, praying to issue a writ of Certiorarified Mandamus, calling for the records pertai.....

Tags : Award, Reinstatement claim, Entitlement


Appointments on compassionate ground cannot be allowed to be retained, when position is obtained by fraud(01.08.2024)

In facts pf present case, Respondent-employees were appointed on compassionate ground with the Engineering Department, Eastern Railway. The disciplina.....

Tags : Reinstatement, Direction, legality


Statement of a person recorded by officers of NCB or CBN after arrest of such person is inadmissible in evidence(10.10.2017)

The instant appeal has been preferred by the accused Appellant being aggrieved of the judgment passed by the learned Special Judge, whereby, the Appel.....

Tags : Conviction, Statement, Admissibility


CCI inundated by real estate complaints(29.03.2016)

The Competition Commission of India has over the past few months been inundated by read»

CCI dismisses complaint against DLF(04.01.2016)

The Competition Commission of India dismissed a complaint against DLF Universal Limited, a real estate company of national renown, for abusing its dom.....

Tags : Dominant position, real estate, gurgaon, dlf


Delhi State Commission for Consumer Disputes Orders Rs 3 Lakh Compensation For Baggage Loss(27.03.2017)

Delhi State Commission for Consumer Disputes has said that no amount of monetary compensation can pay for harassment and agony a flyer goes through du.....

Tags : Delhi State Commission for Consumer Disputes, Baggage Loss


Bombay High Court: Courts While Acting in Administrative Capacity Are “State” Within Art. 12(08.05.2018)

Bombay High Court has held Courts, while dealing with their employees or acting in other matters purely in administrative capacity, fall within the de.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State


CRIMINAL - IS recruit Areeb Majeed Can Get Call Records: Bombay High Court(28.03.2019)

Bombay High Court has allowed alleged Islamic State recruit Areeb Majeed’s application seeking call data records of the conversations between his fath.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Areeb Majeed, National Investigation Agency, Turkey, Islamic State


RBI Releases First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20(04.04.2019)

Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced its resolution under first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2019-.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20


Madras HC Cautions MK Stalin Against Linking CM to Kodanad Case(05.04.2019)

Madras High Court has cautioned DMK president MK Stalin that it will be constrained to vacate an interim stay order on defamation proceedings against .....

Tags : Madras High Court, MK Stalin, Edappadi K Palaniswami, Kodanad Estate murder-cum-robbery case


Rajasthan HC Seeks Report from State Government on Welfare Measures for Inter-State Workers(01.04.2020)

Rajasthan High Court has issued notice to the State Government and directed them to file a status report regarding measures taken by the Government to.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Welfare Measures for Inter-State Workers


Casual workers covered under Employees State Insurance Act, 1948(29.02.2016)

The Supreme Court rejected submissions of the Royal Western India Turf Club Ltd. that casual workers employed by it were outside the ambit of the Empl.....

Tags : state insurance, employee, contribution


State financial corporation's rights impeded by right of workers to wages in insolvency(07.08.2015)

The right of a state financial corporation under Section 29 of the State Financial Corporations Act, 1959 is subject to rights of workers of the compa.....

Tags : state financial corporation, liquidation, rights


Law presumes that, every person committing an offence is sane and liable for his acts, though in specified circumstances, it may be rebuttable(02.07.2018)

The Appellant assails his conviction under Section 302 and 324 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC), rejecting his defence that he was of unsound mind.....

Tags : Conviction, Mental state, Benefit of doubt


Bombay HC Issues Notice to Govt. for Hiking E-Tender Limit(29.07.2016)

Bombay HC has directed issuance of notice to State Government for increase in the e-tender allotment amount from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 10 lakh.

Tags : Bombay HC, E-Tender Limit, State Government


Supreme Court Asks Unitech to Deposit 14% Interest on Investment by Home Buyers(25.04.2017)

Supreme Court has directed real estate firm Unitech to deposit 14 per cent interest on Rs. 16.55 crore invested by 39 home buyers in its project in Gu.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Unitech, real estate


RERA Kicks in Today, Only 13 States/UTs Notified Rules So Far(01.05.2017)

Real Estate Act comes into force from today with a promise of protecting right of consumers and ushering in transparency but only 13 states and UTs ha.....

Tags : Real Estate Act


SCDRC Directs Bank to Pay 1L Compensation For Failure to Inform Loan Applicant of Rejection(02.05.2017)

State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Maharashtra has held that failure to inform an applicant about rejection of his loan application constit.....

Tags : State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Loan, Bank


SC: 'Admission' Made by Accused to Police Officer Before Commencement of Investigation Admissible(25.04.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that a statement made by the accused to a police officer before the investigation commences, is admissible in evidence, if .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Statement before Police


HRERA to Developers: Don’t Use Buyers’ Funds to Repay Loans(25.04.2019)

Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority (HRERA) has ordered that Developers should not repay loans taken from banks and financial institutions by usi.....

Tags : Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority


Delhi HC Directs Haryana Govt to Allow Inter-State Movement of Essential Goods(15.05.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed the Haryana Government to open up the borders to allow free inter-State movement of trucks carrying essential goods as w.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Inter-State Movement of Essential Goods


Setback to AAP Government as Delhi High Court ruled against it(04.08.2016)

High Court pronounced that, National Capital Territory continues to be a Union Territory and the Lieutenant Governor is its administrative head.....

Tags : Legislative powers, Executive power, Exercise, Delhi, Statehood


US Supreme Court Strikes Off Law Favoring Mothers Over Fathers in Citizenship Case(14.06.2017)

US Supreme Court has ruled that unwed mothers and fathers may not be treated differently in determining whether their children may claim American citi.....

Tags : United States Supreme Court, American citizenship


NCDRC: Builder-Buyer Agreements Often Favours Builders’ Interest(15.06.2017)

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), while terming some builder- buyer agreements as ‘unconscionable contracts’, has observed that.....

Tags : National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Real Estate


#GST Rollout: All 30 States, Union Territories sans J&K Ready For GST From July 1(22.06.2017)

All States and Union Territories, barring Jammu and Kashmir, have passed their State GST Act, paving the way for rollout of Goods and Services Tax fro.....

Tags : GST Rollout:, State GST Act


Supreme Court: State Probation Rules Cannot be in Absolute Contradiction to Section 433A CrPC(27.06.2019)

Supreme Court has noted that there cannot be State Probation Rules in total contradiction to Section 433A of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(CrPC). T.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Probation Rules


MHA Allows Interstate Movement of Workers(30.04.2020)

Ministry of Home Affairs has relaxed lockdown rules to allow movement of migrant workers across states, but with strict health protocols. The Ministry.....

Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Interstate Migrant Workers


MHA Allows Interstate Movement of Workers(30.04.2020)

Ministry of Home Affairs has relaxed lockdown rules to allow movement of migrant workers across states, but with strict health protocols. The Ministry.....

Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Interstate Migrant Workers.


Compat Reduces Penalty to Rs 2 cr in a Major Relief to State Insurers(12.12.2016)

In a major relief to four state- run insurers namely National Insurance, New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance and United India Insurance Competitio.....

Tags : Compat, Penalty, State Insurers


Migrant Not to be Recognised as Scheduled Caste of Migrant State: Supreme Court(16.11.2018)

Supreme Court has reiterated that merely because in the migrant state the same caste is recognised as Scheduled Caste, the migrant cannot be recognise.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Scheduled Caste of Migrant State


NCLAT Upholds NCLT Order to Initiate Insolvency Against Aditya Estates(09.09.2019)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has rejected a plea challenging National Company Law Tribunal’s (NCLT's) order to initiate insolvency .....

Tags : NCLAT, Aditya Estates


Karnataka HC Wants State to Modify State Level Committee Constituted To Supervise Covid-19 Hospitals(28.09.2020)

Karnataka High Court has asked the state government to consider modifying the constitution of the State Level Expert Committee constituted based on th.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Modification of State Level Committee


ITAT, Delhi Allows Exemption to Association of State Road Transport Undertaking(29.09.2020)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), New Delhi has allowed the exemption under Section 11 and 12 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to Association of State .....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Association of State Road Transport Undertaking


Government Notifies Real Estate Regulatory Act for Five Union Territories(02.11.2016)

Government has notified Final Rules to implement Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 for five Union Territories, that aims to bring tra.....

Tags : Real Estate Regulatory Act, Union territories


MSCDRC: Higher, But Not Abnormal, Pathology Report No Ground For Denying Insurance Claim(10.10.2017)

Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission has ruled that if some results of the blood pathology are higher but not abnormal or show noth.....

Tags : Maharashtra State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission


Supreme Court Allows J&K Communist Leader to Go Back to Home State(16.09.2019)

Supreme Court has permitted CPI(M) leader Mohd Yusuf Tarigami to go back to his home state Jammu and Kashmir. The Court said that the former MLA does.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Communist State


SC Sets Aside Order Allowing Minister Chinmayanand Access to Victim's Statement(08.10.2020)

Supreme Court has set aside the Allahabad High Court order which had allowed former Union Minister and Bharatiya Janta Party leader Chinmayanand to se.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chinmayanand, Access to Victim Statement


Delhi HC Issues Notice in Anil Ambani's Plea Seeking Impleadment of Chinese Banks(13.10.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued notice in an application moved by Anil Ambani seeking the impleadment of Chinese banks in his pending Petition challenging.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Anil Ambani, State Bank of India


Orissa HC Reinstates Police Constable Terminated 25 Years Ago for Height Deficiency(13.10.2020)

Orissa High Court has directed reinstatement of a police constable who was terminated from service 25 years ago on the ground of deficiency of height .....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Reinstatement of Police Constable


SC Raps States, UTs over Illegal Religious Structures(19.04.2016)

SC has rapped States and Union Territories for their failure to comply with its directions to file affidavits spelling out steps they have taken for r.....

Tags : SC, States, Union Territories, illegal religious structures


Bombay High Court: State Quota in Medical, Dental Colleges Not For Out of State Students(01.03.2017)

Bombay High Court has held that children of Central Government employees, who are not posted in Maharashtra, cannot seek admission to medical and dent.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Quota


Administering Oath to Accused While Recording Confessional Statement Unconstitutional: Sikkim HC(14.03.2018)

Sikkim High Court has held that administering oath to an accused while recording his confessional statement under Section 164 CrPC violates Article 20.....

Tags : Sikkim High Court, Confessional Statement


COMPANY - NCLAT Slams RCom's Lender SBI over Rs. 37,000 Crore Asset Sale(12.03.2019)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has slammed lenders of Reliance Communications, State Bank of India, for painting a rosy picture of Anil Amban.....

Tags : NCLAT, State Bank of India, Reliance Communication


Calcutta HC: Exercise of Power of Privilege by State Legislature is Open to Judicial Review(05.02.2020)

Calcutta High Court has quashed an order passed by the Speaker of West Bengal Legislative Assembly imposing a punishment on a person for allegedly vio.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Judicial Review of Power of Privilege by State Legislature


Karnataka HC: Coffee Estates Not Excluded from Application of SARFASEI Act(05.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has held that the banks and other financial institutions can invoke provisions of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financ.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Coffee Estates


Supreme Court Explains State Consumer Commission Cannot Set Aside Ex-Parte Order(24.10.2019)

Supreme Court has explained that District Consumer Forums and the State Commissions have no power to set aside ex-parte order thereby reiterating the .....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Consumer Commission


Telangana High Court Seeks Detail Report on TSRTC Employees Strike(30.10.2019)

Telangana High Court, by describing the report presented by the State government on the ongoing strike by Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Telangana State Road Transport Corporation


Telangana High Court Seeks Detail Report on TSRTC Employees Strike(30.10.2019)

Telangana High Court, by describing the report presented by the State government on the ongoing strike by Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Telangana State Road Transport Corporation


Government Curtails CIC Tenure From 5 Years to 3 Years(30.10.2019)

Government has curtailed the tenure of information commissioners in central and state information commissions from five years to three years by notify.....

Tags : central and state information commissions


Rajasthan HC Directs Magistrate to Re-Record Statement of Minor Victim(24.11.2020)

Rajasthan High Court has ordered the Judicial Magistrate hearing the Baran rape case to immediately proceed to record the statements of the prosecutri.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Statement of Minor Victim


Allahabad HC Asks Government on Reducing Air Pollution in State(26.11.2020)

Allahabad High Court has asked the Uttar Pradesh Government and the State Pollution Control Board about the steps taken by it to reduce air pollution .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Reducing Air Pollution in State


Himachal HC Slams State for Forcible Possession of Firm(30.05.2016)

Himachal High Court has imposed costs of Rs 25,000 on State Government for taking possession of company ‘Saber Paper Limited’, Una, without following .....

Tags : Himachal High Court , State Government


SC Seeks Audit Report From CAG on Spending of Rs 5,000 Crore of Real Estate Cess(13.04.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) to file an audit report to explain how authorities had spent Rs 5,000 crore of a real.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Real Estate Cess


Madras High Court Orders Status Quo on Service Conditions of Migrant Bank Employees(13.04.2017)

Madras High Court has ordered status quo on service conditions linked to terminal benefits, pension and seniority of migrant employees of five banks w.....

Tags : Madras High Court , State Bank of India


Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Bill, 2017 Gets President Nod(13.04.2017)

Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Bill, 2017 that aims to compensate States for loss of revenue due to implementation of GST has receive.....

Tags : Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Bill, 2017


Supreme Court Says Karnataka Has No Right Over Historic 'Beaulieu Estate'(17.04.2017)

Supreme Court has said that Karnataka has "no right" over historic Beaulieu Estate in the heart of Bengaluru city as it was purchased nearly 117 years.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Beaulieu Estate


U’khand HC Tells Govt to Amend IPC, Frame Rules Under State Police Act 2007(15.05.2018)

Uttarakhand High Court has passed a string of directions, including payment of reasonable travel allowance on date of recording of statement, adequate.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, State Police Act 2007


Karnataka HC Asks Govt About Steps for Survey of All Quarries in State(24.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has asked the state government to inform whether it will be carrying out a survey of all quarries in the State in a phased manner.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Survey of All Quarries in State


Amend Employees State Insurance Act to Cover Internal Injuries: Madras HC(18.04.2019)

Madras High Court has recommended that Centre should amend the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, to cover internal injuries suffered by employees.

Tags : Madras High court, Employees State Insurance Act, Internal Injuries


Karnataka HC Dismisses KSAT Chairman's Plea Claiming Salary Equivalent to HC CJ(19.04.2019)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed a petition filed by its former Judge Justice K Bhakthavatsala, who is presently, Chairman of Karnataka State Admini.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Karnataka State Administrative Tribunal, Justice K Bhakthavatsala


ITAT, Mumbai: Society Imparting Training to State Govt. Employees Eligible for Tax Exemption(19.02.2020)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Mumbai has held that the society formed to impart training to the State Government employees is eligible for inc.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Society Imparting Training to State Govt. Employees


National Company Law Tribunal, Delhi Approves Adani’s Bid to Buy Aditya Estates(24.02.2020)

National Company Law Tribunal, Delhi has approved the resolution plan of Adani Properties to acquire Aditya Estates for a total deal value of Rs 400 C.....

Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, Aditya Estates Takeover


Madras HC Directs CRPF to Reinstate Constable Who Failed to Fire During Militant Attack(02.03.2020)

Madras High Court has granted relief to a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) constable who failed to open fire during a militant attack in Manipur in.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Reinstatement of CRPF Constable


Bombay HC: Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd. is Not a 'State' Under Article 12(08.03.2021)

Bombay High Court has held that the Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd. is not a 'State' nor does it fall within the ambit of 'any other authority' for th.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd.


NGT Seeks Reply on Plea Alleging Illegal Sand Mining At Jalaun and Hamirpur(01.10.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) on plea against alleged illegal sand mining being carried out in Jalaun and Hamirpur districts of Uttar Pradesh, has iss.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal,Ministry of Environment and Forests, Uttar Pradesh Gcvt. , State Pollution Control Board


Madras HC Orders Compensation for 7 Women who Lost Vision(10.10.2016)

Madras HC has directed State Government to pay a compensation of Rs.3 lakh each to seven women who lost vision in one of their eyes after a cataract s.....

Tags : Madras HC , State, compensation , cataract surgery


Madras HC Reduces Accident Compensation by Rs 6 Lakh(13.10.2016)

Madras HC has partly allowed an appeal of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC), which contended that it was not liable to pay compensation t.....

Tags : Madras HC, Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation


#RERA: 23 States Notify Rules, Six Misses July 31 Deadline(01.08.2017)

The July-31 deadline to register projects under the Real Estate Regulatory Act (RERA) is over, however, six states are yet to notify rules. These incl.....

Tags : Real Estate Regulatory Act


Supreme Court: Inter-State Sales Between Successor States Inapt to be Treated as Intra-State Sales(10.07.2019)

Supreme Court has ruled that creation of a new political State must be given full legal effect and the Inter-State sales between the two successor Sta.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Successor States


Kerala Consumer Forum: 3D Glasses Necessary to Watch Movie to be Made Available Free of Cost(20.04.2021)

Kerala State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ruled that 3D glasses necessary for watching 3D movies in theatres should be made available fr.....

Tags : Kerala State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, 3D Glasses


Tripura HC Slams State over Noise Pollution(19.07.2016)

Tripura High Court has directed State Government and Pollution Control Board to implement the law regulating noise pollution or face action for contem.....

Tags : Tripura High Court , State Government , Pollution Control Board


Jharkhand HC to Govt.: Pay Rs 1 Lakh to Minor Boy’s Family after Alleged Custodial Death(21.07.2016)

Jharkhand HC has directed State Government to pay a compensation of Rs 1 lakh to the family of the minor boy, who died in custody allegedly due to pol.....

Tags : Jharkhand HC , State Government, Custodial Death


J&K HC to Govt.: Take Action against Media Creating ‘Hysteria’ in State(22.07.2016)

Jammu and Kashmir HC has asked State Government to take action against news channels that have created “hysteria” about Kashmir and its people, and bl.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir HC, State Government, news channels


Kerala HC Orders Ban on Gatherings in Court Premises(26.07.2016)

Kerala HC has banned gatherings of any kind within and outside the high court premises and ordered State Police Chief to take action against such acti.....

Tags : Kerala HC, State Police Chief


Himachal HC Issues Notice to Authorities over Private School Fee Hike(26.07.2016)

Himachal Pradesh HC has stayed fee hike by a private school in Shimla and has issued notices to Secretaries of State Education Department and Union Hu.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh HC , State Education Department, Private School Fee Hike


Maharashtra Real Estate Appellate Tribunal: Right to Reserve Flat Includes Right to Cancel(29.04.2021)

Maharashtra Real Estate Appellate Tribunal has observed that the right to reserve a flat includes the right to cancel the reservation. Therefore, a bu.....

Tags : Maharashtra Real Estate Appellate Tribunal, Right to Cancel Reservation


Allahabad HC Dismisses PIL for Prosecution of Errant State Officials for Covid-19 Deaths(29.04.2021)

Allahabad High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation seeking action against Government authorities, including CM Yogi Adityanath's 'Team-11.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Errant State Officials


Bombay High Court Issue Notices to Police Chief and Maharashtra Government on Hotel Raids(21.08.2015)

Bombay High Court has issued notice to Police Chief and State Government of Maharashtra to file reply on raids on hotels, during which consenting coup.....

Tags : Bombay High Court,State Government of Maharashtra


MP High Court Issue Notices to Pvt Medical College, State Govt. and MCI For Giving Illegal Admissions(26.08.2015)

MP High Court has issued notices to State Director of Medical Education and Medical Council of India (MCI) while hearing petition demanding inquiry ag.....

Tags : MP High Court,Pvt Medical College, State Govt. and MCI


Bombay HC Asks Pvt. Unaided Medical Colleges on Domicile Rule in State(15.09.2016)

Bombay HC has asked the unaided medical colleges how were they prejudiced by Maharashtra Government's new domicile criteria in medical admissions.

Tags : Bombay HC, State, Unaided Medical Colleges


US Supreme Court Partially Allows President Trump’s Executive Order On Travel Ban(27.06.2017)

United States Supreme Court has partially allowed President Trump’s Travel Ban order that imposes a ban on entry of individuals from six countries nam.....

Tags : United States Supreme Court, Travel Ban


Kerala HC Asks Excise Dept to Avoid Long Queue Formations in Front of Liquor Shops(10.07.2017)

Kerala High Court has directed State Excise Department to take proactive steps to avoid long queue formations in front of liquor shops all across the .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Excise Department


AAR: GST Leviable on Advisory & Management Fees Recd. in Indian Rs. for Services Provided to AIF Fund(21.06.2019)

Maharashtra State Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) has held that GST is payable on advisory and management fee received by asessee in Indian Rupees .....

Tags : Maharashtra State Authority for Advance Ruling, GST, AIF Fund


Karnataka HC Issues Notice Questioning Legality of Nominating People to State Board for Wildlife(16.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice on a Public Interest Litigation questioning the legality of nominating nine people, including the son of an MLA.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Nominating People to State Board for Wildlife


Bombay High Court Directs Builders to Meet July 31 Rera Registration Deadline(27.07.2017)

Bombay High Court has directed a group of builders to comply with a July 31 registration deadline under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) A.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Real Estate


Delhi HC: Magistrates Should Record Statements of Juveniles Through Video Conferencing(30.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed that the statements under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 of children in need of care and protection' s.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Statements of Juveniles


Telangana HC Directs Telangana State Public Service Commission Officers to Appear in Contempt Case(15.06.2021)

Telangana High Court has directed Telangana State Public Service Commission Chairman B. Janardhan Reddy, who earlier worked as School Education Princi.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Telangana State Public Service Commission Officers


Delhi HC Directs to Block Defamatory Tweet, Social Media Posts Against India Today(15.06.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed 'TheCognate' to block the tweet in the form of infographic and other social media posts made against India Today News Ch.....

Tags : Madras HC: State Should Consider on Applications to Transgender Board


MCA Allows Board of Directors to Approve Financial Statements, Board’s Report via Video Conferencing(16.06.2021)

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has scrapped the Rule restraining the presentation of approval of the annual financial statements, approval of the.....

Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Approve Financial Statements, Board’s Report via Video Conferencing


Madras High Court Directs State to Keep its Word on Building Juvenile Home(20.10.2015)

Madras High Court has asked State Government to adhere to the commitment given to the court on constructing a new building for a juvenile home in Madu.....

Tags : Madras High Court , State Government


Bombay HC Directs State Govt. to Inform Steps Taken to Prevent Farmers’ Suicides(23.10.2015)

Bombay High Court has directed State Government to inform it about steps taken by it to help farmers, especially in Marathwada, concerned over rising .....

Tags : Bombay High Court , State Government


Gujarat High Court Orders Enquiry into PDS Scam(26.10.2015)

Gujarat HC has rapped State Government for avoiding an investigation in an alleged multi-crore scam in Panchmahal Public Distribution System (PDS), an.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, State Government


Rajasthan HC Orders Dissolution of State’s OBC Commission(21.10.2016)

Rajasthan High Court has ordered dissolution of State Other Backward Classes (OBC) Commission, saying it was constituted without State Assembly enacti.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, State Other Backward Classes (OBC) Commission


SC Upholds Constitutional Validity of Goods and Services Tax (Compensation To States) Act, 2017(04.10.2018)

Supreme Court has upheld the Constitutional validity of Goods And Services Tax (Compensation To States) Act, 2017, as well as the Goods and Services T.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Goods and Services Tax (Compensation To States) Act, 2017


MP HC Imposes Rs. 2 Lakh Exemplary Cost on SBI for 'Inhuman Approach'(29.07.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has imposed exemplary cost of Rs. 2 lakhs on the State Bank of India (SBI) for adopting a very 'inhuman approach' while deal.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Cost on State Bank of India


Kerala HC Dismisses Plea Challenging Minority Status of Christians and Muslims in State(30.07.2021)

Kerala High Court has ruled that no power is vested with the Central Government to redetermine minority status. The Court has observed that there is n.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Minority Status of Christians and Muslims in State


Supreme Court Seeks Detail of Complainants in Gurugram's Unitech Project(17.08.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Delhi Police to furnish details of number of flat buyers of Unitech's project in Gurugram who had approached it for registe.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Unitech, real estate


Supreme Court: Rulers of Princely States were ''Maharajas Without Praja''(01.08.2019)

Supreme Court observed that rulers of princely states were ''Maharajas'' (kings) without ''praja'' (subjects). It was also noted that sovereignty and .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Princely States


SC Issues Notice on Plea Against Bihar State Pharmacy Registration Council(06.08.2020)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Bihar Government on a Petition filed against an order of the Patna High Court whereby the plea against fake registr.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bihar State Pharmacy Registration Council


SC Directs Centre to File Affidavit on Implementation of Audio-Video Recording of Witness Statements(07.08.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the Centre to file its affidavit before 7th September, 2020 on the issues of implementation of audio-video recording of wit.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Audio-Video Recording of Witness Statements


SC Gives Time to Tamil Nadu SEC to Conduct Local Body Elections in Nine New Districts(23.06.2021)

Supreme Court has given the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (SEC) time to work, if necessary 24 hours a day, and hold the local body elections in.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Tamil Nadu State Election Commission


Gauhati HC Denies Bail to Former DIG for Leaking State Police Recruitment Examination Paper(28.06.2021)

Gauhati High Court has rejected the bail pleas filed by three primary accused persons including a Retired Deputy Inspector General of Assam Police in .....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Leaking State Police Recruitment Examination Paper


Gujarat HC Notices State on PIL Seeking Disposal of Cow Carcass(04.08.2016)

Gujarat HC has issued notice to State on a PIL seeking direction to Government to ensure systemic disposal of cow carcasses and pro-active action agai.....

Tags : Gujarat HC , State, Cow Carcass


Mizoram Passes Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill, 2017(26.05.2017)

Mizoram State Assembly has unanimously passed Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (SGST) Bill, 2017.

Tags : Mizoram State Assembly, Mizoram Goods and Services Tax (SGST) Bill, 2017


Delhi Assembly Passes State Good And Services Tax (GST) Bill(01.06.2017)

Delhi Assembly has passed State Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill even as Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal pitched for capping tax rate at a maximum of .....

Tags : Delhi Assembly, State Good And Services Tax (GST) Bill


MHA: Permission for Inter-State Travel Not Meant for Persons Who Otherwise Reside Normally(04.05.2020)

Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a clarification with respect to the order allowing inter-state movement of persons stranded due to lockdown, stati.....

Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Inter-State Travels


Andhra Pradesh HC Passes Slew of Directions to State Authorities in Vizag Gas Leak(08.05.2020)

Andhra Pradesh High Court noted that Styrene is notified as a dangerous substance under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and a.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, Directions to State Authorities in Vizag Gas Leak


Uttarakhand High Court Orders Government to Conduct Audit of Covid-19 Deaths in State(10.06.2021)

Uttarakhand High Court has ordered the Government to conduct an audit of Covid-19 deaths in the state and submit its report by 21st June, 2021 in plea.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Audit of Covid-19 Deaths in State


SC Upholds Citizen's Right to Challenge Constitutional Amendment Affecting States' Power(21.07.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that when a citizen of India challenges a constitutional amendment as being procedurally infirm, it is the duty of the Cour.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Citizen's Right to Challenge Constitutional Amendment Affecting States' Power


J&K HC: Omission to Record Statement of Accused Not Fatal to Validity of Trial(21.07.2021)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has held that in the absence of any prejudice to the accused or demonstrated failure of justice, omission to record his sta.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Omission to Record Statement of Accused


Himachal Pradesh HC Seeks Response on Availability of Covid Facilities in State(26.07.2021)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has sought response of the State Government on the availability of Covid 19 facilities in the State with regards to the am.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Availability of Covid Facilities in State


Himachal Pradesh HC Seeks Response on Availability of Covid Facilities in State(26.07.2021)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has sought response of the State Government on the availability of Covid 19 facilities in the State with regards to the am.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Availability of Covid Facilities in State


Himachal Pradesh HC Seeks Response on Availability of Covid Facilities in State(26.07.2021)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has sought response of the State Government on the availability of Covid 19 facilities in the State with regards to the am.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Availability of Covid Facilities in State


SC Asks Madhya Pradesh HC to Consider Reinstatement of Ex-District Judge(15.07.2020)

Supreme Court has recommended to the Madhya Pradesh High Court to consider the reinstatement of the former Additional District and Sessions Judge from.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reinstatement of Ex- District Judge


SC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking Audio-Video Recording of Witness Statements by Police(17.07.2020)

Supreme Court has issued notice to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs on a Petition seeking implementation of audio-video recording of witness stateme.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Audio-Video Recording of Witness Statements


Andhra Pradesh HC: Government Should Locate State Human Rights Commission Within State(06.07.2021)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has indicated to the government that it should locate the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) within the State of Andhra Pr.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, State Human Rights Commission


SC Directs Union, States to File Status Reports on Vacancies in Central & State Information Commissio(07.07.2021)

Supreme Court has directed Union of India and all States to file status reports on the latest developments regarding vacancies and pendency in the Cen.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Vacancies in Central & State Information Commissions


Madras HC Directs to Suspend State Tax Officer for Misleading Court(08.07.2021)

Madras High Court has directed the State government to suspend a State Tax Officer for having misled the court during the hearing of a batch of cases .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Suspension of State Tax Officer


NGT Directs States to Penalise Farmers for Stubble Burning(11.12.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has ordered state governments to take action against persistent defaulters of crop residue burning and directed them to .....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, state governments


National Green Tribunal Fines Four Real Estate Developers(29.09.2017)

National Green Tribunal has imposed a fine on four real estate developers in Delhi, as it was found that the rainwater harvesting systems installed by.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Real Estate Developers


Delhi State Consumer Commission Orders Unitech to Pay Rs 33 Lakhs(20.08.2019)

Delhi State Consumer Commission has noted that homebuyers cannot be expected to wait indefinitely for the possession of flats and directed real estate.....

Tags : Delhi State Consumer Commission, Unitech


Madras HC Directs State Government to File Reply on Goonda Raj in the State(25.08.2020)

Madras High Court has directed the State Government to file a "proper reply" to the queries raised by the Court with regard to prevalence of Goonda Ra.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Goonda Raj in the State


Bombay HC: Wife Best Suited to be Guardian of a Husband in Vegetative State(31.08.2020)

Bombay High Court has held that in a marriage, husband and wife are equal partners and the wife is best suited to be the guardian of her husband who i.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Guardian of a Husband in Vegetative State


Delhi HC Seeks Centre's Response on Plea for Declaring PM CARES Fund as State Under Article 12 Delhi(18.08.2021)

Delhi High Court has asked the Centre to file its reply on a petition seeking declaration that PM CARES Fund is "State" under Article 12 of the Consti.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Declaration of PM CARES FUND as State


Supreme Court Allows Centre to Withdraw Force from Darjeeling Hills(29.11.2017)

Supreme Court Allows Centre to Withdraw Force from Darjeeling Hills

Tags : A bench of Chief Justice Dipak Misra and Justices A M Khanwilkar and D Y Chandrachud agreed to the Centre's plea to relocate half of the remaining paramilitary forces from the state's strife-torn districts to the poll-bound state.


Delhi High Court Acquits Man of Murdering Wife, Says He Was of Unsound Mind(29.11.2017)

Delhi High Court Acquits Man of Murdering Wife, Says He Was of Unsound Mind

Tags : The bench said that certain circumstances of the case, like the "ghastly manner" in which the woman was killed, which was evident from 24 injuries on the woman's body caused by several household articles, were perhaps "reflective of his chronic mental state".


AP HC Directs Renewable Cos to Approach State Electricity Regulator Against Renegotiated Tariffs(25.09.2019)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has directed solar and wind energy companies to approach state electricity regulator after they opposed the renegotiation of.....

Tags : AP HC, State Electricity Regulator


Haryana Government Passes Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020(06.11.2020)

Haryana Government has passed a bill, Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020 providing 75 per cent reservation for local candidates a.....

Tags : Haryana Government, Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Bill, 2020


Kerala HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Karnataka to Reopen Borders Adjacent to State of Kerala(28.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has dismissed a plea seeking Karnataka to reopen its borders adjacent to the State of Kerala and to allow entry of passengers from K.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Reopen Borders Adjacent to State of Kerala


SC: Irrigation Department of State Not An 'Industrial Establishment' Under Section 25L Of ID Act(30.09.2021)

Supreme Court has held that to decide as to whether a Department is an Industrial Establishment or not, the test would be to consider the predominant .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Irrigation Department of State


Karnataka HC Allows Govt. Employee Who Quit Job to Contest Zilla Panchayat Elections(08.02.2016)

Karnataka HC, while providing temporary reprieve to a 33-year-old employee of a government high school who “quit” his job to contest the elections to .....

Tags : Karnataka HC,State Election Commission


Karnataka HC Slams State over Delay in Setting Up Additional Special Courts for Corruption Cases(08.02.2016)

Karnataka HC, while expressing displeasure over delay on part of State in setting up additional special courts for corruption cases in Bengaluru city .....

Tags : Karnataka HC, State


Bombay HC to Govt.: Stop Illegal Parking Under Flyovers(09.02.2016)

Bombay High Court has directed State Government and other statutory agencies to remove illegal parking from under flyovers in Mumbai within three mont.....

Tags : Bombay High Court , State Government


Bombay HC to State: Finalize Witness Law(09.02.2016)

Bombay HC has pulled up State Government for delay in bringing legislation for protecting witnesses in criminal cases as well as whistle-blowers.

Tags : Bombay HC , State Government


CCI Nods for GSPL’s Stake Hike in Sabarmati Gas(15.02.2016)

Gujarat State Petronet (GSPL) has received approval from Competition Commission of India (CCI) to raise stake in Sabarmati Gas Ltd by 13.71 per cent t.....

Tags : Gujarat State Petronet, Competition Commission of India


SC: Reinstatement with Full Back Wages Not Automatic in Every Case(21.09.2021)

Supreme Court has reiterated that reinstatement with full back wages is not automatic in every case, where termination / dismissal is found to be not .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reinstatement with Full Back Wages


Kerala HC: Embargo in Section 172(3) CrPC Does Not Take Away Right to Use Previous Statements(22.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has held that the embargo in Section 172(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC) does not take away the right of the accus.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Right to Use Previous Statements


SC Raps BCCI for Objecting to Lodha Panel Report(04.03.2016)

Supreme Court, while rapping BCCI, State Cricket Associations for objecting to Lodha panel report, has said it will not allow these cricketing bodies .....

Tags : Supreme Court, BCCI, State Cricket Associations


RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, Maintains Status Quo on Repo Rate(08.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued its sixth Bi-monthly Policy Statement for the year, wherein Apex Bank decided to hold on to repo rate at 6.25 p.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-monthly Policy Statement, repo rate


Company Directors Receiving Remuneration are Also 'Employees' Under ESI Act: SC(06.02.2019)

Supreme Court has held that Directors of Company, who are receiving remuneration, comes within the purview of "employee" under sub-section (9) of Sect.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Employees' State Insurance Act


Gauhati HC: Absence of Petitioner After Filing Written Statement No Basis to Pass Order Against Him(28.12.2019)

Gauhati High Court has noted that the mere fact that proceedee has remained absent after filing written statement and documents cannot be a justificat.....

Tags : Gauhati HC, Written Statement


Kerala HC Quashes Rules to Regulate Sale of Other-State Lotteries(04.01.2021)

Kerala High Court has quashed the rules brought by the Kerala government to regulate sale of other-state lotteries holding that the state government l.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Regulation of Other-State Lotteries


Delhi HC: Minor Inconsistency in Statement Does Not Make Unreliable Witness(02.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has observed that minor inconsistency in a statement made by a wife during cross-examination by husband before Family Court in divorc.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Minor Inconsistency in Statement


Delhi HC Directs to Decide Application Seeking Statistics of State Sponsored Electronic Surveillance(02.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Central Information Commission (CIC) to decide within 8 weeks, the appeals filed by Apar Gupta, founder of the Inter.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Statistics of State Sponsored Electronic Surveillance


Allahabad HC Directs Reinstatement of Home Guard Sacked for Being Homosexual(10.02.2021)

Allahabad High Court has directed reinstatement of a home guard who had been sacked on the charge of “indecency” on the basis of a video in which he w.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Reinstatement of Home Guard Sacked for Being Homosexual


J&K HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Establishment of State Anti-Doping Agency(10.02.2021)

Jammu & Kashmir High Court has dismissed a plea seeking establishment of a State Anti-Doping Agency on the guidelines of National Anti-Doping Agency. .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Establishment of State Anti-Doping Agency


Orissa High Court Directs Postponement of State Film Awards Ceremony(14.12.2021)

Orissa High Court has directed the postponement of the Odisha State Film Awards ceremony which was scheduled to be held tomorrow and the day after tom.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Postponement of State Film Awards Ceremony


Kerala HC: Failure to Mark Omissions from Witness’ Previous Statements(14.12.2021)

Kerala High Court has ruled that failure to mark omissions from a witness' previous statements during their cross-examination is not always a valid gr.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Omissions from Witness’ Previous Statements


Kerala HC: Vague Statement in Victim's Testimony with No Indication of Penetration Not Rape(16.12.2021)

Kerala High Court has observed that a statement from the victim that the accused hugged her with no indication of penetration would not attract the of.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Vague Statement in Victim's Testimony


Delhi HC Issues Restraining Orders on Bank Strike(12.07.2016)

Delhi HC has issued interim orders restraining staff and officers associations from going on strike against proposed merger of associate banks with St.....

Tags : Delhi HC, State Bank of India


Supreme Court Slaps Rs. 5 lakhs Exemplary Cost on HSCLCFL for Abusing Judicial Process(05.05.2017)

Supreme Court has ordered Haryana State Cooperative Labour and Construction Federation Ltd. (HSCLCFL) to pay exemplary costs of Rs. 5 lakhs for “abuse.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Haryana State Cooperative Labour and Construction Federation Ltd


NCDRC: Only Registered Home Buyers' Body Can File Complaint Against Builders(08.05.2017)

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has clarified that only registered Residents' Welfare Associations (RWAs), consumer organisati.....

Tags : National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Real Estate


Supreme Court: Plea Of Hardship Cannot Be Raised If Not Pleaded In Written Statement(10.05.2019)

Supreme Court has observed that a Defendant in a specific performance suit should plead in his written statement the hardship that will be caused if t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Written Statement


Madras HC: Time Limit for Filing Written Statements to Counter Claims Not Mandatory(31.01.2022)

Madras High Court has held that the mandatory time limit of 120 days to file a written statement in a commercial suit is not applicable to written sta.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Time Limit for Filing Written Statements


Allahabad HC: No Absolute Bar on Maintainability of Writ Against State in Contractual Matters(31.01.2022)

Allahabad High Court has observed that there is no absolute bar on the maintainability of a writ petition against the state and its instrumentalities .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Maintainability of Writ Against State


SC: Writ Petition Not Maintainable Against Orders Passed by State Consumer Commission(16.03.2021)

Supreme Court has opined that a writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, 1949 challenging judgments and orders passed by the Stat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Orders Passed by State Consumer Commission


Kerala HC Directs State Tax Officer to Reconsider Plea Seeking Copies of Witness Statements(19.01.2022)

Kerala High Court has held that there is a clear distinction between refusing to consider an application and rejecting one with reasons, while finding.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Copies of Witness Statements


Karnataka HC Directs State to Ensure Release of Amount to Karnataka State Legal Services Authority(25.01.2022)

Karnataka High Court has directed the State Government to ensure the release of Rs. 7 crore to the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority at the ear.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Karnataka State Legal Services Authority


Gujarat HC: Maximum Limit of 90 Days for Filing Written Statement Directory Not Mandatory(27.01.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that the maximum limit of 90 days for filing the written statement as under Order VIII Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure, .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Filing Written Statement


Kerala High Court Grants More Time To State To Frame Comprehensive Policy On Illegal Flag Masts(28.01.2022)

Kerala High Court has granted three more weeks’ time to the State government to draw up a comprehensive policy to deal with the menace of illegal flag.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Illegal Flag Posts, State Policy


P&H HC on RERA: Inconvenience In Making Pre-Deposits Not A Circumstance Warranting Relaxation(28.01.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court held that mere hardship in making pre-deposits which include diverting funds is not an arduous circumstance in any manne.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority


Calcutta HC Seeks Details Regarding Law and Order Situation in State(10.05.2021)

Calcutta High Court has sought the details regarding the latest status of the law and order situation in the State, dealing with a public interest pet.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Law and Order Situation in State


Manipur HC Refuses to Issue Directions for Procurement of Medical Oxygen in State(12.05.2021)

Manipur High Court has refused to issue directions for procurement/ supply of medical Oxygen in the State, saying that it would be inappropriate to is.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Procurement of Medical Oxygen in State


Kerala HC Sets Aside Single Bench Judgment Which Quashed Rules Regulating Other-State Lotteries(17.05.2021)

Kerala High Court has set aside the judgment of a Single Judge Bench that quashed the rules brought by the Kerala government to regulate sale of other.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Rules Regulating Other-State Lotteries


Bombay HC: Students Passing 10th/ 12th Standard from Outside Maharashtra Not Eligible for State Quota(16.03.2022)

Bombay High Court has held that a medical aspirant domiciled in Maharashtra, but having passed 10th or 12th standard from outside the state shall not .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, NEET-UG Exam, State Quota


Gujarat HC: Offending Driver's Statement Can't Form Part of Charge-Sheet(21.03.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that when proceedings against a driver are instituted for negligence causing a motor accident, then such driver's statemen.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Offending Driver's Statement


Allahabad HC: Compliance of Pre-Deposit Mandatory Under RERA Act Before Entertainment(18.04.2022)

Allahabad High Court has ruled that the statutory compliance of a pre-deposit under Section 43(5) of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act,.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Section 43(5) of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, Appellate Tribunal


Rajasthan HC: Panchayat Has No Authority to Decide Question of Revenue Entries(18.04.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has held that Panchayat has no right to decide the question of the revenue entries as the same lies in the domain of the revenue .....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Panchayat, revenue entries, revenue authority, State of Rajasthan


AAR, West Bengal: No GST on Service Provided to State Government for Collection and Disposal of Bio-M(18.04.2022)

Authority for Advance Ruling, West Bengal has ruled that service provided to the State Government for the collection and disposal of bio-medical waste.....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, State Government, bio-medical waste, Goods and Services Tax


AAR, West Bengal: No GST on Service for Collection and Disposal of Bio-Medical Waste(18.04.2022)

Authority for Advance Ruling, West Bengal has ruled that service provided to the State Government for the collection and disposal of bio-medical waste.....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, State Government, bio-medical waste, Goods and Services Tax


Kerala HC: Private Parties Can't Approach Courts Seeking Attachment of Properties in Foreign States(19.04.2022)

Kerala High Court has ruled that the Indian Courts can’t entertain any request for attachment of properties from any private parties or institutions t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, attachment of properties, foreign states


Patna HC Calls for Fresh Demand Survey in Shortage of Fuel Pumps on National & State Highways Case(19.04.2022)

Patna High Court has directed the Central and State Governments to present a detailed report on the issue of non-availability of adequate number of pe.....

Tags : Patna High Court, petrol pumps, National and State Highways


CESTAT, New Delhi Directs to Restore Customs Broker Licence(22.04.2022)

Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi has observed that no document to support the allegation and directs to reinstate the custo.....

Tags : Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, reinstate, customs broker license


Kerala HC: Amounts Collected From Persons Based on Unconstitutional Levy Entitled to Refund(28.04.2022)

Kerala High Court has held that persons from whom a fee was collected under a State Circular calling for applications for use of unnotified land for o.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, fee, State Circular, unconstitutional


Calcutta HC: Electricity Distribution Company Can Install Electric Poll on Private Land(28.04.2022)

Calcutta High Court has observed that West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited has the right to install electric polls on private la.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited, electric connection


Rajasthan HC: Respondents Have Right to Legal Representation Before Regulatory Authority/ Tribunal(29.04.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has observed that Section 56 of the Rajasthan Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, inasmuch as it excludes right o.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Section 56 of the Rajasthan Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, Appellate Tribunal, Regulatory Authority, adjudicating officer, ultra vires


Gauhati HC: Assam Minerals Dept Can't Stop Railway From Moving Goods in Course of Inter-State Trade(29.04.2022)

Gauhati High Court has prima facie observed that the Assam Mineral Development Corporation can't stop the Railways from transporting goods, in this ca.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Assam Mineral Development Corporation, No Objection Certificate, inter-state trade


Himachal Pradesh HC Seeks Response on Availability of Covid Facilities in State(26.07.2021)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has sought response of the State Government on the availability of Covid 19 facilities in the State with regards to the am.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Availability of Covid Facilities in State


Delhi HC: Non-Examination of 4 Year Old Rape Victim Not Fatal To Prosecution(14.06.2022)

Delhi High Court has upheld life sentence awarded to accused for committing rape on a 4 year old minor girl within his close family. The Court observe.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Rape, Statement


Orissa HC: State Vigilance Department Can't be Completely Exempted from RTI Act(22.06.2022)

Orissa High Court has held that the State Vigilance Department cannot be completely exempted from Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 and directed th.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, State Vigilance Department, Right to Information Act


Guj. HC: Workmen Terminated in Violation of Retrenchment Procedure is Entitled to Reinstatement(22.06.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that where a workman is terminated in violation of the procedure for Retrenchment & Re-Employment provided under Sections .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Retrenchment, Reinstatement


Calcutta to State: Disburse Funds for Victim Compensation in 6 Weeks(23.06.2022)

Calcutta High Court while directing the State government to ensure disbursal of adequate funds within 6 weeks has reprimanded State Legal Services Aut.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Victim Compensation, State Legal Services Authority


MP HC Asks Centre to Take Responsibility for Provision of Vaccination Doses to State(26.05.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has asked the Central Government to take upon itself the responsibility of providing required number of vaccination doses to.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Provision of Vaccination Doses to State


P&H HC Issues Directions on RAT and RTPCR Test Rates in State(28.05.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued slew of directions on the aspects concerning uniformity in rates of RAT and RTPCR in States including Punjab,.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, RAT and RTPCR Test Rates in State


CESTAT, Delhi: No Central Excise Duty on Manufacture of CO2 Gas During Manufacture of Beer(08.04.2022)

Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has observed that central excise duty cannot be levied during the manufacture of beer on the.....

Tags : Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, central excise duty, manufacture of beer, carbon dioxide gas, alcoholic liquors, consumption, State subject


MP HC: State Services Exam Rule Barring Meritorious Reserved Category Candidates Discriminatory(08.04.2022)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has struck down Rule 4(3)(d)(III) of Madhya Pradesh State Services Examination Rules, 2015 that barred meritorious candidate.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Rule 4(3)(d)(III) of Madhya Pradesh State Services Examination Rules, 2015, meritorious candidates, reserved categories


AAR, West Bengal: Services for Collection and Disposal of Bio Medical Waste Iis Exempt From GST(12.04.2022)

Authority for Advance Ruling, West Bengal has held that services provided for collection and disposal of bio-medical waste to the State Government is .....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, services, bio-medical waste, State Government, Goods and Services Tax


Kerala HC Upholds Constitutional Validity of Kerala State Commission for SC-STs Act(01.10.2020)

Kerala High Court has upheld the constitutional validity of Kerala State Commission for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Act, 2007.

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Commission


SC Asks Centre to Consider Withdrawing Insurance Exemption for State Public Transport Corporations(12.08.2021)

Supreme Court has asked the Central Government to examine the possibility of withdrawing exemption from insurance for State Corporations that run publ.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Insurance Exemption for State Public Transport Corporations


MP HC Dismisses Plea Challenging Ban on Inter- State Bus Transportation Amid Covid -19(16.08.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has dismissed a plea challenging ban on inter-state bus transportation amid Covid-19, by observing that prohibition on vehic.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Ban on Inter- State Bus Transportation


Allahabad HC: Proviso on Recording of Sexual Offence Victim’s Statement Not Being Followed(16.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has observed that in majority of cases, 1st and 2nd proviso to Section 161 (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which man.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Proviso on Recording of Sexual Offence Victim’s Statement


SC: SDRF Cannot be Diverted, Revert to SDRF Diverted Amount(12.07.2022)

Supreme Court has held that money from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) cannot be diverted or used for any other purpose and it would be proper.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Disaster Response Fund, Diverted


ITAT: Deduction of Compensation for Breach of Contract Can’t be Allowed Based Only on Bank Statement(13.07.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Pune Bench has held that deduction of compensation paid for breach of contract cannot be allowed based on bank s.....

Tags : ITAT, Contract, Bank Statement


Allahabad HC Imposes Cost on State for Delaying Payment of Post-Death Dues of Employee(24.01.2020)

Allahabad High Court has imposed costs on State authorities for delaying the payment of post-death dues of an employee, for over 24 years.

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Cost on State for Delaying Payment of Post- Death Dues


Supreme Court Says State Cannot Behave Like Private Litigant(27.01.2020)

Supreme Court has remarked that State, as a litigant, cannot behave like a private litigant as it has a solemn and constitutional duty to assist the C.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State, Private Litigant


Kerala HC: CIAL is not State Instrumentality Under Article 12 of Constitution of India(29.01.2020)

Kerala High Court has held that Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) cannot be said to be an instrumentality of State within the meaning of Article.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, CIAL under definition of State


Kerala HC Stays Tenders Floated by Kerala State Electricity Board(16.02.2021)

Kerala High Court has stayed the tenders floated by the Kerala State Electricity Board to procure electric poles of 8 m length and a working load of 1.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Tenders Floated by Kerala State Electricity Board


Orissa High Court Directs Postponement of State Film Awards Ceremony(14.12.2021)

Orissa High Court has directed the postponement of the Odisha State Film Awards ceremony which was scheduled to be held tomorrow and the day after tom.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Postponement of State Film Awards Ceremony


Kerala HC: Failure to Mark Omissions from Witness’ Previous Statements(14.12.2021)

Kerala High Court has ruled that failure to mark omissions from a witness' previous statements during their cross-examination is not always a valid gr.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Omissions from Witness’ Previous Statements


Raj. HC: Governor & Its Secretariat Not Independent Entities But Part & Parcel of State Govt(29.09.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has held that Governor is Executive Head of State and all transactions of State Government are carried out under his name and the.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Governor, State Government


Allahabad High Court Dismisses Plea Seeking Shutting Down of Uttar Pradesh State Medical Faculty(25.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has dismissed a plea seeking direction to the Government of India along with the Government of Uttar Pradesh to shut down Uttar P.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Shutting Down of Uttar Pradesh State Medical Faculty


Kerala HC Extends Term of Judicial Members of State Administrative Tribunal by Three Weeks(01.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has extended the term of the present Judicial Members of the Kerala Administrative Tribunal (KAT) by another three weeks, during whi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Term of Judicial Members of State Administrative Tribunal


Kerala HC Directs BEVCO to Abide by Orders of Excise Commissioner to Relocate or Equip Liquor Stores(03.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has asked the Kerala State Beverages Corporation (BEVCO) to abide by the instructions of the Excise Commissioner in relocating the 8.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Beverages Corporation


Kerala High Court Urges Complete Abolition of Gawking Wages in the State(06.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has condemned the ongoing practice of charging 'gawking wages' in the State despite a Government Order in 2018 to abolish the same. .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Abolition of Gawking Wages in the State


Allahabad HC: Ensure Transparency & Objectivity in System to Select & Appoint State Law Officers(25.08.2022)

Allahabad High Court has stressed on the need to reform the system of selection and appointment of the State Law Officers and has remarked the entire .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Transparency, State Law Officers


Gujarat HC: Reinstatement a Normal Course When Section 25(F) ID Act is Violated(25.08.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that the benefits of reinstatement would be a 'normal course' that ought to follow once there is a violative of Section 25.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Reinstatement, Industrial Dispute


US Supreme Court Rejects Trump-Backed Texas State's Suit to Invalidate Results in Favor of Joe Biden(14.12.2020)

Supreme Court of the United States of America has rejected a legal challenge attempted by the State of Texas backed by Donald Trump to undo the electi.....

Tags : Supreme Court- United States of America, Donald Trump, Joe Biden


SC: Conviction Based on Disclosure Statement Sustained Only When Resultant Recovery Is Unimpeachable(09.11.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that to convict an accused exclusively on the basis of his disclosure statement and the resultant recovery of inculpatory m.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Conviction Based on Disclosure Statement


Delhi High Court Disposes Plea Seeking Directions for Establishment of State Animal Welfare Board(09.11.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Centre to treat as representation a PIL seeking directions for establishment of a State Animal Welfare Board in the .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Establishment of State Animal Welfare Board


SC: No Bar on Allowing Counter Claim Filed Long After Written Statement But Before Framing of Issues(13.10.2022)

Supreme Court has held that there is no bar in taking on record a counter claim filed long after filing of written statement but before framing of iss.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Written Statement, Counter Claim


Maharashtra RERA Directs Developer To Hand Over Two Properties With Interest For Delayed Possession(17.10.2022)

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has directed Orbit Enterprises to hand over possession of two units at BKC, Mumbai, to actor S.....

Tags : Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Saif Ali Khan, Orbit Enterprises


Delhi HC: Time for Filing Written Statement Starts From Date of Providing Suit to Defendant(17.10.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that the time for filing the written statement by the defendant under the Code of Civil Procedure, after issuance of summon.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, written statement, summons, Code of Civil Procedure


Delhi HC Asks Police to File Report on Inquiry on Confessional Statement of Jamia Millia Student(27.11.2020)

Delhi High Court has asked police to file a report on an internal vigilance inquiry conducted to probe allegations that a confessional statement of a .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Confessional Statement of Jamia Millia Student


RBI Imposes Fine on SBI for Failure to Comply with Fraud Classification Rules(19.10.2021)

Reserve Bank of India has slapped a fine of Rs 1 crore on State Bank of India for failing to comply with fraud classification rules. The regulator sai.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India


SC: Period for Filing of Written Statement Directory In Civil Suits; But Mandatory in Commercial Suit(20.10.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that the period of 90 days for filing of written statement under Order VIII Rule 1 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in civi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Period for Filing of Written Statement


Supreme Court: State Police Has Duty to Continue with Investigation of Schedule Offence(21.10.2021)

Supreme Court observed that the State police has a duty to continue with the investigation of a schedule offence till the National Investigating Agenc.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Police


Gujarat HC: Yes Bank is a Private Entity And Not Amenable to Writ Jurisdiction(28.07.2022)

Gujarat High Court has held that 30% shareholding of State Bank of India (SBI) cannot make Yes Bank a State under Article 12 of Constitution, and ther.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Yes Bank, Writ Jurisdiction, State


Madras HC: False Statements Before Criminal Court to Protect Fellow Officer Amounts To Misconduct(04.08.2022)

Madras High Court while upholding the disciplinary action against a police official has held that police officials making false or incorrect statement.....

Tags : Madras High Court, False Statement, Misconduct, Police Officials


CIVIL - Kerala HC Issues Guidelines for Appointment of Guardian to Patients Lying in State of Coma(21.02.2019)

Kerala High Court has observed that no specific provision is available in any Statutes to deal with procedure for such appointment of Guardian to a vi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Appointment of Guardian to Patients Lying in State of Coma


CIVIL - Kerala HC Issues Guidelines for Appointment of Guardian to Patients Lying in State of Coma(21.02.2019)

Kerala High Court has observed that no specific provision is available in any statute to deal with procedure for appointment of Guardian to a victim l.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Appointment of Guardian to Patients Lying in State of Coma


Kerala HC: No Absolute Privilege for Statements Made on Oath or Otherwise in Judicial Proceedings(14.01.2020)

Kerala High Court has reiterated that if a party to a judicial proceeding is prosecuted for the criminal offence of defamation in respect of a stateme.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Statements on Oath


Orissa HC: Failing to Certify Victim's State of Mind Doesn't Make Dying Declaration Unreliable(01.11.2022)

Orissa High Court has held that failure on part of doctor to certify 'state of mind' of deceased before recording dying declaration will not make the .....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Dying Declaration, State of Mind


SC: Rape Victim's Statement Mustn’t be Disclosed to Anyone Including Accused Till Charge-Sheet Filed(03.11.2022)

Supreme Court has held that rape victim's statement made under Section 164 CrPC should not be disclosed to any person including accused till charge-sh.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Rape Victim, Statement, Charge-Sheet


CCI to Investigate Odisha State Civil Supplies Corp for Anti-Competitive Practices(21.11.2019)

Competition Commission of India has ordered a detailed investigation against Odisha State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd for alleged unfair business w.....

Tags : CCI, Odisa State Civil Supplies Corp


SC Clarifies Filling Up Vacancies in State Consumer Commissions as per Directions(22.10.2021)

Supreme Court has clarified that the process of filing up vacancies in the State Consumer Commissions as per directions issued by it on 11th August 20.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Vacancies in State Consumer Commissions


Allahabad HC: Police Can't Question Prosecutrix/Victim Regarding Variations in Statements(25.10.2021)

Allahabad High Court has observed that putting questions to the prosecutrix/victim with regards to the change in the version by her in the statements .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Variations in Statements


Karnataka High Court Directs Police Officers to Strictly Follow Circular of State Government(26.10.2021)

Karnataka High Court has directed police officers who are in-charge of investigations to strictly follow the circular issued by the State government a.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Circular of State Government


Bom HC: Children Born in State But Completed Schooling from Outside Entitled to State Quota for Adm(14.09.2022)

Bombay High Court while holding that candidates born in the State but completed their 10th/12th from outside due to parent’s army posting are entitled.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Quota, Admission


SC: State Reorganization Can’t Take Away Right of Citizens to Reside & Settle in Any Part of Country(15.09.2022)

Supreme Court while observing that there is only one domicile i.e. domicile of the country and there is no separate domicile for a State, has held tha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Reorganization, Domicile


Ker. HC Bars Display of Advertisements in State Transport Buses, Cites Distraction to Other Drivers(17.10.2022)

Kerala High Court has directed the Transport Commissioner and State Police Chief to take the necessary steps to ensure that no Kerala State Road Trans.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Transport Commissioner, Kerala State Road Transport Corporation


Kerala HC Directs State Govt To File Report On Amount Quantified Towards Damage Of Property(17.10.2022)

Kerala High Court has directed the State government to file a report on the amount of damages that has been quantified by it in connection with strike.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Popular Front of India, State government


Kerala HC Seeks Details of Treatment Being Given to Injured KSRTC Employees(18.10.2022)

Kerala High Court has asked for full details regarding the treatment provided to Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) employees, who sustai.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Road Transport Corporation, Popular Front of India


HC Slams Kerala Govt For 'Playing Hide and Seek' Over Issue of Unauthorised Flags, Banners(18.10.2022)

Kerala High Court asked the State to not to play a 'hide and seek' game with the court by asking the state government to come clean on whether it want.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, illegal flag, State


Ker. HC To KSRTC: Has 'Single Duty System' Effective, File Statement With Figures & Calculations(18.10.2022)

Kerala High Court has directed the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) to inform on record that whether the 'Single Duty System' has been .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Road Transport Corporation, Single Duty System


Ker. HC Directs State To Provide Security, Education To Two Assam Girls who was Sexually Exploited(20.10.2022)

Kerala High Court has ordered the State government to ensure the safety and education of two minor girls from Assam who had migrated to the State with.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, sexual abuse, State government


Telangana HC Directs to Postpone Class X State Board Exams Indefinitely(01.04.2020)

Telangana High Court has directed the state authorities to indefinitely postpone Class 10th State Board Examinations in the State, till the impending .....

Tags : Telangana High Court, State Board Exam


Centre Notifies Act Providing Domicile Reservation for Govt. Jobs in Jammu & Kashmir(01.04.2020)

Ministry of Home Affairs has promulgated the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of State Laws) Order, 2020, which comes into force with imme.....

Tags : Ministry of Home Affairs, Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of State Laws) Order, 2020


Tamil Nadu Govt Notifies Amendment to State Subordinate Police Officers’ Conduct Rules(18.02.2022)

Tamil Nadu Government has notified an amendment to the State's Subordinate Police Officers' Conduct Rules,1964 by the inclusion of Rule 24-C, prohibit.....

Tags : Tamil Nadu Government, Amendment to State Subordinate Police Officers’ Conduct Rules


Kerala HC Stays Demand Notice Asking State Co-Operative Bank to Pay Outstanding Amount(22.02.2022)

Kerala High Court has stayed the demand notice issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax asking the State Co-operative Bank to pay the outstandi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Co-Operative Bank


Delhi HC to DSLSA: Provide Roadmap for Implementing Para-Legal Volunteers Scheme in Police Stations(30.01.2023)

Delhi High Court has directed Delhi State Legal Services Authority (DSLSA) to provide a roadmap for implementing its scheme for engaging paralegal vol.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delhi State Legal Services Authority, Para-Legal Volunteers


Madras HC to Centre: Consider Issuing Indian Passport to Sri Lankan Refugees’ Daughter(01.02.2023)

Madras High Court while observing that petitioner is for all practical purposes a stateless person and wants passport only to explore overseas employm.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Passport, Stateless Person, Refugee


Delhi HC: No Extension of Limitation Where Defendant Not Prevented from Filing Written Statement(20.12.2021)

Delhi High Court has observed that the Supreme Court's orders on extension of limitation will not be applicable in circumstances where the defendant w.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Filing of Written Statement


HP HC Directs State to Constitute State Transport Appellate Tribunal Within a Month(23.12.2021)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has directed the State Government to constitute an independent State Transport Appellate Tribunal within a month as per Se.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, State Transport Appellate Tribunal


Allahabad HC Directs to Regularly Update State Enactments, Amendments on Official Websites(24.12.2021)

Allahabad High Court has called upon the Uttar Pradesh Government to regularly update the text of the state laws, along with the amendments, if made, .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, State Enactments, Amendments on Official Websites


Jharkhand Assembly Passes Anti-Lynching Bill Providing For Punishment for Culprits(22.12.2021)

Jharkhand State Assembly has passed a law to prevent Mob Lynching in the state, The Jharkhand (Prevention of Mob Violence and Mob Lynching) Bill, 2021.....

Tags : Jharkhand State Assembly, Anti-Lynching Bill


Allahabad HC Issues Notice on Plea Against Statements of Shia Waqf Board Chairman(24.12.2021)

Allahabad High Court has issued a notice to the Uttar Pradesh Government and sought its counter affidavit on a plea filed against the alleged disputed.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Statements of Shia Waqf Board Chairman


Ker. HC: Sale Under SARFAESI Won’t Extinguish Prior Existing Charge for Dues Under State Tax Laws(10.01.2023)

Kerala High Court has held that statutory charge created under Kerala General Sales Tax Act, and Kerala VAT Act, prior to any mortgage made, against t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Tax, VAT, SARFAESI


Delhi HC Declines to Issue Notice on Plea Seeking Declaration of PM CARES Fund as "State"(10.03.2021)

Delhi High Court has said that it was not inclined to issue notice on a plea seeking declaration of the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Declaration of PM CARES Fund as "State"


SC: Officer Serving Ruling Govt Can't be Appointed as State Election Commissioner(12.03.2021)

Supreme Court has held that a government officer serving a state government cannot be appointed as the State Election Commissioner of that state. The .....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Election Commissioner


Telangana High Court Releases BJP State President Bandi Sanjay for Alleged Violation of Covid Norms(06.01.2022)

Telangana High Court has released BJP State President Bandi Sanjay Kumar who was sent to a 14-day judicial remand for allegedly violating Covid-19 nor.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, BJP State President Bandi Sanjay


Allahabad HC: Failure of Investigating Agency to Record Statements to be Recorded Seriously(10.01.2022)

Allahabad High Court has observed that the failure of the investigating agency to record statements of witnesses during an investigation must be viewe.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Investigating Agency, Failure to Record Statements


Calcutta HC Urges West Bengal State Election Committee to Postpone Proposed Elections(17.01.2022)

Calcutta High Court has urged the West Bengal State Election Commission to postpone the proposed elections to four municipal corporations for a period.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, West Bengal State Election Committee


SC: Constitute Inter-State River Water Disputes Tribunal for Pennaiyar River Dispute Within 3 Months(15.12.2022)

Supreme Court has directed Centre to complete the process of constituting the Inter-State River Water Disputes Tribunal to resolve the Pennaiyar river.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Inter-State River Water Disputes Tribunal, Pennaiyar River


Delhi State Commission Consumer Court Grants Rs. 25L to Woman as Compensation for Medical Negligence(06.06.2019)

Delhi State Commission Consumer Court has granted Rs. 25 lakh damage to a woman who became a victim of medical negligence and lost her baby after a ho.....

Tags : Delhi State Consumer Commission, Medical Negligence


Telangana HC: Ambulances to be Made Available on National/State Highways(29.05.2020)

Telangana High Court has stated that the State must ensure that Ambulances are available on National and State Highways being presently used by migran.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Ambulances on National/State Highways


Kerala HC Sets Aside Judgment on Regulation of Lotteries of Other States(18.05.2021)

Kerala High Court has set aside a single judge’s judgement restraining the State government from interfering with marketing and sale of lottery ticket.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Regulation of Lotteries of Other States


Delhi HC Directs SBI to Open FCRA Accounts of NGOs Within 10 Days of Receiving Centre's Approval(24.05.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the State Bank of India (SBI) to ensure that applications for opening the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (F.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, State Bank of India, FCRA Accounts


Kerala High Court Condemns Practice of Erecting Flags, Festoons Announcing State Meeting(02.03.2022)

Kerala High Court has condemned the Communist Party of India (Marxist) for erecting flags, festoons, and boards announcing the party’s State meeting t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Erecting Flags, Festoons Announcing State Meeting


SC: Mere Acquittal in Criminal Case Doesn’t Entitle Employee to Reinstatement(02.03.2023)

Supreme Court while observing that merely because a person is acquitted or discharged, it cannot obviously be inferred that he was falsely involved, o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Employee, Reinstatement


AAR, Telangana: Liquidated Damages and Penalties Due to Breach of Contract Exigible to GST(19.04.2022)

Authority of Advance Ruling, Telangana has observed that the liquidated damages and penalties received by the applicant due to breach of conditions of.....

Tags : Authority of Advance Ruling, liquidated, Central Goods and Services Tax, State goods and Services Tax Acts, exigible


Gujarat HC: Employer Liable to Pay Wages to Workman Against Labour Court's Reinstatement Order(20.04.2022)

Gujarat High Court has reiterated that when a Labour Court directs reinstatement of any workman and the employer prefers any proceedings against such .....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Labour Court, reinstatement


Karnataka HC: Lodging Electoral Expenditure Accounts Ensures Transparency of Candidates(22.04.2022)

Karnataka High Court has dismissed a petition, passed by the Karnataka State Election Commission by disqualifying from continuing as the elected membe.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Karnataka State Election Commission, Returning Officer


Delhi HC: State Govt Can't Cause Impediment to Grant/ Refuse Recognition to Institutes(22.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that while it is for the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) to grant or refuse recognition to the institutes upon.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, National Council for Teacher Education, State Government


SC: Govt. Can’t Create Posts & Absorb Those in Service in the Absence of Sanctioned Posts(12.04.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that government can’t be compelled to create post and absorb people who are continuing in service of the State, in the abse.....

Tags : Supreme Court has observed that government can’t be compelled to create post and absorb people who are continuing in service of the State, in the absence of sanctioned posts.


Himachal Pradesh HC Issues Notice on Plea Restraining State Government from Paying Income Tax of MLAs(29.03.2022)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has issued a notice to the state government on a plea challenging the provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assem.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, State Government, Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly (Allowances & Pension of Members) Act, 1971, Salaries & Allowances of Ministers (Himachal Pradesh) Act, 2000


Calcutta HC Seeks Medical Report in Rape Case of 11-Yr Old in WB's Basirhat(31.03.2022)

Calcutta High Court has directed the State government to submit the case diary along with a status report that pertains to the investigation into the .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State government, case diary, 11 year old girl, Basirhat, Rape


AAR, Gujarat: Transportation of Parcels by GSRTC in Its Buses Attracts 18% GST(04.04.2022)

Authority of Advance Ruling, Gujarat has held that 18% goods and services tax (GST) is payable by the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC).....

Tags : Authority of Advance Ruling, 18% GST, Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation


AAR, Gujarat: RTC Attracts 18% GST for Enabling GTA for Door to Door Delivery of Parcels(05.04.2022)

Authority for Advance Ruling, Gujarat has observed that Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation for enabling goods transport authority for door to do.....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation, 18% GST, Business Support Services


Uttarakhand HC: Reinstate Rajiv Bhartari as Principal Chief Conservator of Forest(04.04.2023)

Uttarakhand High Court has directed government to allow senior IFS officer Rajiv Bhartari to take over as the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest/ H.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Reinstate, Rajiv Bhartari


Madras HC Notices State Government, Opposition over Local Body Polls(19.10.2016)

Madras High Court has noticed Principal Opposition Party - DMK and State Government on an appeal moved by Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (TNSEC).....

Tags : Madras High Court, Tamil Nadu State Election Commission


SC Reserves Verdict on Cauvery Appeals(20.10.2016)

Supreme Court has reserved its judgment on nature of awards being given by Water Tribunals set up under Inter-state River Disputes Act, 1956, and its .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Inter-state River Disputes Act, Cauvery


Sikkim State Assembly Passes Bill Prohibiting Cow Slaughter(31.08.2017)

Sikkim has passed a Bill banning cow slaughter, which is titled as 'Sikkim Prevention of Cow Slaughter Bill, 2017'.

Tags : Sikkim State Assembly, Cow Slaughter


J & K HC Seeks Data on State Security to Pvt./Political/Retired Persons(24.08.2020)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has called for information from the Home Secretary and the Director General of Police regarding the security cover provid.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, State Security to Pvt./Political/Retired Persons


Gauhati HC Seeks Response on Constitution of State Mental Health Authority(16.07.2021)

Gauhati High Court has sought the response of State Government as to whether the State Mental Health Authority has been constituted under the mandate .....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Constitution of State Mental Health Authority


Gujarat HC Sets Aside Injunction on Construction of Railway Tracks Near Dargah(16.05.2022)

Gujarat High Court while setting aside an order of the State Waqf Tribunal which granted injunction in favour of the concerned Trustee of Dargah has h.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Waqf Tribunal, Dargah, railway land


SC: While Recording Statement Involving Large Number of Prosecution Witnesses, Utilize S.313(5) CrPC(16.05.2023)

Supreme Court has opined that while recording statement under Section 313 of CrPC in cases involving large number of prosecution witnesses, Judicial O.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Statement, CrPC, Prosecution Witnesses


Kerala HC: State Govt Bound to Consider Requests for Bharat Series Registration of Vehicles(29.04.2022)

Kerala High Court has held that the State government is bound to consider the application of the petitioner for registration of his vehicle with a Bha.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State government, Bharat series


Orissa HC Upholds Constitutional Validity of Section 34 RP Act(02.05.2022)

Orissa High Court upheld the Constitutional validity of Section 34 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 that specifies that eligible citizens.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Section 34, Representation of the People Act, 1951, State Legislative Assembly, Member of Parliament


Mad. HC to SBC: Take Actions Against Lawyers Issuing Fake Marriage Certificate(08.05.2023)

Madras High Court has asked State Bar Council (SBC) to initiate disciplinary action against the lawyers who are conducting marriages ceremonies all ov.....

Tags : Madras High Court, State Bar Council, Lawyers, Fake Certificates


Ker HC: State Disability Commissioner Can’t Adjudicate Upon Service Matters(08.05.2023)

Kerala High Court while observing that State Disability Commissioner has power only to advise and make recommendations to appropriate authorities, has.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Disability Commissioner, Service Matters


Guj. HC: State Authorities Need to Introspect Their Casual Attitude in Passing Detention Order(08.05.2023)

Gujarat High Court while observing that State Authorities are passing orders in a casual manner, has stated that State Authorities should introspect a.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Detention Order, State Authorities


Meg. HC to State: Indicate Actions Taken Against Illegal Coal Mine Operations(10.05.2023)

Meghalaya High Court while observing that kingpins of illegal coal mining in state had been nurtured and protected by the State, has directed State to.....

Tags : Meghalaya High Court, State Government, Illegal Coal Mine


SC Dismisses Plea Seeking Removal of 'Health' from State List and Exclusive Inclusion in Union List(29.06.2021)

Supreme Court has refused to entertain a plea filed seeking directions to Centre to remove subject of ‘Health’ from State list and include it exclusiv.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Removal of 'Health' from State List


SC Directs States/UTs to Strictly Implement Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979(30.06.2021)

Supreme Court has directed all the States/Union Territories to register all establishments and license all contractors under the Inter-State Migrant W.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act 1979


ITAT, Bangalore: Irrecoverable Advances for Land for Real Estate Development Business Allowable(02.05.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has ruled that the advances agreed for purchase of land in the normal course of business of carrying on real .....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Income Tax Act, 1961, Real estate development


SC Asks MP SEC to Notify Local Body Election Programme Within 2 Weeks(11.05.2022)

Supreme Court has directed the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission (SEC) to notify the programme for local body elections in the state within two.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission, local body, elections


Ker HC: IIM Kozhikode Not Instrumentality of State(15.06.2023)

Kerala High Court while observing that IIM, Kozhikode being an autonomous body is not an instrumentality of state has held that since there are no sta.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, IIM Kozhikode, State, Service Dispute


Kerala High Court Permits Interstate Travel from Kerala to Karnataka for Emergency Situations(18.08.2021)

Kerala High Court has permitted interstate travel from Kerala to Karnataka for emergency situations like death in the family or medical treatment, irr.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Interstate Travel from Kerala to Karnataka


Allahabad HC: No Requirement for Director of Laboratory to Prove Report from State Laboratory(20.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has held that since a report of State Forensic Science Laboratory is admissible in evidence as per the provision of Section 293 o.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Report from State Laboratory


Allahabad HC: Accused Cannot Claim Confessional Statement to be Considered for Some Offences(20.08.2021)

Allahabad High Court has held that when a conviction is made as a whole regarding any occurrence or set of occurrences, the accused cannot, at a later.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Confessional Statement


Bombay HC: BCCI Liable to Pay Employees Contribution Under ESI Act(30.06.2022)

Bombay High Court has held that Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is engaged in commercial activities and earning profits from the same and.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Employees State Insurance, BCCI


SC to CBI in Manipur Sexual Violence Case: Refrain from Recording Survivor’s Statements Survivors(01.08.2023)

Supreme Court has directed Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to refrain from taking statements of the survivors of the Manipur sexual violence cas.....

Tags : Supreme Court, CBI, Statement, Manipur Sexual Violence Case


Tel. HC: SHRC Can’t Adjudicate Upon Property Disputes(07.08.2023)

Telangana High Court has observed that as per G.Manikyamma v. Roudri Cooperative Housing Society Ltd. (MANU/SC/1097/2014) it is evident that Section 1.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, State Human Rights Commission, Property Dispute


Multiple Proceedings on Same Issue Not Permissible Under RERA 2016: Maharashtra RERA(29.12.2018)

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority has held that multiple proceedings on the same issue cannot be allowed under the Real Estate (Regulation .....

Tags : Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Multiple Proceedings


Delhi HC Directs 'Zee News' to Disclose Source of Confessional Statement of an Accused(16.10.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed a TV News Channel 'Zee News' to file an affidavit clearly disclosing the source from where the alleged confessional stat.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Source of Confessional Statement


Madras High Court Directs PCCF to Prepare Catalogue of All Captive Elephants in State(06.09.2021)

Madras High Court has directed the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) to prepare a catalogue of all captive elephants in the State. The Cou.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Catalogue of All Captive Elephants in State


Madras HC Issues Notice on Plea Challenging Amendment Transferring 'Education' from State List(15.09.2021)

Madras High Court has issued notice to the Central government on a petition that challenged Section 57 of the Constitution (42nd Constitutional amendm.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Amendment Transferring 'Education' from State List


Cal. HC: Influential Accused Take Shelter in State-Run Hospital(25.07.2022)

Calcutta High Court while observing that Influential Accused Take Shelter in State-Run Hospital, has directed the Enforcement Directorate to shift Wes.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State Hospital, Enforcement Directorate


Mad. HC: Record Statements of Witnesses u/s 161 CrPC Using Electronic Means atleast in Serious Crime(28.09.2023)

Madras High Court has directed Principal Secretary, Home Department and the Director General of Police to record statements of witnesses under Section.....

Tags : Madras High Court, CrPC, Witnesses, Statement


RBI Releases First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17(05.04.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17, lowered key interest rates by 25 basis points to 6.5 per.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17


Bombay HC Directs State to Make Complaints Authority Functional Within a Month(27.02.2017)

Bombay High Court has asked State government to make State Complaints Authority functional within a month in view of petitions alleging lack of redres.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Complaints Authority


Delhi High Court Seeks Pin Pointed Pollution Plan From AAP Govt(27.02.2017)

Delhi High Court has directed AAP Government to give a "pin-pointed" action plan for cleaning an open drain near Anand Vihar Inter State Bus Terminus .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Anand Vihar Inter State Bus Terminus


Kerala High Court Issues Strict Instructions to Expeditiously Remove Illegal Flag Posts in State(16.11.2021)

Kerala High Court has issued strict instructions to the State to ensure that no new unauthorised flag posts are installed in the State and to remove t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Remove Illegal Flag Posts in State


Tripura HC Directs Closure of Shops in State Selling Wild Animals, Birds Notified Under Wild Life Act(18.11.2021)

Tripura High Court has directed the authorities under the Wildlife (Protection) Act to take action regarding the closure of all such shops in the stat.....

Tags : Tripura High Court, Closure of Shops in State Selling Wild Animals, Birds


Telangana HC Issues Directions on Procedure for Recording Statements of Rape Victims(21.11.2022)

Telangana High Court has issued a circular containing instructions for Judicial Magistrates in the State on the procedure which they must follow while.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Statement, Rape Victims


Kar. HC: Longevity of Workman’s Past Service Needs to be Recognized Advantageous to Workman(22.12.2023)

Karnataka High Court while upholding Labour Court’s award of reinstating the workman dismissed for intermittent absence from work, has held that longe.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Workman, Reinstate


J&K&L HC: State Consumer Commission Not Empowered to Exercise Powers of Review(19.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that State Consumer Commissions and District Consumer Forums are not empowered to exercise powers of .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, State Consumer Commissions, Review


All. HC: No Illegality in Taking Written Statement of Witness Under Section 161 CrPC(26.12.2022)

Allahabad High Court has held that if written statement has been submitted by the witness himself to the Investigating Officer and the IO assures its .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Written Statement, Section 161 CrPC


Madras HC: Loss to State Exchequer Due to Negligence of Public Servant Must be Recovered from Him(26.12.2022)

Madras High Court has held that when a public servant is guilty of negligence and such act results in payment of statutory compensation or relief to v.....

Tags : Madras High Court, State Exchequer, Negligence, Public Servant


Allahabad HC to SEC: Notify ULB Polls Without OBC Quota(28.12.2022)

Allahabad High Court while observing that State Government doesn't fulfill the Triple Test Formality, has directed State Election Commission (SEC) to .....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, State Election Commission, ULB Polls, Triple Test


US Federal Court Allows Unshorn Hair and Beards for Sikhs in Marine Corps' Boot Camp(30.12.2022)

United States Federal Court has ordered Marine Corps to allow Sikh recruits with unshorn hair and beards to immediately begin basic training, while a .....

Tags : United States Federal Court, Marine Corps, Sikhs


Uttarakhand Becomes The First State to Pass The Uniform Civil Code Bill(08.02.2024)

The Uttarakhand State Legislative Assembly on 07.02.2024 passed the Uniform Civil Code, Uttarakhand, 2024 Bill and with this Uttarakhand becomes the f.....

Tags : Uttarakhand State Legislative Assembly, Uniform Civil Code


Karnataka HC Issues Notice Questioning Legality of Nominating People to State Board for Wildlife(16.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice on a Public Interest Litigation questioning the legality of nominating nine people, including the son of an MLA.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Nominating People to State Board for Wildlife


Delhi HC: Reinstatement Not Matter of Right Where Acquittal is Not Honourable(14.02.2022)

Delhi High has observed that reinstatement in public service cannot flow as a matter of right where the acquittal of such person is not an honourable .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Reinstatement in Public Service


Ministry of Corporate Affairs Extends Due Date of Filing Annual Return and Financial Statement(15.02.2022)

Ministry of Corporate Affairs ( MCA ) has again extended the due date of filing Annual Return and Financial Statement. The MCA has also relaxed the le.....

Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Filing Annual Return and Financial Statement


Madras High Court: Party Wanting to Abandon Claim Cannot be Compelled to Continue Case(01.04.2024)

Madras High Court while allowing the State of Tamil Nadu to withdraw cases, has observed that when a party wasn’t to abandon a case without reserving .....

Tags : Madras High Court, State of Tamil Nadu, Abandon


State of Kerala’s Suit Challenging Limits on State’s Borrowing Capacity Referred to Consti. Bench(01.04.2024)

Supreme Court while refusing to pass orders of interim relief in favor of the State of Kerala, has referred the suit challenging the limits on the Sta.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Borrowing Capacity, State of Kerala, Constitution Bench


Gauhati High Court: Notify the Child Protection Policy and the rules under the Juvenile Justice Act(01.04.2024)

Gauhati High Court has asked the State Government to notify the rules under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015, and the Child Protec.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, State Government, Child Protection Policy, Juvenile Justice Act


#Union Budget 2022-2023: Financial Assistance to States for Capital investment(01.02.2022)

Under the scheme for Financial Assistance to States for Capital investment, for 2022-23, the allocation is 1 lakh crore to assist States. This will be.....

Tags : Union Budget, Financial Assistance to States


SC: Limited Estate Given to Wife for Maintenance Would Mature as Absolute Estate(03.02.2022)

Supreme Court has held that Section 14(1) of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 does not bar the bequeathing of a limited estate to a female by way of a W.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Limited Estate Given to Wife


SC: Discrepancies Between FIR and Subsequent Statement Not Grounds for Discharge(07.02.2022)

Supreme Court observed that discrepancies between the FIR and any subsequent statement under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 canno.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Discrepancies Between FIR and Subsequent Statement


SC to Nagaland State Election Commission: Notify Local Body Polls With Women Quota Before March 14(14.02.2023)

Supreme Court has directed Nagaland State Election Commission to notify local body elections with women quota and place before it the official notific.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Nagaland State Election Commission, Women Quota, Local Body


SC: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science is a State(17.02.2023)

Supreme Court has held that the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) is a ‘State’ within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitu.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State, Constitution


SC: To Use Accused’s State. on Fact Discovery, Prose. Needs to Establish That No One Knew About it(12.04.2024)

Supreme Court has held that if the statement of the accused is to be used on discovery of a fact the prosecution will have to establish that, nobody h.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Accused’s Statement, Fact Discovery


Bom. HC Sets Aside Reinstatement Order of Hindustan Petroleum Workman Who Slapped His Supervisor(15.04.2024)

Bom. HC set aside decision of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal (CGIT) to reinstate workman who slapped his supervisor and observed that comm.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Central Government Industrial Tribunal, Hindustan Petroleum, Reinstatement


Karnataka HC issues Notice to State Road Transport Employees Over Strike(22.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to Karnataka State Road Transport Employees League, which has called for an indefinite strike of all bus servic.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Strike of Karnataka State Road Transport Employees


SC: State Board Employees Can't be Considered State Government Employees(22.03.2023)

Supreme Court while observing that employees of Orissa Khadi and Village Industries Board are not entitled to pension on par with Government employees.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Board, Employees, Government Employees


HP HC: Water is State Property; Not Private Entitlement of People Who Use it(24.03.2023)

Himachal Pradesh High Court while observing that it is a misconception that water belongs to villagers who use it, has held that Water is State proper.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Water, State Property, Villagers


AP HC: State Commissioner of Food Safety Can’t Impose Ban on Manufacture & Sale of Gutka, Pan Masala(27.03.2023)

Andhra Pradesh High Court has held that State Commissioner of Food Safety is neither authorized nor have any jurisdiction to issue notification, prohi.....

Tags : Andhra Pradesh High Court, State Commissioner, Food Safety and Standard Act, Pan Masala


Cal HC: Not Operating in Totalitarian State, Govt. Can’t Exercise Blanket Power Over Every Instit.(14.05.2024)

Cal HC has held that we do not operate in a totalitarian state and it cannot be held that Government has blanket power over any and every institution .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Totalitarian State, Blanket Power


Orissa HC Orders Inquiry into Complaints of Medical Negligence at State-Run COVID Facility(12.07.2021)

Orissa High Court has formed a committee to conduct an inquiry into the allegations of medical negligence in the treatment of victims during COVID-19 .....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Medical Negligence at State-Run COVID Facility


P&H HC: Courts Must Be Cautious While Exercising Discretion to Condone Delay in Filing WS(23.05.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that the provisions of Order 8 Rule 1 of the CPC are directory in nature, however, the Courts must exercise the.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, CPC, Written Statement, Condone Delay


Delhi HC: Suo Moto Proceedings Cannot be Initiated by Real Estate Appellate Authority(27.05.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that the Real Estate Appellate Authority is not vested with the power to initiate suo moto proceedings or on its own motion.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Real Estate Appellate Authority, Suo Moto


P&H HC: Previous Statement of Witness Should be Put to His Notice if it’s Used For Contradicting Him(31.05.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that if the witness was not confronted with that part of the statement with which the defense wanted to contrad.....

Tags : Punjab & Haryana High Court, Witness, Statement, Evidence Act


JKL HC: Court Can’t Extend Period for Filing Written Statement Beyond 120 Days(27.04.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that period of 120 days to file written statement under CPC is mandatory in nature so far as its appl.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Written Statement, Mandatory Period


Ker. HC: Criminal Misc. Cases to be Numbered Only After Producing Witness Statements & Docs.(07.06.2024)

Kerala High Court has directed its registry to number criminal miscellaneous cases only after producing the final report along with witness’s statemen.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Criminal Miscellaneous Cases, Witness Statements


Gauhati HC Directs to Call for Reports on Implementation of Orders Passed by State(30.07.2021)

Gauhati High Court has directed the Director of Social Welfare Department, Government of Nagaland to call for reports on the implementation of orders .....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Implementation of Orders Passed by State


SC: Magistrate Not Required to Record Statement of Public Servant Complaint Before Summoning Accused(05.08.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that a Magistrate is not required to record statement of a public servant who filed the complaint in discharge of his offic.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Record Statement of Public Servant


Kerala HC to State: Appoint Independent Chief Investigating Officer in SPCA Expeditiously(08.06.2022)

Kerala High Court has directed the State to finalise the appointment of an independent Chief Investigating Officer in the State Police Complaints Auth.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Police Complaints Authority, Independent Chief Investigating Officer


Karnataka Issues Circular Regarding Revocation of Canceled GSTIN Beyond 90 Days Based on Court Orders(10.06.2022)

Karnataka State (GST) Department has issued a circular regarding revocation of cancelled GSTIN beyond 90 days by LGSTO’S/SGSTO’S based on Appeal order.....

Tags : Karnataka State Department, GSTIN, Circular


Kar. HC Allows Petitioner Opposing Lingayat Reservation to Access Background Commission’s Report(30.05.2023)

Karnataka High Court while hearing plea opposing inclusion of Panchamasali Lingayat sub-sect in reservation quota available to Category 2A has directe.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Lingayat Reservation, State Backward Classes Commission


Bom HC: CPC Doesn’t Have Provision to Extend Time for Filing WS Due to Pendency of Misc. Application(06.08.2024)

Bombay High Court has observed that there is no provision in the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 or any pronouncement of the Court stating that time to fil.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Written Statement, Miscellaneous Application


US Supreme Court Rules Against Affirmative Actions in College Admission Process(30.06.2023)

United States Supreme Court has struck down affirmative action policies in student admissions programs at Harvard University and the University of Nor.....

Tags : United States Supreme Court, Affirmative Actions, Admission


SC: Can’t Apply S.180 of IPC Against a Person for Refusing to Sign Statement Given to Police(05.07.2023)

Supreme Court has held that Section 180 of IPC gets attracted only if a statement is refused to be signed which a public servant is legally competent .....

Tags : Supreme Court, IPC, Statement, Police


Gau. HC: Assam Govt. Criticised for Notifying Draft Rules and the Draft Child Protection Policy(26.08.2024)

Gau. HC has observed that delay in notifying the Draft Rules as well as the Draft Child Protection Policy discloses that the State Government or its c.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, State Government, Child Protection Policy


Bombay High Court: Temporary Relief Granted to US Fast-Food Giant "Burger King"(27.08.2024)

Bombay High Court has granted temporary relief to United States food giant 'Burger King' and restrained a food joint based in Pune from using the trad.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, United States, Burger King


Del. HC Uphelds Constitutional Validity of Rule 4 of Delhi High Court (Original Side) Rules, 2018(27.08.2024)

Delhi High Court has upheld the constitutional validity of Rule 4, Chapter VII of the Delhi High Court (Original Side) Rules, 2018 which makes it mand.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Constitutional Validity, Written Statement


Raj. HC: Rule 76 of Raj. Minor Mineral Concession Rules Applicable When Lease Holder Dies Intestate(27.08.2024)

Rajasthan High Court has held that Rule 76 of Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2017 which provides for procedure of mutation of the mineral l.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Lease Holder, Intestate


SC: Disclosure Statements can’t establish Charges Beyond Reasonable Doubt on its Own(14.08.2023)

Supreme Court has held that although disclosure statements hold significance as a contributing factor in unriddling a case, they are not so strong a p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Disclosure Statements, Beyond Reasonable Doubt


Madras HC: Builders Cannot Escape Provisions of RERA Where Amenities Not Provided(26.02.2021)

Madras High Court has held that builders and real estate developers cannot escape from the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 if they .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Builders, Real Estate Developers


P&H HC Seeks Information on Cases Pending Against MPs/MLAs of State(26.02.2021)

Punjab & Haryana High Court has sought information of all the cases pending against the Members of Parliament/Members of Legislative Assembly in the S.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Pending Cases Against MPs/MLAs of State


US Federal Court Issues Temporary Restraining Order Barring Devas-Antrix Agreement(02.03.2021)

United States Federal Court has issued a temporary restraining order barring start-up firm Devas Multimedia from entering any agreement with Antrix Co.....

Tags : United States Federal Court, Devas-Antrix Agreement


Ker. HC: KeLSA can Grant Victim Compensation without Court Order Except under POCSO(17.08.2023)

Kerala High Court has held that Kerala State Legal Services Authority (KeLSA) can grant victim compensation suo moto, without a court recommendation, .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Kerala State Legal Services Authority, Victim Compensation


AAR, West Bengal: Services for Collection and Disposal of Bio Medical Waste Iis Exempt From GST(12.04.2022)

Authority for Advance Ruling, West Bengal has held that services provided for collection and disposal of bio-medical waste to the State Government is .....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, services, bio-medical waste, State Government, Goods and Services Tax


CESTAT, Mumbai: Enhancement of Value Cannot be Ground to Invoke Penal Provisions/Confiscation(13.04.2022)

Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai has observed enhancement of value cannot be a ground on voluntary statement to invoke penal p.....

Tags : Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, voluntary statement, penal provisions


Rajasthan HC: Appeals u/s 58 RERA Act to be Filed with Court Fees(13.04.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has held that where there is no specific provision for payment of Court fees on appeals under Section 58 of the Real Estate Regul.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Real Estate Regulatory Authority Act, 2016, Rule 37, Section 58


Tel. HC to State Lake Protection Committee: Notify Buffer Zone for Water Bodies in Greater Hyderabad(28.07.2023)

Telangana High Court while observing that State Lake Protection Committee has not issued any guidelines in respect of tanks and water bodies, the buff.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, State Lake Protection Committee, Buffer Zone, Water Bodies


UGC Amended Regulation Not Binding on State Univ. Affiliated Institutions Without State Adoption(10.12.2024)

SC has held that amended UGC or AICTE regulations that raise the age of retirement to 65 years do not apply to institutions affiliated to State Univer.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Government, Retirement Age


SC: NCR States to Form Teams to Monitor Compliance of GRAP Measures(20.12.2024)

Supreme Court has directed the NCR States to create multiple teams who shall regularly submit reports regarding compliance as well as breaches of GRAP.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NCR States, GRAP Measures


Kar. HC: Not Every False Statement Made in Court Must be Subject to Prosecution(29.09.2023)

Karnataka High Court while observing that not every false statement that is intended must be the subject matter of the prosecution, has held that Cour.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, False Statement, Prosecution


J&K&L HC: Acts Which Gravely Prejudice Public Order Qualify as Acts Prejudicial to Security of State(26.08.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that every act which is prejudicial to the security of the state would qualify to be an act prejudici.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Public Order, Security of State


Mad. HC: State Employees Governed by TN Government Fundamental Rules and not Maternity Benefits Act(01.09.2023)

Madras High Court while observing that State Employees are governed by the Tamil Nadu Government Fundamental Rules and not the Maternity Benefits Act .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Maternity Benefits, State Employees


Meghalaya Govt. to SC: Circular Issued Regarding Prohibition of 'Two Finger test' on Rape Survivors(06.09.2024)

State of Meghalaya has informed the Supreme Court that a circular has been issued in relation to the prohibition of ‘Two Finger Test’ on rape survivor.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State of Meghalaya, Two Finger Test


Supreme Court: Litigant Whose Land was Illegally Occupied, Gets Relief(10.09.2024)

Supreme Court has granted relief to a litigant whose land was illegally occupied by Maharashtra authorities sixty years ago. The Court directed the St.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Authorities, Alternate Land


Ker. HC Restrains State Government from Transferring Elephants to Kerala(10.09.2024)

Kerala High Court has restrained the State Government and Chief Wildlife Warden from allowing the transfer of elephants from other States to Kerala. T.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Government, Chief Wildlife Warden


SC: 2 Months Given to Uttarakhand for Rehabilitation Scheme for People to be Evicted by Railways(12.09.2024)

Supreme Court has given two months time to the State of Uttarakhand to come up with a rehabilitation scheme for all the people who are to be evicted b.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State of Uttarakhand, Haldwani


SC: Can’t Consider Resignation Final Unless its Acceptance is Communicated to the Employee(16.09.2024)

Supreme Court while allowing the reinstatement of an employee, has observed that internal communication regarding acceptance of resignation cannot be .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Resignation Letter, Reinstatement


Supreme Court: State of Jharkhand Files Contempt Petition Against Central Government(18.09.2024)

State of Jharkhand has filed a contempt petition against Centre for delay in appointment of Chief Justice of the Jharkhand HC. It was stated that unre.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State of Jharkhand, Central Government, Chief Justice


Tripura High Court Rejects TMC's Plea to Hold 'Protest' Rally in State(23.09.2021)

Tripura High Court has dismissed a plea filed by the All India Trinamool Congress seeking permission to organize a protest rally despite State Governm.....

Tags : Tripura High Court, 'Protest' Rally in State


Delhi HC Asks Delhi Government to File Statement to Ensure Access to Adequate Food(24.09.2021)

Delhi High Court has asked the Delhi Government to file a statement, indicating a "future roadmap" for ensuring that poor, needy and marginalized non-.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Statement to Ensure Access to Adequate Food


Kar. HC: Karnataka State Commission for SC/ST Cannot Direct Govt to Withhold Grants to School(21.09.2022)

Karnataka High Court has held that Karnataka State Commission for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act, 2002 does not empower the Commission .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Grants to School, State Commission


J&K&L HC: Mere Reinstatement Without Clean Chit in Depart Inquiry Not Ground to Quash Cr. Proceeding(23.09.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that mere reinstatement into service without a clean chit in departmental inquiry is not a ground to .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Reinstatement, Departmental Inquiry


Bom HC: State's Obligation to Protect Citizens from Wild Animal, Any Injury Caused is Govt's Failure(27.09.2022)

Bombay High Court has held that while it is State’s duty to protect wild animals and not allow them to wander outside restricted zone, it is also obli.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Wild Animal, State Obligation


SC: Hybrid Mode of Hearings Must be Deployed by SIC(10.10.2023)

Supreme Court while observing that use of technology is no longer an option, has directed all State Information Commissions (SIC) to provide hybrid mo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Information Commissions, Hybrid Mode


SC: Court Must Take Liberal and Justice Oriented Approach Regarding Delay in Appeals Filed by State(10.10.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that if the appeals filed by the State are lost for individual default, those who are at fault, will not usually be individ.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Appeal, State, Delay


Gujarat HC: Not Our Duty to Tell State to Construct Schools, Hospitals(07.10.2022)

Gujarat High Court while hearing a PIL highlighting the fact that despite orders of collector passed in 2016, authorities haven't constructed civil ho.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, PIL, State Authorities


Bom. HC to SIC: Establish Time Limit for Disposal of Second Appeals Under RTI Act(14.12.2023)

Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra State Information Commission (SIC) to take appropriate steps to formulate some reasonable time limit an.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, State Information Commission, Second Appeal, Time Limit


Manipur HC: State is an Unnecessary Party to Anticipatory Bail Applications(03.11.2022)

Manipur High Court while issuing directions to its registry regarding the filing of anticipatory applications, has observed that in a petition for gra.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Anticipatory Bail, State


P&H High Court Scraps Haryana's Law Mandating 75% Quota in Private Sector(17.11.2023)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has struck down the controversial Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020 mandating 75% reservation for r.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates Act, 2020


SC to States: Inform if State Haj Committees Have Been Constituted(16.08.2022)

Supreme Court has directed State governments to inform the Court, by way of an affidavit, if Hajj committees are constituted in their in their respect.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Haj Committee, State Government


SC: Can’t Review Orders Solely on Ground that Consent Was Not Provided in Writing(21.01.2025)

Supreme Court has held that all constitutional courts in the country accept the oral statements made on behalf of the parties and orders cannot be rev.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Constitutional Courts, Oral Statements


Supreme Court Directs States & HCs to Frame Rules to Increase Posts of District Judge(22.01.2025)

Supreme Court has directed State Governments and High Courts to frame rules for increasing the posts of District Judge (Selection Grade) & District Ju.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Governments, High Courts


SC Directs Competent Authority to Consider Reinstatement of Suspended 32 Tihar Jail Officials(24.01.2025)

Supreme Court has directed the competent authority to decide the issue of reinstatement of 32 Tihar jail officials who were suspended for extending un.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reinstatement, Tihar Jail Officials


Supreme Court: For Conviction, Disclosure Statements Alone are Insufficient(31.01.2025)

Supreme Court has stated that disclosure statement under Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is not sufficient to prove guilt of the accused i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Disclosure Statements, Insufficient


P&H HC: Before Issuing Notice to Lawyer for Misconduct, SBC must Have ‘Reason to Believe’(31.01.2025)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has clarified that before issuing notice to lawyer for professional or other misconduct, the State Bar Council must have.....

Tags : P&H High Court, State Bar Council, Notice to Lawyer


Karnataka High Court Issues Notice to Banks on Petition Filed by Vijay Mallya(06.02.2025)

Karnataka High Court has issued a notice to banks on a petition filed by fugitive Vijay Mallya that sought directions on banks to provide account stat.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Vijay Mallya, Account Statements


Kerala HC: Superior Officers Will Be Personally Responsible for Overlooking Misdemeanor(28.10.2022)

Kerala High Court while observing that it is not merely sufficient that State Police Chief issues circulars, has issued a warning that if superior aut.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Misdemeanor, State Police Chief


Kar. HC: Rule of Locus Standi to be Construed Liberally in Matters of Illegal Grant of State Largess(23.01.2024)

Karnataka High Court has held that rule of locus standi should be construed liberally in matters that are related to illegal grant of State largess wh.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Locus Standi, Illegal Grant, State Largess


Cal. HC: Interfering in Investigation by State May Result in Disruption of Co-operative Federalism(25.01.2024)

Calcutta High Court while staying order for immediate transfer of a probe being conducted by State to CBI, has held that right of State to conduct fai.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Co-operative Federalism, Investigation by State


CIVIL MP HC: WS Filed After 120 Days Not Permissible, Summer Vacations Not 'Extraordinary Circumstanc(02.02.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that a written statement (WS) filed after the lapse of 120 days since the service of summons cannot be permitted to.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Written Statement, Summer Vacations, Extraordinary Circumstance


Cal HC: Petition for Removal of State Election Commissioner is Not Maintainable(13.07.2023)

Calcutta High Court while dismissing petition seeking removal of State Election Commissioner, among other reliefs, has observed that such a prayer can.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State Election Commissioner, Removal


Chh. HC: Once Resignation is Accepted, Employee Cannot Claim its Withdrawal(18.10.2024)

Chhattisgarh High Court has held that once the resignation of an employee is accepted there is no jural relationship between the employee and the empl.....

Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Resignation, Reinstatement


Guj. HC: State Bar Council to Issue Provis. Certificates to Students from Colleges Unapproved by BCI(24.10.2024)

Gujarat High Court has asked the State Bar Council to accept enrolment and to issue provisional certificate of practice to students from law schools t.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, State Bar Council, Provisional Certificate


HP HC: Parties Must Object to Tribunal’s Jurisdi. u/s 16 of A&C Act Before/During Defence Statement(08.11.2024)

Himachal Pradesh High Court has held that if any party has objections regarding the tribunal’s jurisdiction then by virtue of Section 16(2) of A&C Act.....

Tags : Himachal Pradesh HC, Defence Statement, Objections


SC: Recovery on Basis of Statement by Accused before Section 27 Disclosure is Not Admissible(29.11.2024)

Supreme Court has held that recovery of materials on the basis of statements given by accused prior to recording of statement under Section 27 of Indi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Statement by Accused, Section 27


SC: NCR States to Ask Workers to Register Themselves on Portal for Receiving Subsistence Allowance(06.12.2024)

Supreme Court has asked all the NCR States to convene meeting with workers union and urge them to get the workers registered on online portal in order.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NCR States, Subsistence Allowance


All. HC Orders Enquiry Against Advocate for Printing Name on Advertising Leaflets for Property Sale(19.12.2022)

Allahabad High Court has ordered State Bar Council to hold an inquiry for against an Advocate whose name was mentioned on advertising leaflets for pro.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, State Bar Council, Advertising


Supreme Court: Apple Not Responsible to Trace Stolen Iphone Through Unique Identity Number(21.02.2024)

Supreme Court while observing Odisha State Consumer Commission’s order as unwarrented, has obliterated the order passed by the Commission.

Tags : Supreme Court, Odisha State Consumer Commission


Madras HC Initiates Suo Moto Contempt Proceedings Against Witness for Making False Statement(02.12.2022)

Madras High Court has initiated suo moto contempt proceedings against Swathi, a prime witness to the Gokulraj Murder Case for making false statements .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Contempt, False Statement


SC: Failing to File Written Statement Within Time Does Not Lead to a Decree Against the Defendant(15.01.2024)

Supreme Court has held that mere failure or neglect of a defendant to file a written statement controverting the pleaded facts in the plaint, may not .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Written Statement, Decree, Defendant


SC: Secular State Must Prevent Hate Speech at Any Cost(06.02.2023)

Supreme Court directing that meeting proposed by 'Sakal Hindu Samaj' in Mumbai on February 5 should be videographed by police and that contents should.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Secular State, Hate Speech


Rajasthan High Court: Reinstate Ayurvedic Doctors Who Haven’t Attained 62 Years of Age(01.03.2024)

Rajasthan High Court has directed that those ayurvedic doctors who have been superannuated on attaining the age of 60 years but have not completed the.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Ayurvedic Doctors, Reinstatement


Del. HC: Confessional Statement u/s 50 of PMLA Can Only be Used for Corroboration of Evidence(11.03.2024)

Delhi High Court has held that confessional statement under Section 50 of Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) can only be used for corrobo.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Section 50 of PMLA, Confessional Statement


Kar. HC: SHRC Can Only Suggest State Government Regarding Action Against Policemen(11.03.2024)

Karnataka High Court has restated that the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) can only suggest State Government to act against policemen and lacks t.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, State Human Rights Commission, State Government


Bombay High Court: Pardanashin Woman Allowed to Amend Written Statement(11.03.2024)

Bombay High Court has allowed a pardanashin woman to amend her written statement on the ground that the woman was illiterate and was unable to underst.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Written Statement, Pardanashin Woman, Illiterate


SC: SBI’s Application for Extension of Time for Furnishing Electoral Bonds Details Dismissed(11.03.2024)

Supreme Court has dismissed the State Bank of India’s (SBI) application that was filed for an extension of time for furnishing electoral bond details .....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Bank of India, Electoral Bonds, Extension of Time


Electoral Bonds Data Uploaded on Election Commission of India’s Website(15.03.2024)

The Election Commission of India has uploaded on its website data related to electoral bonds that was supplied by the State Bank of India.

Tags : Election Commission of India, Electoral Bonds, State Bank of India


SC: Admission Can’t be Denied to Domicile of State on The Ground of Parent Posted Outside State(22.03.2024)

Supreme Court has held that a candidate having domicile of the State of Maharashtra cannot be denied admission under the State quota on the ground tha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Domicile, State of Maharashtra, Admission


Karnataka High Court: Welfare State Expected to Treat Pensioners With Soft Gloves(02.04.2024)

Karnataka High Court has held that an employer in a Welfare State is required to treat pensioners with soft gloves as they have retired after putting .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Welfare State, Pensioners


Madras High Court Modifies Order & Restores Power of Madurai Bench to Hear Pan-State Matters(05.04.2024)

Madras High Court recently modified an earlier order of the Court and restored the power of the Madurai Bench to hear pan-state matters which were ear.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Madurai Bench, Pan-State Matters


Delhi HC: Not Bank’s Responsibility to Get Real Estate Project Completed(16.03.2023)

Delhi High Court while observing that banks can’t be loaded with responsibility of getting real estate projects completed, has held that it is for the.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Real Estate, Bank


Kar. HC: Challenge to Singing State Anthem Dismissed, Right to Remain Silent Cited(25.04.2024)

Kar. HC while dismissing a petition challenging State’s order prescribing singing of state anthem, has observed that Government has done it in executi.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, State Anthem, Executive Power


Supreme Court: Regulations of University Grants Commission are Binding on Universities(16.04.2024)

Supreme Court while directing Jamia Milia Islamia University to reinstate teachers on a permanent basis even after University Grants Commission’s lett.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Jamia Milia Islamia, University Grants Commission, Reinstatement


Bom HC: Person Cannot be Deprived of Right to Sleep by Recording Statements at Unearthly Hours(16.04.2024)

Bom. HC while observing that recording of statement, at unearthly hours, results in deprivation of a person’s sleep, a basic human right of an individ.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Enforcement Directorate, Unearthly Hours, Recording of Statements


Cal. HC: WB Government Directed to Finalise Minimum Wage of Tea Plantation Workers Within Six Weeks(17.04.2024)

Calcutta High Court has directed the State of West Bengal to decide the issue of minimum wages of tea plantation workers under the Minimum Wages Act, .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State of West Bengal, Minimum Wages Act, 1948


SC: Investigating Officer Must Narrate Statement of Accused to Prove Disclosure Statement(22.04.2024)

SC has held that for proving disclosure statement the Investigating Officer would be required to narrate what accused stated to him. He essentially te.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Investigating Officer, Disclosure Statement


All. HC: Can’t Declare Transaction Benami on Contractor’s Statement Without Relevant Material(29.04.2024)

Allahabad High Court has held that construction cannot be declared as benami under the Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1988 merely on.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Benami, Contractor’s Statement


Jh. HC: Process of Constituting Transgender Welfare Board Must be Expedited(30.04.2024)

Jharkhand High Court while focusing on the importance of addressing the needs of the transgender community has directed the State Government to speed .....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Transgender Welfare Board, State Government


SC: Can Use Witness Statement Recorded In Absence of Accused, if Conditions of S. 299 CrPC Fulfilled(09.05.2024)

Supreme Court has held that if the conditions given under Section 299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 are fulfilled only then the statement of.....

Tags : Supreme Court, S. 299 CrPC, Witness Statement


Supreme Court: Replication to WS Can be Filed by Election Petitioner if New Facts Not Introduced(10.05.2024)

Supreme Court has observed that a replication in an election petition can be filed by an election petitioner against a written statement, only on the .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Election Petition, Replication, Written Statement


Kar HC: State to Not Take Action Against Old Vehicles For High-Security Number Plates Till June 12(23.05.2024)

Karnataka State Government has submitted an undertaking in the Karnataka High Court that no precipitative action shall be taken by the Government in m.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, State Government, Registration Plates, Precipitative Action


MP HC: Can Allow Filing of WS Beyond Limitation Period if Exceptional Circumstances are Made Out(24.05.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while hearing a petition against closure of right of petitioner to file Written Statement (WS), has observed that it would b.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Exceptional Circumstances, Written Statement


Kar. HC: De-Nomination of Chairman of Minorities Commission by Govt. Before Term is Not Arbitrary(29.05.2024)

Kar. HC has observed that Chairman of Karnataka State Minorities Commission is nominated under Section 4 of Karnataka State Minorities Commission Act,.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, State Minorities Commission, De-Nomination


All HC: UP Government Directed to Consider Framing Insurance Scheme for Lawyers Appearing for State(03.06.2024)

Allahabad High Court has directed the Uttar Pradesh Government to consider framing of insurance scheme for law officers who appear for the State Gover.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Insurance Scheme, State Government


Gauhati HC: Arbitration Can be Invoked Despite Existence of Alternative Remedy Under RERA Act(17.06.2024)

Gauhati HC has held that arbitration can be invoked to settle a real estate dispute, despite the existence of an alternative legal remedy under the Re.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, RERA Act, Arbitration Act, Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act


Kerala High Court: State’s Response Sought in Plea Against Increased Working Days(20.06.2024)

Kerala High Court has sought the response of the State Government in a petition challenging the increase in number of working days in aided and govern.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Government, Working Days


Kerala State Assembly Passes Resolution Changing Name of State to ‘Keralam’(25.06.2024)

Kerala State Assembly has passed a resolution urging the Centre to change the name of the State of Kerala to Keralam. The resolution seeks action by t.....

Tags : Kerala State Assembly, A. 3 of COI, State of Kerala, Keralam


SC: Buses Having All India Permit Shouldn’t be Obstructed from Movement in Tamil Nadu(26.06.2024)

Supreme Court while passing an interim direction, has observed that buses registered in other states having all India permit should not face any hindr.....

Tags : Supreme Court, All India Permit, State of Tamil Nadu


JKL HC: All Water Sources are Property of Government(26.05.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court while dismissing a plea seeking directions upon the administration to not to change, divert or take any water .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Water Body, State, Property


Delhi HC Rejects PIL Challenging Notifications Permitting Exchange of Rs. 2000 Notes Without ID Proof(29.05.2023)

Delhi High Court has dismissed public interest litigation (PIL) challenging Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and State Bank of India's (SBI) notifications .....

Tags : Delhi High Court,Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India


Mad. HC: Action Can be Taken Against Lawyers Using Advocate Stickers to Seek Immunity(03.07.2024)

Madras High Court has informed the State Government that police without fearing anything, is allowed to take action against lawyers who use advocate s.....

Tags : Madras High Court, State Government, Traffic Offences


Mad. HC: Disciplinary Procee. to be Initiated Against Lawyers Soliciting Work Through Online Service(04.07.2024)

Madras High Court has directed State Bar Councils to initiate disciplinary proceedings against lawyers soliciting work through online websites and add.....

Tags : Madras High Court, State Bar Councils, Disciplinary Proceedings


Supreme Court: Cannot Include Confession Made before Police in Charge Sheet(15.07.2024)

Supreme Court has stated that confessional statements recorded by the Police Officers which are part of the charge sheet cannot remain a part thereof .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Confessional Statements, Charge Sheet


Manipur HC to State: Provide Limited Internet Service at Designated Places(20.06.2023)

Manipur High Court while hearing a PIL seeking restoration of internet services in the State, has directed State authorities to provide limited intern.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Internet Service, State authorities


SC: State Bar Councils and BCI Cannot Charge More than the Specified Amount as Enrollment Fee(30.07.2024)

Supreme Court has held that the State Bar Councils and the Bar Council of India cannot charge more than the amount specified under Section 24(1)(f) of.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State Bar Councils, Bar Council of India


Jh. HC: Provisions to File Written Statements Within 90 Periods is Directory Not Mandatory(30.07.2024)

Jh. HC has observed that in Order VIII Rule 1 r/w S. 151 of C.P.C. time prescribed for filing WS from date of service of notice is 30 days. Further, 6.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Written Statements, 90 days


SC: Can’t View Slum Rehabilitation Scheme as Real Estate Development Project(02.08.2024)

Supreme Court has held that Slum Rehabilitation Scheme cannot be treated as a real estate development project since there is a public purpose involved.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Slum Rehabilitation Scheme, Real Estate


Tel. HC: Wife of Man in Vegetative State Appointed as Legal Guardian of His Property(15.07.2024)

Telangana High Court on a writ petition that was filed raising the parens patriae jurisdiction of the Court, has appointed the wife of a man in a vege.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Parens Patriae, Vegetative State, Legal Guardian


WB Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee Restrained from Making Defamatory Statements against WB Governor(17.07.2024)

Calcutta High Court, in a defamation suit by WB Governor CV Ananda Bose, has restrained West Bengal Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee from making any defa.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, WB Governor, Defamatory Statements


SC: Opposite Party Whose Right to File WS is Closed, Can’t Bring in Pleadings through Evidence(23.07.2024)

SC has held that in absence of provisions dealing with non-filing of WS/forfeiture of right to file a WS, it can only be held that it should bar the o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Opposite Party, Written Statement


Kerala High Court: Publication of Justice Hema Commission Report, Stayed(25.07.2024)

Kerala High Court has passed an interim order staying the publication of Justice Hema Commission Report as was directed by the State Information Commi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Information Commissioner, Film Industry


Ori HC: State Can’t Question Maintain. of Suit for No Notice at Stage of Appeal if Not Done in WS(06.12.2024)

Orissa High Court has observed that if State does not raise any objection about maintainability of suit in their written statement on the ground of no.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Maintainability of Suit, Written Statement


Rajasthan HC: State Government Granting Bonus Marks is Purely Policy Decision(07.08.2024)

Raj. HC has held that if State Govt. has chosen not to provide any bonus marks for services, like the post of Medical Officer (Dental), then it cannot.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Medical Officer, State Government


Supreme Court: Centre & States to Take Steps to Implement NCAHP Act, 2021(13.08.2024)

Supreme Court has directed the Centre to conduct a meeting with all the State Secretaries of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to come out wi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NCAHP Act, State Secretaries


SC: If Land Acquisition Compensation Not Paid, Schemes Like Ladli Behna Will be Stopped(14.08.2024)

Supreme Court has reprimanded the State of Maharashtra for not coming up with a reasonable figure for compensation in cases where State illegally occu.....

Tags : Supreme Court, State of Maharashtra, Ladli Behna, Land Acquisition


Ker. HC: State Directed to Place Before Court the Entire Justice Hema Committee Report(22.08.2024)

Kerala High Court has directed the State Government to place before it the entire Justice Hema Committee Report including all the removed portions in .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Government, Justice Hema Committee


Chhattisgarh HC: Suo Motu Cognizance Taken of on-Functioning of State Bar Council(07.02.2025)

Chhattisgarh High Court has taken suo motu cognizance of non-functioning of State Bar Council of Chhattisgarh since 2021. The Court has noted that var.....

Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Suo Motu Cognizance, State Bar Council


Kar. HC: Can Quash Cr. Proceedings on Basis of Witness Statements only in Rare Cases(10.02.2025)

Karnataka High Court has observed that criminal proceedings can be quashed on the basis of witness proceedings only under rare and exceptional circums.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Witness Statements, Rare Cases


Ker. HC: It is the Inherent Power of Consumer Commissions to Stay Execution of Order Under Challenge(08.01.2025)

Kerala High Court has observed that Consumer Commissions have the inherent power to stay execution of an order passed by the District or State Commiss.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Consumer Commissions, State Commission


Del. HC: For Filing Additional WS After, Comm. Court Act Doesn't Prevent Appl. of Order 8 Rule 9 CPC(13.01.2025)

Delhi HC has stated that there is nothing in the Commercial Courts Act, 2015 to suggest that the provisions of Rule 9 of Order VIII CPC shall not be a.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Written Statement, Commercial Courts Act


Cal. HC: Must File Application u/s 8 of A&C Act Before or Simultaneously With Written Statement(14.01.2025)

Cal. HC has held that while determining alimony the question is not what are the actual daily requirements of the wife but as to what is the perceived.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Written Statement, Arbitration


Calcutta High Court Pulls State Government Over Lack of Funds(15.01.2025)

Calcutta High Court pulled up the State Government over lack of funds and stated that it is a very sorry state of affairs that there is no money for p.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State Government, Lack of Funds


Ker. HC: No Separate Notification Required for Cross-Empowerment of State Officials(16.01.2025)

Kerala High Court has observed that there is no need of a separate notification for the cross-empowerment of State officials under the Goods and Servi.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Cross-Empowerment, State Officials


Supreme Court: Judges Appointed for Tribunal Positions Need to be Treated with Dignity(30.09.2024)

Supreme Court while hearing a matter on the salaries of retired judges appointed for positions in the state tribunals and commissions has stated that .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Retired Judges, State Tribunals


Supreme Court: Can’t Expect Judges to Work Without Salary(01.10.2024)

Supreme Court while directing the State of Bihar to release the salary of a Patna High Court judge, has stated that no judge should be expected to wor.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Patna High Court, State of Bihar
