Search Results for Tag : resignation
Notifications & Circulars
Resignation of Lok Sabha MP Shri Nana Patole(14.12.2017)
S.O.3889(E).--Shri Nana Patole, an elected member of Lok Sabha from Bhandara-Gondiya Parliamentary Constituency of Maharashtra has resigned his seat i.....
Tags : Resignation, MP, Lok Sabha
Arvind Kumar Singh resigns from Rajya Sabha(06.06.2016)
Arvind Kumar Singh, Member of the Rajya Sabha for the State of Uttar Pradesh resigned effective 6 June 2016.
Tags : rajya sabha, member, resignation
Acceptance of Shri B. Janardhan Reddy's resignation as Chairman of the Central Advisory Board(24.11.2016)
In pursuance of the powers conferred by rule 8 of the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950, it is hereby published for information of the public that t.....
Tags : Resignation, Chairman, Acceptance
J&K High Court: Resignation Under Threat Legally Invalid(03.03.2016)
Jammu and Kashmir High Court has ruled that a document pertaining to resignation is legally valid only if an official tenders it out of his or her own.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court , resignation
SC: No Pension if Employee Resigns to Join Another Govt Post Without Permission(21.09.2023)
Supreme Court has held that if a central government employee makes a resignation from government service for another government job without the permis.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Pension, Resignation, Permission
SC Dismisses Plea Challenging Manipur Speaker's Decision to Accept 3 BJP MLAs' Resignation(10.09.2021)
Supreme Court has dismissed a special leave petition filed challenging Manipur High Court's order of upholding the decision of the Manipur Legislative.....
Tags : Supreme Court, 3 BJP MLAs' Resignation
JKL HC: Director’s Resignation to Take Immediate Effect if No indication About Same in AoA(23.10.2023)
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that in the absence of any indication as regards the effect of resignation in the Articles of Associa.....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Articles of Association, Resignation
Kar. HC: Spouse of Employee Can’t Seek Withdrawal of Employee’s Resignation(02.11.2023)
Karnataka High Court has held that no rule or ruling in service law recognizes the right of the spouse of an employee to seek withdrawal of resignatio.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Resignation, Employee
Madras HC: Employee Can’t Assert a Right to Withdraw Resignation Once it is Accepted(27.06.2016)
Madras HC has ruled that in contractual master-servant relationship, no employee can assert right to withdraw his resignation, especially after it had.....
Tags : Madras HC , Resignation
CESTAT, Delhi Quashes Service Tax Demand on Notice Pay from Employees for Premature Resignation(14.02.2022)
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Delhi has quashed the service tax demand on notice pay recovered from employees for prema.....
Tags : Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Premature Resignation
SC: Communication of Acceptance of Resignation Not Mandatory Unless Rules or Guidelines Prescribe it(27.04.2024)
SC has held that termination of employment is deemed to be in effect from the date on which resignation is accepted by the authority. Non-communicatio.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Termination, Non-communication, Resignation
No Bar In Withdrawing Resignation Before Its ‘Effective’ Acceptance: Kerala High Court(27.06.2018)
Kerala High Court has held that a government employee can withdraw the resignation tendered by him before its ‘effective’ acceptance by appropriate au.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Resignation
Himachal Pradesh High Court: Timeline Cannot be Imposed on Speakers to Decide Resignations of MLAs(19.06.2024)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has held that no timeframe can be fixed by the Constitutional Court for the Speaker to decide the issue of resignation ten.....
Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Constitutional Court, Resignation, Legislative Assembly
Manipur HC Upholds Manipur Legislative Assembly Speaker's Decision to Accept Resignation(16.07.2021)
Manipur High Court has upheld the decision of the Manipur Legislative Assembly Speaker to accept the resignation of 3 Bharatiya Janata Party MLAs with.....
Tags : Manipur High Court, Resignation of 3 BJP MLAs
Chh. HC: Once Resignation is Accepted, Employee Cannot Claim its Withdrawal(18.10.2024)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that once the resignation of an employee is accepted there is no jural relationship between the employee and the empl.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Resignation, Reinstatement
SC: Can’t Consider Resignation Final Unless its Acceptance is Communicated to the Employee(16.09.2024)
Supreme Court while allowing the reinstatement of an employee, has observed that internal communication regarding acceptance of resignation cannot be .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Resignation Letter, Reinstatement
Benefit of an interpretation must favour a person who is likely to suffer an irreparable harm and serious prejudice(06.07.2018)
By present petition, the Petitioner prays that, the impugned order passed by the District Collector, be quashed and set aside. The Petitioner has been.....
Tags : Resignation, Delivery, Post, Removal
Director who has resigned from the position cannot be held liable for negotiable instruments issued or for the business conducted after his resignation(14.02.2024)
The Appellants in both the appeals were Directors in the Respondent- Company and had resigned from such Directorship on 9th December, 2013 and 12th Ma.....
Tags : Director, Resignation, Liability
Gauhati HC accepts resignation of MLAs(12.01.2016)
Gauhati High Court declined relief in petitions by Gabriel Denwang Wangsu and Wanglam Sawin, members of Arunachal Pradesh’s legislative assembly, hold.....
Tags : Legislative assembly, resignation, withdrawal, arunachal pradesh