12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : pendente lite


SC: Arbitrator Cannot Grant Pendente Lite Interest if Contract Contains Specific Clause(05.10.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that an arbitrator cannot grant pendente lite interest if the contract contains a specific clause which expressly bars paym.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pendente Lite Interest


SC: Arbitrator Can Award Pendente Lite Interest if Not Barred Under Contract(20.03.2023)

Supreme Court has held that unless there is a specific bar under the contract, Arbitrator can award pendente lite interest in view of Section 31(7)(a).....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pendente Lite, Arbitrator, Contract


Delhi HC: Income of Husband Not Sole Criterion to Determine Maintenance Pendente Lite(26.05.2017)

Delhi High Court has held that proportion of husband’s income to be awarded as maintenance pendente lite to wife is dependent on surrounding circumsta.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Pendente Lite


Delhi High Court: No Strict Mathematical Formula to Determine Amount of Maintenance Pendente Lite(29.05.2017)

Delhi High Court has held that proportion of husband’s income to be awarded as maintenance pendente lite to wife is dependent on surrounding circumsta.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Pendente Lite


SC: Pendente Lite Transferee Has No Automatic Right of Impleadment in a Suit(30.01.2025)

Supreme Court has observed that there is no automatic right available to pendente lite transferee to be impleaded in a suit. Only in cases where such .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pendente Lite, No Automatic Right



Contract must explicitly bar pendente lite interest to prevent arbitral award(16.03.2016)

An Arbitrator cannot award interest pendente lite if the same is barred expressly by contract. The Supreme Court distinguished an explicit contractual.....

Tags : Arbitration, interest, award, pendente lite
