12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : inclusion


Value of work entrusted to sub-contractors or payments made shall not be taken into consideration while computing total turnover(05.09.2016)

Assessee was doing business of engineers and contractors and in this process it, executed projects under contracts with public sector undertakings, lo.....

Tags : Payment, Sub-contractor, Inclusion, Total turnover


University established by law in State granting recognized dental qualification, is entitled to representation in Dental Council of India(08.12.2016)

Petitioner, by present petition, seeks a direction to Respondent – Union of India to accept nomination of an elected representative of Petitioner as a.....

Tags : Members list, Inclusion, Elected representative


Notifications & Circulars

Atal Pension Yojana (APY) included under Section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act 2016(12.06.2017)

With an objective of bringing in transparency, efficiency and to enable beneficiaries to get their entitlement directly in a convenient and seamless m.....

Tags : Pension Yojna, Inclusion, Aadhar Act


CBDT has been asked to consider inclusion of Service Charge while assessing tax: Shri Ram Vilas Paswan(13.09.2017)

Shri Ram Vilas Paswan, Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution told that in order to check the levying of Service Charge compu.....

Tags : Service Charge, Inclusion, Tax, Assessment


Mr. Agustin Carstens, Bank for International Settlements delivered 17th C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture titled "Central Banking and Innovation: Partners in the Quest for Financial Inclusion"(25.04.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India hosted the Seventeenth C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture on April 25, 2019 in Mumbai. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Agust¡n .....

Tags : Lecture, Innovation, Financial Inclusion


Streamlining export data to include District level details in Shipping Bills(05.02.2020)

1. Reference is invited to Notification No. 33/2019-Cus (NT) dated 25.04.2019 vide which the Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Pape.....

Tags : Export data, Inclusion, District level details


Inclusion of Mauritius in the FATF list of "jurisdictions under increased monitoring"(25.02.2020)

The Financial Action Task Force on February 21, 2020, has placed Mauritius in the list of "jurisdictions under increased monitoring", commonly referre.....

Tags : Inclusion, Mauritius, FATF list


Top Story

RBI announces National Strategy for Financial Education 2020-2025(20.08.2020)

In order to strengthen financial inclusion in the Country, RBI announces National Strategy for Financial Education 2020-2025 (NSFE). Financial litera.....

Tags : Financial inclusion, NSFE, Announcement


Review of inclusion of Historical Scenarios in Stress Testing in Commodity Derivatives Segment(21.12.2020)

1. SEBI vide Circular SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2018/111 dated July 11, 2018 and SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2020/128 dated July 21, 2020, inter alia, had.....

Tags : Inclusion, Historical Scenarios, Stress Testing in


Court will not ordinarily interfere in policy matters as the same are based on expert knowledge of the persons concerned in the respective fields(18.05.2021)

Present Public Interest Litigation is filed by the Petitioner seeking a direction to the Respondent to expand the scope and ambit of Scheme for Faster.....

Tags : Scheme, Clause, Inclusion


The amounts received by the assessee on account of sale of software and other incidental receipts would not constitute royalty within the meaning of Section 9(1)(vi) of IT Act(25.08.2021)

The assessee is a foreign company. It is engaged in the business of development and licencing of software products. During the relevant assessment yea.....

Tags : Assessment, Royalty, Inclusion


International Cases

Statutory provision should not be interpreted so as to alter the common law unless the intention to do so was clearly reflected in the enactment(04.11.2021)

The appeal concerned the construction to be placed on ‘collection costs’ as defined in Section 1 and whether collection costs in Section 101(1)(g), as.....

Tags : Cost, Inclusion, Post-judgment


Expression "District Magistrate" and the "Chief Metropolitan Magistrate" under Section 14 of the SARFAESI Act includes Additional District Magistrate and Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate(27.07.2022)

The borrower has preferred the present appeal against impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court, by which, the Division Bench of the High C.....

Tags : Powers, Inclusion, Jurisdiction


Freight charged separately in the invoices is not includable in the assessable value for the payment of excise duty(07.06.2024)

The Appellant is engaged in manufacture of transformer, aluminium, cables etc. Excise duty amounting to Rs.65,15,338 on the freight value of Rs.5,21,2.....

Tags : Freight, Inclusion, Demand


Interest income to be included in tax return(01.01.1900)

The Central Board of Direct Taxes notified persons earning interest income that interest credited or received on deposits is taxable unless exempt und.....

Tags : Income tax return, interest income, inclusion



Delhi HC Seeks Centre's Response on Petition for Inclusion of Severe Mental Illness as Comorbidity(16.03.2021)

Delhi High Court has sought the Centre's response on a petition seeking directions for the inclusion of mental illnesses in the classification of como.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Inclusion of Severe Mental Illness as Comorbidity


Kerala High Court to Centre Over Non-Inclusion of Petroleum Products Under GST(02.12.2021)

Kerala High Court was discontent with the reasons given by the Goods and Services Tax Council for its decision to not include petrol and diesel within.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Non-Inclusion of Petroleum Products Under GST


Inclusion of additional export items in Appendix 4R with effect from 15.12.2022(07.12.2022)

1. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Tra.....

Tags : Inclusion, Additional export, Notification


Kerala HC Seeks Statement on Plea Seeking Inclusion of Advocates in Vaccine Priority Group(19.05.2021)

Kerala High Court has sought a written statement on the State Government's stance on a petition for including advocates and judicial officers in the p.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Inclusion of Advocates in Vaccine Priority Group


Reserve Bank of India introduces the Financial Inclusion Index(17.08.2021)

As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies in the first Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2021-2022 dated April 07,.....

Tags : Financial Inclusion, Index, Introduction


Inclusion of "Farmer Producer Company (FPC) in the list of Micro Insurance Agent"(26.04.2017)

Reference is invited to Regulation 2 (f) of IRDAI (Micro Insurance) Regulations 2015 (Regulations) which defines a "Micro-insurance Agent". Based on t.....

Tags : FPC, Inclusion, Micro Insurance


Inclusion of Tribes in ST List(23.07.2018)

The Government on 15.06.1999 (further amended on 25.06.2002) has laid down the modalities for deciding the claims for inclusion in, exclusion from and.....

Tags : Tribes, Inclusion, ST list


P&H HC: Inclusion of Biological Mother's Name in Passport Would Not Cause Any Prejudice(21.07.2020)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has directed the Regional Passport Office to allow an applicant's request for inclusion of her biological mother's name .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Inclusion of Biological Mother's Name in Passport


Assessing Officer can impose penalty for default in making payment of tax, but same shall not exceed amount of tax in arrears(01.07.2017)

In the present case, Income Tax Return of Respondent-Assessee was processed under Section 143(1) of Income Tax Act, 1961, demand was raised and penalt.....

Tags : Arrears, Tax, Interest, Inclusion


Inclusion of "India Post Payments Bank Limited" in the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934(03.07.2019)

We advise that the "India Post Payments Bank Limited" has been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 vide Notificatio.....

Tags : Post Payments, Bank, Inclusion


Inclusion of Inland Container Depots located at Kalinganagar and Tumb Village (Taluka Umbergaon, District Valsad) as a Port of Registration under Para 4.37 of Hand Book of Procedures (2015-2020)(20.10.2016)

In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Fore.....

Tags : Depots, Inclusion, Ports


Kerala HC: Inclusion of Land in CRZ-III Would Not Bar Inclusion of Land as Per CRZ Regulation 2019(23.02.2021)

Kerala High Court has observed that the inclusion of a land in Coastal Regulation Zone-III in the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) prepared as per .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Inclusion of Land in CRZ-III


Rajasthan HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Inclusion of Persons with Locomotive Disabilities under PWD Act(23.02.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has dismissed a writ petition seeking a direction to the State Government to include persons with locomotive disabilities and/or .....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Inclusion of Persons with Locomotive Disabilities


Inclusion of "Capital Small Finance Bank Limited" in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934(16.02.2017)

We advise that the "Capital Small Finance Bank Limited" has been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 vide Notificat.....

Tags : Inclusion, Bank, Second Schedule, Act


Inclusion of GIA, Israel and GIA, Japan as authorized laboratories for certification/ grading of diamonds of 0.25 carat and above-reg(14.05.2018)

In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Fore.....

Tags : Inclusion, Authorized laboratories, Grading, Diamonds


When cost of imported goods is included in amount, which is considered for payment of royalty, then such royalty should be added in assessable value of imported goods(26.12.2017)

In the facts of present case, the Appellant is regularly importing goods from Thailand, China and Philippines. The suppliers of the imported goods viz.....

Tags : Valuation, Inclusion, Validity


Bombay HC Rejects PIL Seeking Inclusion of Services by Lawyers as Essential Services(17.07.2020)

Bombay High Court has rejected the Petition filed by an advocate seeking declaration of services rendered by lawyers as essential service and thus exe.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Inclusion of Services by Lawyers as Essential Services


Delhi HC Issues Notice on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as Beneficiaries(30.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued notice to all States and Union Territories in a plea moved by the National Federation of Blind seeking a direction to be i.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities as Beneficiaries


Delhi HC Disposes of Plea Seeking Inclusion of Orphans in EWS Quota(20.08.2020)

Delhi High Court has disposed of the plea seeking inclusion of orphans in economically weaker section (EWS) quota, observing that the Delhi Government.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Inclusion of Orphans in EWS Quota


Revised Guidelines for the Financial Inclusion Fund(15.10.2015)

In light of the merging of the Financial Inclusion Fund and the Financial Inclusion Technology Fund to form the FIF as it exists today, the Reserve Ba.....

Tags : Bank, financial inclusion guidelines, fund
