12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : funds

Notifications & Circulars

Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Second Amendment Rules, 2015(15.09.2015)

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs notified amendment to Rule 2(i)(c)(viii) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014. Aside from being per.....

Tags : Company, director, funds, give, declaration



Sebi : Venture Capital Funds Can Now Invest 25% in India-Linked Firms(05.10.2015)

Sebi in order to boost entrepreneurship and prevent Indian firms shifting their businesses to foreign countries, has allowed Alternative Investment Fu.....

Tags : Sebi,Venture Capital Funds


Circular on Mutual Funds(25.02.2016)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India released a circular on the treatment of unclaimed redemption and divided amounts. Some of the changes inclu.....

Tags : Mutual funds, unclaimed redemption, dividend amounts


SEBI Puts Rules for Mutual Funds to Restrict Redemptions(01.06.2016)

To curtail mutual fund houses' powers to suddenly restrict redemptions from a scheme, markets regulator SEBI has put in place a set of rules and also .....

Tags : SEBI, Mutual funds, Redemption


Registering NBFCs to become simpler(17.06.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India resolved to simpli.....

Tags : nbfc, registration, simplified process, public funds


Government’s startup initiatives inviting much interest(20.07.2016)

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry revealed that 728 applications have been received thus far by the Ministry through the Startup India portal.

Tags : startup, fund of funds, tax incentives, portal


Supreme Court Asks Centre to Act Against NGOs Misusing Public Funds(11.01.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Government to audit nearly 30 lakh NGOs which received public funds but consistently failed to explain how they spent money.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NGOs, Public Funds


Supreme Court: PF Authorities Have No Authority Over Exempted Authorities(14.03.2017)

SC has held that once an establishment is covered under any one of excepted category under Section 16 of Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act


Delhi HC: Income From Shares/ MFs Trades 'Capital Gain', If Treated as Investment in Past Years(17.05.2017)

Delhi High Court has held that income from trading in shares/mutual funds must be treated as ‘Capital Gain’ if Revenue has been treating the same as i.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, shares/mutual funds, capital gain


Sebi Allows Mutual Funds & Portfolio Managers to Invest in Securities Listed in IFSC(29.05.2017)

Sebi has allowed portfolio manager operating in IFSC to invest in securities listed in IFSC, issued by companies incorporated in IFSC, issued by compa.....

Tags : Sebi, Mutual Funds & Portfolio Managers, IFSC


Participation of Category III Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in the commodity derivatives market(21.06.2017)

1. At present, institutional participants are not allowed to participate in the commodity derivatives market in India. Consequently the commodity deri.....

Tags : Investment Funds, Participation, Derivative market


Govt: NRIs Not Having Indian Bank Accounts to get Income Tax Refund in Foreign Bank Account(26.07.2017)

Government has said that Income Tax Refunds will be credited to Foreign Bank Account also for Non-Residents who is not having bank account in India.

Tags : Income Tax Refunds


Online Filing System for Alternative Investment Funds(31.07.2017)

1. In a constant endeavor to facilitate ease of operations in terms of applying for registration, reporting and various compliances under SEBI (Altern.....

Tags : Online, Filing System, Investment Funds


RBI Amends Investment, Trading Rules for Banks(26.09.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred banks from investing in category III Alternative Investment Funds, specified norms for their participation in c.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Alternative Investment Funds


Report of the Internal Study Group to Review the Working of the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) System(04.10.2017)

As indicated in Para 2 of today's Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies, the Reserve Bank of India placed on its website today the Report.....

Tags : Marginal Cost, Funds, Review


Top Story

Central Government enhances funds for improving quality of Higher Education(02.08.2018)

In order to provide greater access to Higher Education with equity to all the eligible citizens and in particular to the vulnerable sections, Governme.....

Tags : Funds, Higher education, Increase


Delhi HC Asks Petitioners to Approach CVC Regarding Alleged Misuse of Funds by Delhi Govt Hospitals(14.01.2019)

Delhi High Court has asked two advocates to place before the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) their petition against alleged misappropriation/misuse.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Misuse of Funds by Delhi Govt Hospitals


Why Welfare Funds Not Used to Pay Wages: Delhi HC to State(12.04.2019)

Delhi High Court has asked centre and state to explain why funds collected for the welfare of construction workers are not used to pay daily wages dur.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Welfare Funds, Daily wages


Participation of Mutual Funds in Commodity Derivatives Market in India(21.05.2019)

1. A copy of the Gazette Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2019/011 dated April 26, 2019 on Amendments to SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 is encl.....

Tags : Participation, Mutual Funds, Commodity Derivatives Market


IGST refunds-mechanism to verify the IGST payments for goods exported out of India in certain cases(17.06.2019)

The procedure for claiming IGST refunds is fully automated as provided under Instruction 15/2017-Cus dated 09.10.2017. It has come to the notice of th.....

Tags : Refunds-mechanism, Payments, Verification


Gujarat High Court: Pay Up Interest for Delay in Paying GST Refunds(05.08.2019)

Gujarat High Court has asked the authorities to pay interest for delay in paying GST refunds. The authorities were asked to pay the interest at the ra.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, GST Refunds


IGST Refunds-Mechanism to verify the IGST payments for goods exported out of India in certain cases(27.08.2019)

In an earlier Board's earlier Circular 12/2018-Customs dated 29.05.2018, an interim solution was provided to tide over the difficulty faced by exporte.....

Tags : Refunds-Mechanism, Verification, IGST payments


IGST Export Refunds-Extension in SB005 alternate mechanism and revised processing in certain cases including disbursal of compensation Cess(27.08.2019)

CBIC has issued circulars 05/2018-Customs dated 23.02.2018, 08/2018-Customs dated 23.03.2018, 15/2018-Customs dated 06.06.2018 and 40/2018-Customs dat.....

Tags : IGST Export, Refunds, Extension


SEBI Tightens Norms for Liquid Funds(23.09.2019)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as part of its attempts to strengthen the risk management framework for liquid funds has made it mandato.....

Tags : SEBI, Liquid Funds


Foreign Funds Case: Supreme Court Asks Indira Jaising, Anand Grover to Reply(14.11.2019)

Supreme Court has sought response from NGO Lawyers Collective and its founding members Anand Grover and Indira Jaising on a plea by the Central Bureau.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Foreign Funds Case


Lok Sabha Passes Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019(21.11.2019)

Lok Sabha has passed the Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019 that seeks to streamline operations of chit funds in India and protect the interests of inv.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Rajya Sabha Clears Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019(29.11.2019)

Rajya Sabha has cleared the Chit Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2019 to streamline operations of collective investment schemes or chit funds with the aim to .....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Chit Funds


Review of investment norms for mutual funds for investment in Debt and Money Market Instruments(10.12.2019)

Paragraph E of SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2019/104 dated October 1, 2019 prescribed limits on investments by debt mutual fund schemes in .....

Tags : Review, Investment norms, Mutual funds


SEBI Issues Guidelines for Alternative Investment Funds Benchmarking(07.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has issued guidelines for benchmarking the performance of alternative investment funds with a view to streamli.....

Tags : SEBI, Alternative Investment Funds


Securities and Exchange Board of India Allows Direct Sales of Mutual Funds on Exchanges(27.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has allowed investors to directly use the infrastructure of stock exchanges to purchase and redeem units direct.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Direct Sales of Mutual Funds on Exchanges


Supreme Court: NGOs Cannot be Denied Foreign Funds(09.03.2020)

Supreme Court has observed while ruling that the bar under the Foreign Currency Regulation Act, 2010 applied only to political parties that the Govern.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Foreign Funds


SEBI Exempts Offshore Funds from Submitting Physical Forms(20.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has provided exemptions for off-shore funds from submitting physical forms in wake of the Corona outbreak, allo.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Offshore Funds


Finance Ministry Issues Directions to Clear Pending Income Tax Refunds(09.04.2020)

Finance Ministry has unveiled a raft of measures to ensure availability of cash in the system, including speeding up of held-up refunds worth Rs 18,00.....

Tags : Finance Ministry, Pending Income Tax Refunds


MCA Clarifies Corporate Contributions Towards Relief Funds Not to Qualify as CSR Expenditure(13.04.2020)

Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs has clarified that contributions made to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund or State Relief Fund for COVID-19 do not.....

Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Contributions Towards Relief Funds


RBI Announces Safeguards for Funds Raised via TLTRO Mechanism(16.04.2020)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has set a threshold on the deployment of funds raised by a bank through the Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO) at .....

Tags : RBI, Safeguard for Funds


SEBI Relaxes Valuation Norms for Mutual Funds(24.04.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has relaxed valuation norms on money and debt market instruments held by mutual funds in the wake of the loan m.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Mutual Funds Valuation Norms


IGST refunds on exports-extension in SB005 alternate mechanism(21.04.2020)

1. Kind reference is invited to Board's Circulars 08/2018-Cus dt 23.03.2018, 15/2018-Cus dt 06.06.2018, 22/2018-Cus dt 18.07.2018, 40/2018-Cus dt 24.1.....

Tags : IGST, Refunds, Exports-extension


RBI announces special liquidity facility for mutual funds(27.04.2020)

In order to ease liquidity pressures on mutual funds (MFs), RBI decides to open a special liquidity facility for mutual funds of ₹ 50,000 crore. Due t.....

Tags : Liquidity facility, Mutual funds, Announcement


SEBI Asks Franklin to Return Money to Investors in 6 Funds(08.05.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has asked Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds to focus on returning the money to investors stuck in six funds as so.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds


Manipur HC Directs State Bar Council to Release Funds for Lawyers Financial Assistance(19.05.2020)

Manipur High Court has directed the Bar Council of Manipur to release a sum of Rs. 2,08,932/- for purposes of extending financial assistance to advoca.....

Tags : Manipur High Court, Funds for Lawyers Financial Assistance


Delhi HC Seeks Government Reply on CAG Audit Citing Misuse of Workers’ Funds(15.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has asked the Aam Aadmi Party Government to reply to Comptroller and Auditor General’s audit findings on irregularities in a cess fun.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Misuse of Workers’ Funds


SC Dismisses Mahua Moitra's Plea Challenging Exclusion of CM's Relief Fund from CSR(11.08.2020)

Supreme Court has dismissed plea filed by Mahua Moitra which challenged the Centre's circular which states that Chief Minister's Funds or State Relief.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chief Minister's Funds


SEBI Modifies NAV Rules for Mutual Funds(18.09.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has asked mutual funds to uniformly apply net asset value (NAV) across schemes upon realisation of funds.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, NAV Rules for Mutual Funds


Karnataka HC Directs State Bar Council to Set Apart Funds for Clerks(01.10.2020)

Karnataka High Court has directed the Karnataka State Bar Council to set apart a reasonable amount out of the Rs 5 Crore state grant given to it for t.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Funds for Clerks


Delhi HC Directs Delhi Government to Release Funds for Requirements of District Courts(22.10.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Government to release funds for requirements of District Courts starting with funds for purchasing 20% of the .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Release Funds for Requirements of District Courts


Delhi HC Pulls Up AAP Over Funds for Hiring Judicial Support Staff(28.10.2020)

Delhi High Court has pulled up the Aam Aadmi Party Government for making the subordinate judiciary “run from pillar to post” to get funds sanctioned f.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Funds for Hiring Judicial Support Staff


Delhi HC Directs AAP Government to Release Funds to Four DU Colleges(05.11.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed the Aam Aadmi Party government to release funds to four Delhi University colleges, fully funded by it, to enable them to.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delhi University, Release of Funds


Clarification on spending of CSR funds for awareness and public outreach on COVID-19 vaccination programme(13.01.2021)

1. In continuation to this Ministry's General Circular No. 10/2020 dated 23.03.2020 wherein it was clarified that spending of CSR funds for COVID-19 i.....

Tags : Clarification, Spending, CSR funds


Madras HC Directs Fresh Inquiry into Allegations of Misappropriation of CSI Funds(02.02.2021)

Madras High Court has directed the Registrar of Companies to conduct a fresh inquiry into allegations of misappropriation, mismanagement and misfeasan.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Misappropriation of CSI Funds


IGST refunds on exports-extension in SB005 alternate mechanism(17.02.2021)

1. Reference is invited to Board’s Circulars 5/2018-Cus. dated 23.02.2018 08/2018 Cus. dt 23.03.2018, 15/2018 Cus. dt 06.06.2018, 22/2018 Cus dt 16.07.....

Tags : IGST refunds, Exports-extension, Alternate mechanism


Madras HC Questions Commissioner on Stopping of Vehicle Collecting Funds for Ram Temple(26.02.2021)

Madras High Court has summoned the Commissioner of Police, Madurai, to appear before it on 1st March, 2021 to answer as to why even after the Court ha.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Funds for Ram Temple


Kerala HC: Funds for Tribal People Under Various Schemes Not to be Diverted(26.02.2021)

Kerala High Court has ordered that funds available under various schemes for tribal people should not be diverted in any manner and they should accord.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Funds for Tribal People


SC Dismisses Plea Seeking Allocation of Separate Funds for Judiciary(03.03.2021)

Supreme Court has dismissed for non prosecution a Public Interest Litigation filed seeking directions for allocation of separate and adequate funds fo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Allocation of Separate Funds for Judiciary


Madras HC: ECI Can Put Guidelines to Ensure Public Funds Not Used by Ministers for Campaigning(24.03.2021)

Madras High Court has said the Election Commission of India can put some guidelines in place to ensure that public funds are not brazenly used by mini.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Use of Public Funds for Campaigning


Patna High Court Asks Govt. to Provide Funds for Educational Institutions' Infrastructure(26.03.2021)

Patna High Court has observed that there is a lack of infrastructure, toilets, etc in girls' educational institutions in Patna, perusing the inspectio.....

Tags : Patna High Court, Funds for Educational Institutions' Infrastructure


Karnataka HC Directs Centre, State to Release Funds for Children with Rare Genetic Disease of LSD(26.04.2021)

Karnataka High Court has directed the Government of India to pay a sum of Rs 3 crore and the State Government to pay a sum of Rs 2 Crore to the Indira.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Funds for Children with Rare Genetic Disease of LSD


Clarification on spending of CSR funds for setting up makeshift hospitals and temporary COVID Care facilities(22.04.2021)

In continuation to this Ministry's General Circular No. 10/2020 dated 23.03.2020 wherein it was clarified that spending of CSR funds for COVID-19 is a.....

Tags : Clarification, Spending, CSR funds


Clarification on spending of CSR funds for 'creating health infrastructure for COVID care', 'establishment of medical oxygen generation and storage plants'(05.05.2021)

In continuation to this Ministry's General Circular No. 10/2020 dated 23.03.2020, wherein it was clarified that spending of CSR funds for COVID-19 is .....

Tags : Clarification, CSR funds, health infrastructure


Enhancement of overseas investment limits for Mutual Funds(03.06.2021)

1. The Para 1 of SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2020/225 dated November 05, 2020 specified the overseas investment limits per Mutual Fund.

Tags : Enhancement, Overseas investment, Mutual Funds


Sikkim High Court Dismisses Plea Alleging Misappropriation of Covid-19 Funds(17.06.2021)

Sikkim High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation seeking enquiry into alleged misappropriation of funds under Covid-19 package provided to.....

Tags : Sikkim High Court, Misappropriation of Covid-19 Funds


Karnataka High Court Issues Notice on MBBS Graduates' Plea Against Govt Notification(17.06.2021)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the State Government and other respondents on a batch of petitions filed challenging the notification issued.....

Tags : Sikkim High Court, Misappropriation of Covid-19 Funds


CBDT Extends Time to Process Refunds in Non-Scrutiny Cases for Assessment Year 2017-18(07.07.2021)

Central Board of Direct Taxes has extended the time for processing refunds in non-scrutiny cases for assessment year 2017-18 up to 30th September, 202.....

Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Process Refunds in Non-Scrutiny Cases for Assessment Year 2017-18


Minimum percentage of trades carried out by mutual funds through RFQ platform(06.10.2021)

1. SEBI, vide circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2020/130 dated July 22, 2020, has mandated mutual funds to undertake at least 10% of their total secondar.....

Tags : Trades, Mutual funds, RFQ platform


Kerala High Court: Technical Glitches Not to Hinder Grant of Tax Refunds(21.10.2021)

Kerala High Court has ruled that technical glitches should not stand in the way of ultimate grant of relief by way of refund to taxpayers. The Court h.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Grant of Tax Refunds


CBDT Issues Guidelines for Granting Exemption to Foreign Wealth Funds and Pension Funds(28.10.2021)

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has issued guidelines for granting an exemption under section 10(23FE) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to Foreign Wea.....

Tags : Central Board of Direct Taxes, Exemption to Foreign Wealth Funds and Pension Funds


SEBI Notifies Rules on Co-Investment Made by Investors of Alternative Investment Funds(15.11.2021)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) (Fifth Amendment.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Investors of Alternative Investment Funds


Calcutta HC Directs to Conduct Enquiry Into Alleged Misappropriation of MGNREGA Funds(18.01.2022)

Calcutta High Court has directed the District Magistrate, Purba Medinipur to conduct an enquiry into the alleged defalcation of funds allocated under .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Misappropriation of MGNREGA Funds


Calcutta HC Directs Conduct of Enquiry into Alleged Misappropriation of Govt Scheme Funds(20.01.2022)

Calcutta High Court has directed the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas to conduct an enquiry into the alleged misappropriation of funds allocated.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Alleged Misappropriation of Govt Scheme Funds


SEBI Clarifies Regarding Transactions in Mutual Funds Facilitated by Online Platforms(16.03.2022)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has clarified regarding transactions in mutual funds facilitated by online platforms. The Board has said paymen.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Transactions in Mutual Funds


Securities And Exchange Board Of India (Alternative Investment Funds) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2022(16.03.2022)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 30 read with sub-section (1) of Section 11, clause (ba) and clause (c) of sub-sectio.....

Tags : Alternative Investment Funds, Amendment, Regulations


International Cases

A party who had been deprived of the use of his or her capital for a period of time has suffered a loss and did not need to establish special proof of his or her damages(19.05.2022)

The appeal was about two companies, namely Houtbosplaas (Pty) Ltd (Houtbosplaas) and TBS Alpha Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (TBS Alpha) suing their erstwhile .....

Tags : Payment, Funds, Interest


ITAT: Commission Earned on Distribution of Indian Mutual Fund Outside India is Not Taxable(10.06.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that commission earned on distribution of Mutual Funds schemes of an Indian fund outside India cannot be.....

Tags : ITAT, Mutual Funds, Distribution


Allahabad HC Denies Bail to Ex-MLA Mukhtar Ansari in Funds Misappropriation Case(14.06.2022)

Allahabad High Court while denying bail to former MLA Mukhtar Ansari n connection with a case over misappropriation of MLA funds, called him a dreaded.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Funds Misappropriation, Bail


Addendum to SEBI Circular on Development of Passive Funds(28.07.2022)

1. This has reference to SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DOF2/P/CIR/2022/69 dated May 23, 2022 on "Development of passive funds". The provisions of the .....

Tags : Addendum, Development, Passive Funds


Onus is on claimant to establish that money had been entrusted on his behalf to the attorney(28.07.2022)

The Appellant, a practising advocate made an application to the high Court for an order compelling the Respondent, the Legal Practitioners’ Fidelity F.....

Tags : Funds, Entrustment, Claim


Guidelines for overseas investment by Alternative Investment Funds/Venture Capital Funds(17.08.2022)

1. In terms of Regulation 12(ba) of erstwhile SEBI (Venture Capital Funds) Regulations 1996 and Regulation 15(1)(a) of SEBI (Alternative Investment Fu.....

Tags : Guidelines, Overseas investment, Venture Capital Funds


Kerala HC Stays Single Judge Bench Direction to State to release Funds to KSRTC(01.09.2022)

Kerala High Court has stayed the order passed by single judge bench directing the state to release funds to KSRTC to clear salary dues of its employee.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, KSRTC, Funds


Kerala HC: State's Appeal Against Order Directing it to Release Funds to KSRTC Infructuous(30.09.2022)

Kerala High Court while dismissing State government’s appeal against an order directing it to release funds for KSRTC, has held that the appeal is inf.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, KSRTC, Funds


Manner of processing and sanction of IGST refunds(28.11.2022)

1. Attention is invited to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for verification of risky exporters and their suppliers dated 23.01.2020 issued to CGS.....

Tags : Processing, Sanction, IGST refunds


Delhi HC Appoints Justice Sikri to Oversee Funds Utilization in ISSF Shooting World Cup 2023(20.01.2023)

Delhi High Court while appointing retired Supreme Court judge, Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri, as Administrator to oversee utilization of funds in upcoming.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, ISSF Shooting World Cup, Funds


E-wallet investments in Mutual Funds(23.03.2023)

1. SEBI, vide Circular Ref. no.- SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/39 dated May 8, 2017, permitted use of e- wallet for investment in Mutual Funds within the.....

Tags : E-wallet, Investments, Mutual Funds


Modifications in the requirement of filing of Offer Documents by Mutual Funds(25.04.2023)

1. SEBI, vide Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/68 dated August 10, 2016, mandated submission of soft copy of the final SIDs along with printed/fina.....

Tags : Modifications, Offer Documents, Mutual Funds


Participation of Mutual funds in repo transactions on Corporate Debt Securities(08.06.2023)

1. SEBI vide circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/19/2011 dated November 11, 2011 and CIR/IMD/DF/23/2012 dated November 15, 2012 allowed mutual funds to participat.....

Tags : Participation, Mutual funds, Repo transactions


SC Transfers Advertisement Funds of Delhi Govt. for RRTS Project(21.11.2023)

Supreme Court while expressing disappointment over Delhi Government not fulfilling its assurance to allocate funds for the Regional Rapid Rail Transit.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Advertisement Funds, RRTS Project


Upstreaming of clients' funds by Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs) to Clearing Corporations (CCs)(12.12.2023)

1. With a view to safeguard clients' funds placed with Stock Brokers (SBs) / Clearing Members (CMs), SEBI, vide circular no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD- .....

Tags : Upstreaming, Clients' funds, SBs


Del. HC: No Presumption in Law that Acquisition of MF is Necessarily for Trade & Not for Investment(17.01.2024)

Delhi HC has held that it is important to ascertain the intent considering the time period and purpose for which the shares or mutual funds (MF) are h.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Mutual Funds, Trade, Investment


Parliamentary Committee: Lawyers Must Appear in Atleast 1 Pro Bono Case A Year to Access Relief Fund(08.02.2024)

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has proposed that the Bar Council of India should make it mandatory .....

Tags : Parliamentary Standing Committee, Pro Bono Case, Relief Funds


Kar. HC: Order Passed by Appellate Authority Under Section 70 of Chit Funds Act is Final(19.03.2024)

Karnataka High Court has held that an order passed by the Appellate Authority under Section 70 of the Chit Funds Act, 1982 is final and no appeal agai.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Section 70 of Chit Funds Act, Appellate Authority


Gau. HC: Primary Duty of the State to Disburse Funds Under Victim Compensation Scheme(09.04.2024)

Gauhati High Court while stating that it is the primary duty of the State to provide fund for the disbursement of compensation to the victims under th.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Victim Compensation Scheme, Funds


Notification regarding ease of doing business under various SEBI Regulations(30.04.2024)

1. SEBI constituted various Working Groups to recommend measures to simplify and ease compliances under various SEBI Regulations. Accordingly, a worki.....

Tags : SEBI Regulations, Mutual funds, Ease of doing business


Certification requirement for key investment team of manager of Alternative Investment Funds(13.05.2024)

1. In terms of Regulation 4(g)(i) of SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 ("AIF Regulations"), the key investment team of the Manager.....

Tags : Certification, Requirement, Alternative Investment Funds


Gauhati High Court: Chief Secretary’s Statement Sought on Inadequacy of Funds(11.06.2024)

Gauhati High Court has sought the statement of the Assam Government’s Chief Secretary to apprise the Court about the inadequate disbursement of compen.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Inadequacy of Funds, Assam Government


Byju’s Second Rights Issue for Raising Funds Halted by NCLT(14.06.2024)

National Company Law Tribunal has retrained ed-tech firm Byju’s from going ahead with the present rights issue which is in progress, till the disposal.....

Tags : NCLT, Byju’s, Raising Funds


Byju’s Second Rights Issue for Raising Funds Halted by NCLT(14.06.2024)

National Company Law Tribunal has retrained ed-tech firm Byju’s from going ahead with the present rights issue which is in progress, till the disposal.....

Tags : NCLT, Byju’s, Raising Funds


Madras HC: Public Service is Being Performed by Lawyers, They Cannot be Denied Funds(21.06.2024)

Madras High Court has stated that lawyers perform public services that are similar to those of public servants and the Government should ensure that p.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Public Services, Funds


Master Circular for Mutual Funds by Securities and Exchange Board of India(27.06.2024)

1. For effective regulation of Mutual Fund Industry, the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") has been issuing various circulars from time .....

Tags : Circular, Mutual Funds, Regulatory requirements


Del. HC: Collection of Funds to Commit Offence in Future Not Money Laundering Under PMLA(05.12.2024)

Delhi High Court has stated that the proceeds of crime has to be generated as a result of criminal activity. The collection of funds in an illegal way.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Money Laundering, Collection of Funds


Mad. HC: Surplus Funds of Temple Cannot be used to Construct Shopping Complexes(13.01.2025)

Madras HC has clarified that surplus funds of temple, which is a religious institution can be used only for the specified purposes and cannot be used .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Shopping Complexes, Surplus Funds


Calcutta High Court Pulls State Government Over Lack of Funds(15.01.2025)

Calcutta High Court pulled up the State Government over lack of funds and stated that it is a very sorry state of affairs that there is no money for p.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, State Government, Lack of Funds
