Search Results for Tag : framework
Notifications & Circulars
Cyber Security framework(31.10.2016)
Cyber security in financial sector has gained importance, more so with the advent of technological innovations. IRDAI has decided to beef up its effor.....
Tags : Framework, Cyber security, Mechanism
Framework to regulate and oversee co-operative banks and deposits(29.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates and supervises the banking functions of State Cooperative Banks (StCBs)/District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCB.....
Tags : Deposits, Framework, Regulation
Top Story
RBI Revised Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) Framework(13.04.2017)
RBI has issued Revised Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework for banks which will override existing PCA framework. New set of provisions will be ef.....
Tags : Framework, Issuance, Restrictions
RBI announces Draft Framework on introduction of Tri-Party Repo(11.04.2017)
The Reserve Bank of India, today, released the draft framework on the introduction of Tri-Party Repo. Tri-party repo will enable market participants t.....
Tags : Tri-Party Repo, Framework, Announcement
RBI Clarification on Banks under Prompt Corrective Action(05.06.2017)
The Reserve Bank of India has come across some misinformed communication circulating in some section of media including social media, about the Prompt.....
Tags : Corrective action, Framework, Clarification
Approval of framework for consolidation of Public Sector Banks(01.11.2017)
An Alternative Mechanism for consolidation of the Public Sector Banks (PSBs) has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the Union Minister of Fina.....
Tags : Framework, Approval, Consolidation, PSBs
Press Note on TRAI's Regulatory framework for Broadcasting and Cable TV sector(03.07.2018)
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on 3rd March 2017, notified a regulatory framework for broadcasting and cable TV service provided thr.....
Tags : TRAI's, Regulatory framework, Press Note
Government constitutes GoM to strengthen legal and institutional frameworks to deal with and prevent sexual harassment at workplace, GoM to be headed by the Union Home Minister(24.10.2018)
The Government today constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) to examine the existing legal and institutional frameworks for dealing with matters of sex.....
Tags : Gom, Institution, legal frameworks, Strengthening of
Approval for a resolution in the First Assembly of ISA for amendment of the Framework Agreement(01.11.2018)
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given ex-post facto approval for moving a Resolution in the first Assembly of the I.....
Tags : Resolution, Approval, Framework Agreement, Amendment
RBI Central Board meets at Mumbai(19.11.2018)
The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Central Board met today in Mumbai and discussed the Basel regulatory capital framework, a restructuring scheme for s.....
Tags : Central Board, Meeting, Capital framework
RBI announces the New External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) Framework(16.01.2019)
As part of the on-going efforts at rationalising multiple regulations framed under FEMA 1999 over a period of time, the regulations governing all type.....
Tags : ECB, New Framework, Announcement
Cabinet approves Framework Agreement between India and Indonesia on cooperation in the exploration and uses of outer space for peaceful purposes(06.02.2019)
India and Indonesia on cooperation in the exploration and uses of outer space for peaceful purposes
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minist.....
Tags : Approval, Framework Agreement, Exploration, Outer space
TRAI issues Consultation Paper on "Review of the Regulatory Framework for Interconnection"(30.05.2019)
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today issued the Consultation Paper on "Review of the Regulatory Framework for Interconnection".<.....
Tags : Consultation Paper, Issuance, Review, Regulatory Framework
Large Exposures Framework(03.06.2019)
Please refer to the instructions contained in circulars DBR.No.BP.BC.43/21.01.003/2016-17 dated December 01, 2016 and DBR.No.BP.BC.31/21.01.003/2018-1.....
Tags : Concentration risk, Exposures, Framework
RBI announces the Framework on Currency Swap Arrangement for SAARC countries for the period 2019 to 2022(26.11.2019)
To further financial stability and economic cooperation within the SAARC region, the Reserve Bank of India, with the concurrence of the Government of .....
Tags : Framework, Currency Swap Arrangement, SAARC countries
Extension of implementation date of Circular on 'Review of Margin Framework for Cash and Derivatives segments (except for Commodity Derivatives Segment)'(27.04.2020)
1. SEBI, vide Circular no. SEBI/HO/MRD2/DCAP/CIR/P/2020/27 dated February 24, 2020, reviewed the margin framework for cash and derivatives segments (e.....
Tags : Extension, Implementation date, margin framework
Draft Frameworks for Sale of Loan Exposures and Securitisation of Standard Assets(08.06.2020)
The Reserve Bank has today placed on its website two draft documents for public comments - the 'Draft Framework for Securitisation of Standard Assets'.....
Tags : Frameworks, Sale, Loan Exposures
Reserve Bank invites comments on the draft framework for recognition of a Self-Regulatory Organisation for Payment System Operators(18.08.2020)
As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory policies issued as part of Monetary Policy statement dated February 6, 2020, the Reserve.....
Tags : Draft framework, Recognition, Self-Regulatory Organisation
RBI releases framework for authorisation of pan-India Umbrella Entity for Retail Payments(18.08.2020)
Reserve Bank has today placed on its website, the 'framework for authorisation of pan-India Umbrella Entity for Retail Payments'. The framework has be.....
Tags : Framework, Authorisation, Retail Payments
Review of regulatory framework for Housing Finance Companies(22.10.2020)
1.With reference to the Bank's Press Release No.2019-20/419 dated August 13, 2019 and draft regulatory framework placed in public domain on June 17, 2.....
Tags : Review, Regulatory framework, Housing Finance
Union Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Shri Narendra Singh Tomar unveils preparation framework for Block and District development plans(20.10.2020)
This framework will promote inclusive development at the block and district levels by focusing on locally available resources, local people's aspirati.....
Tags : Framework, Development plans
Review of framework of Innovators Growth platform under SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018(17.12.2020)
1. SEBI in 2019 had created Innovators Growth Platform (IGP) framework under ICDR Regulations to encourage and facilitate capital raising and listing .....
Tags : Review, Framework, Innovators Growth
Resolution Framework 2.0 - Resolution of Covid-19 related stress of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(05.05.2021)
1. Please refer to the circular DOR.No.BP.BC/4/21.04.048/2020-21 dated August 6, 2020 on restructuring of advances to the MSME borrowers.
Tags : Resolution Framework, Covid-19, MSME
Details of 'New Regulatory Framework' for Broadcasting and Cable services(16.06.2021)
1. TRAI, in March 2017, notified the 'New Regulatory Framework' for Broadcasting and Cable services. The new framework-came into effect on 29th Decemb.....
Tags : Details, Regulatory Framework, Broadcasting
Framework for outsourcing of payment and settlement-related activities by payment system operators(03.08.2021)
1. The Payment System Operators (PSOs), by virtue of services they provide and the construct of models on which they operate, largely outsource their .....
Tags : Framework, Outsourcing, PSO
SEBI Amends Existing Regulatory Framework for Delisting of Equity Shares Pursuant to Open Offer(30.09.2021)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in the meeting headed by Mr.Ajay Tyagi decided to amend the existing regulatory framework for delisting .....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Regulatory Framework for Delisting of Equity Shares
RBI announces scale-based regulatory framework for non-banking finance companies(22.10.2021)
RBI announces scale-based regulatory framework for Non-Banking Finance companies (NBFCs). The contribution of NBFCs towards supporting economic activi.....
Tags : Regulatory framework, NBFCs
TRAI releases Consultation Paper on 'Regulatory Framework for Promoting Data Economy Through Establishment of Data Centres, Content Delivery Networks, and Interconnect Exchanges in India'(16.12.2021)
1. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today issued the Consultation Paper on 'Regulatory Framework for Promoting Data Economy Throug.....
Tags : Regulatory Framework, Data Centres, Interconnect Exchanges
RBI releases framework for facilitating small value digital payments in offline mode(03.01.2022)
RBI releases guidelines for facilitating small value digital payments in offline mode. With technology being available in a palm of your hand, the RBI.....
Tags : Framework, Digital payments, Offline mode
MCA Invites Public Comments on Proposed Changes to CIRP Framework under IBC(27.12.2021)
Ministry of Corporate Affairs has invited the Public Comments on proposed changes to Corporate Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation Framework under .....
Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Proposed Changes to CIRP Framework
Framework for operationalizing the Gold Exchange in India(10.01.2022)
1. SEBI Board in its meeting held on September 28, 2021 approved the framework for Gold Exchange and SEBI (Vault Managers) Regulations, 2021.
Tags : Framework, Operation, Gold Exchange
Framework for conversion of Private Listed InvIT into Public InvIT(09.02.2022)
1. Regulation 14(6) of the SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014 ("InvIT Regulations") provides as under: "The Board may specify b.....
Tags : Framework, Conversion, Public InvIT
Reserve Bank of India issues (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022(14.03.2022)
Reserve Bank of India issues (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022. The provisions of the directions shall apply to All Comme.....
Tags : Microfinance loans, Framework, Directions
Comprehensive Risk Management Framework for Electronic Gold Receipts (EGR) segment(11.04.2022)
1. SEBI Board in its meeting held on September 28, 2021 approved the framework for Gold Exchange and SEBI (Vault Managers) Regulations, 2021.
Tags : Risk Management, Framework, EGR
IFSCA Issues Framework for “FinTech Entity” in International Financial Services Centers (IFSCs)(27.04.2022)
The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), in furtherance of its mandate to develop and regulate financial products, financial se.....
Tags : Framework, Issuance, FinTech Entity
Changes to the framework to enable verification of upfront collection of margins from clients in cash and derivatives segments(10.05.2022)
1. SEBI, vide circular SEBI/HO/MRD2/DCAP/CIR/P/2020/127 dated July 20, 2020, prescribed the framework to enable verification of upfront collection of .....
Tags : Changes, Framework, Cash, Derivatives segments
Reserve Bank of India releases regulatory framework for digital lending(10.08.2022)
A regulatory framework to support orderly growth of credit delivery through digital lending methods while mitigating the regulatory concerns has been .....
Tags : Framework, Digital lending, Release
Implementation plan - New Regulatory Framework 2020(01.09.2022)
1. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority"), vide letter of even number dated 1st June 2022, directed al.....
Tags : Implementation plan, Framework 2020, Broadcasting
CEA brings out Draft Resource Adequacy framework for reliable and secured power supply(22.09.2022)
Shri Krishan Pal Gujar, Minister of State for Power & Heavy Industries inaugurated a workshop on "Resource Adequacy- Need and way forward" organized b.....
Tags : Resource Adequacy, Framework, Power supply
Delhi HC to TRAI: Expedite Consultations With Stakeholders on Framework for OTT Apps(14.12.2022)
Delhi High Court has directed Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to expedite consultations with stakeholders for recommendations to Union go.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, TRAI, OTT, Regulatory Framework
International Financial Services Centres Authority notifies the regulatory framework for distribution of capital market products and services(21.12.2022)
The International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), in furtherance of its mandate to develop and regulate financial products, financial se.....
Tags : Regulatory Framework, Distribution, Products
Changes to the Framework to Enable Verification of Upfront Collection of Margins from Clients in Cash and Derivatives segments(01.02.2023)
1. SEBI, vide circular SEBI/HO/MRD2/DCAP/CIR/P/2020/127 dated July 20, 2020, prescribed the framework to enable verification of upfront collection of .....
Tags : Changes, Framework, Upfront Collection
Framework for acceptance of Green Deposits(11.04.2023)
1.Climate change has been recognised as one of the most critical challenges faced by the global society and economy in the 21st century. The financial.....
Tags : Framework, Acceptance, Green Deposits
MP HC: Legal Framework Governing Inter-Religion Marriage Is Complex(20.04.2023)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has observed that legal framework governing inter-religion marriage is complex and requires couples to navigate several lega.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Inter-Religion Marriage, Legal Framework
Review of Requirement of Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer(20.04.2023)
The framework on countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) was put in place by the Reserve Bank in terms of guidelines issued on February 5, 2015 wherein .....
Tags : Review, framework, CCyB
RBI issues framework for compromise settlements and technical write-offs(08.06.2023)
RBI issues a comprehensive regulatory framework governing compromise settlements and technical write-offs covering all the REs. Regulated Entities (RE.....
Tags : Settlements, Framework, Issuance
RBI issues framework for compromise settlements and technical write-offs(08.06.2023)
RBI issues a comprehensive regulatory framework governing compromise settlements and technical write-offs covering all the REs. Regulated Entities (RE.....
Tags : Settlements, Framework, Issuance
RBI issues framework for compromise settlements and technical write-offs(08.06.2023)
RBI issues a comprehensive regulatory framework governing compromise settlements and technical write-offs covering all the REs. Regulated Entities (RE.....
Tags : Settlements, Framework, Issuance
Framework for Corporate Debt Market Development Fund (CDMDF)(27.07.2023)
1. Chapter III-C has been inserted vide amendments to SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 vide Gazette notification no. SEBI/LAD- NR.....
Tags : Framework, CDMDF, Facility
Technical Guidance in respect of Indian Risk Based Capital Framework - Quantitative Impact Study-1(10.08.2023)
1. This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred by Section 14 (2) (e) of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999.
Tags : Technical Guidance, Capital Framework, Study
Ker. HC: Non-Compliance of MSME Framework Doesn’t Nullify NPA Declaration Under SARFAESI(15.09.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that failure to abide by the terms of the notification of 2015 prescribing ‘Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Mic.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, MSME Framework, NPA, SARFAESI
Revised framework for computation of Net Distributable Cash Flow (NDCF) by Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)(06.12.2023)
1. Regulation 18(6) of SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trust) Regulations, 2014 ("InvIT Regulations"), provides that the Net Distributable Cash Flow (.....
Tags : Revised framework, Computation, NDCF
Rationalisation of Licensing Framework for Authorised Persons (APs) under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999(26.12.2023)
The framework for licensing of Authorised Persons (APs) under FEMA, 1999 was last reviewed in March 2006. Keeping in view the progressive liberalisati.....
Tags : Rationalisation, Licensing Framework, APs
RBI finalises the framework for recognising Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for its Regulated Entities(21.03.2024)
Reserve Bank of India has finalised the Omnibus Framework for recognising Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for its Regulated Entities. SROs enhance.....
Tags : SRO, REs, Framework
RBI finalises the framework for recognising Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for its Regulated Entities(21.03.2024)
Reserve Bank of India has finalised the Omnibus Framework for recognising Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO) for its Regulated Entities. SROs enhance.....
Tags : SRO, REs, Framework
Notification regarding Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives(04.04.2024)
In the recent period, some concerns have been expressed about participation in the exchange traded currency derivatives (ETCD) market in the light of .....
Tags : Exchange, Currency Derivatives, Regulatory framework
Notification regarding Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives(04.04.2024)
In the recent period, some concerns have been expressed about participation in the exchange traded currency derivatives (ETCD) market in the light of .....
Tags : Exchange, Currency Derivatives, Regulatory framework
Master Circular for Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)(07.05.2024)
1. With an objective to ensure an effective regulatory framework for AIFs, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been issuing various circ.....
Tags : Master Circular, AIFs, Regulatory framework
Framework for considering unaffected price for transactions upon confirmation of market rumour(21.05.2024)
1. In terms of Regulation 30(11) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("LODR Regulations"), as amended by SEBI .....
Tags : Framework, Unaffected price, Transactions
Del. HC: Arbitral Award Gets Vitiated if Basic Contractual Framework Misunderstood(25.07.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that if there is any misreading/misunderstanding of the basic contractual framework, the award gets vitiated and makes it vu.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Contractual Framework, A&C Act
Cal. HC: Statutory Framework under CGST Act Provides Mechanisms to Address Assessee’s Concerns(26.12.2024)
Calcutta HC has observed that the statutory framework under the CGST Act, 2017 provides adequate mechanisms for addressing the Assessee’s concerns, in.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, CGST Act, Statutory Framework