Search Results for Tag : declarations
Madras High Court Says People on Death Bed May Also Lie(16.12.2015)
Madras HC has said that general presumption that people on death bed would not lie cannot be followed as cardinal principle in every criminal case to .....
Tags : Madras High Court , dying declarations
Notifications & Circulars
644 declarations made during Black Money compliance window(06.01.2016)
Totaling about Rs 4,164 crores, 644 declarations were received during the compliance window provided under the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income.....
Tags : Black money, compliance, declarations
SC: In Case of Multiple Dying Declarations, Courts Should See Which One Reflects Truth(01.07.2016)
Supreme Court has said if there are more than one dying declarations in a case, the courts should satisfy themselves as to which one reflects the trut.....
Tags : Supreme Court, dying declarations
Madras HC Directs TNSEC to Submit Assets Declarations of all Elected Councillors(01.12.2016)
Madras High Court has directed Tamil Nadu State Election Commission (TNSEC) to submit statements of declaration of assets made by all Elected Councill.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Tamil Nadu, Election Commission, Assets Declarations
Mandatory additional qualifiers in import/export declarations in respect of certain products w.e.f 1.7.2023(07.06.2023)
1. Reference is drawn to the Circular 55/2020-Customs dated 17.12.2020 wherein importers were advised to voluntarily declare the complete description .....
Tags : Additional qualifiers, Import/export declarations, Products
SC Lays Down Factor to be Considered While Relying on Dying Declarations(25.08.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that it is unsafe to record the conviction on the basis of a dying declaration alone in the cases where suspicion is rai.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Dying Declarations, Factor
SC Issues Principles to be Followed in Case of Multiple Dying Declarations(20.10.2023)
Supreme Court while laying down principles to be followed in cases where there are multiple dying declarations, and clarified that evidence given by i.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Dying Declarations, Witnesses