12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Subjective satisfaction


Every act of assault or injury to specific persons does not lead to public disorder(28.11.2016)

By way of present petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, Petitioner prays to issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ,.....

Tags : Detention, Subjective satisfaction, Validity


Subjective satisfaction of Detaining Authority and consequent detention order vitiated as it was based on possibility of Petitioner's husband applying for bail again(31.05.2017)

In present writ petition, challenge is to order of detention passed by Joint Secretary to Government of India against husband of Petitioner directing .....

Tags : Detention, Subjective satisfaction, Validity


Preventive detention order can be passed if activities of the detenue are dangerous to the maintenance of public order(21.08.2017)

By way of present writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the Petitioner prays to issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropri.....

Tags : Detention, Subjective satisfaction, Legality


Every act of assault or injury to specific persons does not lead to public disorder(07.12.2017)

By filing instant petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the Petitioner prays to issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate w.....

Tags : Detention, Validity, Subjective satisfaction



JKL HC: Subjective Satisfaction of Detaining Authority Doesn’t Deprive Court to Review its Orders(25.08.2023)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that although subjective satisfaction cannot be interfered normally by the court but at the same time.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Detaining Authority, Subjective Satisfaction
