Search Results for Tag : Shared household
Right to residence is not an indefeasible right of residence in shared household especially when the daughter-in-law is pitted against aged father-in-law and mother-in-law(17.05.2021)
In instant case, Parties to the present petition are related to each other in a way that Petitioner is the daughter-in-law and Respondents are her par.....
Tags : Right, Shared household, Beneficial interest
Calcutta HC: Denial of Economic Support is DV Even if Parties Aren't Residing in Shared Household(24.06.2022)
Calcutta High Court has held that denial of economic support to the wife and the minor son constitutes domestic violence (DV) under Protection of Wome.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Domestic Violence, Shared Household
Del HC: No Indefeasible Right of Daughter-in-Law in Shared Household(26.05.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that right of the daughter-in-law in a shared household is not an indefeasible right, has held that in-laws can’t be .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Shared Household, Daughter-in-Law
Ker. HC: Cannot Evict Divorced Wife from Shared Household Except in Accordance with Established Law(27.06.2024)
Ker. HC has held that a divorced woman cannot claim right of residence in a shared household but divorced woman staying in a household at time of divo.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Shared Household, Divorced Woman
Ker. HC: Penalty for Breach of Protection Order Appli. Where Order is in Addition to Residence Order(09.07.2024)
Ker. HC has observed that while granting protection to a woman in a domestic relationship, if her right to a shared household is protected expressly, .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Residence Order, Shared Household