Search Results for Tag : Risk Management
Notifications & Circulars
Additional Risk management measures for derivatives segment(02.05.2018)
Based on the feedback received from the Clearing Corporations and the recommendations of the Risk Management Review Committee (RMRC) of SEBI, the foll.....
Tags : Risk management, Measures, Derivatives segment
Testing of software used in or related to Trading and Risk Management(24.11.2020)
1. SEBI vide Circulars CIR/MRD/DP/24/2013 dated August 19, 2013 and CIR/MRD/DP/06/2014 February 7, 2014 came out with guidelines on 'Testing of softwa.....
Tags : Testing, Software, Risk Management
Options on commodity futures - product design and risk management(03.01.2022)
1. SEBI vide Circular no. SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DMP/CIR/P/2017/55 dated June 13, 2017, permitted Commodity Derivatives Exchanges to introduce trading in Optio.....
Tags : Options, Commodity futures, Risk management
Additional Risk Management Norms for National Commodity Derivatives Exchanges(01.09.2016)
With an objective of streamlining and strengthening risk management framework across national commodity derivatives exchanges SEBI vide circular CIR/C.....
Tags : Risk management, Norms, Commodity Derivatives
Comprehensive Risk Management Framework for Electronic Gold Receipts (EGR) segment(11.04.2022)
1. SEBI Board in its meeting held on September 28, 2021 approved the framework for Gold Exchange and SEBI (Vault Managers) Regulations, 2021.
Tags : Risk Management, Framework, EGR
Comprehensive Risk Management Framework for National Commodity Derivatives Exchanges(01.10.2015)
With effect from 28 September, 2015, all recognized associations under the Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952 are deemed to be recognized stock .....
Tags : Risk management, forward contract, stock exchange
Amendments to Instructions on Liquidity Risk Management(23.03.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India released amendments to instructions on Liquidity Risk Management. Changes include an additional ‘time bucket’ for Statements.....
Tags : liquidity risk management, amendments, basel
DGCA Makes Significant Changes in Fatigue Risk Management System for Flight Crew(08.01.2024)
Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has made significant changes in the regulations pertaining to Flight Duty Time Limitations (FDTL) for fli.....
Tags : Changes, Fatigue Risk Management, Flight Crew
RBI Master Direction Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings(05.07.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India introduced Master Directions effecting change in the way banks manage risk for national and international borrowers.
Tags : rbi, loan facilities, foreign exchange, risk management
Risk Management and Inter-bank Dealings - Hedging of Foreign Exchange Risk-Date of Implementation(18.05.2020)
1. A reference is invited to the Directions on Hedging of Foreign Exchange Risk issued vide A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 29 dated April 7, 2020. The.....
Tags : Risk Management, Inter-bank Dealings, Directions
Guidance Note on Operational Risk Management and Operational Resilience(30.04.2024)
1. Purpose.
1.1 Operational Risk is inherent in all banking/ financial products, services, activities, processes, and systems. Effective mana.....
Tags : Guidance Note, Operational Risk Management, Operational Resilience