12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Review


High Court having supervisory jurisdiction under Arbitration Act not expected to sit on appeal against Arbitral Award(21.11.2016)

In instant case, Arbitrator passed the Award, thereby winding up partnership firm and to settle accounts of the firm between parties in terms of Secti.....

Tags : Award, Review, Jurisdiction


Notifications & Circulars

Comments invited on the working paper of the high level committee to review the Institutionalisation of Arbitration Mechanism in India by 7 April 2017(16.03.2017)

The Government of India has emphasised the need for promoting arbitration as a preferred dispute resolution mechanism for commercial disputes. Pursuan.....

Tags : Arbitration, Mechanism, Institutionalisation, Review


Secretary MSME reviews implementation of Public Procurement Policy by various PSUs in National SC ST Hub Conclave(13.09.2017)

National SC ST Hub Conclave was chaired by Dr. Arun Kumar Panda, Secretary, Ministry of MSME, and other senior officials of the ministry were present .....

Tags : Procurement Policy, Implementation, Review


In review jurisdiction, Court shall interfere only when there is a glaring omission or patent mistake(19.12.2017)

In facts of present case, the Petitioner herein was the son of the Respondents. The Petitioner is 52 years of age and thus the Respondents must be mor.....

Tags : Judgment, Review, Sufficient reason


Top Story

SEBI constitutes Group to review Institutional Trading Platform (ITP)(12.06.2018)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has constituted a group to look into the existing Institutional Trading Platform (ITP) framework. SE.....

Tags : ITP, Review, Committee, Constitution


Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey releases 11th Common Review Mission (CRM) report(18.06.2018)

Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare released the 11th Common Review Mission (CRM) report of the National Healt.....

Tags : Common Review Mission, National Health Mission


Once Court has refused to entertain review petition and same is dismissed, there is no question of any merger and aggrieved person has to challenge main order and not order dismissing review petition(04.07.2018)

Present petition under Article 227 of the Constitution of India impugns the order of the Court of the Civil Judge dismissing application filed by the .....

Tags : Review, Maintainability, Material irregularity


If any judgment or order is obtained by fraud, it cannot be said to be a judgment or order in law(10.10.2018)

Present appeal is against the order passed by the Tribunal. Aggrieved of said order passed in the review petition as also the basic award, the Appell.....

Tags : Compensation, Grant, Review


Review is permissible if there is a discovery of a new or important facts or evidence, which was not within applicant's knowledge(18.01.2019)

Present Review Application, filed by the applicant of the OA No. 17/2018, is directed against the order of present Tribunal dismissing the Original Ap.....

Tags : Review, Permissibility, Valid ground


TRAI issues Consultation Paper on "Review of the Regulatory Framework for Interconnection"(30.05.2019)

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today issued the Consultation Paper on "Review of the Regulatory Framework for Interconnection".<.....

Tags : Consultation Paper, Issuance, Review, Regulatory Framework


Purpose of a review application is limited and it cannot be used as a tool to re-argue what has already been decided(28.05.2019)

The present Review Petition has been filed by the Petitioner seeking review of the order passed in Contempt Case. The Respondent/DDA submitted that, i.....

Tags : Review jurisdiction, Power, Invocation


Report of the Competition Law Review Committee submitted to Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister(15.08.2019)

Key recommendations include introduction of a 'Green Channel' for combination notifications to enable fast-paced regulatory approvals of mergers and a.....

Tags : Report, Review Committee, Submission


An error which is not self-evident and has to be detected by exercise of scrutiny at length cannot be said to be an error apparent on face of record(07.08.2019)

The Petitioner being a Defendant in a suit for eviction filed an application for mandatory injunction restraining the Plaintiff/landlord from surrende.....

Tags : Injunction, Review, Maintainability


Performance review of the commodity derivatives contracts(04.02.2020)

1. The primary objective of the commodity derivatives market is to provide credible future price signals to market participants and an effective platf.....

Tags : Review, Commodity derivatives, Contracts


Review of Norms regarding Regaining Matched Book for Commodity Derivatives Segment(03.03.2020)

1. SEBI vide Circular SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DRMP/CIR/P/2016/77 dated September 01, 2016, inter alia, prescribed norms to regain matched book vide Clause '5' o.....

Tags : Review, Norms, Matched book


Review of Agricultural Income Insurance and Social Security Scheme(17.03.2020)

Government has implemented an income assurance scheme for the land owning farmers, namely, the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN). Under the.....

Tags : Review, Insurance, Social Security, Scheme


Courts should not interfere with a transfer order made in public interest unless the same is in violation of any mandatory statutory rule(23.06.2020)

The Petitioner is aggrieved by her transfer from the Thrissur Regional Centre to Tirur Campus of the first Respondent. The Petitioner challenges Exhib.....

Tags : Transfer orders, Judicial review, Scope


International Cases

Where the existing or live controversy is absent, the matter is moot(16.07.2020)

Present appeals concern a dispute emanating from the cancellation of a public procurement contract concluded pursuant to a tender that was awarded to .....

Tags : Review, Tender award, Mootness


Review of provision regarding segregation of portfolio due to the COVID - 19 pandemic(02.09.2020)

1. In terms of the SEBI circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/160 dated December 28, 2018, segregated portfolio can be created in a Mutual Fund sche.....

Tags : Review, Provision, Segregation of portfolio


No jurisdictional error, when mining warden gave proper consideration regarding non-compliance with the applicable expenditure(16.12.2020)

The applicant has applied for judicial review of a recommendation made by the mining warden that, certain mining leases held by it be forfeited. The w.....

Tags : Judicial review, Non-compliance, Forfeiture


Review of framework of Innovators Growth platform under SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018(17.12.2020)

1. SEBI in 2019 had created Innovators Growth Platform (IGP) framework under ICDR Regulations to encourage and facilitate capital raising and listing .....

Tags : Review, Framework, Innovators Growth


Constitution of the Regulations Review Authority 2.0(15.04.2021)

1. The Reserve Bank of India had set up a Regulations Review Authority (RRA) initially for a period of one year from April 1, 1999 for reviewing the r.....

Tags : Constitution, Regulations, Review Authority


Usage of automated teller machines / cash recycler machines - Review of interchange Fee and customer charges(10.06.2021)

1. The Reserve Bank of India had constituted a Committee in June 2019 under the Chairmanship of the Chief Executive, Indian Banks' Association to revi.....

Tags : Usage, Automated teller machines, Review


Unless there has been some improper conduct on part of arbitrator, a bona fide mistake either of law or fact made by arbitrator does not constitute misconduct or a gross irregularity(17.06.2021)

The Appellant and the first and second Respondents (the respondents) concluded a restraint of trade agreement in 2008. In May 2017, the Respondents co.....

Tags : Review, Award, Damages


Discretion may be interfered only if the Court is satisfied that it was not exercised judicially or had been influenced by wrong principles(13.04.2022)

Present appeal arises from a successful application by the Appellants, the Central Energy Fund SOC Limited (CEF) and the Strategic Fuel Fund Associati.....

Tags : Compensation, Decision, Review


Review jurisdiction can be exercised only in a case where it is found that there is an error apparent on the face of the record and not otherwise(22.03.2022)

The Appellant filed Writ Petition before the High Court challenging the order of superannuation and seeking directions to continue him in service till.....

Tags : Review, Jurisdiction, Validity


Finance Minister to review performance of Credit and other Welfare Schemes for Scheduled Castes in Public Sector Banks tomorrow(26.09.2022)

Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman will review performance of Credit and other Welfare Schemes for Scheduled Castes in.....

Tags : Performance, Credit Schemes, Review


Commerce Minister reviews the functioning of the GIFT Special Economic Zone(10.10.2022)

Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and Textiles, Shri Piyush Goyal reviewed the functioning of th.....

Tags : Review, Functioning, GIFT


Centre launches framework for safeguarding and protecting consumer interest from fake and deceptive reviews in e-commerce(21.11.2022)

The Department of Consumer Affairs launched the framework for safeguarding and protecting consumer interest from fake and deceptive reviews in e-comme.....

Tags : E-commerce, Deceptive review, Safeguard


Provision of review is not to scrutinize the correctness of the decision but to correct the error, which is visible on face of the record(15.02.2023)

In present matter, the Government of Uttar Pradesh decided to take Sanskrit Vidyalaya and Mahavidyalaya on Grant-in-Aid List. The criteria for taking .....

Tags : Objection, Review, Provision


Central Electricity Authority notifies the National Electricity Plan for the period of 2022-32(31.05.2023)

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has notified the National Electricity Plan (NEP) (Vol-I Generation) for the period of 2022-32. The plan docume.....

Tags : NEP, Notification, Review


An error on the face of record should not require any long-drawn process of reasoning to strike(05.07.2023)

Present are Review Petitions preferred by Review Petitioner praying for review of the judgment passed in Civil Appeal titled Gemini Bay Transcription .....

Tags : Review, Jurisdiction, Grounds


While exercising the jurisdiction under Article 277 of Constitution, High Court cannot review or reassess the evidence(25.08.2023)

The challenge in present petition under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, 1950 is to the order passed by the City Civil Court refusing to gran.....

Tags : Review, Leave, Grant


Unless ex facie arbitrariness is established, the court would refrain from interfering with the decision of an examination body(04.10.2023)

The Petitioner, pursuant to a notice, inviting applications for filling up sixteen vacancies by way of direct recruitment to the Delhi Higher Judicial.....

Tags : Examination, Judicial review, Scope


Once CoC has approved the resolution plan by requisite majority which is in consonance with applicable provisions, same cannot be a subject matter of judicial review(20.10.2023)

The present appeal filed under Section 61 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ("IBC") by the Appellants arises out of the Order passed by the Adju.....

Tags : Resolution plan, Majority, Review


A co-ordinate Bench cannot comment upon the discretion exercised or judgment rendered by another co-ordinate Bench of the same strength(31.10.2023)

Present batch of five Review Petitions seeks to review the common judgment and Order passed by present Court. The question raised in present matter is.....

Tags : Scope, Review, Maintainability


Commercial wisdom of the CoC is to be given paramount importance for approval/rejection of a Resolution Plan(23.11.2023)

Aggrieved by the Impugned Order, the Suspended Director and Promotor of the Corporate Debtor Company, preferred presentappeal, under Section 61 of the.....

Tags : Commercial wisdom, CoC, Judicial review


Validity of a notice issued under Section 263 of IT Act based on incorrect grounds or unsupported evidence can be questioned(06.08.2024)

Present appeal is filed by the Assessee as against the order passed by the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, in exercise of his revisionary jurisd.....

Tags : Assessment, Review, Jurisdiction


RBI announces withdrawal of incremental cash reserve ratio (I-CRR)(08.09.2023)

RBI decides to discontinue the I-CRR in a phased manner. Based on an assessment of current and evolving liquidity conditions, it has been decided that.....

Tags : I-CRR, Review, Withdrawal


Sunset Review of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of "Ammonium Nitrate" originating in or exported from Russia, Georgia and Iran(31.08.2022)

1. The undersigned is directed to refer to Sunset Review anti-dumping investigation final findings on the above subject issued vide notification F. No.....

Tags : Sunset Review, Anti-dumping, Investigation


Department of Consumer Affairs organizes stakeholder consultation on protection of consumers from online fake reviews(15.05.2024)

The Department of Consumer Affairs held a stakeholder consultation here today on protection of consumer interest from online fake reviews. Mrs. Nidhi .....

Tags : Consultation, Protection, Online fake reviews


Review of regulatory framework for Housing Finance Companies(22.10.2020)

1.With reference to the Bank's Press Release No.2019-20/419 dated August 13, 2019 and draft regulatory framework placed in public domain on June 17, 2.....

Tags : Review, Regulatory framework, Housing Finance


RBI reviews the Market Hours(16.04.2020)

In order to minimise risks arising due to the unprecedented situation created by the COVID-19 outbreak, the trading hours for various RBI regulated ma.....

Tags : Market Hours, Review, Lockdown



Karnataka HC: Courts Should Not Seek to Run Governments in Guise of Judicial Review(26.07.2022)

Karnataka High Courts has held that it is primarily the task of the Government to govern and in the guise of judicial review Courts should not seek to.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Judicial review, Government


SC Division Bench Give Split Verdict on Issue of Scope of Review When Judgment Relied is Overruled(20.03.2023)

Supreme Court division bench gave a split verdict on scope of review when the judgment relied on in impugned order and all subsequent judgment that fo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review, Judgment, Overruled


In the absence of a provision of review in the IBC, inherent powers provided under Rule 11 of the NCLAT Rules cannot be invoked for the purpose of filing a Review Application(21.02.2023)

The Appellant/Applicant filed an application under Section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) against the Respondent for initiation o.....

Tags : Application, Review, Maintainability


SC: Swift Rejection of Mercy Petition Cannot be Ground for Judicial Review of President’s Order(29.01.2020)

Supreme Court has held that the quick consideration of the mercy petition and swift rejection of the same cannot be a ground for judicial review of th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review of President's Order


Supreme Court Rejects Review Petitions of Telecom Companies(17.01.2020)

Supreme Court has dismissed the Review Petitions of Telecom companies on Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) payment order. The Companies would have to pay R.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Telecom Companies, Review Petition


Ministry of Commerce And Industries revises user charges for SEZ-online service(02.12.2021)

Ministry of Commerce and Industries has notified the revised user charges for SEZ-Online services that would be effective from November 15, 2021. Depa.....

Tags : User charges, Review, Circular


Madras HC: Writing Negative Review About a Service Provider Doesn’t Constitute Defamation(13.09.2023)

Madras High Court while observing that right to free speech covers such expression of one's review for services received in an Online platform, has he.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Free Speech, Google Review, Defamation


BIS issues standards for organizations publishing consumer reviews(12.12.2022)

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standard Body of India, has published an Indian Standard, IS 19000:2022 on Online Consumer Reviews. Thi.....

Tags : Standards, Issuance, Review


SC: Powers of Review Cannot be Exercised as Inherent Power or Appellate Power(04.11.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that the powers of review under Section 114 read with Order 47 Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 cannot be exerci.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Powers of Review


Supreme Court: Magistrate Can Review Order Passed u/s 125 CrPC; Bar u/s 362 CrPC Not Applicable(20.02.2020)

Supreme Court has held that a Magistrate who passes an order on settlement between parties under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Power to Review


Review of implementation of SEZ Policy(20.03.2017)

Ongoing review and reform, as necessary, of Government policy and procedure is inherent to Public Policy. The Government, on the basis of inputs/sugge.....

Tags : Policy, Review, SEZ


Review Petition is Maintainable Against Order in Contempt Case: Kerala HC(27.11.2018)

Kerala High Court has ruled that a review petition is maintainable against an order in a contempt case and in doing so court has overruled the divisio.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petition, Contempt Case, Antony v. P.S. Rana


Intimation of Oral hearing in New Shipper Review investigation with regard to the anti-dumping duties Concerning imports of "Saturated Fatty Alcohols"(29.04.2019)

With reference to the subject stated above, I am directed to inform you that Shri Sunil Kumar, IAS, Additional Secretary & Director General will hold .....

Tags : Oral hearing, Shipper Review, Investigation with


MACT not conferred with power to review its own order on merits(25.08.2015)

The Court dismissed a petition calling for a correction of an error by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in passing an order on the basis that the dr.....

Tags : Mact, substantive review, order


Review Petition can be Filed by an Aggrieved Third Party: Supreme Court(29.11.2018)

Supreme Court has observed that even a third party to the proceedings, if he considers himself an aggrieved person, may take recourse to the remedy of.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petition


Initiation of Sunset Review investigation concerning imports of PVC Suspension Grade Resin from China PR, Thailand, and USA(25.04.2019)

All the interested producers/exporters have been asked by the Authority on 05/04/2019 to submit additional data of 6 months beyond the Period of Inves.....

Tags : Initiation, Sunset Review, Investigation, Imports


MACT not conferred with power to review its own order on merits(25.08.2015)

The Court dismissed a petition calling for a correction of an error by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal in passing an order on the basis that the dr.....

Tags : Mact, substantive review, order


SC: Judicial Review to be Rarely Exercised if Provision for Revaluation of Answer Sheets Absent(11.05.2020)

Supreme Court has stated that in the absence of any provision for revaluation of answer sheets, judicial review should be rarely exercised.

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review of Answer Sheets


Cal. HC: Appeal Cannot Cloak as Review(09.10.2023)

Calcutta High Court while observing that review jurisdiction can’t be treated as second opportunity by parties aggrieved by a judgement or order to ar.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Review Jurisdiction, Appeal


All. HC: Collector Being Quasi-Judicial Authority Has No Statutory Power to Review/Recall Order(21.05.2024)

All HC has held that Collector (Stamp) cannot recall or review his own order as no such power has been conferred under Section 47-A of Indian Stamp Ac.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Quasi-Judicial Authority, Review Order


SC: Can’t Exercise Judicial Review to Re-Appreciate Evidence in Departmental Enquiry(05.06.2023)

Supreme Court while observing that Constitutional Court while exercising judicial review can’t decide case as if it is the first stage of the case, ha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review, Evidence, Departmental Enquiry


Final Findings in Sunset Review of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Elastomeric Filament Yam' originating in or exported from China PR, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam(18.05.2022)

1. The undersigned is directed to refer to final findings on the above subject issued vide notification F. No. 7/14/2021-DGTR dated 1st February, 2022.....

Tags : Final Findings, Sunset Review,Anti-dumping


Delhi HC Orders Review After Discrepancies in Judicial Exam(01.02.2019)

Delhi High Court has ordered a drawing up of fresh results of preliminary examination for Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) after it found discrepancies in.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review After Discrepancies in Judicial Exam


Delhi HC: Non- Provision of Gap Between Detailed Medical and Review Medical, Not Faulty Procedure(31.01.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that merely because the Petitioner was not granted 15 days' gap between his Detailed Medical Examination and Review Medical .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Gap Between Detailed Medical and Review Medical


Constitution of Committee for Review of Articles of Association of Indian Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors(14.02.2022)

The Authority had constituted Surveyors and Loss Assessors Committee vide Order No. IRDA/SURV/ORDER/MISC/100/04/2020 dated 24/04/2020. This committee .....

Tags : Review, Articles, Loss Assessors


SC: High Court Can’t Refuse to Follow Binding SC Judgment Merely Because Review Pending Against it(08.09.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that it is not open to a High Court to refuse to follow a judgment by stating that it has been doubted by a later Coordinat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judgment, Follow, Review


Delhi HC Orders Review After Discrepancies in Judicial Exam(01.02.2019)

Delhi High Court has ordered a drawing up of fresh results of preliminary examination for Delhi Judicial Service (DJS) after it found discrepancies in.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review After Discrepancies in Judicial Exam


Slight deviation from guidelines forgivable at judicial review(06.06.2016)

Manipur High Court dismissed challenge by a constable of the police force against his dismissal order, which he claimed was passed without an enquiry .....

Tags : judicial review, administrative order, national security, deviation, guidelines


Delhi HC: Recourse to S. 34(4) of A&C Act Cannot be taken to allow Tribunals to Review Awards(24.08.2023)

Delhi HC has held that the recourse to Section 34(4) of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (A&C Act), that grants authority to courts to remit arb.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration, Review


Cal. HC: High Courts can Invoke Article 215 to Review its Own Orders(04.09.2023)

Calcutta High Court has held that being Courts of records, the High Courts are invested with inherent powers under Article 215 of Constitution to corr.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Inherent Powers, High Court, Review


Delhi HC: Court Cannot Review Order Passed U/S 11 of A&C Act(12.01.2023)

Delhi High Court has held that orders passed in an application filed under Section 11 of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (A&C) cannot be review.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration and Conciliation, Review


Extension of time for filing Exporter's/Importer's/User's Questionnaire response in sunset review of Anti-Dumping duty imposed on imports of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber(09.03.2020)

1. With respect to the above mentioned subject investigations, requests have been received from producers/exporters/importers/users for extension of t.....

Tags : Extension, Time, Sunset review


Del. HC: Recommendations of Human Rights Commissions are Binding(29.01.2025)

Delhi High Court has held that recommendations of the State or National Human Rights Commissions are binding in nature and not merely recommendatory a.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Human Rights, Judicial Review


Union Home Minister reviews FCRA and e-Visa schemes(08.03.2018)

Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh here today reviewed the progress of schemes being implemented by the Foreigners Division of MHA with a view to .....

Tags : Reviews FCRA, E-Visa, Schemes


Report of the Internal Study Group to Review the Working of the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) System(04.10.2017)

As indicated in Para 2 of today's Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies, the Reserve Bank of India placed on its website today the Report.....

Tags : Marginal Cost, Funds, Review


Expert Committee set up to review Specific Relief Act, 1963(28.01.2016)

The Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law and Justice has constituted a five-member committee to review the Specific Relief Act, 1963. The rev.....

Tags : Specific relief, review, committee


Ministry of Coal reviews Coal Production from Commercial & Captive Mines(28.11.2023)

Coal production from captive/commercial coal mines goes up by 23% to 80 MT during the period 1st April 2023 to 20th November 2023 compared to previous.....

Tags : Reviews, Coal Production, Mines


Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) Framework(26.02.2019)

The Board for Financial Supervision (BFS), in its meeting held on February 26, 2019 reviewed the performance of banks under PCA and noted that the Gov.....

Tags : Banks, Performance, Review


Review of investment norms for mutual funds for investment in Debt and Money Market Instruments(10.12.2019)

Paragraph E of SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2019/104 dated October 1, 2019 prescribed limits on investments by debt mutual fund schemes in .....

Tags : Review, Investment norms, Mutual funds


Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Debt – Review(25.04.2019)

Attention of Authorised Dealer Category-I (AD Category-I) banks is invited to Schedule 5 to the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Secu.....

Tags : Investment, FPI, Debt, Review


Delhi High Court Imposes Cost for Seeking Review by Blaming Senior Counsel(31.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has held that a review Petition can be allowed only on the grounds stipulated in Order XLVII, read with Section 114 of the Code of Ci.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review Petition


SC: SLP Filed Only Against Review Order Not Maintainable(10.03.2021)

Supreme Court has reiterated that Special leave Petitions filed only against the order of the High Court in Review Petition is not maintainable.

Tags : Supreme Court, SLP Filed Only Against Review Order


Delhi HC: Requesting Extension of Time Set by Court for Investigation Does Not Amount to Review(05.06.2019)

Delhi High Court has observed that seeking extension of the time set by Court for investigation will not amount to review so as to attract bar under S.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Review


RBI releases Draft Report of the Internal Working Group on Comprehensive Review of Market Timings(10.07.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India today released the draft report of the Internal Working Group on "Comprehensive Review of Market Timings". Comments on the d.....

Tags : Draft Report, Working Group, Review, Market Timings


Delhi High Court to Delhi Govt: Hold Sentence Review Board Meetings Periodically(22.10.2019)

Delhi High Court has directed the AAP Government to convene periodic meetings of the Sentence Review Board which reviews jail terms awarded and makes .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Sentence Review Board


J&K&L HC: State Consumer Commission Not Empowered to Exercise Powers of Review(19.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that State Consumer Commissions and District Consumer Forums are not empowered to exercise powers of .....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, State Consumer Commissions, Review


Review of Requirement of Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer(20.04.2023)

The framework on countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) was put in place by the Reserve Bank in terms of guidelines issued on February 5, 2015 wherein .....

Tags : Review, framework, CCyB


New Initiatives for Social Justice and Empowerment(15.12.2015)

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment released its Year End Review 2015, describing the various initiatives undertaken and achievements of 20.....

Tags : Social justice, empowerment, year end review, 2015


Final findings-sunset review investigation concerning imports of wire rod of alloy or non-alloy steel(07.02.2022)

1. The undersigned is directed to refer to final findings on the above subject issued vide notification F. No. 7/17/2021-DGTR, dated the 28th October,.....

Tags : Final findings, Sunset review, Imports


Cal HC: Court Can’t Alter the Judgment After it Has Attained Finality(03.07.2023)

Calcutta High Court has held that once judgment is pronounced even the High Court has no jurisdiction to alter or review it once it has been signed, o.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Judgment, Review, Finality, Alert


Raj. HC: MACT Empowered to Recall Order if Obtained through Fraud or Misrepresentation(20.09.2024)

Raj. HC has held that generally a Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal does not have the jurisdiction to deal with a review application under Order 47 of C.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, MACT, Review Application


A judgment may be open to review if there is a mistake or an error apparent on the face of the record(06.08.2020)

Present Review Petition has been preferred by the original writ Petitioner seeking review of the order passed by present Court in writ petition which .....

Tags : Review, Jurisdiction, Powers


Del. HC: Can’t Seek Review of S.11 Petition Order on Subsequent Decision(26.07.2023)

Delhi High Court has held that on the basis of Supreme Court decision in N.N. Global Mercantile (P) Ltd. vs Indo Unique Flame Ltd. (MANU/SC/0445/2023).....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Arbitration, Review


SC Affirms Death Penalty for LeT Militant in 2000 Red Fort Attack Case(03.11.2022)

Supreme Court while dismissing review petition filed by Lakshar-e-Taiba militant Mohammed Arif, has affirmed death penalty awarded to him for 2000 Red.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petition, Death Penalty


Calcutta HC: Exercise of Power of Privilege by State Legislature is Open to Judicial Review(05.02.2020)

Calcutta High Court has quashed an order passed by the Speaker of West Bengal Legislative Assembly imposing a punishment on a person for allegedly vio.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Judicial Review of Power of Privilege by State Legislature


Chhattisgarh HC: ‘Review Power’ Can be Invoked Only When Error Apparent on Face of Record(14.02.2020)

Chhattisgarh High Court has observed that the review power can be invoked only when there is an error apparent on the face of the record. The Court fu.....

Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Review Power


Review of framework for public issuance of Convertible Securities(01.12.2015)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has released a discussion paper reviewing the framework for public issuance of convertible securities. The .....

Tags : Convertible securities, review, debt, term


Supreme Court to Hear Petition on Recognition of Queer Marriages on January 9(08.01.2025)

Supreme Court is set to hear the review petitions filed against the judgement refusing recognition of queer marriages on 9th January, 2025.

Tags : Supreme Court, Queer Marriages, Review Petitions


Jharkhand HC Directs to Constitute Review Boards & Appoint Non Official Members(06.09.2021)

Jharkhand High Court has directed the State to constitute the Mental Health Review Boards (MHRB) under Section 46 and 73 of the Mental Healthcare Act,.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Mental Health Review Boards


What was not decided in appeal by the Division Bench could not be decided by the Division Bench while deciding the review application(12.03.2018)

Present appeals are against the final judgment passed by the High Court whereby the Division Bench of the High Court dismissed the review application .....

Tags : Application, Review, Maintainability


J&K&L HC: Employment Conditions Can't Take Away Employees' Right to Seek Judicial Review(12.07.2022)

Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that an employer cannot impose such conditions of employment which have the effect of taking away the r.....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Employment Conditions, Judicial Review


SC Dismisses Review Petition Filed against Verdict Refusing Recognition of Queer Marriages(10.01.2025)

Supreme Court has dismissed review petitions filed against the judgement in which recognition of queer marriages was refused.

Tags : Supreme Court, Queer Marriages, Review Petition


Setback for Delhi Police: Delhi HC Dismisses Review Petition, Bars Coercive Action Against Lawyers(07.11.2019)

Delhi High Court has dismissed the review petition filed by Delhi Police seeking clarification on its earlier order which said no coercive action be .....

Tags : Delhi HC, Review Petition


Delhi HC to DGCA: Periodically Review Guidelines Concerning Wearing of Face Masks in Flights(19.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has asked Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to periodically review its guidelines concerning wearing of face mask in fligh.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review, COVID Protocol


All. HC: Review Jurisdiction can be Exercised Only if there is Error Apparent on face of the Record(02.08.2023)

Allahabad High Court has held that review jurisdiction can only be exercised if there is an error apparent on the face of the record or interfere on a.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Review Jurisdiction, Erroneous Decision


SC Recalls Judgement Holding 2018 Amendment to SRA to be Applicable Prospectively(11.11.2024)

Supreme Court while exercising its review jurisdiction, has recalled its 2022 judgement in which it was held that the amendment to the Specific Relief.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Specific Relief Act, Review Jurisdiction


SC: High Courts Can Exercise Limited Factual Review Under Section 103 CPC(10.09.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that High Courts are empowered to exercise limited factual review under Section 103 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. T.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Limited Factual Review


Karnataka HC: Scope of Judicial Review in Contractual Matters is Extremely Limited(19.06.2024)

Kar. HC has observed that scope of judicial review in contractual matters is extremely limited and it is in rare category of cases that writ of mandam.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Judicial Review, Contractual Matters


Allahabad HC: Armed Forces Tribunal Act Does Not Oust High Court’s Power of Judicial Review(09.03.2022)

Allahabad High Court has clarified that the Armed Forces Tribunal Act, 2007 cannot and does not oust the High Court's power of judicial review contain.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Power of Judicial Review


SC: Provision of Review Not to Scrutinize Correctness of Decision(16.02.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that the provision of review is not to scrutinize the correctness of the decision but to correct the error, if any, which i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review, Decision, Correctness


Bombay HC: Threshold of Public Interest Must to Stop Bypassing of Civil Courts(29.03.2022)

Bombay High Court has held that a writ Court should not exercise its powers in contractual matters under Article 226 of the Constitution, unless the s.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Public Interest, Civil Court, Judicial Review, Contractual Obligation


Initiation of a midterm review investigation limited to change of name of producer/exporter from Singapore regarding anti-dumping duty imposed on specified products from mentioned countries(18.09.2023)

1. An application for change of name has been filed by INEOS Phenols Singapore Pte Ltd. (herein after referred to as "applicant"). The applicant is a .....

Tags : Initiation, Midterm review, Investigation


Supreme Court: Undertrial Review Panel's Functioning Needs Fine-Tuning(01.11.2017)

Supreme Court has said that jail officials must be made part of Undertrial Review Committees (UTRCs) in the states and a standard operating procedure .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Undertrial Review Panel


SC: Passing Reference Made by Bench of Equal Strength Could Not be a Ground for Review(01.11.2023)

Supreme Court while summarizing principles to prevent review petitions from becoming "appeals in disguise”, has observed that comments of a co-ordinat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reference, Co-Ordinate Bench, Review


Judicial Review is Possible Only If There is Unreasonableness, Irrationality or Arbitrariness: SC(29.03.2018)

Supreme Court has reiterated that unless the court concludes that the decision-making process or the decision taken by authority bristles with mala fi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review


SC: Appln. for Hearing of Review Petition by HC Judge Has to be Placed Before CJ HC on Admin Side(11.11.2022)

Supreme Court has held that an application seeking to assign a review petition to a particular High Court judge should be placed before Chief Justice .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petition, Administrative


SC Dismisses Review Petition Against Constitution Bench Judgment Upholding EWS Quota(17.05.2023)

Supreme Court while dismissing review petition filed against Constitution bench upheld validity of 103rd Constitutional Amendment that introduced 10% .....

Tags : Supreme Court, EWS Quota, Economically Weaker Sections, Review Petition


Coal Ministry reviews non-operational captive and commercial coal blocks of Jharkhand(06.09.2022)

The status of 20 non-operational captive and commercial coal blocks of Jharkhand state was reviewed by Additional Secretary & Nominated Authority of t.....

Tags : Reviews, Coal blocks, Jharkhand


CRIMINAL - SC Review Sets Free 6 Death Row Convicts(06.03.2019)

Supreme Court has set aside its own judgment of 2009 and set free six convicts sent to death row, concluding that they had been “falsely implicated” i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, SC Review Sets Free 6 Death Row Convicts


Review in a criminal proceeding is permissible only on ground of error apparent on face of record(09.07.2018)

Present review petitions have been filed by two applicants Vinay Sharma-Accused No. 1 and Pawan Kumar Gupta-Accused No. 2 to review the judgment of pr.....

Tags : Review, death penalty, Maintainability


SC: High Court Can’t Refuse to Follow Binding SC Judgment Merely Because Review Pending Against it(08.09.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that it is not open to a High Court to refuse to follow a judgment by stating that it has been doubted by a later Coordinat.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judgment, Follow, Review


SC: Registry Can’t Decide Whether or Not Review Petiton Merits Relook Through Curative Petiton(28.02.2024)

Supreme Court has held that registry cannot be vested with the power to decide whether a review petition, after being dismissed in open court hearing,.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petiton, Curative Petiton, Registry


Prompt Corrective Action Framework - IDBI Bank Limited(10.03.2021)

The performance of IDBI Bank Limited, currently under the Prompt Corrective Action Framework (PCAF) of RBI, was reviewed by the Board for Financial Su.....

Tags : PCAF, IDBI Bank, Review


Supreme Court to HC’s: Expeditiously Dispose Review Petitions(09.03.2017)

Supreme Court has asked High Courts to dispose of review petitions as expeditiously as possible to prevent any slow-up in process of justice.

Tags : Supreme Court, Review Petitions


Rajasthan HC: Power of Judicial Review Vested in High Courts is Basic Feature of Constitution(18.01.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has reiterated that power of judicial review vested in High Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution of India is one of the b.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Power of Judicial Review of High Courts


SC Affirms Acquittal of Death Row Convicts in Chhawla Rape-Murder Case(29.03.2023)

Supreme Court while dismissing review petitions against acquittal of three persons in 2012 Chhawla Rape-Murder Case, has observed that even if an even.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chhawla Rape-Murder Case, Review Petitions, Acquittal


SC: Courts Should Restrain While Exercising Judicial Review in Contracts Involving Technical Issues(03.10.2023)

SC observed that in contracts involving complex technical issues, the Court should exercise restraint in exercising power of judicial review. Even if .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Writ Jurisdiction, Judicial Review


Judicial review, even on basis of proportionality, cannot partake of nature of an appeal(01.11.2017)

Ewa Michalak began employment as a doctor with the Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust in April 2002. She remained in that employment until she was dism.....

Tags : Discrimination, Judicial review, Remedy


SC: SLP Against Rejection of Review Order Cannot be Entertained When Main Judgment is Not Challenged(06.10.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that a special leave Petition challenging the order of High Court rejecting the review Petition cannot be entertained when .....

Tags : Supreme Court, SLP Against Rejection of Review Order


SC: Power of Judicial Review & Govt's Power to Reconsider Previous Govt Decision Not Comparable(17.11.2022)

Supreme Court has held that the power of the executive to look into the conduct of the previous government cannot be compared with the power of courts.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review


General Credit Card (GCC) Facility - Review(25.04.2023)

1. This is with reference to Circular RPCD.MSME & NFS.BC.No.61/06.02.31/2013-14 dated December 02, 2013 on the Revised General Credit Card (GCC) Schem.....

Tags : GCC, Facility, Review


MP HC: Can’t Subject Transfer Order to Judicial Review Unless Found to be Influenced by Malafide(08.10.2024)

MP HC has observed that it is well settled in law that an employer is the best judge to organize its work force and it is also well settled in law tha.....

Tags : MP High Court, Judicial Review, Transfer Order


Extent of permissible judicial review in matters of contracts, procurement, etc. would vary with the subject matter of the contract(14.12.2018)

The issues arising in present group of writ petitions, filed as Public Interest Litigations, relate to procurement of 36 Rafale Fighter Jets for the I.....

Tags : Aircrafts, Procurement, Judicial review


Delhi HC: If Tender Conditions are in Public Interest, Court Can't Interfere With Procedural Errors(15.07.2022)

Delhi High Court has held that if the decision relating to terms or award of contract is bona fide and in public interest, Courts shall not exercise i.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Public Interest, Judicial Review


Delhi High Court Seeks Aam Aadmi Party Govt’s Reply on Plea Against No Sentence Review Board Meet(09.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has sought the Aam Aadmi Party Government’s stand on a plea alleging that meetings of Sentence Review Board were not held every quart.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Sentence Review Board


SC: NCLAT Can Recall but Can’t Review its Judgment(02.08.2023)

Supreme Court has upheld NCLAT’s five-member bench ruling which held that while NCLAT is empowered to recall its judgment, it is not empowered to revi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NCLAT, Recall, Review


Review of norms regarding investment in debt instruments with special features and the valuation of perpetual bonds(10.03.2021)

A. Review of Norms of Investment in Instruments having Special Features

1. Mutual Funds invest in certain debt instruments with special featu.....

Tags : Review, Norms, Investment, Debt instruments


Delhi HC: While Seeking Review of Orders Passed in Civil Suit, Grounds of Order XLVII to be Satisfied(18.02.2022)

Delhi High Court has observed that while seeking review of orders passed in a civil suit, the grounds mentioned in Order XLVII Rule 1 of the Code of C.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Review of Orders Passed in Civil Suit


SC: Review Petition Filed against SC Order Rejecting Plea to Confiscate Electoral Bond Donation(23.01.2025)

A review petition has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking review of the order whereby the Court rejected the plea to confiscate the amount recover.....

Tags : Review Petition, Supreme Court, Electoral Bond Donation


Bombay HC: HC Can Exercise Power of Review for Orders Passed u/s 11 of A&C Act(15.11.2024)

Bombay High Court has observed that as a constitutional court and court of record, High Court can exercise power of review even in the context of orde.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Power of Review, Section 11


SC: Debts Recovery Tribunal Has No Power to Condone Delay in Filing Review Application(27.01.2020)

Supreme Court has held that the Debts Recovery Tribunal has no power to condone the delay in filing application for review under the Recovery of Debts.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Debt Recovery Tribunal's Power to Condone Delay, Review Application


SC: Constitutional Courts Cannot Expand Judicial Review Powers(08.01.2021)

Supreme Court has said that Constitutional Courts cannot expand their judicial review powers to become decision-making authorities.

Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Review Powers


J&K&L HC: No Blanket Bar on Judicial Review of Election Authority’s Decisions(09.12.2022)

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has held that anything done towards completion of election process can’t be challenged before High Court and o.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Election Process, Judicial Review


TRAI extends date of submission for review of regulation on Quality of Service(06.04.2023)

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India had released draft Regulation on Review of The Quality of Service (Code of Practice for Metering and Billing.....

Tags : Date, Extension, Review


Judicial review finds errors in Patna ruling on Advocates-on-Record(30.09.2015)

Reiterating in some detail the purpose behind judicial review, and evolution over the years of its scope, the Patna High Court determined that unless .....

Tags : Judicial review, advocate, on record, pleading


SC: HCs Can Entertain Challenges to Orders Passed by Armed Forces Tribunal(23.03.2023)

Supreme Court while overruling its own judgment in Union of India And Ors. v. Major General Shri Kant Sharma (MANU/SC/0242/2015) and observing that th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Armed Forces Tribunal, Judicial Review


Review of Guidelines for Core Investment Companies(13.08.2020)

1. Please refer to the report of the Working Group (WG) to Review the Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Core Investment Companies (CICs), const.....

Tags : Review, Guidelines, Investment Companies


Cal. HC to Sentence Review Board: Reconsider Remission Plea of Man Who Has Spent 23 Yrs in Jail(31.07.2023)

Calcutta High Court has directed West Bengal State Sentence Review Board to reconsider petition for remission of a man who has spent 23 years in jail,.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Sentence Review Board, Remission, NHRC Guidelines


Ker. HC: There is a Difference Between Professional Review and Personal Opinion About the Same(11.10.2023)

Kerala High Court while observing that here is a difference between a professional review of a product, including a movie, and a personal opinion abou.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Professional Review, Motivated Bad Reviews


Mad HC: High Court Can’t Interfere With Opinion of Medical Experts by Acting as an Expert Body(14.06.2023)

Madras High Court while refusing relief to a mother in a medical negligence case has held that High Court can’t interfere with the opinion of the medi.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Medical Negligence, Expert Opinion, Judicial Review


Allahabad HC: Information Commission Don’t Have Power to Review or Change its Own Order(03.11.2016)

Allahabad High Court has ordered that UP State Information Commission does not have a power to review and change its own orders, including order of im.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Information Commission, review, RTI Act


Finance Ministry Files Review Petition in Supreme Court’s Safari Retreats Case Ruling(09.01.2025)

Finance Ministry has filed a review petition in SC seeking review of its Safari Retreats Case judgement (MANU/SC/1080/2024; 2024 INSC 756) that allowe.....

Tags : Finance Ministry, Review Petition, Safari Retreats
