Search Results for Tag : Request
Notifications & Circulars
Online filing of requests for closure of advance authorizations(30.03.2021)
1. DGFT has revamped its IT systems to provide a paperless, contact-less, electronic interface to the exporters/importers and other stakeholders of DG.....
Tags : Online filing, Requests, Advance authorizations
Release of Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Technology Transfer of Lithium-ion Cell by ISRO to Indian Industries(12.06.2018)
One of the major Centres of ISRO, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), is offering to transfer the in-house developed Li-ion cell technology to compet.....
Tags : Technology Transfer, Request, Release
Relaxation in adherence to prescribed timelines issued by SEBI due to Covid 19(13.04.2020)
1. In wake of the current nationwide lock down of 21 days as directed by Government of India due to issue of Covid-19, a need has been felt to extend .....
Tags : Investors request, Relaxation, Prescribed timelines
International Cases
Minister is central to the administration and implementation of the Extradition Act and the decision-making power in respect of all extradition requests vests in him(23.05.2024)
The crisp issue in the appeal was whether the power to request the extradition of a person from the United States of America (the US) to stand trial i.....
Tags : Request, Extradition, Power
Re-lodgement of Transfer Requests of Shares(09.09.2020)
In terms of Regulation 40 (1) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, transfer of securities held in physical mod.....
Tags : Re-lodgement, Transfer Requests, Shares
HP HC: Victim Sending Friend Request Does Not Liberty to Accused to Establish Sexual Relations(05.02.2021)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has observed that just because the victim sent a friend request to the accused does not give him the right and liberty to .....
Tags : Himachal Pradesh High Court, Victim Sending Friend Request
Arthur Road Jail, Sanjay Dutt's Former Prison, May House Vijay Mallya Too(29.11.2017)
Arthur Road Jail, Sanjay Dutt's Former Prison, May House Vijay Mallya Too
Tags : The Westminster Magistrates' Court had earlier this month rejected India’s extradition request for a UK-based alleged bookie, on the grounds that his human rights would be violated in Delhi’s notoriously overcrowded Tihar Jail.
SC Directs Gujarat Govt to Prepare Draft Mechanism to Consider Requests for Bonafide Transfers(17.09.2021)
Supreme Court has directed the State of Gujarat to prepare a draft mechanism to consider requests for bona fide transfers of property allotted to MLAs.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Mechanism to Consider Requests for Bonafide Transfers
Karnataka High Court: Consider Fresh Protest Requests in 3 Days(23.12.2019)
Karnataka High Court has told the State Government to consider within three days fresh applications — if any — filed by individuals or organizations t.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Protest Requests
P&H HC to Police: Consider Protection Request of Same-Sex Couple(07.04.2023)
Punjab and Haryana High Court while observing that State can’t shirk its duty to ensure the safety of its citizens, has directed SSP (UT, Chandigarh) .....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection Request, Same-Sex Couple
Public offer, once made, can only be permitted to be withdrawn in circumstances which make it impossible to perform the same(07.11.2016)
Present appeal has been preferred under Section 15 Z of Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 against order dated 6th August, 2014 passed b.....
Tags : Public offer, Withdrawal, Request
Non grant of an opportunity to cross examine a witness may attract the doctrine of fairness and even held to be violative of principles of natural justice(13.09.2018)
In facts of present case, the Appellant is engaged in manufacture of chewing tobacco falling under Chapter 24 of Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. The .....
Tags : Cross examination, Request, Denial, Validity
Confession though retracted is an admission and binds the Petitioner(31.03.2022)
Present appeal has been filled against the Order-in- Original adjudicating authority vide which the request for cross examination of panch-witnesses a.....
Tags : cross examination, Panch-witnesses, Request