Search Results for Tag : Reporting
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RBI directs daily reporting of individual transactions by banks under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)(12.04.2018)
In order to improve monitoring and to ensure compliance with the LRS limits, RBI has decided to put in place a daily reporting system by authorised de.....
Tags : Scheme, Transaction, Daily Reporting
Application for curbing media reporting of case can be moved in Court where it is pending(30.10.2019)
The Plaintiff has instituted present suit for (i) recovery of damages for defamation; (ii) restraining the Defendant from further defaming the Plainti.....
Tags : Defamatory allegations, Media reporting, Legality
Notifications & Circulars
Reporting of Large Exposures to Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC) - UCBs(16.01.2020)
1. Attention is drawn to RBI Circular DOR (PCB). BPD.Cir.No.7/13.05.000/2019-20 dated December 27, 2019 on "Reporting of Large Exposures to Central Re.....
Tags : Reporting of, Exposures, CRILC
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government Transactions of March, 2020(17.03.2020)
1. Please refer to Circular DGBA.GBD.No.2394/42.01.029/2018-19 dated March 20, 2019 advising the procedure to be followed for reporting and accounting.....
Tags : Transactions, Reporting, Procedure
Reporting to Stock Exchanges regarding violations under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 relating to the Code of Conduct(23.07.2020)
1. Vide Gazette Notification No. SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2020/23 dated July 17, 2020, Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) .....
Tags : Reporting, Stock Exchanges, Violations
Reporting and accounting of Central Government transactions of March 2021(18.03.2021)
1. Please refer to Circular DGBA.GBD.No.1744/42.01.029/2019-20 dated March 17, 2020 advising the procedure to be followed for reporting and accounting.....
Tags : Reporting, Accounting, Transactions
Regulatory reporting by AIFs(07.04.2021)
1. In terms of AIF Regulations and paragraph 3.2 of Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/10/2013 dated July 29, 2013, AIFs are required to submit periodical report.....
Tags : Submissions, Regulatory reporting, AIFs
Regulatory Reporting by AIFs(14.09.2023)
1. In terms of Regulation 28 of SEBI (AIF) Regulations, 2012 read with Clause 15.1 of SEBI Master Circular for AIFs dated July 31, 2023, AIFs shall su.....
Tags : Regulatory Reporting, AIFs, Activities
International Cases
Court can make an order under Section 1322(4)(a) of the Corporations Act relieving a person from civil liability provided the person concerned acted honestly(28.01.2022)
The Plaintiff, by way of originating process seeks relief under Section 1322(4)(a) of the Corporations Act, 2001 from compliance with its financial re.....
Tags : Financial reporting, Obligations, Reliefs
Calcutta HC: No Penal Proceedings Attracted if Bona-Fide Mistake Occurs in Court Reporting(27.02.2024)
Calcutta HC while observing that the petitioner had sought an apology, it cannot be said that the said news was telecast malignantly or wantonly to gi.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Court Reporting, Penal Proceedings
SC: Real-Time Reporting of Court Room Proceedings in Social Media Not Cause for Apprehension(07.05.2021)
Supreme Court has held that real-time reporting of Court room proceedings in social media is not a cause of apprehension but a virtual extension of th.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Real-Time Reporting of Court Room Proceedings
Court can relieve a person from civil liability provided that the person concerned acted honestly(28.01.2022)
The Plaintiff has sought the relief under Section 1322(4)(a) of the Corporations Act, 2001 from compliance with its financial reporting and lodgment o.....
Tags : Compliance with Financial reporting, Civil liability
Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021-Reporting of reverse repos with Reserve Bank on the bank's balance sheet(19.05.2022)
1. Please refer to the 'Notes and Instructions for Compilation' given in Part A of Annexure II to the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Pres.....
Tags : Reporting, Reverse repos, Balance sheet
RBI requires frequent updates on CP and UFCE investments(23.06.2016)
Investment by banks and financial institutions in commercial papers will have to be reported monthly to all credit information companies, the Reserve .....
Tags : commercial paper, unhedged exposure, reporting, credit company
Bombay High Court: Incorrect Reporting of Court Orders Affects Administration of Justice(03.05.2018)
Bombay High Court has observed that incorrect reporting of court orders affect the perception of people in the existence of the Rule of law and affect.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Court Reporting
Court has power to extend time where statutory pre-requisites are met but power must be exercised having regard to interests of all parties affected(16.03.2020)
The Plaintiffs seek relief under Section 1322(4)(d) of the Corporations Act, 2001 from compliance with financial reporting and lodgement obligations .....
Tags : Financial reporting, Time, Extension
SC: Non-Reporting of Sexual Assault Despite Knowledge is Serious Crime(03.11.2022)
Supreme Court while observing that non-reporting of sexual assault against a minor child despite knowledge is a serious crime, has held that more ofte.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Sexual Assault, Non-Reporting
Karnataka HC Directs Govt to Reconsider Decision Making Reporting to Duty Mandatory(27.11.2020)
Karnataka High Court has directed the State government to in two weeks time reconsider its decision making it compulsory for government employees, in .....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Mandatoery Reporting to Duty
Detection of Counterfeit Notes(27.08.2015)
The Reserve Bank of India notified changes to procedures for recording counterfeit notes by banks. Notes tendered over the counter will be checked for.....
Tags : Rbi, counterfeit, note, reporting
RBI regional offices entrusted UCB fraud monitoring and reporting duties(19.05.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India notified a revised fraud monitoring and reporting mechanism for Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks.
Under the new.....
Tags : Co-operative bank, fraud, reporting, monitoring
MCA Notifies Penalty for Non-Compliance With NFRA Rules(22.06.2022)
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified that the non-compliance with the National Financial Reporting Authority Rules (NFRA), 2018 would attr.....
Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, National Financial Reporting Authority Rules, Penalty
SC: Can’t Restrain Media from Reporting But Sources can be Restrained(14.09.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that while Court can’t restrain media from reporting, it can restrain the sources because the source is the state, has d.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Media, Reporting, Police Personnel
NFRA: Chartered Accountant Penalized with One Lakh Rupees Fine for Professional Misconduct(24.06.2022)
National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has penalized chartered accountant with a fine of one lakh rupees for professional misconduct and debarr.....
Tags : National Financial Reporting Authority, Professional Misconduct, Chartered Accountant
Delhi HC Issues Notice on Plea Alleging Misreporting on Farmers' Protests on Republic Day(01.02.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued notice to and sought replies from AajTak, the Press Council of India and the Centre, on a petition filed by former MP Sukh.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Misreporting on Farmers' Protests
Karnataka HC: Media Must Ensure That Court Orders Are Not Misquoted in Matters Concerning COVID-19(14.04.2020)
Karnataka High Court has observed that the media, in particular the electronic media has to be very careful while reporting Court orders, concerning C.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Reporting of Court Orders
Delhi HC Refuses to Hear Petitions Against ‘Aaj Tak’ for Alleged Mis-reporting of Tractor Rally(01.03.2021)
Delhi High Court has said that it will not hear the petitions seeking action against 'Aaj Tak' news channel over alleged mis-reporting of the tractor .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Mis-reporting of Tractor Rally
Delhi High Court Dismisses PIL Seeking Bar on Media for Reporting Mass Scale Deaths(04.05.2021)
Delhi High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation seeking directions for evolving and enforcing the Code of Ethics/Regulations on the TV New.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Bar on Media for Reporting Mass Scale Deaths
Liberalised Remittance Scheme for Resident Individuals - Reporting(17.06.2021)
1. Attention of all Authorised Dealer Category - I (AD Category - I) banks is invited to A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 106 dated May 23, 2013, in te.....
Tags : Liberalised Remittance, Scheme, Reporting
Kerala HC: Law Degree Not Compulsory for Reporting Case Proceedings(28.11.2016)
Kerala High Court has said there had not been any stipulation that law graduates alone could cover Court proceedings.
Tags : Kerala HC, Degree, Reporting, Case Proceedings
Kerala HC: Non-Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse is Bailable Offence Under POCSO Act(25.11.2022)
Kerala High Court while observing that if statute does not declare a particular offence as bailable or non-bailable, reference has to be made to sched.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Non-Reporting, Child Sexual Abuse
Changes proposed in timeframe for issue of shares and reporting of FDI(04.02.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India has proposed changes in respect of the time frame for issuing shares to align provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management .....
Tags : Rbi, timeframe, issue, reporting, shares, fdi
Compilation of R-Returns: Reporting under FETERS(11.02.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India notified modifications to guidelines for submission of data under the Foreign Exchange Transactions Electronic Reporting Sys.....
Tags : Feters, online, remittance reporting, purpose code
#Court Reporting: Delhi High Court Forms Panel to Frame Guidelines(02.08.2017)
Delhi High Court has constituted a committee to examine and make recommendations regarding “how court proceedings ought to be covered in media in the .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Court Reporting
Should Live Reporting & Live Tweeting of Court Proceedings Be Allowed? Delhi HC Invites Suggestions(20.09.2017)
Delhi High Court has issued a public notice inviting suggestions from the general public on media reporting of Court matters, including whether real-t.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Live Reporting
System for reporting banks’ associations discontinued(30.06.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India discontinued the Quarterly Reporting System - foreign branches/subsidiaries/joint ventures/associates of Indian Banks , with.....
Tags : quarterly reporting system, foreign branches, associations, indian banks
Reporting of Bank Guarantee on behalf of service importers discontinued(07.07.2016)
The Reserve Bank of India announced the discontinuation of submission of reports on guarantees issued by banks in favour of non-residents service prov.....
Tags : rbi, bank guarantee, service importer, reporting requirement
Calcutta HC: Reporting of Illegal Activity in Honest Way, Fundamental Right of Reporter(04.08.2020)
Calcutta HC has said it is the fundamental right of a reporter to publish news of “any illegal” activity “in an honest way”, and “proper reporting” ca.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reporting of Illegal Activity
RBI seeks Comments/Feedback on Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of Indian Accounting (20.10.2015)
Reserve Bank of India has released the Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards by Banks in India. The Report .....
Tags : Rbi, international reporting, accounting, india, standards, budget
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions of March 2021 - Change of date of closure(07.04.2021)
1.This is with reference to Circular DGBA.GBD.No.S-140/42.01.029/2020-21 dated March 18, 2021 where in the date of closure for reporting residual tran.....
Tags : Reporting, Accounting, Transactions
SEBI Notifies New Disclosure Norms on Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting(12.05.2021)
Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified the new disclosure norms pertaining to Business responsibility and sustainability reporting b.....
Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting
Cyber Security Incident Reporting by Non - Banking Financial Companies(08.05.2019)
In terms of para 3.6 of Master Direction DNBS.PPD.No.04/66.15.001/2016-17 dated June 08, 2017 on IT Framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBF.....
Tags : Cyber Security, Incidents, Reporting
Del. HC: No Unnecessary Reporting in Copyright Infringement Suit by ANI(29.01.2025)
Delhi High Court has stated that in the copyright infringement suit filed by news agency Asian News International (ANI) against OpenAI Inc no unnecess.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Copyright Infringement, Unnecessary Reporting