Search Results for Tag : Public utility service
Notifications & Circulars
Services in 'Manufacturing of Alumina and Aluminium' and 'Mining of Bauxite' declared as Public Utility Service for a further period of six months(15.11.2017)
The Services in industry 'Manufacturing of Alumina and Aluminium' and 'Mining of Bauxite' which is covered by item 30 and 31 of the First Schedule to .....
Tags : Services, declaration, Public Utility Service
Central Government hereby declares the services of industry engaged in Food Stuffs to be a Public Utility Service for the purposes of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947(09.07.2019)
Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that the public interest requires that the services of the industry engaged in Food Stuffs, which is cover.....
Tags : Industry, Food Stuffs, Public Utility Service
Central Government hereby declares the services engaged in the coal industry to be a public utility service for the purposes of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947(27.05.2020)
Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that public interest so requires that the services engaged in the coal industry, which is covered under it.....
Tags : Coal industry, Public utility service, Declaration
Central Government hereby declares the services of Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited, Mysore, Karnataka to be a public utility service for the purposes of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947(18.08.2020)
Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that the public interest so requires that the services in the Bank Note Paper Mill India Private Limited, .....
Tags : Paper Mill, Public utility service, Declaration
Mentioned industrial undertakings under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 be declared as public utility services(27.01.2022)
1. Whereas the Central Government being satisfied that the public interest so requires that the services engaged in the following industrial undertaki.....
Tags : Industrial undertakings, Declaration, Public utility services
Kerala HC: Transportation of LPG Cylinders is a Public Utility Service(23.08.2022)
Kerala High Court while declaring the transportation of LPG Cylinders to be a 'public utility service' as defined in Section 2(n) of the Industrial Di.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Public Utility Service, Strike