12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Protection

Notifications & Circulars

Recommendation of Legal Framework for Protection of Interests of Migrants(01.03.2017)

A Government appointed Panel has recommended necessary legal and policy framework to protect the interests of the migrants in the country, stating tha.....

Tags : Recommendation, Protection, Migrants


Restrictions on Promoters and Whole-Time Directors of Compulsorily Delisted Companies Pending Fulfillment of Exit Offers to the Shareholders(07.09.2016)

In terms of section 21A of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (SCR Act) read with rule 21 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules,.....

Tags : Restrictions, Promoters, Delisted Companies, Investors interest, Protection


Top Story

Unique Identification Authority of India introduced ‘Virtual ID’ Enhancing Protection to Biometric IDs(10.01.2018)

With the aim to strengthen privacy protection for Aadhaar ID number holders, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has introduced ‘Virt.....

Tags : Virtual Ids, Aadhaar number, Protection


Providing Safety and Protection to Women Workers in Both Organised and Unorganised Sectors(25.07.2018)

The Government has provided protective measures especially to women workers in various labour laws like the Factories Act, 1948, the Mines Act, 1952, .....

Tags : Protection, Women Workers, Organised, Unorganised Sectors


Cabinet approves Memorandum of Cooperation between India and Finland on Environmental Cooperation(10.10.2018)

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved Memorandum of Cooperation between India and Finland on Environmental .....

Tags : Environment, Protection, Co-operation, Approval



Once the election process has been set in motion, the Court ought not to interfere(09.04.2018)

By the present writ petition filed under Article 32 of the Constitution of India, the Petitioner seeks a writ of mandamus to direct the West Bengal St.....

Tags : Nomination forms, Issuance, Police protection


Supreme Court Approves Witness Protection Scheme, 2018(05.12.2018)

Supreme Court has approved the draft prepared by Centre on Witness Protection Scheme, 2018. In furtherance of approval, Apex Court has directed the Un.....

Tags : Scheme, Approval, Witness protection


Witness Protection Scheme(10.07.2019)

Witness Protection Scheme, 2018 provides for protection of witnesses based on the threat assessment and protection measures inter alia include protect.....

Tags : Threat perception, Scheme, Witness Protection


Parliament Passes the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019(30.07.2019)

Parliament passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019, to ban practice of Triple Talaq. The bill is a historic step to prot.....

Tags : Triple Talaq, Practice, Muslim Women, Protection


Landmark Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 gets Parliamentary approval(06.08.2019)

Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 would ease the overall process of consumer grievance redressal: Shri Ramvilas Paswan

The Parliament today gave.....

Tags : Consumer Protection, Bill, Parliamentary approval


Submission of Information to the Office of Informant Protection(24.12.2019)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (PIT Regulations) was amended, vide notification dated Septe.....

Tags : Submission, Information, Informant Protection


Central Government introduces an Ordinance to amend the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 to protect members of healthcare services(22.04.2020)

Union Cabinet in its meeting held on 22nd April, 2020 has approved promulgation of an Ordinance to amend the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 to ensure saf.....

Tags : Ordinance, Protection, Healthcare service


Government committed to uphold and protect interest of homebuyers while ensuring ease of doing business in real estate sector(13.05.2020)

The Government is committed to uphold and protect the interest of homebuyers while ensuring ease of doing business in the real estate sector. Subseque.....

Tags : Protection, Interest, Homebuyers


Financial Action Task Force Public Statement(18.11.2019)

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has called on its members and other jurisdictions to apply counter-measures to protect the international financ.....

Tags : FATF, Public Statement, Financial system, Protection


India and Finland sign MOU for developing cooperation in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity conservation(26.11.2020)

India and Finland today signed a MOU for developing cooperation between two countries in the field of Environment protection and biodiversity conserva.....

Tags : MOU, Signing of, Environmental protection


Petition for police protection under Section 482 of CrPC is not maintainable(11.01.2021)

The Petitioner Company was running a Factory at Ranipet and it had employed nearly 146 persons to carry on with its operations. Certain demands were r.....

Tags : Pending dispute, Police protection, Entitlement


International Cases

It is necessary to make a restriction order, when Court is satisfied that, a person is a high risk serious offender(25.02.2022)

In present case, On 25 November 2021, the State of Western Australia applied for a restriction order in respect of the Respondent, Jason Guy Hapke, un.....

Tags : Protection, Community, High-risk offender


Applicant must establish, on balance of probabilities, that Respondent has committed an act of domestic violence(15.07.2022)

The Appellant brought an application for a protection order against the Respondent in terms of Section 4(1) of Domestic Violence Act, 1998 in the Bloe.....

Tags : Domestic violence, Protection, Proof


New Labour Code(12.12.2022)

The Government has formulated four Labour Codes, namely, the Code on Wages, 2019, the Industrial Relations Code, 2020, the Code on Social Security, 20.....

Tags : Labour Code, Draft Rules, Protection, Workers


Lok Sabha passes Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023(03.08.2023)

In order to protect right of individuals and their digital personal data, Lok Sabha passes Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023. The Bill prote.....

Tags : Personal Data, Bill, Protection


Department of Consumer Affairs organizes stakeholder consultation on protection of consumers from online fake reviews(15.05.2024)

The Department of Consumer Affairs held a stakeholder consultation here today on protection of consumer interest from online fake reviews. Mrs. Nidhi .....

Tags : Consultation, Protection, Online fake reviews



SC to States: Start Appointment Process for Consumer Commissions 6 Months Before Vacancies Arise(27.07.2022)

Supreme Court has held that Rule 6(4) of the Consumer Protection Rules 2020 require that the process of appointments shall be initiated by the state g.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Rules, Vacancies


EU countries not obliged to extend extradition protections to non-nationals(10.05.2016)

The read»

ECJ keeps door open for deporting asylum seekers(08.03.2016)

If the exodus of asylum seekers from war torn countries into Europe was not a handful, Member States of the European Union are now grasping with the m.....

Tags : Pakistan, safe third country, international protection


Uttarakhand High Court Grants Protection to Gay Couple in Live-In Relationship(20.12.2021)

Uttarakhand High Court has granted protection to a Gay couple in a live-in relationship by directing the Police to provide them immediate protection a.....

Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Protection to Gay Couple


SC: A Trust Cannot Be a Complainant Before Consumer Forum(09.03.2017)

Supreme Court has observed that a Trust cannot file a consumer dispute under provisions of Consumer Protection Act.

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Act


Good samaritans protected by SC, government guidelines – in theory(30.03.2016)

The Supreme Court allowed a petition seeking affirmation of the recently released central government guidelines for the protection of good samaritans......

Tags : good samaritan, examination, protection


Karnataka Govt Tables Bill to Impose Restrictions on Religious Conversion, Inter-Faith Marriages(22.12.2021)

Karnataka Government has introduced the Karnataka Protection of Right To Freedom Of Religion Bill, 2021, which seeks to impose restrictions on religio.....

Tags : Karnataka Government, Karnataka Protection of Right To Freedom Of Religion Bill, 2021


P&H HC: Employee Cannot Seek Protection Against Dispensation of Services(07.02.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that an employee cannot seek protection against the dispensation of services if he has attained the employment .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection Against Dispensation of Services


Supreme Court Seeks Centre’s Opinion over Conflict Between POSCO, IPC(06.01.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Central Government to examine need to amend a colonial-era provision in IPC that provides immunity to a man from being prosecu.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Penal Code, Protection of Children of Sexual Offences, Rape


SC: Members of RPF Can Seek Benefit Under Employees Compensation Act(03.10.2023)

Supreme Court has held that an officer of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) can seek compensation under Employees Compensation Act, 1923 even though .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Railway Protection Force, Employees Compensation Act, 1923


Gujarat HC Directs to Take Prompt Measures for Protection of Asiatic Lions in Gir Sanctuary(22.09.2021)

Gujarat High Court has observed that Asiatic Lions are not only the pride of Gujarat but they are the pride of Asia and that prompt measures are expec.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Protection of Asiatic Lions in Gir Sanctuary


NCPCR Issues Notice to Netflix to Stop Streaming of Show ‘Bombay Begums’(12.03.2021)

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has issued a notice to Netflix and has asked subscription-based streaming service provider .....

Tags : National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Netflix, ‘Bombay Begums’


J&K HC Issues Directions on Provision of Protection to Inter-religious Married Couple(24.05.2021)

Jammu and Kashmir High Court has issued directions to the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for protection to an inter-religious married couple, af.....

Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Protection to Inter-religious Married Couple


MP HC to DGP: Think of Creating WhatsApp Groups for Purpose of Summoning Witnesses(26.09.2023)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed Director General of Police (DGP) and Director, Prosecution to take suggestion from police officers and other ex.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, WhatsApp Groups, Summon, Protection, Witnesses


Delhi HC Seeks Centre Stand on Plea by Delhi Waqf Board Seeking Protection of Religious Properties(22.09.2021)

Delhi High Court has sought Centre's stand on the petition moved by Delhi Waqf Board seeking preservation and protection of religious/waqf properties .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection of Religious Properties


P&H HC Suggests Safe Houses for Protection of Couples Married Against Family’s Wishes(12.03.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has suggested that safe houses be made available in each district of Punjab, Haryana as well as the Union Territory of C.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection of Couples


Mad. HC: Providing Police Protection to Person With Criminal Background Would Send Wrong Signals(03.04.2024)

Mad. HC has held that if the Court directs to give police protection to persons with criminal background, it will send a wrong signal to society and a.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Criminal Background, Police Protection


Punjab and Haryana High Court Dismisses Couple’s Plea for Police Protection(20.05.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has said that a live-in-relationship is morally and socially unacceptable while rejecting a petition filed by a runaway .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection


CCPA Slaps Fine on Paytm Mall and Snapdeal for Selling Substandard Pressure Cookers on Platforms(28.03.2022)

Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has slapped a fine of Rs. 1 lakh each on Paytm Mall and Snapdeal for sale of substandard pressure cooker.....

Tags : Central Consumer Protection Authority, Paytm Mall and Snapdeal


Supreme Court Rejects Plea Alleging Dilution of Whistleblower Law(16.01.2017)

Supreme Court has refused to examine a petition alleging dilution in Whistleblower Protection Act and seeking interim measures to protect whistleblowe.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Whistleblower Protection Act


P&H HC: Married Individual Living in Live-In Relationship Also Entitled to Police Protection(16.10.2023)

Punjab and Haryana High Court while observing that right to life is to be treated on highest pedestal and can’t be taken away, except in accordance wi.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Married Individual, Live-In Relationship, Police Protection


P&H HC: Every Adult has Right to Live With Person of Choice(28.09.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court while granting protection to live-in couple, has held that every major person has the right to live with a person of the.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Live-in, Protection


Cal. HC Constitutes Humane Committee for Animal Protection(24.02.2023)

Calcutta High Court has proposed to form a Humane committee for five districts which shall takes steps for protection and preservation of the animals .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Humane committee, Animal Protection


SC: Commercial Transactions Not Within the Purview of Consumer Protection Act, 1986(08.04.2024)

Supreme Court has held that commercial disputes cannot be decided in summary proceedings under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 but the appropriate r.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, Commercial Disputes


MP HC Grants Protection to Couple Receiving Threats from Parents(15.07.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has granted protection to a couple receiving threat from their parents after observing that persons, being major, voluntaril.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Protection to Couple Receiving Threats from Parents


SC Refuses to Entertain Habeas Corpus Plea Seeking Protection of Girl in Interfaith Relationship(16.03.2021)

Supreme Court has refused to entertain a Habeas Corpus plea filed seeking protection of a girl in an inter-faith relationship with the petitioner, who.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection of Girl in Interfaith Relationship


Rajasthan HC Refuses to Give Directions in Plea Seeking Protection and Maintenance of Wildlife(07.02.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has refused to give directions in a plea seeking protection & maintenance of wildlife to control man-animal conflict & rescue and.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Protection and Maintenance of Wildlife


Rajya Sabha Passes Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019(25.07.2019)

Rajya Sabha has passed Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019 entailing amendments to the Protection of Children from Sexu.....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Delhi High Court Asks Police to Protect Rape Accused from His Accuser(22.10.2018)

Delhi High Court has asked Delhi Police to protect a man, after he alleged that a woman, who has lodged a rape case against him, is harassing him phys.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Rape Accused Protection


P&H HC to Police: Consider Protection Request of Same-Sex Couple(07.04.2023)

Punjab and Haryana High Court while observing that State can’t shirk its duty to ensure the safety of its citizens, has directed SSP (UT, Chandigarh) .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection Request, Same-Sex Couple


Delhi HC Extends Interim Protection of UP Woman Who Converted to Islam Till July 22(05.07.2021)

Delhi High Court has extended till 22nd July, 2021 the interim protection granted to a Hindu woman who converted to Islam and sought protection while .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Protection to UP Woman


SC to Centre/State: Amend CP Rules on Appointment Process of Commission Members(15.03.2023)

Supreme Court has directed Centre & States to comply with direction in Secretary, Ministry of Consumer Affairs v. Dr. Mahindra Bhaskar Limaye (MANU/SC.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Rules, Amendment, Appointment Process


Govt Extends Due Date of Transfer of Shares to IEPF Authority, New Dates to Notify Soon(31.05.2017)

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has extended due date of transfer of shares to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority which earlier was.....

Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Investor Education and Protection Fund


Rajasthan HC Denies Police Protection to Married Lady in Live-in Relationship(16.08.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has denied police protection to a married lady, who is in a live-in relationship with another man and who sought police protectio.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Police Protection to Married Lady in Live-in Relationship


Not precluded as ‘consumer’ even if outcome commercial(22.07.2016)

Unless a party approaching the consumer disputes redressal forums is a partner or a co-adventurer in a business from which dispute arises, it remains .....

Tags : consumer, protection, commercial, joint venture


P&H HC: Married Couple Cannot be Deprived from Seeking Protection Merely because Marriage is Void(14.10.2019)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that married couple even if is case of invalid or void marriage or absence of any marriage cannot be depriv.....

Tags : P & HC, Protection


Delhi High Court: No Interim Protection to Two Jamia Students(19.12.2019)

Delhi High Court has refused to grant interim protection from coercive action to two women students of Jamia Millia Islamia, in relation to the protes.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Protection


Madras High Court Grants Bail to Godman Siva Shankar Baba in POCSO Case(21.04.2022)

Madras High Court has granted bail to CN Siva Sankaran, self styled godman (commonly known as Siva Sankar Baba) accused under the Protection of Childr.....

Tags : Madras High Court, CN Siva Sankaran, godman, Siva Sankar Baba, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences, 2012


Kerala HC: Wife Can Claim Maintenance U/S 125 Crpc Until She Obtains Benefit Under Muslim Law(13.05.2022)

Kerala HC has restated that a divorced Muslim woman can seek maintenance under Section 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC), until she obtai.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Muslim, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, Section 125


Allahabad HC Junks Live-in Couple Plea Demanding Protection(02.12.2016)

Allahabad High Court has rejected plea of a live-in couple that they be provided protection on ground that the woman in question happened to be marrie.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, live-in couple, Protection,


Kerala HC: Provide Adequate Protection to Passengers of Online Cab Services(21.12.2016)

Kerala HC has ordered that passengers of online cab services should be provided adequate protection.

Tags : Kerala HC, online cab services, protection


SC: Blanket Order of Protection from Arrest Cannot be Passed by High Court(10.03.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that a blanket order of protection from arrest cannot be passed by the High Court while dismissing a petition filed under S.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Blanket Order of Protection from Arrest


CCPA Directs to Stop Misleading Advertisements Imposing Penalty(14.02.2022)

Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has passed two orders against GlaxoSmithKline Asia and Naaptol Online Shopping and directed them to immed.....

Tags : Central Consumer Protection Authority, Misleading Advertisements


Calcutta HC Takes Suo Moto Case on Risk of COVID-19 Infection in Children Protection Homes(07.04.2020)

Calcutta High Court has taken a suo moto case on measures to be taken to protect children lodged in Protection Homes from the Corona virus. The Court .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Risk of COVID-19 Infection in Children Protection Homes


Madras High Court: Change ‘Women Protection' Laws to Prevent Misuse(19.08.2019)

Madras High Court has suggested to bring an amendment in ‘women protection’ laws so as to prevent its misuse and to safeguard the interest of the ‘inn.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Women Protection


Tel. HC to State Lake Protection Committee: Notify Buffer Zone for Water Bodies in Greater Hyderabad(28.07.2023)

Telangana High Court while observing that State Lake Protection Committee has not issued any guidelines in respect of tanks and water bodies, the buff.....

Tags : Telangana High Court, State Lake Protection Committee, Buffer Zone, Water Bodies


Allahabad HC Dismissed With Cost, Protection Plea Filed by Married Woman and Her Live-In Partner(22.07.2022)

Allahabad High Court while dismissing a protection plea filed by married woman and her live-in partner with cost has held that they failed to demonstr.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Married Woman, Protection plea


Bombay HC Suggests Centre to Allow Cops to Lodge Complaints Under Environment Laws(28.12.2016)

Bombay High Court has directed Union Government to consider allowing police officers to lodge complaints for offences under Environmental Protection A.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Environmental Protection Act,


Delhi HC Directs Police to Provide Protection to Run-away Homosexual Wife(11.03.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed Police to provide protection to a woman who ran away from her matrimonial home saying she was a homosexual, but was thre.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection to Run-away Homosexual Wife


Gauhati High Court: Notify the Child Protection Policy and the rules under the Juvenile Justice Act(01.04.2024)

Gauhati High Court has asked the State Government to notify the rules under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2015, and the Child Protec.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, State Government, Child Protection Policy, Juvenile Justice Act


Punjab and Haryana High Court Dismisses Couple’s Plea for Police Protection(20.05.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court Dismisses Couple’s Plea for Police Protection

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection


SC Directs Authorities to Consider Concerns of Inmates for Protection from Covid(10.05.2021)

Supreme Court has asked the authorities to be considerate to concerns of inmates in relation to extraordinary cases of prisoners who might not be will.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Concerns of Inmates for Protection from Covid



Consumer Protection Bill, 2015(10.08.2015)

The government introduced the Consumer Protection Bill, 2015 in the Lok Sabha on 10.08.2015. The Bill aims to provide protection of the interests of c.....

Tags : consumer protection bill, 2015


Supreme Court Gives Green Signal to 24x7 Witness Protection Scheme(06.12.2018)

Supreme Court has directed state governments to provide round-the-clock police protection to witnesses who face threats for deposing against those acc.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Witness Protection Scheme


Rajasthan HC Grants Protection to Live-In Couple Involving Married Woman(23.09.2021)

Rajasthan High Court has recently held that neither the State nor the society can intrude into the private lives of two adult individuals who seek to .....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Protection to Live-In Couple


Uttarakhand HC to UEPPCB: Shut Units Polluting Ganga(31.03.2017)

Uttarakhand HC has ordered Uttarakhand Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB) to "close down all hotels, ashrams and industries whi.....

Tags : Uttarakhand HC, Uttarakhand Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board


Supreme Court Refuses Protection to Suspended Chhattisgarh IPS Officer in Corruption Case(04.01.2022)

Supreme Court has refused to grant protection to suspended Additional Director General of Police Gurjinder Pal Singh in a case filed against him under.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection to Suspended Chhattisgarh IPS Officer


SC: Cannot Make Advocates Liable for Deficiency of Service Under Consumer Protection Act, 1986(14.05.2024)

SC has held that advocates cannot be made liable for deficiency of service under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 as re-enacted in 2019 and observed .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Deficiency of Service, Consumer Protection Act, 1986


Telecom Users Have Right Over Personal Data: TRAI(18.07.2018)

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has said users have primary right over their personal information while entities controlling or processin.....

Tags : TRAI, Data Protection


Kerala HC Orders Police Protection for Municipal Chairperson After Alleged Abuse by Political Rivals(10.09.2021)

Kerala High Court has directed the police to protect the Chairperson of the Thrikkakara Municipality Ajitha Thankappan from any threat from any source.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Police Protection for Municipal Chairperson


SC Allows Impleading States in PIL Seeking Protection of Migrant Children's Fundamental Rights(09.03.2021)

Supreme Court has allowed impleading the States in the Public Interest Litigation filed by Child Rights Trust seeking directions for protection of the.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection of Migrant Children's Fundamental Rights


Calcutta HC: Section 44 (3) UAPA Act Mandates Courts to Undertake Protection of Identity of Witness(08.02.2022)

Calcutta High Court has observed that Section 44 (3) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (UAPA) mandate Courts to undertake measures to .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Protection of Identity of Witness


Delhi HC Asks Govt to Check if Temporary Protection Officers Can be Appointed(27.04.2020)

Delhi High Court has asked the concerned authorities to consider whether temporary Protection Officers can be appointed, till regular appointments are.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Temporary Protection Officers


Telangana HC Seeks Report on SC Order for Protection of Children in Child Care Institutions(07.04.2020)

Telangana High Court has asked all the Juvenile Justice Boards and Children Courts in the state to file a status report in terms of the Supreme Court .....

Tags : Telangana High Court, Protection of Children in Child Care Institutions


JKL HC: S.482 CrPC Cannot be Invoked to Challenge Proceedings Initiated U/S 12 J&K DV Act(25.07.2023)

Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh HC has held that Section 482 of Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) cannot be used to challenge the proceedings initiated under.....

Tags : Jammu & Kashmir & Ladakh HC, Code of Criminal Procedure, Jammu and Kashmir Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2010


Allahabad High Court Grants Protection to Homosexual Couple from Harassment(04.11.2020)

Allahabad High Court has granted protection from harassment to a homosexual couple from Uttar Pradesh stating that the Petition highlights the stark r.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection to Homosexual Couple


SEBI guidelines on utilisation of Investor Protection Fund(07.06.2016)

SEBI issued guidelines on utilisation and investment aspects of the Investor Protection Fund.

It notified use of the Fund for investor educ.....

Tags : investor protection fund, depositories, trust, investment


SC: Not Including Content Shown in Trailer, in Main Movie Doesn’t Amount to ‘Deficiency of Service’(23.04.2024)

SC has held that if movie creators do not include the contents of a movie trailer in the main movie, that does not amount to deficiency of service on .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Deficiency of Service, Consumer Protection


Bombay HC Extends Interim Protection from Arrest Granted to TISS Student by 3 Weeks(25.02.2020)

Bombay High Court has extended the interim protection from arrest granted to Kris Chudawala, a Masters student of the Tata Institute of Social Science.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Interim Protection from Arrest Granted to TISS Student


Rajya Sabha Passes Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2019(27.11.2019)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019. The Bill on protection of rights of transgenders was passed after a .....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2019


Karnataka HC: Right to Get Protection from Human Beings is a Guaranteed Right to Animals(15.02.2021)

Karnataka High Court has set aside an order of the Magistrate Court handing over custody of ten dogs given to their owner who treated them with cruelt.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Right to Get Protection from Human Beings


Bombay HC Dismisses Plea Challenging Constitution of Mithi River Panel(18.01.2017)

Bombay High Court, while observing ‘Government property becomes a squatters' property’, has dismissed petitions challenging constitution of Mithi Rive.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Mithi River Development and Protection Authority


Supreme Court Sets Aside Interim Protection Granted to Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Officers(15.02.2024)

Supreme Court while setting aside the interim protection granted to Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. officers in an FIR, has held that the extraordinar.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indiabulls Housing, Interim Protection


Delhi HC Grants Interim Protection From Arrest to SpiceJet Promoter Ajay Singh in Fraud Case(08.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has granted interim protection from arrest to Ajay Singh, SpiceJet Promoter in an alleged fraud case with regard to transfer of airli.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, interim protection, arrest, Ajay Singh, SpiceJet Promoter, fraud


Supreme Court Grants 2 Months Protection to 'The Wire' Journalists from 3 UP Police FIRS(08.09.2021)

Supreme Court has granted two months protection to the "The Wire" and three of its reporters from three FIRs registered against them by the Uttar Prad.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection to 'The Wire' Journalists


Bombay High Court Grants Interim Protection from Arrest to TISS Student Booked For Slogans(12.02.2020)

Bombay High Court has granted interim protection from arrest to Urvashi Chudawala, a 22-year-old Masters student of the Tata Institute of Social Scien.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Interim Protection, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Student


Lok Sabha Passes Bill to Amend Juvenile Justice Act(25.03.2021)

Lok Sabha has passed the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021. The Bill seeks to re-define the category of "serious.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021


Draft Telecom Consumers Protection (Tenth Amendment) Regulations, 2016(05.07.2016)

The Telecom Regulatory Authority released draft read»

Supreme Court Grants Interim Protection to Raj Kundra From Coercive Action(16.12.2021)

Supreme Court has directed that no coercive action shall be taken against Raj Kundra in a 2020 porn videos case registered by Nodal Cyber Police Stati.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interim Protection to Raj Kundra


RERA Doesn’t Bar Homebuyers Complaint Under Consumer Protection Act Against Builder: NCDRC(18.04.2019)

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has held that Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) does not bar filing of.....

Tags : NCDR, Homebuyers, Consumer Protection Act, RERA


Supreme Court Seeks Centre, States Reply Over Protection of Witnesses in High-Profile Cases(11.09.2017)

Supreme Court, while emphasizing on witness protection programme, has asked Centre and State governments about the steps being taken to ensure that wi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, witness protection programm


Bombay HC Constantly Following or Watching Child With Bad Intention Is Offence Under POCSO Act(04.10.2017)

Bombay HC has ruled that if a person with sexual intent repeatedly or constantly follows or watches or contacts a child either directly or through oth.....

Tags : Bombay HC , Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act


P&H HC: Questions on Validity of Marriage Not Grounds for Denial of Protection to Couple(25.05.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has reaffirmed that in protection petitions, questions surrounding validity of the marriage cannot be a ground for denia.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Grounds for Denial of Protection to Couple


Delhi HC Directs Delhi Police to Give Protection to UP Woman Who Converted to Islam(02.07.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi police to ensure the safety of the woman from Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh, who converted to Islam religion w.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection to UP Woman Who Converted to Islam


Madhya Pradesh HC Seeks Details on Intention of State to Promulgate Advocates Protection Act(20.12.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has sought details about the present situation and the intention of the State with regard to promulgating the Advocates Prot.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Advocates Protection Act


At an interlocutory stage, it cannot be said that, Plaintiff did not have a chance of success at the trial(28.02.2020)

In a suit for infringement of copyright, the Plaintiff has sought interim reliefs by present application. Learned senior advocate appearing for the Pl.....

Tags : Infringement, Interim protection, Grant


Rajya Sabha Passes Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2019(23.07.2019)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2019, amid Opposition call to refer the Bill to a select committee. The Bill f.....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Allahabad HC Orders Extension of Protection to Muslim Woman Who Converted to Hindu Religion(27.05.2021)

Allahabad High Court has ordered to extend and provide necessary protection to the life and limb of a Muslim woman who converted to the Hindu religion.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection to Muslim Woman Who Converted to Hindu Religion


Delhi HC Grants Police Protection to Girl Alleging Harassment from Media Houses(05.07.2021)

Delhi High Court has granted police protection to a Hindu Girl who alleged that certain media houses are harassing her by airing programmes against he.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection to Girl Alleging Harassment from Media Houses


Application for Interim Measure of Protection Maintainable Even After Arbitration Award: Kerala HC(28.11.2018)

Kerala High Court has held that application under Section 9(1)(ii) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 seeking an interim measure of protect.....

Tags : Kerela High Court, Application for Interim Measure of Protection


Bom. HC Quashes Rule 6(1) of the Consumer Protection Rules, 2020(23.10.2023)

Bombay High Court while quashing Rule 6(1) of the Consumer Protection Rules, 2020, has observed that rule was diluting the involvement of the judiciar.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Consumer Protection Rules, Separation of Powers


SC Upholds Bom HC Order Quashing Rules Prescribing Eligiblity for Consumer Commission Appointments(03.03.2023)

Supreme Court while upholding Bombay High Court decision to quash provisions of Consumer Protection Rules 2020 prescribing eligibility for Consumer Co.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Commission, Appointment, Consumer Protection Rules


EU's New Data Protection Rules Come Into Effect(25.05.2018)

European Union's new data protection laws known as General Data Protection Regulation has came into effect today.

Tags : European Union, General Data Protection Regulation


Bombay High Court Directs Mumbai Police to Protect Trans Person(19.07.2021)

Bombay High Court has directed the Mumbai police to protect a 23-year-old person identifying as a transgender male, from being forced to leave the cit.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Protection to Trans Person


Delhi HC Disposes of Protection Plea by LGBTQ Couple Facing Threat from Families(03.08.2021)

Delhi High Court has disposed of the protection plea filed by a LGBTQ couple facing threat from their families after taking note of the fact that the .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection Plea by LGBTQ Couple


SC Issues Notice on CPI MP Binoy Viswam's Plea Seeking Data Protection on UPI Platforms(16.10.2020)

Supreme Court has issued notice in a Public Interest Litigation filed by Binoy Viswam, which sought for directions to Reserve Bank of India and Nation.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Data Protection on UPI Platforms


SC Directs Magistrates/Collectors to Take Steps as per SOP for Care and Protection of Children(16.11.2021)

Supreme Court has directed all the District Magistrates/ Collectors of all the state governments and UTs to take steps in accordance with the Standard.....

Tags : Supreme Court, SOP for Care and Protection of Children


Delhi HC: Restraint Order Against Husband Under DV Act from Making Arrangement for Child Visitation(21.04.2022)

Delhi High Court has ruled that the domain and extent of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 and Family Courts Act, 1984, being two c.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Family Courts Act, 1984


Measures Taken by Government to Protect Ancient and Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Medicinal Systems(18.07.2017)

Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) is a pioneering Indian initiative to prevent exploitation and to protect Indian traditional knowledge fro.....

Tags : Ancient Knowledge, Measures, Protection


Position Limits for Hedgers(19.08.2016)

1. As per Section 131(4) of Finance Act, 2015 all rules, directions, guidelines, instructions, circulars, or any like instruments, made by the erstwhi.....

Tags : Invester’s interest, Protection, Hedgers, Limits


Bombay HC: Protection u/s 41A CrPC Will Not Apply If Accused Destroys Incriminating Material(09.08.2021)

Bombay High Court has dismissed businessman Raj Kundra and his associate's pleas, stating that protection granted to a suspect under S. 41A of the Cod.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Protection u/s 41A CrPC


Vehicles purchased by company for officers’ personal use not excluded from consumer protection law(08.07.2016)

The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission held that vehicles purchased by a company for its directors for their personal use are not exclude.....

Tags : consumer protection, vehicles, comercial use, directors


SC to WhatsApp: Widely Publicise That Users Aren't Bound to Accept 2021 Privacy Policy(02.02.2023)

Supreme Court Constitution Bench has directed WhatsApp to widely publicise its stand that WhatsApp users in India don’t have to accept its 2021 privac.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Constitution Bench, WhatsApp, Data Protection Bill, Privacy Policy


SC: Healthcare Services Covered Under Consumer Protection law(02.05.2022)

Supreme Court has said that doctors and healthcare services are not barred from the ambit of the Consumer Protection Act of 2019 and termed the concer.....

Tags : Supreme Court , healthcare services , Consumer Protection Act of 2019 , Public Interest Litigation


MP HC Directs to Set Up 'Public Land Protection Cells' Across State to Check Encroachments(15.06.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the Chief Secretary of the State to devise a permanent body designated as Public Land Protection Cell with Dist.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, 'Public Land Protection Cells'


Allahabad HC Refuses Protection to Woman/Girl Claiming to Have Married Hindu Man(08.07.2021)

Allahabad High Court has refused to pass a protection order in favor of a woman/girl claiming to have married a Hindu Man noting that she did not prod.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection to Woman/Girl Claiming to Have Married Hindu Man


Parliament Passes Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2015(23.12.2015)

Parliament has passed the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2015 with the passage of the bill in the Rajya Sabha.

Tags : Parliament, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill 2015


Kar. HC: PoC Act Provides Two Fold Protection to Public Servants(11.10.2023)

Karnataka High Court has held that PoC Act has conferred a two-fold protection to public servants for offences under the Act; firstly, a prior approva.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Prevention of Corruption Act, Public Servant, Protection


CIVIL - Delhi HC Pulls Up DCPCR for Not Taking Issue of Missing Children Seriously(06.03.2019)

Delhi High Court has taken to task the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) for not taking seriously the issue of children going mi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR), Missing Children


Delhi High Court Dismisses Plea for Implementation of Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2014(24.02.2022)

Delhi High Court has refused to entertain a Public Interest Litigation seeking a direction upon the Parliament to bring into force the Whistle Blowers.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2014


P&H High Court Orders Police Protection for a Live in Couple(28.02.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that there is a need to shift perspective from didactics of the orthodox society, shackled with the strong .....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection for a Live in Couple


SC: Protection u/s 53A Available to Person Put in Possession and Has Agreement of Lease(18.08.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that protection under Section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 is available to a person who is put in possession p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection u/s 53A


Delhi High Court: Why Child Protection Body Posts Still Vacant?(14.11.2017)

Delhi High Court has asked Central government to explain the inordinate delay in appointment of three members in the National Commission for Protectio.....

Tags : Supreme Court, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights


Allahabad HC: Can't Detain Minor in Protection Homes Against Her Wishes(28.07.2022)

Allahabad High Court has held that even a minor has a right to keep her person and even the parents cannot compel the detention of a minor against her.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Detention, Protection Homes


Punjab and Haryana High Court Notices State Over Plea Against Cow Protection Act(24.03.2017)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has issued a notice to Haryana Government on a plea challenging decision of Manohar Lal Khattar-led BJP Government banni.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Cow Protection Act


Delhi Court: Domestic Violence Act Does Not Override Personal Laws(04.08.2016)

A Delhi Court, while observing that the ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence (PWDV) Act does not override personal laws completely’, has reduce.....

Tags : Delhi Court, ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence (PWDV) Act, personal laws


MP HC: right to Life Also Includes Right to Health; State to Provide Adequate Measures for Protection(20.04.2021)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has referred to various Supreme Court judgments which have interpreted Article 21 of the Constitution of India, 1949 so as t.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Adequate Measures for Protection from Coronavirus


A document is restricted information, if the disclosure of same could reasonably be expected to frustrate the deliberative process of the Competition Commission(13.10.2017)

The initial complaint was submitted to the Commission by Mr Parsons ("the Parsons complaint") wherein he alleged that the tyre manufacturers simultane.....

Tags : Litigation privilege, Documents, Disclosure, Protection


Calcutta HC Dismisses Plea by WBCPCR Seeking Compensation From Election Commission For Covid Orphans(25.05.2022)

Calcutta HC dismissed a PIL filed by West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights (WBCPCR) seeking a direction upon the Election Commission t.....

Tags : West Bengal Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Election Commission, Covid-19, Compensation


Madras HC Directs HC Registry to Take Steps to Notify Witness Protection Scheme 2018(05.08.2021)

Madras High Court has directed the High Court Registry to take steps through the government to notify the Witness Protection Scheme, 2018, and impleme.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Notify Witness Protection Scheme 2018


Supreme Court Declines Centre Offer to Submit Srikrishna Report on Data Protection(31.07.2018)

Supreme Court has turned down the centre's proposal to submit the Srikrishna Committee report on data protection.

Tags : Supreme Court, Data Protection


SC Extends Interim Protection from Arrest for BJP MLA Jayakumar Gore in Forgery Case(24.06.2022)

Supreme Court has extended the interim protection from the arrest of BJP MLA Jayakumar Gore who has been accused of allegedly forging documents in the.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interim Protection, Forgery


Gujarat HC Refuses to Quash FIR for Dumping Chemicals in Open Land(27.06.2022)

Gujarat High Court has refused to quash a FIR lodged for violation of the Environment (Protection) Act against a factory owner for allegedly dumping c.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Dumping Chemicals, Environment (Protection) Act


Cabinet approves Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016(20.07.2016)

The Union Cabinet approved the introduction of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill 2016 in Parliament.

The Bill envisages .....

Tags : transgender, protection, discrimination, accountability


Karnataka HC Issues Notice Directing Protection of Great Indian Bustard(08.12.2020)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the state government and directed it to place on record the immediate steps it proposes to take for protecti.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Protection of Great Indian Bustard


Lok Sabha Passes Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019(28.11.2019)

Lok Sabha has passed the Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019 which will now protect the Prime Minister and members of his immediate family.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Allahabad HC Dismisses Plea for Protection Against Unlawful Conversion Ordinance(15.02.2021)

Allahabad High Court has dismissed as withdrawn petitions filed by a Muslim man and his family from Etah who had prayed that the Court grant protectio.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection Against Unlawful Conversion Ordinance


SC: Definition of ‘Consumer’ Includes ‘Consumers’(17.05.2023)

Supreme Court while referring to Brigade Enterprises Ltd. v. Anil Kumar (MANU/SC/1285/2021) has held that upon a conjoint reading of Section 2(1)(b)(i.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumers, Consumer Protection Act


Karnataka HC: Court Cannot Direct State to Make Law for Protection of 'Gig Workers'(14.05.2020)

Karnataka High Court has said the Court cannot direct the State to make a law or the protection of 'gig workers', stating that they may submit a repre.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Protection of 'Gig Workers'


SC Seeks Centre’s Response in Plea for Introducing Penal Laws for Protection of Transgenders(13.10.2020)

Supreme Court has sought the Centre’s response on a Public Interest Litigation seeking to fill a void in penal law to protect transgenders from sexual.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Protection of Transgenders


Allahabad HC Seeks UP Government's Response on Implementation of Witness Protection Scheme 2018(09.12.2020)

Allahabad High Court has issued notice to the Uttar Pradesh Government on a public interest litigation seeking effective implementation of the Witness.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Implementation of Witness Protection Scheme 2018


P&H HC Orders Protection to Major Couple on Basis of Right to Life(08.11.2021)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has ordered protection to a 50-year-old married woman and her live-in partner, a 30-year-old man noting that every perso.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Protection to Major Couple


Delhi HC: Maintenance Under DV Act Cannot Be Denied Solely Because Grievance Arose in Second Marriage(21.08.2017)

Delhi High Court has set aside a lower Court order, which had denied maintenance to the wife under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 200.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act


Del. HC to State: Hold Stakeholder Consultation on Draft Advocates Protection Bill(26.05.2023)

Delhi High Court has asked State government to hold stakeholder consultation on the draft Delhi Advocates (Protection) Bill which seeks to provide saf.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Stakeholder Consultation, Advocates Protection Bill


Delhi HC Dismisses Plea Seeking Adequate Protection, Standardised PPE Kits, and Free Treatment(15.05.2020)

Delhi High Court has dismissed the plea seeking directions to both the Centre and the Delhi Government to ensure adequate protection of healthcare pro.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Adequate Protection


CCPA: Hotels/Restaurants Can't Add Service Charge Automatically or by Default in Bill(05.07.2022)

Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has issued an order barring Hotels and restaurants from levying service charges automatically or by defau.....

Tags : Central Consumer Protection Authority, Service Charge, Default


Bom HC: SC/ST Act Applicable Even if Victim not Recognized as SC/ST in Place of Offence(04.09.2023)

Bombay High Court has held that a person belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe is entitled to protection under SC/ST Act in any other part o.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Protection


SC Seeks Government Response on Doctor’s PPE Plea for Medical Fraternity(02.04.2020)

Supreme Court has asked the Government to respond to a doctor’s plea for a Court direction to the Government to urgently step up and issue World Healt.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Personal Protection Equipment for Medical Fraternity


Gujarat HC: High Court Can Quash Domestic Violence Act Complaints like FIRs(30.11.2015)

Gujarat HC has held that HC can quash complaint filed by women against their in-laws under Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005 under .....

Tags : Gujarat HC, Protection of Women From Domestic Violence Act, 2005


Delhi HC Issues Notice in Plea of MP Seeking CRPF Protection Against Threats(22.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued notice to Ministry of Home Affairs in a plea moved by Member of Parliament from Andhra Pradesh, Kanumuru Raghu Rama Krishn.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, CRPF Protection Against Threats


Delhi HC Directs Delhi Police to Provide Protection to Witness in Chhatrasal Murder Case(04.06.2021)

Delhi High Court has directed the Delhi Police to provide protection to a witness in the Chhatrasal Stadium Murder case leading to death of former jun.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection to Witness in Chhatrasal Murder Case


Allahabad HC Disposes PIL for Protection of Sanitation Workers Amid Covid-19(10.12.2020)

Allahabad High Court has refused to issue directions for protection of sanitation workers, said to be working not only colonies in different cities, b.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection of Sanitation Workers


Allahabad High Court Orders Protection for Married Woman Residing With a Man(15.11.2021)

Allahabad High Court has directed the police authorities especially the Superintendent of Police, Gonda to protect the life and liberty of a married w.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection for Married Woman Residing With a Man


Central Government Notifies Date for Provisions of Consumer Protection Act to Come Into Force(17.07.2020)

Central Government has issued a notification stating that most of the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 shall come into force on 20th Ju.....

Tags : Central Government, Consumer Protection Act, 2019


Punjab & Haryana HC Grants Interim Protection From Arrest To Akali Leader Bikram Singh Majithia(11.01.2022)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has granted interim protection from arrest to Shiromani Akali Dal leader Bikram Singh Majithia in Drugs Case on the stip.....

Tags : Punjab & Haryana HC, Drug Case, Interim Protection, Arrest


SC: Reconsideration Required of the Judgement That Brought Doctors Under Consumer Protection Act(15.05.2024)

Supreme Court while deciding whether advocates can be held liable under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, has observed that the judgement that brough.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Act, Reconsideration, Doctors


P&H HC: Courts Should Not Engage in Social Mores in Protection Petition(27.05.2020)

P&H High Court has remarked that a Court hearing a Protection Petition filed by runaway couples need not preach on morality or human behaviour and mus.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Social Mores in Protection Petition


Gau. HC: Assam Govt. Criticised for Notifying Draft Rules and the Draft Child Protection Policy(26.08.2024)

Gau. HC has observed that delay in notifying the Draft Rules as well as the Draft Child Protection Policy discloses that the State Government or its c.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, State Government, Child Protection Policy


SC: Landowner Can Seek Compensation from Builder under Consumer Protection Act(25.07.2016)

SC has held that a landowner who signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a builder to develop apartments on his land is a consumer and can dema.....

Tags : SC, Landowner, Builder, Consumer Protection Act


Supreme Court Grants Interim Protection to Raghav Bahl in Money Laundering Case(16.12.2021)

Supreme Court has agreed to grant interim protection to media baron Raghav Bahl in relation to money laundering case filed against him by the Enforcem.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interim Protection to Raghav Bahl


Madras HC Warns State Government of Judicial Intervention on Appointment of TNCPCR’s Chief(07.11.2016)

Madras High Court has observed that "process has not been followed" on appointment of Kalyani Mathivanan as chairperson of Tamil Nadu Commission for P.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Protection of Child Rights


Bombay HC Asks State to Disclose State-Wise List of People with Police Protection(24.11.2016)

Bombay High Court has criticized Maharashtra Government for failing to take effective steps to recover government dues from people, to whom police pro.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, government dues, police protection


Karnataka HC Issues Notice on PIL for Financial Protection to Media Persons(11.05.2020)

Karnataka High Court has issued notice to the State government on a Public interest litigation seeking directions to the State and media houses to pro.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Financial Protection to Media Persons


Central Government Notifies Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020(24.07.2020)

Central Government has notified Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020 to prevent unfair trade practices in e-commerce, direct selling and also .....

Tags : Central Government, Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020


SC Grants Protection to Editors Guild of India Members from FIRs by Manipur Police(06.09.2023)

Supreme Court has granted interim protection to members of the Editors Guild of India from the FIRs registered by the Manipur police over a fact-findi.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Editors Guild, Interim Protection, Manipur Violence


SC Takes Suo Moto Case on Risk of COVID-19 Infection in Children Protection Homes(02.04.2020)

Supreme Court has taken a suo moto case on the conditions of children protection homes across the country in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

Tags : Supreme Court, COVID-19 Infection in Children Protection Homes


SC Dismisses NSEL Plea Challenging Applicability of Maharashtra’s Depositors Protection Law(27.10.2016)

Supreme Court has dismissed a case filed by National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL), challenging applicability of Maharashtra Protection of Interest of Depo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, National Spot Exchange Ltd, Depositors Protection Law


Supreme Court Directs Centre to Frame Model Rules For Consumer Courts(22.11.2016)

Supreme Court, while emphasizing that “a systemic overhaul of entire infrastructure is necessary if Consumer Protection Act, 1986, is not to become a .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, model rules


Central Government Establishes Central Consumer Protection Authority(24.07.2020)

Central Government has established the Central Consumer Protection Authority with its headquarter at New Delhi, with effect from 24th July 2020.

Tags : Central Government, Central Consumer Protection Authority


Delhi HC: Convict Under POCSO Act Not Barred From Seeking Parole(09.05.2022)

Delhi High Court has reiterated that a convict under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 is not barred from seeking parole, as d.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, Competent Authority, parole


Central Government Proposes Amendments to Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020(23.06.2021)

Central Government has proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020. The new draft proposes a host of changes such as: (i) .....

Tags : Central Government, Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020


Rajya Sabha Passes Consumer Protection Bill, 2019(07.08.2019)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Consumer Protection Bill, 2019. The Bill seeks to establish authorities for timely and effective administration and settlem.....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Consumer Protection Bill, 2019


Madras HC Grants Police Protection to Queer Woman Harassed by Family Members(07.07.2021)

Madras High Court has granted police protection to a queer woman belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community alleging harassment by her family members after d.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Police Protection to Queer Woman


SC Directs Delhi Police to Provides Protection to 20-Year Old Girl From Her Own Family Members(31.05.2023)

SC has directed the Delhi police to provide protection to a 20-year old girl who expressed apprehension regarding a threat to her life by her own fami.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Delhi police, Police protection


Patna HC Seeks Report on Implementation of Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act(31.08.2020)

Patna High Court has sought a report from the Central as well as the State Government, delineating the steps taken by them to implement the welfare pr.....

Tags : Patna High Court, Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act


Kerala HC Directs State to Ensure All Steps Taken to Provide Protection to Doctors, Nurses(27.08.2021)

Kerala High Court has directed the State government to ensure that all steps are taken to provide adequate and effective protection to those manning t.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Protection to Doctors, Nurses


Allahabad High Court Directs Implementation Of Witness Protection Scheme(18.11.2021)

Allahabad High Court last week has directed the Uttar Pradesh Government and all its concerned authorities/committees to implement the Witness Protect.....

Tags : Allahabad HC, Witness Protection Scheme, 2018


President Assents Haryana’s Cow Protection Law(20.11.2015)

Haryana’s Cow Protection law has come into force with effect from 19 November, after President Pranab Mukherjee’s assent. With issuance of notificatio.....

Tags : Haryana’s Cow Protection law


Parliament Passes Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019(31.07.2019)

Parliament has passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 five days after it got the nod from Lok Sabha. This comes nearly .....

Tags : Parliament, Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019


Delhi HC: Merely Because Complainant Married to Accused Does Not Entail Quashing of Rape, POCSO FIR(10.11.2023)

Delhi High Court has observed that merely because the complainant married the accused does not entail quashing of an FIR registered against him for th.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012


SC Raps Tripura High Court over Dismissing Woman's Plea to Clailm ‘Streedhan’(23.11.2015)

SC has rapped Tripura HC for dismissing plea of woman for 'streedhan' on ground that she lost right over it after judicial separation. The court said .....

Tags : SC, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, streedhan, Tripura HC


Lok Sabha Passes Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019(02.08.2019)

Lok Sabha has passed the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Bill, which has already been passed in Rajya Sabha, d.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Gauhati HC: Protection to Judges While Discharging Judicial Functions is Absolute(21.09.2020)

Gauhati High Court has stated that the protection available under the Judges (Protection) Act, 1985 is absolute and is available not only to a sitting.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, Protection to Judges


Allahabad High Court Grants Protection to Homosexual Couple from Harassment(04.11.2020)

Allahabad High Court has granted protection from harassment to a homosexual couple from Uttar Pradesh stating that the Petition highlights the stark r.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection to Homosexual Couple


SC to HCs: Appoint Special Prosecutors to Deal With Cases of Crime Against Children(07.04.2017)

Chief Justice of India has directed high courts to appoint special public prosecutors to deal with cases of crime against children and to create child.....

Tags : Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act


Allahabad High Court: No Protection for Married Live-In Partners(02.03.2020)

Allahabad High Court has held that where a man and a woman, during the subsistence of their marriages to other persons, reside as a live-in couple, th.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Protection for Married Live-In Partners


Meghalaya HC: Act of Holding Hands Of Child Can’t be Considered As Sexual Assault Under POCSO Act(30.05.2022)

Meghalaya High Court has ruled that the act of holding the hands of a child and saying that her hands are beautiful cannot be considered an act of sex.....

Tags : Meghalaya High Court, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences, 2012, sexual assault


Kar. HC: No Bar on Adoption of Privately Owned Elephants Under Wildlife Protection Act(14.06.2022)

Karnataka High Court has held that Section 40 of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 permits private ownership of live elephants and there is no bar .....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Wildlife Protection, Commercial Nature


NHRC Issues Human Rights Advisory for Protection of LGBTQI+ Rights(21.10.2020)

National Human Rights Commission has issued the "Human Rights Advisory for Protection of the Rights of LGBTQI+ community in context of COVID-19 pandem.....

Tags : National Human Rights Commission, Protection of LGBTQI+ Rights


SC Extends Interim Protection From Arrest Granted To Kailash Vijayvargiya & Others In Rape Case(17.11.2021)

Supreme Court has extended the interim protection from arrest granted earlier to BJP Leader Kailash Vijayvargiya RSS member Jisnu Basu, and Pradeep Jo.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interim protection from arrest


Lok Sabha Passes Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019(26.07.2019)

Lok Sabha has passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 to ban the practice of triple talaq among Muslims and punish the g.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019


Mad. HC: Can’t Grant Police Protection to Person Inviting Threat Due to His Criminal Activities(06.08.2024)

Madras High Court has held that Police protection can be given by Court only in appropriate case based on threat perception. If a person invites a sit.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Police Protection, Criminal Activities


SC: Centre Made Party to Interpret the Word ‘Person’ Under Consumer Protection Act(19.09.2024)

Supreme Court while hearing a issue whether charitable trust can be considered a “consumer”, has made the Union of India a party in the case for assis.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Consumer Protection Act, Charitable Trust, Union of India


SC Upholds State’s Power to Attach Properties of ‘Defaulting’ Financial Establishments(17.05.2017)

Supreme Court has upheld State's power to issue ad interim order u/s 3 of Tamil Nadu Protection of Interests of Depositors Act, 1997, attaching immova.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Tamil Nadu Protection of Interests of Depositors Act, 1997


Gujarat HC Orders State to Furnish Details on Women Protection Homes(09.10.2020)

Gujarat High Court has ordered the state authorities to furnish details regarding the functioning of the Women Protection Homes and the total amount o.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Women Protection Homes


Whistle-blowing protection in Part IVA of Employment Rights Act, 1996 extends to district judges as well(16.10.2019)

Present case is about the employment status of district judges, but it could apply to the holder of any judicial office. The issue is whether a distri.....

Tags : Judicial officer, whistle-blowing, Protection


Bombay HC Issues Notice to Government on PIL for Protection of Rights & Identity of Rape Victims(03.02.2020)

Bombay High Court has issued notice to the Union of India and State of Maharashtra in a Public Interest Litigation seeking directions for implementati.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Protection of Rights & Victims of Rape Victims


Rajasthan HC Denies Police Protection to Runaway Couple Apprehending Threat from Families(13.01.2022)

Rajasthan High Court has denied Police protection to a runaway couple, apprehending threat from their families. The Court has observed that there is n.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Protection to Runaway Couple


NCPCR Takes Cognizance, Seeks Action Taken Report from WB Govt.(05.05.2021)

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has written to the Home Secretary of West Bengal raising concerns over post-poll violence i.....

Tags : National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Post-Poll Violence in West Bengal


Kar. HC: Offence Under Widlife Protection Act Shouldn’t be Kept Pending for Very Long(05.09.2024)

Karnataka High Court while dealing with a forest offence committed in the year 2008, has stated that offence under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 s.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Widlife Protection Act, Forest Offence


Delhi HC Orders Rs 3 Lakh Compensation to Boy Sexually Assaulted in School(25.07.2016)

Delhi HC has awarded Rs 3 lakh as compensation to a minor boy who was sexually assaulted in school by 3 senior students in 2013, observing that provis.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act


SC Asks UP Govt. to File Witness Protection Plan in Hathras Rape Case(06.10.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the State of Uttar Pradesh to file an affidavit stipulating Witness Protection Plan for the family and witnesses of the 19-.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Hathras Rape Case, Witness Protection Plan
