Search Results for Tag : Payments Banks
RBI Clears 11 Payments Banks(20.08.2015)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given 'in principle' clearance to 11 entities to set up 'payments banks'. These entities include department of posts, .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Payments Banks
Notifications & Circulars
RBI grants "in-principle" approval to 11 Applicants for Payments Banks(19.08.2015)
The Reserve Bank of India granted "in-principle" approval to 11 applicants to set up payments banks under the Guidelines for Licensing of Payments Ban.....
Tags : Rbi, payments banks, approved, guidelines
RBI Issues Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks(07.10.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed payments banks and small finance banks to use digital banking to open bank accounts while streamlining their r.....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India, finance banks, payments banks, Guidelines
Permitting non-scheduled payments banks to register as bankers to an issue(03.08.2021)
1. SEBI vide notification dated July 30, 2021, amended the SEBI (Bankers to an Issue) Regulations, 1994 (BTI Regulations) thereby permitting such othe.....
Tags : Non-scheduled payments banks, Registration, Permission