Search Results for Tag : Payment Systems
RBI Issues Guidelines on 'On Tap' Authorisation on Payment Systems(16.10.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines on 'on tap' authorisation of payment systems, including minimum networth criteria for different players, w.....
Tags : RBI, Payment Systems
Notifications & Circulars
RBI publishes daily data of select payment systems(04.06.2020)
The Reserve Bank published settlement data of select payment systems. It captures volume and value of transactions undertaken in payments systems oper.....
Tags : Settlement Data, Payment systems, Publishing of
Reserve Bank of India releases Discussion Paper on Charges in Payment Systems(17.08.2022)
1. As announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated December 08, 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has today released .....
Tags : Discussion Paper, Charges, Payment Systems