Search Results for Tag : Maintenance
Madras High Court Says No Maintenance for Woman Divorced on Ground of Adultery(17.08.2015)
Madras High Court has ruled that woman divorced on ground of adultery cannot claim maintenance from her ex-husband.
Tags : Madras High Court, maintenance, adultery
Top Story
Occasional lapse from virtue does not disentitle wife from receiving maintenance(02.09.2015)
In a case where the Respondent denied maintenance to his wife and children alleging the wife's continued illicit relationship with other men, the Cour.....
Tags : Wife, adultery, virtue, maintenance
Supreme Court : Widows Have Right on ‘Maintenance’ Property(16.11.2015)
Supreme Court has ruled that right to maintenance of a Hindu widow is not a "mere formality" but a spiritual and moral right that can be judicially e.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Right on ‘Maintenance’ Property
Widow has right to be ‘maintained’ on property(06.11.2015)
Hearing an appeal against a High Court order stating that a life estate vested in the widow of the deceased became her absolute property under Section.....
Tags : Widow, maintenance, absolute owner, estate
Bombay HC: Second Wife Need Not Prove Marriage for Maintenance if Lived Together(14.12.2015)
Bombay High Court while quashing order of sessions court refusing maintenance to a second wife by the husband, has held that it was not required for t.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Second Wife , Maintenance
Bombay HC: Man Can’t Deny Maintenance to Ex-Wife Who Deserted Him(21.12.2015)
Bombay HC, while confirming a sessions court order directing a man to pay maintenance to his former wife, observed that there was no merit his content.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Maintenance to Ex-Wife
Notifications & Circulars
MoU between Airports Authority and Singapore approved(06.01.2016)
The Union Cabinet has approved signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Airports Authority of India and Singapore Cooperation Enterprise. .....
Tags : airports, operation, maintenance, revenue, singapore
Punjab and Haryana HC: Foreign Nationals are Covered Under Senior Citizens Act(03.02.2016)
Punjab and Haryana HC has ruled that foreign citizens living in India are also covered under Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Ac.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC , Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, foreign citizens
Bombay HC Rules, It’s a Father’s Obligation to Ensure Comfort of Child(16.05.2016)
Bombay HC, while upholding an order of family court increasing child’s maintenance amount payable by the father, has said a father had an obligation t.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Father’s Obligation , child’s maintenance
Punjab and Haryana High Court: Wife Capable of Earning to Get Maintenance Too(28.06.2016)
Punjab and Haryana HC has made it clear that an estranged wife capable of earning is also entitled to maintenance.
Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC, Maintenance
CCI lets Wiley India off the hook(28.06.2016)
The Competition Commission of India dismissed a complaint against pre-eminent publisher of scientific, technical and medical journals, Wiley India, fo.....
Tags : wiley india, journal, distribution, authorised agent, resale price maintenance
Madras HC: Major Children Entitled to Maintenance(13.07.2016)
Madras HC has held that fathers are liable to pay maintenance to children who had attained majority even if latter were not suffering from any mental .....
Tags : Madras HC, Maintenance
Delhi HC Denies Maintenance to Working Woman(08.09.2016)
Delhi HC, while denying maintenance demanded by a chartered accountant from her estranged husband, has said a professionally qualified woman should be.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Maintenance , Working Woman
Gujarat HC: Wife's Job No Ground to Escape Maintenance(12.10.2016)
Gujarat HC, while deciding a case of maintenance, has told a man to feel happy about his wife's income and maintained that her earning must not be use.....
Tags : Gujarat HC, Maintenance
Special Court: Wife Entitled for Maintenance from Husband, Not In-Laws(12.10.2016)
A Special Court in Delhi has said that a wife is entitled to seek maintenance only from her husband and is not liable to be maintained by her in-laws.
Tags : Special Court, Maintenance
Delhi High Court Rules: No Enhanced Maintenance to Wife from Husband Working Abroad(14.10.2016)
Delhi High Court has ruled that a wife cannot claim enhanced maintenance from her husband, working abroad, by converting his income into Indian curren.....
Tags : Delhi High Court , maintenance
Delhi HC: Father Who Pay Maintenance Also Entitled to Meet Daughter(21.10.2016)
Delhi High Court, while permitting a man to meet his child in school, has observed that, a father who is ready and willing to pay maintenance for his .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Father
Where parties do not come forward with exact income they have, Courts have to apply guess-work(20.10.2016)
In facts of present case, husband was aggrieved by order deciding application filed under Section 24 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 by wife granting mont.....
Tags : Maintenance, Quantum
Karnataka HC Directs Police Stations to Maintain List of Senior Citizens in Their Jurisdiction(24.11.2016)
Karnataka High Court has directed State Government to ensure that each police station maintains an up-to-date list of senior citizens in its jurisdict.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Senior Citizens, Karnataka Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Rules
Withdrawal from fortnight beginning December 10, 2016 the need to maintain an incremental cash reserve ratio(07.12.2016)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1A) of Section 42 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, and in supersession of its notification .....
Tags : Withdrawal, cash reserve ratio, Maintenance
Requirement of customer due diligence and need for maintenance of records(06.12.2016)
It has been reported that, of late, a lot of customers are approaching banks for re-activation of dormant accounts. In this regard, we invite attentio.....
Tags : Diligence, Record maintenance, Requirement
Bombay HC: ‘Prolonged Separation’ No Ground to Deny Maintenance to Wife(16.01.2017)
Bombay High Court has held that prolonged separation does not affect woman’s right to seek maintenance from her husband under Section 125 of Criminal .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Prolonged Separation, Maintenance
Supreme Court: Wife’s Capability to Earn No Reason to Reduce Maintenance Awarded to Her(20.01.2017)
Supreme Court has held that merely because wife is ‘capable of earning’, it is not a reason to reduce maintenance awarded to her.
Tags : Supreme Court, Wife, Maintenance
Kerala HC Directs State to Liberate Elephants From Processions, Exhibitions(16.02.2017)
Kerala HC has said that legislature should take action to liberate elephants from processions and exhibitions as Kerala Captive Elephants (Management .....
Tags : Kerala HC, Captive Elephants (Management and Maintenance) Rules
Bombay High Court: Keeping Money in Accounts For Daughter’s Wedding is not Maintenance(14.03.2017)
Bombay HC, while hearing a man’s plea challenging a Lower Court’s order awarding maintenance to his wife & daughters, has said that putting money in a.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance, Daughter’s Wedding
LCI 265th Report: No Tax Relief on Interest on Money Deposited for Maintenance of Minor Child(21.03.2017)
Law Commission of India in its 265th report has recommended to Government that interest earned on money deposited by a parent for maintenance of a min.....
Tags : Law Commission of India, Minor Child, Maintenance
Delhi HC Awards Jail Term to Husband For Defying Maintenance Order(24.03.2017)
Delhi High Court has held husband guilty of committing contempt of court for disobeying Supreme Court order to pay Rs 1 lakh per month as ad interim m.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Order
SC: Woman Deserting Husband Will Still Get Maintenance After Divorce(07.04.2017)
Supreme Court by preferring social welfare to legal technicality has held that, even if, a woman is disentitled to maintenance from her husband during.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance, Desertion
Supreme Court: Man Must Pay Maintenance to Ex-Wife Even If Divorced on Grounds of Desertion(10.04.2017)
Supreme Court has upheld a Himachal Pradesh High Court order directing a husband to grant maintenance to his deserter wife, whom he had divorced, from.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Desertion , Maintenance
Maintenance of Register under Various Labour Laws and Rules Made Easy(06.04.2017)
The Ministry of Labour & Employment has notified "Ease of Compliance to maintain Registers under various Labour Laws Rules, 2017" on 21st February 201.....
Tags : Register, Maintenance, Rules, Easy
Kerala High Court Directs State to Separate 'Crime Investigation' & 'Maintenance of Law & Order'(21.04.2017)
Kerala High Court, taking a note of ‘sad state of affairs’ prevailing in State in matter of crime investigation, has asked Government to take some con.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance of Law and Order, Crime Investigation
Kerala High Court Directs State to Separate 'Crime Investigation' & 'Maintenance of Law & Order'(21.04.2017)
Kerala High Court, taking a note of ‘sad state of affairs’ prevailing in State in matter of crime investigation, has asked Government to take some con.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance of Law and Order, Crime Investigation
Maintenance is dependant on factual situation of case and Court can moulding claim for maintenance based on various factors(19.04.2017)
Challenge in present appeal is to order passed by High Court reviewing an order passed earlier in an application filed under Section 25(2) of Hindu Ma.....
Tags : Maintenance, Enhancement, Validity
Madras High Court Asks 'Why Marry If You Can’t Maintain Wife, Kids?'(05.05.2017)
Madras High Court, while disposing of revision petition against a maintenance case, has observed that there is unreasonable delay on part of Family Co.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Marriage, maintenance, wife, children
Gujarat HC: Divorced Wife, Who Deserted Husband, Entitled To Maintenance(08.05.2017)
Gujarat High Court, while holding that term ‘wife’ in Section 125(4) of CrPC would not include a divorced wife, has observed that a lady, from whom hu.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Maintenance, Divorce
Kerala High Court: Wife Paying Maintenance to Able Bodied Husband Would Promote “Idleness”(22.05.2017)
Kerala High Court has quashed a husband’s claim for maintenance, observing that maintenance under Section 24 of Hindu Marriage Act is to be paid to hu.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance, Hindu Marriage Act
Delhi HC: Income of Husband Not Sole Criterion to Determine Maintenance Pendente Lite(26.05.2017)
Delhi High Court has held that proportion of husband’s income to be awarded as maintenance pendente lite to wife is dependent on surrounding circumsta.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Pendente Lite
Delhi High Court: No Strict Mathematical Formula to Determine Amount of Maintenance Pendente Lite(29.05.2017)
Delhi High Court has held that proportion of husband’s income to be awarded as maintenance pendente lite to wife is dependent on surrounding circumsta.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Pendente Lite
Delhi High Court Says 'Person Living in Penury Spoils Another Life by Marrying'(29.05.2017)
Delhi High Court has rejected plea of a man that he cannot pay Rs. 7,500 as maintenance per month to his estranged wife on ground of being a "pauper......
Tags : Delhi High Court, maintenance
Madras High Court to Family Courts: Do Not Treat Husbands Like "Armless Soldiers"(28.07.2017)
Madras High Court has asked Family Courts not to treat husbands like "armless soldiers" and order them to pay maintenance to wives in a "mechanical ma.....
Tags : Madras High Court, maintenance
Delhi HC Upholds Eviction of Sons From Father’s House For Not Paying Maintenance(02.11.2017)
Delhi High Court has upheld the eviction of two sons from their father’s house for not paying maintenance as agreed by them.
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Delhi HC: Cannot Be Exempted From Maintaining Child Even If Other Spouse Earns Sufficiently Well(16.11.2017)
Delhi High Court has reiterated that a spouse cannot be exempted from contributing towards maintenance of a minor child even if the other spouse, with.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Child, Maintenance
Courts Cannot Force Husband to ‘Keep Wife’, Says Supreme Court(27.11.2017)
Supreme Court has said that Courts cannot force a husband to “keep his wife” as it asked a man to deposit Rs 10 lakh as interim maintenance for his es.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Judicially Separated Wife Also Entitled for Maintenance: Supreme Court(08.12.2017)
Supreme Court has said that a judicially separated wife is entitled to maintenance as a divorced wife and there is no reason to deny it to her.
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Not Mandatory To File Affidavit Of Assets, Income Etc.In Maintenance Proceedings: Delhi HC(26.12.2017)
Delhi High Court has modified its orders issued on 14 January, 2015 and 29 May, 2017, and has made it non-mandatory to file affidavit of assets, incom.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Don’t Allow Wife to Rob Husband: Madras High Court(16.01.2018)
Madras High Court has directed the Family Courts not to use the popular adage of ‘beg, borrow or steal’ to pay maintenance since begging and stealing .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Maintenance
Once the dispute is adjudicated by Competent Courts, it is not necessary for Petitioner to prove same thing again and again in different proceeding(08.02.2018)
The Petitioner-husband had filed Hindu Marriage Petition for dissolution of marriage. It was decided on 24th April, 2006 and the divorce is granted. T.....
Tags : Maintenance, Cancellation, Grant
Bombay High Court Slams Family Court’s Harsh Order Against Mother(06.03.2018)
Bombay High Court has expressed shock at a family court order that put harsh restrictions on a mother and included discontinuation of maintenance and .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Maintenance Tribunal Empowered to Order Eviction of Legal Heir If Parents Are Ill-Treated: Delhi HC(19.03.2018)
Delhi High Court has held that maintenance tribunal has the jurisdiction to pass an order of eviction under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Battered Wives Needn’t Depose for Maintenance: Bombay High Court(02.04.2018)
Bombay High Court has held that an affidavit filed by the women battling for maintenance from estranged husbands under the Domestic Violence Act will .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Bombay High Court: 'Unmarried Adult Daughter Entitled to Claim Maintenance from Her Father'(09.04.2018)
Bombay High Court has ruled that an unmarried daughter is entitled to claim maintenance from her father even after attaining the age of 18 if her pare.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Mere Engaging of Reputed Counsel Does Not Imply Sufficiency of Funds: Delhi HC(08.05.2018)
Delhi High Court has refused to accept denial of maintenance to a woman merely on the ground that she had engaged reputed Counsel for her application .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Maintenance of Annual Average Export Obligation(22.05.2018)
In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade in Public i.....
Tags : Export Obligation, Maintenance
Karnataka High Court: "Unable to Maintain" Doesn't Mean Person Has to be a 'destitute'(29.05.2018)
Karnataka High Court has observed that words “unable to maintain herself” in S. 125 of CrPC cannot be interpreted to mean that the person has to be “a.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance
Karnataka High Court: "Unable to Maintain" Doesn't Mean Person Has to be a 'Destitute'(29.05.2018)
Karnataka High Court has observed that words “unable to maintain herself” in S. 125 of CrPC cannot be interpreted to mean that the person has to be “a.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance
No Rider to Deposit Maintenance Amount Prior to Entertainment of Statutory Remedy: Delhi HC(12.07.2018)
Delhi High Court has held that there cannot be an absolute rider that the entire maintenance amount, as granted by the trial court, should be deposite.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Kerala High Court: Women’s Commission Has No Power to Order Maintenance(24.07.2018)
Kerala High Court has observed that no power is granted to Women’s Commission to issue directions with regard to payment of maintenance.
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance
Bombay High Court:Civil Court Can Grant Muslim Wife Maintenance(06.08.2018)
Bombay High Court has ruled that in divorce proceedings under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, a civil court can grant maintenance, mehr.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Maintenance of CRR/SLR on Foreign Currency Assets/Liabilities- Reference rate for INR/USD and exchange rate of other major currencies(02.08.2018)
Please refer to our circular DBOD.No.Ret.BC.113/12.01.001/2011-12 dated June 29, 2012 on Maintenance of CRR on FCNR(B) Scheme advising banks to be gui.....
Tags : Maintenance, CRR/SLR, Foreign Currency Assets, Liabilities
It is a matter of discretion as to since which date increase in maintenance can be made effective from(08.08.2018)
Present is a revision under Section 397 read with Section 401 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC) being aggrieved and dissatisfied by the j.....
Tags : Maintenance, Enhancement, Discretion
SC Takes into Account Conduct of Husband in Disposal of Maintenance Petition(01.10.2018)
Supreme Court has enhanced the maintenance amount to a wife taking into account the husband’s conduct in successfully protracting the disposal of the .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Builder Not Liable to Pay Service Tax on ‘One-Time’ Maintenance Charges: Bombay HC(05.10.2018)
Bombay High Court has held that builder is not liable to pay service tax on One-time maintenance charges collected from Flat Buyers.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance Charges
Affluence of Wife’s Parents Irrelevant in Deciding Maintenance: Bombay High Court(10.12.2018)
Bombay High Court has said that wealth and affluence of a wife’s parents is an irrelevant circumstance in deciding her claim for interim maintenance.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Court which has to be approached for grant of the assistance cannot decide the merits of the case or rights of the parties under Section 9 of Arbitration Act(14.12.2018)
Instant petition has been filed by the Petitioner under Section 9 of the J & K Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1997 for directing the maintenance of.....
Tags : Status quo, Maintenance, Grant
Wife can Seek Maintenance Even After Waiving Off Her Right in an Agreement to Claim it: Bombay HC(28.12.2018)
Bombay High Court has held that even when a wife enters into an agreement with her husband waiving off her right to maintenance, her statutory right t.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Court can impose a condition ordering payment of part of decree amount while exercising power under Order IX Rule 13 of CPC(06.03.2019)
The challenge involved in present appeal is that, the Family Court was not justified in having ordered payment of part of the decree amount, when his .....
Tags : Maintenance, Liability, Interim Measure
Pension can be Attached to Recover Maintenance for Wife: Bombay HC(12.04.2019)
Bombay High Court has held that pension granted by the government can be attached in order to recover the amount of maintenance for the wife.
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
Mother and Father Not Equally Responsible for Child Maintenance: Delhi HC(02.05.2019)
Delhi High Court has said that it would be incorrect to hold both the parent equally responsible for the expenses of the child and also agreed with a .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Child Maintenance
Mother can't Give Up Maintenance Rights of Daughter During Mutual Consent Divorce: SC(03.05.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that a mother cannot give up rights which vest in the daughter insofar as maintenance and other issues are concerned, durin.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Mutual Consent Divorce, Maintenance
Delhi High Court: Maintenance to Estranged Wife is for Survival, Not a Bounty(21.05.2019)
Delhi High Court has observed that Maintenance awarded to an estranged wife is for her survival and should not be seen as a "bounty", and it has to be.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Supreme Court: Brother In Law can be Ordered to Pay Maintenance to Widow Under Domestic Violence Act(27.05.2019)
Supreme Court has observed that a brother in law can be ordered to pay maintenance to a widow by holding that an "An aggrieved wife or a female living.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Appeal or revision cannot be dismissed solely on ground of failure to pre deposit maintenance amount(14.05.2019)
Petitioner impugns order whereby the Appellate Court has dismissed the appeal of the Petitioner on the ground that, Petitioner has failed to deposit t.....
Tags : Maintenance, Pre-deposit, Arrears
Delhi HC: Interim Maintenance Cannot be Refused Unless it is Proved that Wife is Gainfully Employed(04.06.2019)
Delhi High Court has observed that once interim maintenance is sought by a wife under Section 23 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Interim Maintenance
Kerala High Court Requests Family Court to Reconsider Wife’s Plea on Maintenance(06.06.2019)
Kerala High Court has observed that a single act of unchastity or a few lapses of virtue will not disentitle a wife from claiming maintenance from her.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance
Delhi High Court: Woman’s Ability to Earn Not a Ground to Deny Her Maintenance(10.06.2019)
Delhi High Court has observed while broadening the welfare scope of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 that the mere fact that a wom.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
Apex Court: Husband Liable to Pay Maintenance When Marriage was Nullified Due to His Fault(26.08.2019)
Apex Court has ruled that where the marriage happened to be annulled or declared null and void due to some mischief or wrong committed by the husband .....
Tags : Apex Court, Maintenance
Supreme Court: Maintenance Order not to be Stayed Unless for Very Exceptional Reasons(26.09.2019)
Supreme Court has noted that the higher Courts should not stay an order of maintenance unless there are very exceptional reasons. The Court observed t.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Kerala High Court: Wife Eligible to Maintenance After Divorce if She is not 'Living In Adultery'(27.09.2019)
Kerala High Court has ruled that to future maintenance to a wife who was divorced on the basis of adultery can be denied only on the ground that she i.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance
Karnataka HC: Father not Liable to Pay Monthly Maintenance to Daughter who is Gainfully Employed(30.09.2019)
Karnataka High Court has ruled that a father is not liable to pay monthly maintenance amount to his daughter who is gainfully employed. The Court obse.....
Tags : Karnataka HC, Maintenance
Supreme Court Seeks Centre's Reply on PIL to Formulate Uniform Format to Ascertain Maintenance(15.10.2019)
Supreme Court has sought the Centre's reply on a plea seeking directions for formulating a uniform format for disclosing information by husband and wi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Delhi High Court Increases Interim Maintenance on Grounds of Perjury by Husband(23.10.2019)
Delhi High Court has enhanced the interim maintenance payable by the husband to his wife and has also directed initiation of an inquiry under Section .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance
MP High Court Reverses State Government Order of Revoking Pension of MISA Detainees(01.11.2019)
Madhya Pradesh HC has directed State Government to continue to pay the pension of 15 Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) detainees.
Tags : Madhya Pradesh HC, Maintenance of Internal Security Act
Kerala HC: Section 23 Attracted if there was no Requirement of Providing Maintenance in Transfer Deed(11.11.2019)
Kerala High Court has observed that Section 23 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 can be invoked even if there wa.....
Tags : Kerala HC, Maintenance
Merely because the wife is capable of earning is not a sufficient reason to deny her the maintenance(18.12.2019)
The present revision petition assails the order passed by Family Court in Complaint Case. Vide the aforesaid order passed in the petition filed under .....
Tags : Interim maintenance, Award, Entitlement
Kerala High Court: Maintenance Tribunal's Enquiry Process is Inquisitorial Rather than Adversarial(09.01.2020)
Kerala High Court has observed that the Maintenance Tribunal under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 has to follow .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance Tribunal
Kerala High Court: Father's Pension Benefits Not Exempt from Attachment(05.02.2020)
Kerala High Court has held that a father's pensionary benefits are not immune from attachment towards payment of maintenance to children.
Tags : Kerala High Court, Father's Pension Benefits, Maintenance of Children
SC: Maintenance Petition Filed by Wife with Permanent Alimony u/s 25 HMA Cannot Be Entertained(13.02.2020)
Supreme Court has observed that a Petition filed by a wife under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 who was earlier granted permanent.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance Petition
Incentivising bank credit to specific sectors - Exemption from CRR maintenance(10.02.2020)
It has been announced in paragraph 3 of the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies of February 6, 2020, that the Reserve Bank is actively .....
Tags : Bank credit, Exemption, CRR Maintenance
A Magistrate who passes an order on settlement under Section 125 of CrPC has power to recall or set aside the Order, if terms of the same are violated(19.02.2020)
Present appeal has been filed against the judgment of the High Court filed by the Appellant for setting aside the order passed by the Additional Princ.....
Tags : Maintenance application, Revival, Validity
SC Directs Cellular Companies to Maintain CDR and Other Records Seized During Investigations(15.07.2020)
Supreme Court has issued general directions to cellular companies and internet service providers to maintain Call Detail Records (CDRs) and other rele.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance of CDR and Other Records
SC Sets Aside P&H HC Order on Maintenance of Status Quo with No Prima Facie Case(20.07.2020)
Supreme Court has set aside a Punjab and Haryana High Court order in a revision Petition which directed parties in a civil suit to maintain 'status qu.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance of Status Quo
Party can claim maintenance from the estate of husband under Section 19 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956 only after demonstrating that she is unable to maintain herself(07.09.2020)
The Petitioner was blessed with two sons. Late Bhupinder was married to Respondent no. 1 on 12th December, 2004 and died on 21st May, 2015. Respondent.....
Tags : Maintenance, Eligibility, Proof
Bombay HC: Wife has Right to Claim Maintenance from Estate Inherited by Father-In-Law(15.09.2020)
Bombay High Court has observed that after husband's death, a woman has every right to claim maintenance from the estate inherited by her father-in-law.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance
SC: Major Unmarried Daughter Not Entitled to Claim Maintenance from Father u/s 125 of CrPC(16.09.2020)
Supreme Court has held that a daughter who attained majority and is still unmarried is not entitled to claim maintenance from her father in proceeding.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Supreme Court Issues Guidelines on Payment of Maintenance in Matrimonial Matters(04.11.2020)
Supreme Court has issued guidelines on payment of maintenance in matrimonial matters. The Court has held that maintenance in all cases will be awarded.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Payment of Maintenance
SC: Objective of Granting Maintenance is to Ensure Dependant Spouse Not Reduced to Destitution(09.11.2020)
Supreme Court has observed that the objective of granting interim / permanent alimony/maintenance is to ensure that the dependant spouse is not reduce.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Objective of Granting Maintenance
Maintenance of Escrow Account with a Scheduled Commercial Bank(17.11.2020)
1. A reference is invited to the instructions issued by Reserve Bank of India vide (a) DPSS.CO.PD.No.1164/02.14.006/2017-18 dated October 11, 2017 (up.....
Tags : Maintenance, Escrow Account, Scheduled Commercial Bank
Karnataka HC Asks BBMP and BDA to List Steps for Proper Maintenance of Parks/Gardens(21.12.2020)
Karnataka High Court has directed Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) and Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA) to list steps it proposes to tak.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Proper Maintenance of Parks/Gardens
Allahabad HC: Strict Proof of Essential Marriage Rites Not Required in Plea for Maintenance(20.01.2021)
Allahabad High Court has held that while claiming maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, a party need not furnish stri.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Plea of Maintenance
SC Directs NRI Man to Make Representation in Plea Seeking Maintenance of 'Non-Resident Status'(10.02.2021)
Supreme Court has directed a representation to be made to the Central Board of Direct Taxes regarding reliefs to be granted to Non Resident Indians in.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance Of 'Non-Resident Status'
Kerala HC Sets Aside Order Directing Maintenance Allowance to be Deposited in Bank Account(25.02.2021)
Kerala High Court has set aside the directions issued by the Family Court directing maintenance allowance to be deposited by the father in a bank acco.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance Allowance
Supreme Court Sentences Man to 3 Months Civil Prison for Failing to Clear Maintenance Arrears to Wife(30.03.2021)
Supreme Court has sentenced a man to three months' civil prison for contempt of court after he did not pay an outstanding amount of Rs 2.60 crore alon.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance
Kerala HC Declares Bar on Lawyers Representing Matters Before Maintenance Tribunals Unconstitutional(09.04.2021)
Kerala High Court has declared as unconstitutional the bar on lawyers representing parties in matters before the Maintenance Tribunals constituted und.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Bar on Lawyers Representing Matters Before Maintenance Tribunals
Madras HC Directs Payment of Monthly Maintenance to Estranged Wife(05.05.2021)
Madras High Court has directed a government doctor to pay a monthly maintenance of Rs. 15,000 to his estranged wife despite her having received Rs. 3 .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Monthly Maintenance to Estranged Wife
Madras HC Impresses on Need to Maintain Forest Lands and to Prevent Encroachment(10.06.2021)
Madras High Court has observed that it is absolutely imperative that not even an inch of forest land in the State be allowed to be encroached upon by .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Maintenance of Forest Lands
Rajasthan HC Directs State to Consider Policy on Maintenance of Life-Saving Equipment(11.06.2021)
Rajasthan High Court has directed the State Government to consider making a policy decision on the issue concerning maintenance of ventilators and oth.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Maintenance of Life-Saving Equipment
Madras HC: Applications Under Maintenance Act to be Disposed Of in Two Months(16.06.2021)
Madras High Court has directed the Chief Secretary to issue a circular instructing all Collectors and revenue officials in the State to dispose of in .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Applications Under Maintenance Act
Delhi HC: Order of Interim Maintenance to Alleged Live-In Partner of Married Man Under DV Act Upheld(21.06.2021)
Delhi High Court has upheld the order of an Additional Sessions Judge directing a married man to pay ad-interim maintenance under the Protection of Wo.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Maintenance
Punjab and Haryana HC: Children Expected to Look After Elderly Parents(15.07.2021)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that children are expected to look after their elderly parents properly, which is not only a value-based pr.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Maintenance of Elderly Parents
Madras HC: GST Applicable Only on Monthly Maintenance Amount Exceeding Rs. 7500 Collected By RWAs(16.07.2021)
Madras High Court has held that the Goods and Services Tax (GST) applies not on the full amount but to monthly maintenance amount exceeding Rs. 7,500 .....
Tags : Madras High Court, GST Applicable Only on Monthly Maintenance Amount
SC: Court Cannot Direct Continued Maintenance by Insurance Company of Prosthetic Limb(18.08.2021)
Supreme Court has observed that while determining compensation under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, a Court cannot direct the continued maintenance by I.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Continued Maintenance by Insurance Company of Prosthetic Limb
Delhi HC Expresses Concern Over Dismal Maintenance of Kalkaji Temple in Delhi(19.08.2021)
Delhi High Court has expressed concern over the "dismal" maintenance of the Kalkaji Temple in the national capital. The Court has asked the local comm.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Dismal Maintenance of Kalkaji Temple in Delhi
Karnataka HC: Right to Appeal Under Maintenance Act Conferred on Both Sides(27.08.2021)
Karnataka High Court has said that the right to appeal under Section 16 (1) of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2002 is.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Right to Appeal Under Maintenance Act
Delhi HC Seeks Response on Maintenance and Renovation of Kalkaji Temple Complex(07.09.2021)
Delhi High Court has sought response of Delhi Government and South Delhi Municipal Corporation with respect to the maintenance and renovation of Kalka.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance and Renovation of Kalkaji Temple Complex
Madras HC Stays Order Related to Levy of GST on Flat, Villa Maintenance Charges(10.09.2021)
Madras High Court has stayed a Single Judge Order on levy of Goods and Service Tax on flat, villa maintenance charges. Flat or villa owners paying mor.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Levy of GST on Flat, Villa Maintenance Charges
Delhi HC Issues Directions Regarding Administration, Maintenance of Kalkaji Temple and Bari Rights(28.09.2021)
Delhi High Court has issued slew of directions regarding the administration and maintenance of Kalkaji Temple as also for resolution of disputes perta.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance of Kalkaji Temple and Bari Rights
Karnataka HC: Cannot Resist Maintenance Because of Another Marriage and Children Thereto(20.10.2021)
Karnataka High Court has held that getting married another time and having children from that marriage cannot be a reason for a Muslim man to resist t.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance
Maintenance of current accounts in multiple banks by Stock Brokers(28.10.2021)
1. SEBI vide circular no. SMD/SED/CIR/93/23321 dated November 18, 1993 on "Regulation of Transactions between Clients and Brokers" mandated that all t.....
Tags : Maintenance, Current accounts, Multiple banks
Rajasthan HC Suo Moto Exercises Writ Jurisdiction Directing Husband to Pay Monthly Maintenance(19.11.2021)
Rajasthan High Court has exercised its extraordinary writ jurisdiction and directed a man to pay monthly maintenance to his deserted wife and children.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Husband to Pay Monthly Maintenance
Maintenance of current accounts in multiple banks by Insurance Intermediaries(29.12.2021)
1. It has been observed that the insurance intermediaries maintain multiple current accounts with banks at different operational levels, i.e., Branch .....
Tags : Maintenance, Current accounts, Multiple banks
Kerala HC: Father Legally Bound to Provide Maintenance to Child Born Out of Interfaith Marriage(15.12.2021)
Kerala High Court has ruled that a father is legally obligated to provide maintenance for his child born out of an inter-faith marriage.
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance to Child Born Out of Interfaith Marriage
Delhi HC: Presence at Preferred Jurisdiction Material Fact for Execution of Maintenance Order(23.12.2021)
Delhi High Court has observed that the presence of a person at preferred jurisdiction at the time of application for maintenance against him under Sec.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Execution of Maintenance Order
NCDRC: Builder Can't Levy Maintenance Charge on Flat Purchasers Without Occupancy Certificate(27.01.2022)
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has held that in the absence of obtaining an occupancy certificate, maintenance on the project.....
Tags : National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Maintenance Charge on Flat Purchasers
Rajasthan HC Refuses to Give Directions in Plea Seeking Protection and Maintenance of Wildlife(07.02.2022)
Rajasthan High Court has refused to give directions in a plea seeking protection & maintenance of wildlife to control man-animal conflict & rescue and.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Protection and Maintenance of Wildlife
International Cases
A maintenance order had the same legal consequences which flowed from an order made in a civil action(21.01.2022)
The appeal stemmed from the judgment of the High Court, the court made a declaratory order to the effect that the maintenance obligations contained in.....
Tags : Maintenance order, Prescription Act, Applicability
NCDRC Directs Builder to Compensate Homebuyers for Delay in Refund of Maintenance Deposit(14.02.2022)
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ordered a refund of the refundable maintenance along with delay compensation at 6% for the Flat Ow.....
Tags : National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Refund of Maintenance Deposit
Allahabad HC Allows Claim for Maintenance u/s 125 CrPC in Addition to Alimony(22.02.2022)
Allahabad High Court has allowed the claim for maintenance of a wife under Section 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, despite the grant of divor.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Maintenance, Alimony
CESTAT, Bangalore: Software Maintenance Services Not Covered Under Business Auxiliary Services(24.02.2022)
Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT), Bangalore has held that the software maintenance services shall not be covered within the.....
Tags : Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Software Maintenance Services
Karnataka HC: Maintenance Awarded to Wife Cannot Be Enhanced U/S 127 CrPC(28.02.2022)
Karnataka High Court has held that maintenance awarded to an estranged wife under the provisions of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 20.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance Awarded to Wife
Calcutta HC Orders Daughter to Pay Maintenance to Parents, Provide Accommodation(11.03.2022)
Calcutta High Court has directed a daughter to allow her aged parents to reside with her in a residential flat which had been gifted to her by her par.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Maintenance to Parents
Rajasthan HC: Husband Cannot be Absolved to Pay Interim Maintenance(14.03.2022)
Rajasthan High Court has observed that the husband, who admittedly earns Rs.40,000/- per month, cannot be absolved of his obligation to pay interim ma.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Interim Maintenance
Govt. Reduces GST to 5% on Domestic Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Services in Aviation Industry(16.03.2022)
Ministry of Civil Aviation has notified the reduction in Goods and Service Tax (GST) from 18% to 5% on Domestic Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Serv.....
Tags : Ministry of Civil Aviation, Domestic Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Services
P&H HC Disapproves of False Assertions Made by Parties in Maintenance Suit(21.03.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that false assertions should be discouraged by parties while they come to the Court seeking reliefs. The Co.....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, False Assertions, Maintenance Suit
GST reduced from 18% to 5% for domestic Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul services(14.03.2022)
The average number of the passenger carried in the pre-Covid financial year (2019-20) was around 4 lakh per day. On 6th March 2022, domestic airlines .....
Tags : GST, Reduction, Domestic Maintenance
Karnataka HC: Only Indian Citizens Can Start Proceedings Under Senior Citizens Act(31.03.2022)
Karnataka High Court has observed that only Indian Citizens can initiate proceedings under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen A.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act, 2007
Gujarat HC: FIR Registration Can’t Have Any Nexus with Breach of Maintenance of Public Order(01.04.2022)
Gujarat High Court has observed that simpliciter FIR registration by itself cannot have any nexus with the breach of maintenance of public order, whil.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, breach of maintenance, public order
Chhattisgarh HC: Marriage Expenses Can be Claimed by Unmarried Daughter(01.04.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has observed that marriage expenses can be claimed by an unmarried daughter from her parents under the provisions of the Hindu.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, unmarried daughter, marriage expenses
Bombay HC Directs Wife to Pay Maintenance to Husband under Sec 25 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955(01.04.2022)
Bombay High Court upheld two orders of the civil court directing a wife working as a teacher, to pay Rs 3,000 maintenance to her husband by directing .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, maintenance, Maintenance To Husband
Kerala HC: Tribunal's Power of Maintenance Not Circumscribed to Ordering Monthly Allowance(04.04.2022)
Kerala High Court has observed that the power of the Maintenance Tribunal under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 i.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance Tribunal, Senior Citizens Act
CESTAT, Ahmedabad: Cenvat Credit on Services within Factory Premises allowable(11.04.2022)
Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad has observed that cenvat credit in respect of garden maintenance service under the Cenvat.....
Tags : Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, cenvat credit, Cenvat Credit Rules, garden maintenance
Rajasthan HC: Criminal Revision Petition Maintainable Against Order of Interim Maintenance(28.04.2022)
Rajasthan High Court has ruled that an order of interim maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 by any Family Court or M.....
Tags : Rajasthan High Court, interim maintenance, Section 125, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
Unless orders are perverse and have been passed on nil evidence, High Court must be slow in interfering in the decisions of the Courts below(26.04.2022)
Present petition has been filed under Sections 397/401 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC) challenging Order wherein the Learned Judge, Family .....
Tags : Interim maintenance, Direction, Legality
Madhya Pradesh HC: Husband to Produce Salary Slip Can’t be Termed As Violation of Privacy(04.05.2022)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that giving an opportunity to the husband to file his salary slip for valuable adjudication of the maintenance proc.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, personal liberty, maintenance
Punjab And Haryana High Court: Wife Can't Be Denied Maintenance On Grounds That She Is Well-Educated(05.05.2022)
Punjab and Haryana High Court has observed that husband is legally and morally responsible; wife cannot be denied maintenance on the grounds of being .....
Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Maintenance for Wife, Section 125 Criminal Procedure Code
Maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)(04.05.2022)
1. Please refer to our circular DOR.No.Ret.BC.35/12.01.001/2020-21 dated February 05, 2021 and relative notification on the captioned subject.
Tags : Maintenance, Increase, CRR
ITAT: Income Tax Deduction for CAM Charges Included in Rent(19.05.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore has observed that Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Charges included in rent were allowable as a deduction.
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Common Area Maintenance, rent
Allahabad HC: Father Not Absolved From Responsibility of Child Even If Mother is Earning(23.05.2022)
Allahabad High Court has held that the father is legally bound to maintain his child according to the status and lifestyle and it doesn't matter if th.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Maintenance, Mother
ITAT: Expenditure on Maintenance, Back-Up, and Support Services is Revenue in Nature(31.05.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad has observed that expenditure on maintenance, backup, and support services to existing hardware and software .....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, maintenance, backup, hardware, software
ITAT: Expenditure On Maintenance, Back-Up, and Support Services is Revenue in Nature(31.05.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad has observed that expenditure on maintenance, backup, and support services to existing hardware and software .....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, maintenance, backup, hardware, software
Delhi HC: Expenses for Supporting Divorced Sister to be Considered While Granting Maintenance to Wife(06.06.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that a brother cannot abandon his divorced sister and therefore expenditure borne by him in supporting his sister must be ta.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Divorced Sister
Delhi HC: Husband’s Changed Circumstances Must be Considered While Determining Maintenance(13.06.2022)
Delhi High Court has held financial capacity of the husband with reasonable expenses for his own maintenance, and dependant family members whom he is .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Husband
Kerala HC: Court Can Strike Off Defence for Willful Non-Compliance of Order for Interim Maintenance(21.06.2022)
Kerala High Court has held that Court can strike off the defence of the defaulter if they willfully refuse to comply with its order directing payment .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Willful Non-Compliance, Interim Maintenance
Onus is on the husband to establish that there are sufficient grounds to show that he is unable to discharge his legal obligations for reasons beyond his control(20.06.2022)
By way of instant criminal revision petition filed under Section 397 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC), challenge has been laid to order pass.....
Tags : Divorce, Mutual consent, Maintenance
Chhattisgarh HC: Widow Daughter-In-Law Can Claim Maintenance from Father-In-Law(19.07.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that a widowed daughter-in-law has the right to claim maintenance from her father-in-law, if the latter has the posse.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Widow Daughter in Law, Maintenance
Delhi HC: Denial of Maintenance to Estranged Wife And Child is Worst Offence(19.07.2022)
Delhi High Court while imposing cost of 20k on husband has held that denying maintenance to an estranged wife and child is the worst offence, even fro.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Wife and Child
Delhi HC: Maintenance May Be Granted Considering Lifestyle as Parties Don’t Disclose Actual Income(20.07.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that in matrimonial disputes, it is seen that parties often don't disclose their actual income to the court, purportedly to .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Lifestyle
Delhi HC: Rejection of Maintenance in Divorce Proceeding Doesn’t Disentitle Right U/S 125 CrPC(01.08.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that the pendency of divorce petition and rejection of an application for maintenance in such petition, would not disentitle.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Section 125 CrPC
CIC to CPIO: Provide Generic Details of Gross Income of Husband for Claiming Maintenance(18.08.2022)
Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed the Centre Public Information Officers (CPIO) to provide the generic details of the net taxable inco.....
Tags : CIC, Gross Income, Husband, Maintenance
Cal. HC: Stepson Can't Deny Obligation to Maintain Stepfather if he Fulfilled His Responsibilities(31.08.2022)
Calcutta High Court has held that when stepfather fulfills same responsibilities as the biological father, a stepson cannot deny his obligation to mai.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Stepfather, Maintenance
Del. HC: Wife Entitled to Maintenance Even When Decree of Restitution of Conjugal Rights Against Her(26.09.2022)
Delhi High Court has held that mere presence of a decree of restitution of conjugal rights against the wife does not disentitle her from claiming main.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Conjugal Rights, Maintenance
AAR: Operation And Maintenance Of Municipal Wet Waste Processing Facility Attracts 18% GST(21.10.2022)
Authority of Advance Ruling, West Bengal has observed that the 18% Goods and Services Tax (GST) is payable on the operation and maintenance of municip.....
Tags : Authority of Advance Ruling, Goods and Services Tax, maintenance
Ker. HC Upholds ?31.6 Lakh Compensation U/S 3 Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act(22.11.2022)
Kerala High Court has upheld Magistrate Court's order granting an amount of Rs. 31,68,000 as maintenance to a divorced woman under Section 3 of Muslim.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance, Muslim Women
Ker. HC to Family Courts: Release Amounts Deposited Towards Arrears of Maintenance at The Earliest(05.12.2022)
Kerala High Court has directed all Family Court judges to release the amount deposited towards arrears of maintenance under the orders of the High Cou.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Arrears of Maintenance
Uttarakhand HC: Not Obligatory to Implead 'All Eligible Persons' in Proceedings for Maintenance(09.12.2022)
Uttarakhand High Court has observed that it is not mandatory for a person claiming maintenance under Section 125 Cr.P.C. to implead all the persons re.....
Tags : Uttarakhand High Court, Maintenance, Implead
Chhattisgarh HC: Daughter Has to Show She is Minor or Unable to Maintain Herself to Seek Maintenance(09.12.2022)
Chhattisgarh High Court has held that as per Section 125 CrPC, to get maintenance, a daughter has to make out a case that she is unable to maintain he.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Maintenance, Section 125
Kerala HC: Maintenance Must be Granted from Date of Filing of Petition(20.12.2022)
Kerala High Court has held that a petitioner under Section 125 CrPC must be granted maintenance from the date of filing of petition and not just date .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Section 125 CrPC, Maintenance
Del HC Upholds Provision Allowing Deduction for Payment of Maintenance to Air Force Personnel's Wife(09.01.2023)
Delhi High Court has upheld the constitutional validity of Section 92(i) of Air Force Act, 1950 which allows deduction from pay and allowance of Air F.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Air Force Act, Maintenance, Deductions
Bom. HC: Denying DNA Test of Child Not Sufficient to Draw Adverse Inference(10.01.2023)
Bombay High Court while dismissing man’s plea challenging grant of maintenance to his wife has observed that wife's refusal to undergo DNA test for as.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, DNA Test, Maintenance
Ker. HC: Court Can Execute its Maintenance Order Against Person Residing Outside its Jurisdiction(12.01.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that even though an order of maintenance may be enforceable at the place where the person against whom it is made resides, .....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance, Execute, Jurisdiction
Chhattisgarh HC: Maintenance Tribunal Has Power To Order Eviction Of Children From Parents House(24.01.2023)
Chhattisgarh High Court has ruled that Maintenance Tribunal possesses power under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, eviction, Maintenance
ITAT: 2% TDS Deductible On Common Area Maintenance Charges(25.01.2023)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi has ruled that 2% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is deductible on common area maintenance charges. The court.....
Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Tax Deducted at Source, maintenance, assessee
Ker. HC: Major Unmarried Daughter Can’t Claim Maintenance Just Because She Can’t Maintain Herself(30.01.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that an unmarried daughter who attained majority cannot claim maintenance from her father under Section 125(1) CrPC, merely.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Unmarried Daughter, Maintenance
Cal. HC: Seeking Enhanced Maintenance After Blocking Husband's Pension is Abuse of Law(31.01.2023)
Calcutta High Court has observed that case where a wife blocks a substantial source of income of husband and then claims an enhancement of maintenance.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Maintenance, Abuse of Law
All. HC: Maintenance Proceedings Not to Punish Husband But to Prevent Destitution of Deserted Wife(09.02.2023)
Allahabad High Court has held that object of maintenance proceedings is not to punish a person for his past neglect, but to prevent vagrancy and desti.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Maintenance Proceedings, Deserted Wife
Kar. HC Issues Directions to Ensure Bound Disposal of Maintenance Applications(10.02.2023)
Karnataka High Court has issued directions to trial courts to follow a timeline, in deciding applications filed by estranged women seeking maintenance.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Maintenance Applications, Disposal, Directions
Bom. HC: Father/Mother-In-laws Not Entitled to Claim Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC(19.04.2023)
Bombay High Court has held that parents-in-law are not entitled to claim maintenance from their widowed daughter-in-law under Section 125 CrPC, on the.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance, Widow, Parents-in-Law
All. HC: Maintenance can be Granted by Trial Court from Date of Order if Reasons Exist for Doing so(16.05.2023)
Allahabad High Court while observing that ruling in Rajnesh v. Neha (MANU/SC/0833/2020) doesn’t completely block discretionary power of trial court in.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Maintenance, Trial Court
Del HC Sets Aside Arrest Warrant Issued in a Maintenance Case Against Man with Bipolar Disorder(18.07.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that Section 105 of Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 is mandatory in nature, has set aside an arrest warrant issued in a m.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Mental Healthcare Act
Bom HC: Daughter Can’t Continue Maintenance Claim of Deceased Mother(04.08.2023)
Bombay High Court while observing that right of maintenance of wife against her husband is in personam and not in rem, has held that daughter cannot c.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance, Deceased Mother, Daughter
Ker. HC: Child's Educational Expenses Not Maintenance U/S 125 CrPC if Reimbursed By Employer(11.08.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that payment of educational expense of children, which was later reimbursed by employer, cannot be treated as the maintenan.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Educational Expenses, Maintenance, Reimbursed
Del. HC: No Bar on Jurisdiction of Civil Courts to Allow Suit for Recovery of Arrears of Maintenance(24.08.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that once amount becomes due and payable, it becomes a legal debt, the recovery of which can be sought by way of a ci.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Jurisdiction, Recovery, Maintenance
All. HC: Minimum Amount Must be Paid to Wife from Date of Claim to Preserve Her Right to Life(31.08.2023)
Allahabad High Court while adjudicating appeal against interim maintenance awarded to wife, has observed that minimum amount must be provided from dat.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Interim Maintenance, Right to Life
Kar. HC: Under DV Act, Question of Awarding Maintenance Till Marriage of Daughters Doesn’t Arise(05.09.2023)
Karnataka High Court has held that under the provisions of Domestic Violence Act, question of awarding maintenance till marriage of the daughters does.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Domestic Violence Act, Maintenance, Daughters
Del. HC: High Earning Wife Not Truthfully Disclosing Her Income, Not Entitled to Maintenance(13.09.2023)
Delhi High Court has observed that a highly qualified wife who has been earning but is not willing or inclined to truthfully disclose her true income,.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Wife, Income
Del. HC: High Earning Wife Not Truthfully Disclosing Her Income, Not Entitled to Maintenance(13.09.2023)
Delhi High Court has observed that a highly qualified wife who has been earning but is not willing or inclined to truthfully disclose her true income,.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Wife, Income.
Del. HC: High Earning Wife Not Truthfully Disclosing Her Income, Not Entitled to Maintenance(13.09.2023)
Delhi High Court has observed that a highly qualified wife who has been earning but is not willing or inclined to truthfully disclose her true income,.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Wife, Income
Madras HC: Academic Break Doesn’t Let Go of Husband’s Duty to Maintain Wife and Children(20.09.2023)
Madras High Court has held that merely because husband has taken a study holiday or an Academic break to pursue a Ph.D, his duty to maintain his wife .....
Tags : Madras High Court, Academic Break, Maintenance
Common maintenance charges cannot be termed as the income of the assessee(28.09.2023)
The only dispute raised by the assessee is against the taxation of maintenance charges in its hands as income from house property. The Assessing Offic.....
Tags : Maintenance charges, tax, Levy
Kar. HC: When Wife is Living in Adultery, the Question of Maintenance Doesn’t Arise(09.10.2023)
Karnataka High Court has held that when the wife is not honest towards her husband and is involved in extramarital affairs, the question of her claimi.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Adultery, Maintenance
Ker. HC: Muslim Wife Initiating Divorce Can’t Claim Maintenance u/s 125 CrPC from Date of Khula(11.10.2023)
Kerala High Court has held that when the wife effects divorce by Khula for getting her released from husband, the same is akin to refusal of wife to l.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Maintenance, Khula
Del. HC: No Interim Maintenance When Both Spouse Are Earning Eagerly(17.10.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that provision for interim maintenance has been made only to help either spouse to sail through the litigation expens.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Maintenance, Earning
JH HC: Maintenance Obligation Should not Make Husband Feel Like a Punishment(18.10.2023)
Jharkhand High Court has held that although it is moral duty of the husband to pay maintenance to her wife so that she may also reside in the same sta.....
Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Maintenance, Punishment
SC: Circulate 'Rajnesh v. Neha' Judgment to All Judicial Officers(08.11.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that its guideline regarding payment of maintenance in matrimonial cases as laid down in Rajnesh v. Neha (MANU/SC/0833/2.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Matrimonial Cases, Guidelines, Maintenance
Del. HC: Hindu Marriage Act has Gender Neutral Provision for Maintenance(22.11.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that Section 24 & 25 of HMA are gender neutral, has held that a spouse having a reasonable earning capacity but remai.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Gender Neutral, Maintenance
Maintenance provisions under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 are gender neutral(21.11.2023)
Present appeal arises out of an Order passed by the learned Family Court Judge by which appellant was directed to pay the respondent a sum of ₹30,000/.....
Tags : Family, Maintenance, Gender Neutral
Del. HC: Wife Earning is Not an absolute Bar To Receiving Maintenance From Husband(05.12.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that the obligation of the husband to provide maintenance is on a higher pedestal than the wife, has held that the me.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance, Husband
Del. HC: Summon Can’t be Issued for Non-Compliance Of Maintenance Order u/s 31 DV Act(05.12.2023)
Delhi High Court while observing that purpose of Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is to provide monetary sustenance to the victim, and not the incarceratio.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Maintenance Order, Summon
Bom HC: Wife Entitled to Maintenance of Marriage Due to Misrepresentation that Husband is Divorced(18.12.2023)
Bombay High Court while observing that a husband can’t be allowed to deny maintenance claim to a woman by taking advantage of his own wrong, has held .....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance, Misrepresentation
Bom. HC: Woman Entitled to Maintenance Even if Living in Matrimonial House(09.01.2024)
Bombay High Court has held that the mere fact that a woman is residing in the matrimonial home is not a pretext to disentitle her to a reasonable amou.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Maintenance, Matrimonial House
Del HC: Interim Maintenance Can’t be Denied Based on Unproven Allegations of Illicit Relationship(10.01.2024)
Delhi High Court held that a wife cannot be denied the benefit of interim maintenance under the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 merely on the basis of all.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Interim Maintenance, Illicit Relationship, Domestic Violence Act
All. HC: Unmarried Daughter Falling Under the Category of Aggrieved Person Entitled to Maintenance(15.01.2024)
Allahabad High Court has held that unmarried daughter, irrespective of her religion and age is entitled to obtain maintenance under the Protection of .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Unmarried Daughter, Aggrieved Person, Maintenance
Ori HC: Domestic Incident Report not a Pre-Requisite to Grant Interim Maintenance to Aggrieved Woman(17.01.2024)
Orissa High Court has held that it is not mandatory to have Domestic Incident Report' (DIR) from the 'Protection Officer' in order to grant relief of .....
Tags : Orissa High Court, DV Act, Maintenance
Del. HC: Findings of Cruelty Against Wife Cannot be a Base To Deny Maintenance To her Under DV Act(22.01.2024)
Delhi High Court while deciding the revision petition filed by the wife has held that findings of cruelty against a wife in the divorce proceedings by.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Maintenance, Divorce Proceedings
Ch HC: Impotency of Husband Sufficient Reason for Wife to Reside Separately, Entitled to Maintenance(29.01.2024)
Chhattisgarh High Court has observed that the impotency of the husband would be sufficient reason for the wife to reside separately and in such cases .....
Tags : Chhattisgarh High Court, Maintenance, Section 125 of CrPC
All HC:Husband Duty Bound to Maintain Wife Despite Lack of Income as He Can Earn as Unskilled Labour(29.01.2024)
Allahabad High Court has held that a husband is duty-bound to provide maintenance to his wife under Section 125 Code of Criminal Procedure, even if, h.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Section 125 CrPC, Maintenance
MP HC: Promises Not Complied With by Husband in Agreement To Live Separately Entitles Wife to Maint.(01.02.2024)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that when the husband has taken a step back from the promises made in the agreement to live separately, then it can.....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Maintenance, Live Separately
Del HC: Not More Than 3 Months Jail to be Given in Execution Petition for Recovery of Maintenance(05.02.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that a person cannot be sent to jail for more than three months, in case of non-payment of arrears of maintenance to the spo.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Execution Petition, Recovery of Maintenance
Bom. HC: Imprisonment Exceeding Twelve Months Can’t Be Given For Default in Payment of Maintenance(28.02.2024)
Bom. HC has observed that the Magistrate under Section 125 of CrPC can only impose imprisonment upto twelve months on 1 application for default of pay.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Section 125 of CrPC, Payment of Maintenance
Karnataka High Court: Daughter-In-Law Can’t Lay Maintenance Claim Against Parents-In-Law(12.03.2024)
Karnataka High Court has held that under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 a daughter-in-law cannot seek maintenance from her parents-i.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Section 125 of CrPC, Maintenance
MP HC: Maintenance Can’t be Sought by Woman from Second Marriage if First Marriage Subsists(13.03.2024)
Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that a woman, having solemnized second marriage to another person is not entitled to maintenance under Section 125 .....
Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Section 125 of CrPC, Maintenance
All. HC: Mandatorily Pass Order to Disclose Assets and Liabilities in Maintenance Proceedings(15.03.2024)
Allahabad High Court has directed all Presiding Officers dealing with maintenance proceedings in the State to pass orders making it mandatory for the .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Presiding Officers, Maintenance Proceedings, Assets, Liabilities
Mad. HC: No Appeal Shall Lie Against Interim Maintenance Passed Under Section 24 of HM Act(22.03.2024)
Madras High Court has held that an order of interim maintenance passed under Section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (HM Act) is only an interlocut.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Interim Maintenance, Section 24 of HM Act
Allahabad HC: Paying 25 Percent of Monthly Pension as Maintenance to Wife is Not Excessive(08.04.2024)
Allahabad High Court while treating the pension of a husband as his monthly salary, has held that providing twenty-five percent of monthly pension as .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, 25 Percent, Monthly Pension, Maintenance
Karnataka HC: Can’t Direct Husband With 75% Disability to Pay Maintenance to Wife(12.04.2024)
Karnataka High Court while setting aside an order of the execution court has held that a husband with 75% disability cannot be directed to pay mainten.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Execution Court, Maintenance, 75% disability
An application for a request for further particulars is purely interlocutory(19.04.2024)
In present case, the Respondent launched divorce proceedings in the regional court. In addition to defending the matter, the appellant instituted a co.....
Tags : Spousal maintenance, Particular, Furnishing of
All. HC: Either Pay Maintenance or Undergo DNA Test to Prove Claim of Not Being the Father(04.06.2024)
Allahabad High Court while observing that the interest of children should be of paramount consideration, has ordered a man to either pay maintenance o.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, DNA Test, Maintenance
Mad. HC: Marital Status of Woman Cannot be a Determining Factor for Considering Her Child’s Adoption(17.06.2024)
Mad. HC while holding that woman's marital status should not be a determining factor while considering her child's adoption observed that proviso to S.....
Tags : Madras High Court, HAMA, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act
Ker.HC:While Ordering Maintenance, Magistrate Must Specify Whether it is Provided under CrPC or HAMA(17.06.2024)
Kerala High Court held that the Magistrate whilst ordering maintenance to the daughter under Section 20(1)(d) of the Domestic Violence Act should spec.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, DV Act, Domestic Violence Act, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 , HAMA, Cr.PC
Supreme Court: Muslim Women Entitled to Maintenance Under Section 125 CrPC(10.07.2024)
Supreme Court has held that a Muslim woman can seek maintenance from her husband by filing a petition under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Proced.....
Tags : Supreme Court, S. 125 CrPC, Maintenance
HP HC: Adultery Not a Ground to Automatically Disqualify Divorced Wife from Receiving Maintenance(24.07.2024)
Himachal Pradesh High Court has observed that a divorced wife cannot be automatically disqualified from receiving maintenance under Section 125(4) of .....
Tags : HP High Court, Divorced Wife, Maintenance, Adultery
Condition that a wife is not entitled to maintenance if she is living in adultery will apply, when the matrimonial relations subsist and not after the divorce(22.07.2024)
A divorce petition filed by the Petitioner-husband was allowed on the grounds of desertion, cruelty and adultery and a decree of divorce was granted o.....
Tags : Maintenance, Adultery, Divorce
MP HC: Maintenance Obligations Towards Wife Cannot be Escaped by Husband Due to Temporary Disability(31.07.2024)
Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a maintenance order, has held that husband’s temporary disability does not absolve him of his matrimonial ob.....
Tags : MP High Court, Maintenance Order, S. 125 of CrPC
Del. HC: Maintenance to be Given to Major Child Till He Does Not Become Financially Independent(02.08.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that a child who is pursuing his education would be entitled to maintenance under Section 26 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Financially Independent, S. 26 of HMA, Maintenance
MP HC: Merely Because Wife is Educated, She Cannot be Denied Maintenance(03.08.2024)
Madhya Pradesh High Court while hearing a plea regarding maintenance awarded to wife, has held that a mere ground that the wife is educated, cannot be.....
Tags : MP High Court, Maintenance, Educated
Del. HC: Maintenance Under DV Act Not Tethered on Inability of Wife/ Victim to Maintain Herself(12.09.2024)
Delhi High Court has observed that unlike Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 maintenance under the Protection of Women from Domestic .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, S. 125 of CrPC, Maintenance
MP HC: Section 125 CrPC Not Constituted to Create Army of Idle People Waiting For Maintenance(18.10.2024)
MP HC has held that Section 125 of CrPC, 1973 has not been constituted to create an army of idle or inactive people waiting for maintenance to be awar.....
Tags : MP High Court, Section 125, Maintenance
SC: Right to Maintenance Shall Have Overriding Effect on Rights of Claimants under SARFAESI/IBC(12.12.2024)
SC has stated that the right to maintenance being equivalent to a fundamental right will be superior to and have overriding effect on the statutory ri.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Right to Maintenance, Rights of Claimants
SC: Non-Compliance of Decree for Restitution of Conjugal Rights Won’t Determine Wife’s Maintenance(13.01.2025)
SC has observed that a decree for restitution of conjugal rights secured by a husband coupled with non-compliance therewith by the wife would not be d.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Conjugal Rights, Maintenance
SC: Proceedings under Section 125 of CrPC are Civil in Nature(14.01.2025)
SC has observed that maintenance proceedings under Section 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 are essentially civil in nature and even if non-com.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Maintenance Proceedings, Penal Consequences
Kerala High Court: Temporary Job of Wife is No Ground to Deny Maintenance(30.01.2025)
Kerala High Court has held that a wife's temporary job, even if it provides some income, would not disentitle her to claim maintenance from her husban.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Temporary Job, Maintenance
Ori. HC: In Maintenance Proceedings it is Mandatory to File Affidavit Disclosing Assets(14.02.2025)
Orissa High Court while directing fresh disposal of a maintenance case, has stated that it is mandatory to file affidavit disclosing assets while maki.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Maintenance Proceedings, Disclosing Assets