12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : MP High Court


MP High Court: Employee Can File Winding-Up Petition for Dues(05.10.2015)

MP High Court while deciding company petition filed by Singapore resident Jonathen Allen against Zoom Developers Pvt Ltd, alleged to be one of countr.....

Tags : MP High Court,Zoom Developers Pvt Ltd


MP HC: Precautions and Warning Signs at Construction Sites Must be Ensured by Owner(26.07.2024)

MP HC has held that a contractor who does not ensure placing of warning signs and precautions at a construction site ultimately resulting into a fatal.....

Tags : MP High Court, Warning Signs, Construction Site


MP High Court Permits APDMC to Complete DMAT Admission Process(29.09.2015)

MP High Court has given permission to Association of Private Dental and Medical Colleges (APDMC) to complete admission process of DMAT-2015 by October.....

Tags : MP High Court ,APDMC


MP HC: Executive Can’t Proscribe Voluntary Membership of Organisations(26.07.2024)

MP HC has observed that voluntary membership of a national & internationally famed organisation like RSS, for activities like religious, social, phila.....

Tags : MP High Court, Famed Organisation, Executive Instructions


Ensure Women Employees Get Child Care Leave: MP High Court(28.12.2017)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed Chief Secretary of the state government to issue directions to all concerned to ensure that women employees get.....

Tags : MP High Court, Child Care


MP High Court Directs Action Against Policeman who Beat Up Lawyer in Pandarinath(23.09.2015)

MP High Court while taking a petition seeking immediate action against policemen who thrashed a lawyer during violence in Pandarinath area, has direct.....

Tags : MP High Court, Policeman,Pandarinath


MP HC: Revaluation of Answer Sheet Cannot be Permitted in Absence of Express Provision(29.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while dismissing a writ petition seeking revaluation of a student’s answer sheet, has reaffirmed that revaluation cannot be .....

Tags : MP High Court, Answer Sheet, Revaluation


MP HC Asks DGP to Ensure Timely Submission of FSL, DNA Reports in Trial Courts(17.05.2017)

MP High Court has directed State Director General of Police (DGP) to ensure timely submission of reports pertained to FSL, DNA and handwriting examina.....

Tags : MP High Court, FSL, DNA Reports


MP HC: Relocation of Liquor Shop Doesn’t Violate Shop Owner’s Right to Trade(02.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that license to run a liquor shop is not a business but it is a privilege conferred by the State and an order regar.....

Tags : MP High Court, A. 19(1)(g) of COI, Relocation


Alumni Assoc. of MGM Hospital Files Petition Seeking Halt on Transportation of Union Carbide Waste(31.12.2024)

Alumni Association of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital has filed a petition in the Madhya Pradesh High Court seeking halt on transportation of toxic w.....

Tags : MP High Court, Union Carbide Waste, Transportation


MP HC: Using Beer Bottles Embossed With Brand Name of Another Company is Trademark Infringement(15.11.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has observed that a company reusing beer battles embossed with the brand name/logo of another company will constitute tradem.....

Tags : MP High Court, Trademark Infringement, Brand Name


MP HC: Transferring Accused Merely Because ICC Proceedings are Pending is Unjustified(05.09.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while quashing transfer order against accused under POSH Act, has observed that transferring an accused merely on account of.....

Tags : MP High Court, ICC Proceedings, POSH Act


MP HC: Manner of Investigation or Choice of Agency Cannot be Dictated by Accused(01.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that accused has no right to seek investigation in a particular manner or by a specific investigating agency and Co.....

Tags : MP High Court, Investigating Agency, Manner of Investigation


SC: Appeal Against Retrospective Application of Electricity Act, 2003, Allowed(04.11.2024)

Supreme Court has allowed an appeal against the judgment of the MP High Court concerning the retrospective application of Electricity Act, 2003 and ha.....

Tags : Supreme Court, MP High Court, Retrospective Application


MP High Court Stays NGT's Order in Mining Case(02.05.2016)

MP High Court, while staying order of National Green Tribunal (NGT), Central Bench for exceeding authority, has observed that NGT cannot be construed .....

Tags : MP High Court, National Green Tribunal


MP High Court Rejects Plea Seeking Appointment of Women Priest in Mahakal Temple(28.10.2016)

MP High court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation that sought appointment of women as priests in Ujjain's Mahakal Temple.

Tags : MP High court, Women Priest, Ujjain, Mahakal Temple


MP HC: While Hearing Bail Plea of Juvenile, Gravity of Offence Shouldn’t be Considered(20.09.2024)

MP HC has held that the main object of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children), Act, 2015 is to treat the juvenile offender with utmost.....

Tags : MP High Court, Gravity of Offence, Bail Plea


MP HC Allows Daughter to Donate Liver Tissue to Father Suffering from Liver Disease(01.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has allowed a minor daughter to donate liver tissue to her father suffering from chronic liver disease under the Human Organ.....

Tags : MP High Court, Liver Disease, Minor Daughter, Transplantation


MP High Court Notices SHED, College Principal & Others over ABVP National Convention on Campus(05.12.2016)

MP High Court has issued notices to State Higher Education Department (SHED), Indore Mayor, Municipal Commissioner and Principal of Atal Bihari Vajpay.....

Tags : MP High Court, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government College of Arts and Commerce, ABVP, national convention


MP High Court: Minor Denied Permission to Terminate 28-Week Pregnancy(25.07.2024)

MP HC has denied a minor to terminate 28- weeks pregnancy and observed that in view of the medical report given by the Board coupled with the fact tha.....

Tags : MP High Court, Termination of Pregnancy, 28 Weeks Pregnancy


MP HC: If Alternate Remedy Available, Petitions Directing Police to Register FIR Not Maintainable(25.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has restated that writ petitions seeking direction on police officers to register FIRs will not be maintainable if alternate.....

Tags : MP High Court, Alternate Remedy, Police Officers


MP HC: ?20 Lakh Minimum Threshold for Loan Recovery by NBFCs Not Applicable on HFCs(23.05.2024)

MP HC has held that Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) can invoke the SARFAESI Act, 2002 even when the loan amount is less than ?20 Lakhs and the minimu.....

Tags : MP High Court, SARFAESI Act, 2002, Housing Finance Companies, NBFC


MP HC: Maintenance Obligations Towards Wife Cannot be Escaped by Husband Due to Temporary Disability(31.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while upholding a maintenance order, has held that husband’s temporary disability does not absolve him of his matrimonial ob.....

Tags : MP High Court, Maintenance Order, S. 125 of CrPC


MP HC: Section 125 CrPC Not Constituted to Create Army of Idle People Waiting For Maintenance(18.10.2024)

MP HC has held that Section 125 of CrPC, 1973 has not been constituted to create an army of idle or inactive people waiting for maintenance to be awar.....

Tags : MP High Court, Section 125, Maintenance


Madhya Pradesh HC Turns Down Quota in Job Promotions(02.05.2016)

MP High Court, while giving an order that affects over 30,000 employees and officers with possible implications in other states, has turned down reser.....

Tags : MP High Court, Quota in Job Promotions


MP HC: Mere Occasional Harassment or Misbehavior Does Not Amount to Abetment to Suicide(22.08.2024)

MP HC while setting aside charges framed against accused for abetment to suicide, has held that overt act of accused person must be of such a nature w.....

Tags : MP High Court, Occasional Harassment, Abetment to Suicide


MP HC: For Order Rejecting Correction of Records, Sub-Divisional Officer Must Give Reasons(17.10.2024)

MP High Court has held that for rejecting application for correction of revenue records, Sub-Divisional Officer must give reasons in support of the fi.....

Tags : MP High Court, Sub-Divisional Officer, Correction of Records


MP HC: Protesting Doctors Directed to Come Back to Work(20.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while addressing a notice regarding strike by doctors, medical students, and associated medical organizations in response to.....

Tags : MP High Court, Medical Students, Medical Organizations


MP HC: Separate Show-Cause Notice Liable to be Issued for Blacklisting or Suspension of Registration(17.10.2024)

MP HC while quashing suspension of registration of a contractor with State PWD has observed that blacklisting or suspension can be done simultaneously.....

Tags : MP High Court, Show-Cause Notice, Suspension of Registration


Madhya Pradesh HC Rejects Plea Challenging Bar On Women Performing Abhishek Of Jain Tirthankar Idol(04.11.2019)

MP High Court has rejected the plea challenging the ban on women devotees who are Digambar Jain to perform Abhishek in respect of idol of the God Bawa.....

Tags : MP High Court, God Bawangajaji


MP HC: Can’t Sustain Proc. Against Accomplice for Fraud When Proc. Against Principal Borrower Closed(04.06.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has observed that accomplices involved in the offence of fraud cannot be prosecuted once proceedings initiated against the p.....

Tags : MP High Court, Principal Borrower, Accomplice


MP HC: Govt. to Convene Meetings for Classification of Min. Wages According to Region & Industry(05.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the State Government to convene meetings with all stakeholders to consider classification of minimum wages regi.....

Tags : MP High Court, Minimum Wages, Classification


MP HC: No Prohibition on Issuance of Passport without Father’s Consent(17.01.2025)

MP High Court has held that there is no prohibition in the Passport Rules that without any consent of the father, passport cannot be issued to minor c.....

Tags : MP High Court, Passport Rules, Minor Child


SC: Not Laid Down that Case for Bail Can be Considered Only after Convict Undergoes Half Sentence(28.11.2024)

Supreme Court while hearing a petition that challenged Madhya Pradesh High Court ‘s refusal to suspend sentence, has observed that this Court has not .....

Tags : Supreme Court, MP High Court, Half Sentence


MP HC: While Calculating Maintena. Amount, Loan Taken by Spouse Post Separation Can’t be Considered(12.09.2024)

MP HC has held that while calculating the amount of monthly payment of maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, loan tak.....

Tags : MP High Court, S. 125 CrPC, Loan


MP High Court Issue Notices to Pvt Medical College, State Govt. and MCI For Giving Illegal Admissions(26.08.2015)

MP High Court has issued notices to State Director of Medical Education and Medical Council of India (MCI) while hearing petition demanding inquiry ag.....

Tags : MP High Court,Pvt Medical College, State Govt. and MCI


MP HC: Licencing Authority May Cancel Arm’s License if there is Threat to Safety and Peace(29.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has clarified that if there is satisfaction on the part of licensing authority that a person is involved in a criminal activ.....

Tags : MP High Court, Arm’s License, Licensing Authority


MP HC: Can’t Send Police Constables to Band Practice Without Written Consent(09.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while allowing plea by police constables against enlisting them in the police band's without their consent, has held that th.....

Tags : MP High Court, Police Constables, Written Consent


MP HC: Can’t Subject Transfer Order to Judicial Review Unless Found to be Influenced by Malafide(08.10.2024)

MP HC has observed that it is well settled in law that an employer is the best judge to organize its work force and it is also well settled in law tha.....

Tags : MP High Court, Judicial Review, Transfer Order


MP High Court Stops Transfer of Vyapam Whistleblower Anand Rai and His Wife(18.09.2015)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has cancelled transfer of Vyapam scam whistleblower Anand Rai and his wife. The court also ordered Madhya Pradesh Governmen.....

Tags : MP High Court,Vyapam


MP HC: Accused Cannot be Prosecuted by Married Woman for Rape on False Promise of Marriage(01.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while quashing a rape FIR, has observed that on the date of developing physical relationship, the prosecutrix was a married .....

Tags : MP High Court, Married Woman, False Marriage Promise, Misconception of Fact


MP HC: Compassionate Appointment Can be Provided by Pvt. Institutions but without State’s Aid(01.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that private institutions can provide compassionate appointment to individuals but it must be done without the expe.....

Tags : MP High Court, Private Institutions, Compassionate Appointment


MP HC: Ordinance Extending Period for Bringing No-Confidence Motion Shall Apply Retrospectively(07.11.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has reiterated that Madhya Pradesh Municipalities (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2024 that extends the period for bringing a .....

Tags : MP High Court, No-Confidence Motion, Ordinance


MP HC Directs Police to Take Action against Companies Wholesaling Banned Contraband Drugs Online(23.01.2025)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed the police and Narcotic Bureau as well as Drug Controller to take immediate action against the owner/stake hold.....

Tags : MP High Court, Narcotic Bureau, Contraband Drugs


MP HC: Preference in Appointments on Basis of Caste Can be Granted Only if Other Things are Equal(23.08.2024)

MP HC has held that preference in appointment can be granted only if other things are equal. Once minimum educational qualification was Class-X pass, .....

Tags : MP High Court, Educational Qualification, ST Category


MP High Court Allows APDMC to Conduct DMAT Online(27.08.2015)

MP High Court has allowed Association of Private Dental and Medical Colleges (APDMC) to hold DMAT (Dental and Medical Admission Test), 2015 online wit.....

Tags : MP High Court,APDMC


MP HC: Police Investigations Cannot be Supervised by Courts(29.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that Courts cannot supervise the investigation and giving a direction to arrest the accused and file the charge she.....

Tags : MP High Court, Police Investigations, Charge Sheet


MP High Court Notices State’s Chief Minister & His Wife over Defamation Case(21.10.2016)

MP High Court has served notices to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his wife Sadhna Singh on a petition filed by Congress Leader Ajay Singh d.....

Tags : MP High Court, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Defamation Case


MP HC: Police Officers Have to Follow Direction of Joining Music Band Practice(02.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while hearing a matter where police constables were suspended for refusing to join Police Department's music band, has asked.....

Tags : MP High Court, Music Band Practice, Police Officers


MP High Court Upholds Death Penalty of 3 Bus Staffers in Sendhwa Bus-Burning Case(29.10.2015)

MP High Court has upheld death penalties of three staffers of a private bus involved in Sendhwa bus-burning incident in August 2011, in which 15 passe.....

Tags : MP High Court, Sendhwa Bus-Burning Case


MP HC: Fair Play is Expected in Every Matter, Whether it is Judicial or Administrative(13.11.2024)

MP HC has observed any proceeding that is being initiated for no reason and for no fault of employee, the same cannot be misutilized, merely because t.....

Tags : MP High Court, Judicial, Fair Play


MP HC: Court Has Power to Decide if Children Should be Rescued or Kept in Childcare Institution(07.02.2025)

MP HC while hearing petition filed by several parents for production of children that are in custody of Child Welfare Committee, has stated that High .....

Tags : MP High Court, Childcare Institution, Child Welfare Committee


MP HC: Minor Differences in Nomination Form Can’t be Called Substantial Defect(26.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has held that mere minor differences in the nomination form or non-disclosure of some information regarding dues cannot be s.....

Tags : MP High Court, Nomination, Substantial Defect


MP HC: Accused Can’t be Compelled to Languish in Jail in Absence of Progression of Trial(26.07.2024)

MP High Court while allowing bail application of an accused, has held that if there is delay in progression of trial, then no one can be allowed to la.....

Tags : MP High Court, Progression of Trial, Bail Application


MP High Court Issues Notice to Govt., Commissioner over Sharmila’s Petition on Land Encroachment(07.12.2015)

MP High Court has issued notices on State Government and Commissioner, Bhopal Municipal Corporation on a petition filed by actress Sharmila Tagore for.....

Tags : MP High Court, Sharmila Tagore


MP HC: Admission of Unauthorised Recordings of Wife's Conversations Declined(06.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while addressing the issue of admissibility of electronic evidence, has observed that unauthorized recordings of wife’s conv.....

Tags : MP High Court, Electronic Evidence, Privacy Rights


MP HC: Discretion of Appointing Authority to Appoint a Person Involved in Offence of Moral Turpitude(08.10.2024)

MP HC has stated that it is the entire discretion of the appointing authority to appoint or not to appoint a person who is involved in an offence invo.....

Tags : MP High Court, Appointing Authority, Moral Turpitude


MP HC: Registration of Label Cannot be Denied on Mere Ground of Objection by Third Party(14.08.2024)

MP HC has held that, for registration of a label Excise Commissioner may make an enquiry and if he is satisfied that pre-requisites for registration h.....

Tags : MP High Court, Excise Commissioner, Third Party, Registration of Label


MP HC: Can’t Presume Authorities Would Act Mala Fidely if State/Municipal Council are Party to Suit(16.10.2024)

MP High Court while addressing issue of denial of demarcation of land because State and Municipal Council were parties to the dispute, has observed th.....

Tags : MP High Court, Municipal Council, Revenue Authorities


MP HC: Minor Rape Victim Allowed to Terminate Pregnancy of 28 Weeks(29.07.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has allowed a minor rape victim to terminate 28 weeks pregnancy and observed that conscious decision has been taken by the g.....

Tags : MP High Court, 28 Weeks Pregnancy, Termination


MP High Court: Children Prolonging Proceedings at Cost of Father, Cannot be Allowed(18.09.2024)

MP HC while dismissing a plea filed by children of a senior citizen father concerning the ancestral property, has observed that the children have only.....

Tags : MP High Court, Ancestral Property, Senior Citizen


MP HC Directs State to Finish Construction Of Karopani Tank Meant For Black Bucks Conservation(18.05.2017)

MP High Court has directed State Government to grant sanction for completion of Karopani water tank within two months and thereafter work shall be com.....

Tags : MP High Court, Karopani Tank, Black Bucks


MP HC: Merely Because Wife is Educated, She Cannot be Denied Maintenance(03.08.2024)

Madhya Pradesh High Court while hearing a plea regarding maintenance awarded to wife, has held that a mere ground that the wife is educated, cannot be.....

Tags : MP High Court, Maintenance, Educated


MP HC: Punishment of Termination of Employee for Single Clerical Mistake ‘Excessive’(13.01.2025)

MP High Court has observed that for singular negligence in entire service career of the employee the harsh punishment of termination from service is e.....

Tags : MP High Court, Termination of Employee, Clerical Mistake


MP HC: Can Set Aside Award u/s 34 of A&C Act if Arbitrator Travels Beyond Arbitration Agreement(18.11.2024)

MP High Court has held that while passing an award if the arbitrator travels beyond the terms of arbitration agreement then the award can be set aside.....

Tags : MP High Court, Arbitration Agreement, Section 34


MP HC: MP Municipalities (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2024 has Retroactive Operation(10.09.2024)

MP HC has held that MP Municipalities (2nd Amendment) Ordinance, 2024 has retroactive operation & would apply to cases, where although no confidence m.....

Tags : MP High Court, Retroactive Operation, No Confidence Motion
