12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Loans


RBI Relaxes Norms on Loans to CEOs, Directors of Banks(17.09.2015)

RBI has said that loans granted to CEO and Whole Time Director of banks for purchasing car, personal computer, furniture, constructing/acquiring house.....

Tags : RBI, Loans to CEOs, Directors of Banks


Pune ITAT: Higher Education Abroad Is No Bar for Claiming Interest on Edu Loans for Tax Deduction(02.12.2015)

Pune Income-tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that deduction for interest paid on educational loans taken for higher studies will be allowed from.....

Tags : Pune Income-tax Appellate Tribunal , Edu Loans for Tax Deduction


RBI: Fixed Rate Loans up to 3 Years to be Based on Marginal Cost(30.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to price fixed rate loans of up to three years based on their marginal cost of fund from April 1.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Fixed Rate Loans


SC Irks over Bad Loans, Wondering Why Banks Act Negligent on Such Big Defaulters(12.04.2016)

SC has irked at huge outstanding bad loans in banking system and castigated banks for failing to go after big defaulters and blamed them for only goin.....

Tags : SC , Bad Loans


Notifications & Circulars

Interest Free Loans to IIT Students(04.08.2016)

Interest subvention on the education loans to be provided, for all students admitted for undergraduate and the 5-year integrated degree programmes in .....

Tags : Loans, Interest Free, IIT students


CIC: Records of Loans to Adani Groups Cannot be Disclosed under RTI(28.11.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that records related to loans given to industries promoted by Gautam Adani cannot be disclosed as these .....

Tags : Central Information Commission, Gautam Adani , State Bank of India , Loans


Bank loans for the educated unemployed(29.11.2016)

Applicants including educated unemployed persons whose proposals are found bankable in accordance with the norms laid down by the concerned bank obtai.....

Tags : Loans, Facilities, Unemployed youth


Interest Subvention Scheme for Short Term Crop Loans during the year 2016-17(26.12.2016)

As you are aware the Government of India (GoI) has been implementing the Interest Subvention Scheme (the Scheme) since 2006-07. In terms of the extant.....

Tags : Crop loans, Short term, Scheme


Supreme Court Asks Centre to Buckle Up Mechanism to Recover Bad Loans(03.01.2017)

Supreme Court has sought more clarity from Centre on the issue of tackling bad loans.

Tags : Supreme Court , Bad Loans , Debt Recovery


Supreme Court Seeks List of Loan Defaulters from Central Govt.(04.01.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Centre to give list of "corporate entities" against whom outstanding loans were in excess of Rs 500 crore, besides seeking emp.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Debt Recovery Tribunals, Bad Loans


SC Stays Madras HC Order Directing TN Govt to Waive All Crop Loans(03.07.2017)

Supreme Court has stayed a Madras High Court order directing Tamil Nadu government to extend its scheme to waive crop loans to all farmers, including .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Crop Loans


Supreme Court Gives RBI One Week to Reply on Bad Loans Report(18.07.2017)

Supreme Court has granted one week’s time to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to respond to a report of a committee appointed to deal with bad loans with b.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bad Loans Report


Policy on interest rate on loans for agricultural purposes(01.08.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has deregulated the interest rate on advances sanctioned by Scheduled Commercial Banks and these interest rates are determ.....

Tags : Policy, Interest rate, Loans, Agricultural purposes


Allahabad High Court Tosses Power Sector Bad Loans to Centre, RBI(28.08.2018)

Allahabad High Court has refused to give interim relief to stressed power companies by staying the February 12 circular of RBI that mandated big-ticke.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Loans


RBI releases the Report of the Task Force on the Development of Secondary Market for Corporate Loans for comments(03.09.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India had constituted a Task Force on Development of Secondary Market for Corporate Loans under the Chairmanship of Shri T. N. Man.....

Tags : Report, Release, Corporate Loans


Short Term Crop Loans eligible for Interest Subvention Scheme and Prompt Repayment Incentive through KCC(26.02.2020)

1. Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare vide their Office Memorandum, No. F. 1-20/2018-Credit-I, dated January 23, 2020 has advised that Short Te.....

Tags : Loans, Extension, KCC


RBI Permits Lending Institutions to Allow 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans(27.03.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has announced that all commercial banks and non-banking financial companies are permitted to allow 3-month moratorium on the pay.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans


Delhi HC: RBI Advisory on Moratorium Applicable Even to Loans on Default as on 1st March(09.04.2020)

Delhi High Court has held that the advisory issued by Reserve Bank of India on moratorium on loans in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic is applicable even.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Loans on Default


Supreme Court Issues Notice to Centre and RBI on Interest on Loans During Moratorium(26.05.2020)

Supreme Court has issued notice to the Centre and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in a plea regarding the levy of interest on loan amounts during the stip.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Interest on Loans During Moratorium


Cabinet approves extension of repayment date for short term loans for agriculture and allied activities by banks(01.06.2020)

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval to extend repayment date upto 31.08.2020 for Standard Short.....

Tags : Repayment date, Extension, Short term loans, Agriculture


Loans Sourced by Banks and NBFCs over Digital Lending Platforms: Adherence to Fair Practices Code and Outsourcing Guidelines(24.06.2020)

1. It has been observed that many digital platforms have emerged in the financial sector claiming to offer hassle free loans to retail individuals, sm.....

Tags : Loans, Fair Practices Code, Outsourcing Guidelines


Karnataka HC Asks State to Decide on Bar Association's Plea for Loans(05.08.2020)

Karnataka High Court has directed the State Government to consider and take a decision on a representation made by the Belgavi Bar Association, seekin.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Bar Association's Plea for Loans


Loans against Gold Ornaments and Jewellery for Non-Agricultural End-uses(06.08.2020)

1. This is with reference to the circulars DBOD.No.BP.BC.27/21.04.048/2014-15 July 22, 2014 and DBR.RRB.BC.No.53/31.01.001/2016-17 dated February 16, .....

Tags : Loans, Gold Ornaments, Non-Agricultural End-uses


Bombay HC Directs Co-operative Banks to Disburse Loans to Farmers(20.10.2020)

Bombay High Court has directed the Aurangabad District Central Co-operative Bank to disburse fresh crop loans for the ongoing season without insisting.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Disbursement of Loans to Farmers


Supreme Court Disposes Of PIL Seeking Action Against China-Backed Fake Loans(04.02.2021)

Supreme Court has disposed of a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition seeking action against China-backed fake loan apps by asking the petitioner .....

Tags : Supreme Court, China-Backed Fake Loans


SC: Lender Who Advanced Interest Free Loans to Finance Business Operations is Financial Creditor(30.07.2021)

Supreme Court has observed that a lender who advanced interest free loans to finance the business operations of a corporate body is a Financial Credit.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Lender Who Advanced Interest Free Loans


Top Story

Reserve Bank of India issues (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022(14.03.2022)

Reserve Bank of India issues (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022. The provisions of the directions shall apply to All Comme.....

Tags : Microfinance loans, Framework, Directions


ITAT: Non-capitalisation Interest of Loans on P&M and CWP Cannot Be Capitalised and Disallowed(23.05.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Amritsar Bench has held that non-capitalisation interest of loan on Plant & Machinery (P&M) and Capital Work in .....

Tags : ITAT, Interest of Loans, Capital Work in Progress


ITAT: Interest-bearing Unsecured Loans Are Allowable As Income Tax Deduction U/S 57(iii)(31.05.2022)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Raipur observed that interest-bearing unsecured loans are allowable as deduction under Section 57(iii) of Income Tax Ac.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, unsecured loans, deduction


RBI issues guidelines for Fair Lending Practice(18.08.2023)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued various guidelines to the Regulated Entities (REs) to ensure reasonableness and transparency in disclosure of p.....

Tags : Guidelines, Loans, Practices


Directions under Section 35A read with section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 -The Shirpur Merchants' Co-operative Bank Ltd., Shirpur(08.04.2024)

1. It is hereby notified for information of the public that in exercise of powers vested in it under sub section (1) of Section 35A of the Banking Reg.....

Tags : Directions, Loans, Prior approval


Notification regarding Key Facts Statement (KFS) for Loans & Advances(15.04.2024)

1. Please refer to instructions on Key Facts Statement (KFS) and disclosure of Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as contained in paragraph 2 of 'Circular o.....

Tags : KFS, Loans, APR


SC: Instance of Lenders Entertaining Shylockian Attitudes Needs to be Regulated(26.07.2024)

SC has observed it is pained by instances where ordinary laymen take loans & are at last driven to streets or driven to commit suicide, on account of .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Shylockian Attitudes, Borrow Loans


#Budget 2025 – For MSMEs and Startups(01.02.2025)

#For MSME, credit cover will increase from Rs 5 crore to Rs 10 crore. For startups it will increase to Rs 10 crore and for well-run exporter MSME, ter.....

Tags : MSME, Credit Cover, Term Loans


#Budget 2025 – For MSMEs and Startups(01.02.2025)

#Rs 2-crore term loan scheme will be introduced for first-time women, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs to promote inclusive growth. .....

Tags : MSME, Credit Cover, Term Loans
