Search Results for Tag : Live-streaming
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Supreme Court allows Live streaming of Court proceedings(26.09.2018)
In a landmark verdict, Supreme Court declared case proceedings of “constitutional importance having an impact on the public at large would be live str.....
Tags : Proceedings, Live-streaming, Public interest
Notifications & Circulars
E-Committee of Supreme Court releases draft model rules for live-streaming and recording of court proceedings(07.06.2021)
The e-Committee, Supreme Court of India has released the Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceedings and has invited input.....
Tags : Model rules, Live-streaming, Court proceedings
SC: Live-Streaming of Proceedings Through YouTube is a Temporary Arrangement(03.01.2023)
Supreme Court has stated that the live streaming of court proceedings through third-party applications like YouTube is a temporary arrangement until a.....
Tags : Supreme Court, YouTube, Live-Streaming
SC to Judges: Be Cautious While Making Adverse Remarks During Live Streaming(22.03.2023)
Supreme Court while observing that remarks made during live-streaming have far reaching consequences has cautioned judges against passing adverse rema.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Adverse Remarks, Live-Streaming, Judges
SC Releases Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceeding(08.06.2021)
Supreme Court has released its Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceeding, and has invited for suggestions and inputs from.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Draft Model Rules for Live-Streaming and Recording of Court Proceeding
Supreme Court Proposes Live Streaming of Regular Hearings in All Benches(21.10.2024)
Supreme Court has proposed the initiation of process of live-streaming of regular hearings on all benches. A test format of the proceedings was stream.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Live-Streaming, Regular Hearings