12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Lease rent


Bombay High Court: State Government’s Decision to Hike Lease Rentals Not Arbitrary(12.07.2024)

Bom. HC has held that decision of State Govt. to calculate lease rent basing it on value of land given in ‘Ready Reckoner’ is not arbitrary and observ.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Lease Rentals, Ready Reckoner


Notifications & Circulars

Lease rent from letting out buildings/developed space along with other amenities in an Industrial Park/SEZ- to be treated as business income(25.04.2017)

The issue whether income arising from letting out of premises /developed space along with other amenities in an Industrial Park/SEZ is to be charged u.....

Tags : Lease rent, Industrial Park, Business income


Deduction of tax under Section 194-I of Income-tax Act on payment in the nature of lease rent or supplemental lease rent made to a person being a Unit of IFSC – Reg.(01.08.2023)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1F) of section 197A read with clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 80LA, of the Income-tax Act.....

Tags : Deduction, Tax, Lease rent


Top Story

Government relaxes mandatory charging of lease rent for wind power projects(22.08.2019)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change has decided to relax the mandatory charging of lease rent of Rs. 30,000 per MW for wind power p.....

Tags : Lease rent, Charges, Removal
