Search Results for Tag : Knowledge
Knowledge of a specific person against whom a suit can be instituted is required under “first learns”(28.08.2015)
The Supreme Court held that Standard Chartered Bank's claim borne from a purchase of bonds worth nearly Rs. 50 crores for which it only received a pho.....
Tags : Bond, limitation, first learns, knowledge
Gujarat government ordered to sensitize people on Right to Free Education(18.01.2016)
Gujarat High Court directed the State Government to give wide publication of the rights provided under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Ed.....
Tags : Right to education, grievance redressal, public knowledge
Notifications & Circulars
Special knowledge or practical experience useful to banking companies(24.11.2016)
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10A(2)(a)(ix) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Section 19A(1)(a)(viii) of State Bank of India Act, .....
Tags : Special knowledge, Utility, Companies
Measures Taken by Government to Protect Ancient and Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Medicinal Systems(18.07.2017)
Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) is a pioneering Indian initiative to prevent exploitation and to protect Indian traditional knowledge fro.....
Tags : Ancient Knowledge, Measures, Protection
A transfer would not be annulled, if the same is made in the ordinary course of business or in good faith and for valuable consideration(25.10.2017)
Present appeal is against the notice of the Official Liquidator and against the report of the One Man Committee constituted by this Court. It is only .....
Tags : Prohibitory orders, Knowledge, Report, Validity
International Cases
Sentencing is a discretionary exercise; an Appellate Court can intervene, only if, Appellant demonstrates either an express or implied material error(02.05.2018)
The Appellant was convicted after trial of being in possession of a prohibited drug, namely methylamphetamine, with intent to sell or supply it to ano.....
Tags : Offence, Knowledge, Sentence, Quantum
Gujarat HC: Intention or Knowledge Essential to Attract Section 307 IPC(21.03.2022)
Gujarat High Court has held what is material to attract offense under section 307 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 is the intention or knowledge with wh.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Intention or Knowledge
Cal. HC: Rash Driving With Knowledge That it May Lead to Fatal Accident Can be Tried U/S 304(II) IPC(16.12.2022)
Calcutta High Court while refusing to quash proceedings under Section 304 Part II of IPC in motor accident case has observed that reckless driving wit.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Rash Driving, Accident, Knowledge
Mad HC to PP: Instruct Police Personnel to Come Prepared With Particulars of Case(07.06.2023)
Madras High Court while expressing its displeasure over police officer deputed to assist prosecutor fumbling in Court, has directed Public Prosecutors.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Public Prosecutors, Police, Knowledge
All. HC: Any Individual Who Has the Knowledge of the Commission of Offence Can File an FIR(12.01.2024)
Allahabad High Court while observing that authority to lodge FIR ensures that criminal justice system remains accessible to those with information abo.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Knowledge, Authorised, F.I.R
SC: Evidence by Power of Attorney Holders Can Only be Given of Facts Within Their Personal Knowledge(15.04.2024)
Supreme Court has observed that deposition can only be given by a power of attorney holder of the facts that are within his personal knowledge and not.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Power of Attorney, Personal Knowledge
Ker. HC: Facts Indicating Special Knowledge Must be Estd. by Prosecution to Shift Burden of Proof(29.05.2024)
Kerala High Court has observed that facts indicating special knowledge must be established by the prosecution to shift the burden of proof on the accu.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, S. 106 of IEA, Special Knowledge
Ker. HC: Facts Indicating Special Knowledge Must be Estd. by Prosecution to Shift Burden of Proof(29.05.2024)
Kerala High Court has observed that facts indicating special knowledge must be established by the prosecution to shift the burden of proof on the accu.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, S. 106 of IEA, Special Knowledge
SC: Attorney Holder Cannot Testify About Matters Requiring Personal Knowledge of the Principal(14.11.2024)
SC has observed that while an attorney holder can testify regarding acts they have personally carried out on behalf of the principal, they can’t testi.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Personal Knowledge, Attorney Holder