Paper on infrastructure sharin.....Tags : television, broadcast, infrastructure sharing
Infrastructure Projects: RBI Relaxes Refinancing Norms for NBFCs(03.06.2016)
RBI in order to encourage infrastructure financing has eased norms for NBFCs to refinance such projects and provide longer repayment tenures.
Tags : RBI, Infrastructure, NBFCs
Trai Issues a Consultation Paper on Infrastructure Sharing in Broadcasting TV Distribution Sector(21.09.2016)
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released a consultation paper on infrastructure sharing in broadcasting TV distribution sector. T.....
Tags : Infrastructure Sharing, Consultation paper, Issuance
Court Directs Realty Firm MD to Surrender(20.10.2016)
A Delhi court while dismissing anticipatory bail of Punit Beriwala, MD of Vipul Infrastructure Developers, has ordered him to surrender in the crimina.....
Tags : Delhi court, Vipul Infrastructure Developers, anticipatory bail
Bombay HC Slams State Government over Poor Infrastructure for Judiciary(03.11.2016)
Bombay High Court has observed that Maharashtra Government should realize that if it cannot support its own judiciary by giving infrastructure and sta.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, infrastructure, pending matters, disposal
RBI Eases Stressed Asset Resolution Norms(11.11.2016)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased rules for various stressed asset resolution schemes and expanded scope of a loan recast plan previously limited .....
Tags : Reserve Bank of India , infrastructure sector, Stressed Asset Resolution
SC Seeks Centre’s Reply over Fund Allocation for Judicial Infrastructure(30.11.2016)
Supreme Court has sought details after the Centre said that 14th Finance Commission had approved allocation of Rs 9,749 crore last year to be released.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Fund Allocation, Judicial Infrastructure
Delhi HC: ‘Will Children of Bureaucrats Study in Govt Schools? ’(25.01.2017)
Delhi HC has asked, ‘Will children of bureaucrats study in Government schools’, as it directed City Administration to improve infrastructure in its ow.....
Tags : Delhi HC, Government schools, infrastructure
TRAI releases recommendations on "Sharing of Infrastructure in Television Broadcasting Distribution Sector"(29.03.2017)
1. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has today released its Recommendations on "Sharing of Infrastructure in Television Broadcasting Di.....
Tags : Infrastructure, Sharing, recommendations
Bombay HC Passes Landmark Directions on Judicial Infrastructure(08.05.2017)
Bombay HC has passed directions concerning issues of infrastructure of Civil & Criminal Courts, along with Co-operative Courts, Motor Accidents Claims.....
Tags : Bombay HC, Judicial Infrastructure
Bombay High Court: State Duty Obliged to Provide Adequate Judicial Infrastructure(09.05.2017)
Bombay High Court has said that State Government is obligated to provide citizens adequate number of courts and infrastructure for them, and that it c.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Judicial Infrastructure
Elaborate infrastructure and facilities set up to ensure proper implementation of POCSO Act, 2012(20.07.2017)
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is mandated under Section 44 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO).....
Tags : Implementation, POCSO Act, Infrastructure
Supreme Court Issues Directions to Revamp Judicial Infrastructure(03.08.2018)
Supreme Court has issued a slew of directions to revamp judicial infrastructure and the quality of justice administration in courts across the country.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Infrastructure
Delhi High Court Stays NAA Order on Pyramid Infrastructure(21.11.2018)
Delhi High Court has given interim relief to real estate developer Pyramid Infrastructure, which had been fined for profiteering under GST.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Pyramid Infrastructure
Delhi HC Gives Relief to DMRC Over Payment to Reliance Infra Regarding Airport Express Line(16.01.2019)
Delhi High Court has set aside an arbitration award of over Rs 3,000 crore, payable to a Reliance Infrastructure subsidiary involved in Airport Expres.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, DMRC, Reliance Infrastructure
CIVIL - SC Pulls Up Governments for ‘Pathetic’ State of Court Infrastructure(20.02.2019)
Supreme Court has blamed decades-old apathy of Centre and state governments for “unimaginably pathetic” condition of court buildings and lack of adequ.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Pathetic State of Court Infrastructure
CIVIL - SC Asks Centre to Disburse Funds for Infrastructure in Subordinate Judiciary(01.03.2019)
Supreme Court has directed Centre to disburse funds allocated for various state governments to develop infrastructure in subordinate judiciary within .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Infrastructure
Bombay High Court Allows Auction of Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited Assets(15.01.2020)
Bombay High Court has allowed a Public Interest Litigation seeking auction of all Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited assets, either mortga.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Housing Development and Infrastructure Limited
Bombay High Court Pulls Up Ministry for Failure to Provide Infra For Debt Recovery Tribunals(14.02.2020)
Bombay High Court has come down heavily upon the central Government for failing to provide adequate infrastructure and manpower to the Debt Recovery T.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Infrastructure for Debt Recovery Tribunals
Delhi High Court Lifts Stay on Nauroji Nagar Infrastructure Project(26.02.2020)
Delhi High Court has lifted the restraint on National Buildings Construction Corporation for construction on the Nauroji Nagar redevelopment project.
Tags : Delhi High Court, Nauroji Nagar Infrastructure Project
Bombay High Court Gives Relief to MEP Infrastructure Developers on Pledged Shares(08.04.2020)
Bombay High Court has given interim relief to MEP Infrastructure Developers’ director, Anuya Jayant Mhaiskar and toll collection company, Ideal Toll &.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, MEP Infrastructure Developers
NCLAT Upholds Insolvency Proceedings Against Housing Development & Infrastructure Ltd.(21.07.2020)
National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has upheld the order against the real estate giant, Housing Development & Infrastructure Limited (HDIL.....
Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Housing Development & Infrastructure Limited
Allahabad HC Asks for Filing of Affidavit for Provising Necessary Infrastructure to Revenue Courts(24.11.2020)
Allahabad High Court has asked the State Chief Secretary to file an affidavit indicating the steps taken by the Uttar Pradesh Government to provide ne.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Infrastructure to Revenue Courts
Credit Rating-Applicable for Infrastructure Investments(05.01.2021)
In exercise of powers under Regulation 14(2) of the IRDAI (Investments) Regulations, 2016 the Authority directs Insurers to classify Infrastructure in.....
Tags : Credit Rating, Applicability, Infrastructure Investments
#Union Budget 2021-2022: Union Govt Proposes Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess(01.02.2021)
Union Government has proposed Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) on petrol and diesel at the rate of Rs.2.5/litre on petrol and Rs.....
Tags : Union Government, Union Budget, Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess
Patna High Court Asks Govt. to Provide Funds for Educational Institutions' Infrastructure(26.03.2021)
Patna High Court has observed that there is a lack of infrastructure, toilets, etc in girls' educational institutions in Patna, perusing the inspectio.....
Tags : Patna High Court, Funds for Educational Institutions' Infrastructure
Parliament passes ‘National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bill, 2021’(23.03.2021)
Parliament passes “National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bill, 2021” (NBFID Bill) to establish a National Bank for Financing Infr.....
Tags : National bank, Financial Infrastructure, Bill
Delhi HC Inquires on Boosting of Medical Infrastructure During Covid Surge(26.04.2021)
Delhi High Court has inquired from the Delhi Government as to how it is planning to boost medical infrastructure in order to meet the potential requir.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Boosting of Medical Infrastructure
Clarification on spending of CSR funds for 'creating health infrastructure for COVID care', 'establishment of medical oxygen generation and storage plants'(05.05.2021)
In continuation to this Ministry's General Circular No. 10/2020 dated 23.03.2020, wherein it was clarified that spending of CSR funds for COVID-19 is .....
Tags : Clarification, CSR funds, health infrastructure
Karnataka HC Directs State to Submit Plan for Infrastructure Development in Government Schools(02.07.2021)
Karnataka High Court has directed the state government to submit a plan of action for spending the Rs 100 crore allocated towards infrastructure devel.....
Tags : Karnataka High Court, Infrastructure Development in Government Schools
Cabinet Notifies Continuation of CSS for Development of Infrastructure Facilities(15.07.2021)
Union Cabinet has approved the continuation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Judiciary for ano.....
Tags : Union Cabinet, Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Judiciary
Measures taken to facilitate digital banking(27.07.2021)
The Government has taken a number of steps to facilitate digital banking, doorstep banking services and digital lending platforms. This was stated by .....
Tags : Measures, Digital banking, Digital infrastructure
Allahabad HC Directs UP Govt. to Comply With Its Directions on Judicial Infrastructure(16.08.2021)
Allahabad High Court has expressed its dissatisfaction with the actions taken by the State Government in compliance of the directions issued by it in .....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Judicial Infrastructure
Kerala High Court Directs Excise Commissioner To Ensure Proper Infrastructure At Liquor Stores(16.09.2021)
Kerala High Court has directed the Excise Commissioner to not default in complying with the instructions passed by the Court regarding appropriate inf.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Proper Infrastructure At Liquor Stores
National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2021(01.12.2021)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 46 of the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Act, 2021 (17 o.....
Tags : National Bank, Financing Infrastructure, Order, 2021
Details of infrastructure available for testing of samples related to hazardous goods by Revenue Laboratories(23.12.2021)
1. Reference is invited to Instruction No. 17/2020-Customs dated 10.08.2020 wherein CBIC had started a Special Drive on 11.08.2020 to dispose off uncl.....
Tags : Details, Infrastructure, Revenue Laboratories
Patna HC Seeks Details on Health Infrastructure in Bihar from Chief Medical Officers(17.12.2021)
Patna High Court has asked the Chief Medical Officers presently posted in all the 38 districts of Bihar to furnish details regarding health infrastruc.....
Tags : Patna High Court, Details on Health Infrastructure in Bihar
#Economic Survey 2021-2022: India to Spend USD 1.4 Trillion to Step Up Infrastructure Investment(31.01.2022)
Economic Survey has said that to achieve USD 5 trillion GDP by FY'25, India needs to spend about USD 1.4 trillion over this period on infrastructure t.....
Tags : Economic Survey, Infrastructure Investment
Patna HC Seeks Compliance Report Over Judicial Infrastructure Development in State(14.02.2022)
Patna High Court has sought a compliance report from the State Government over Judicial Infrastructure development in the state in a plea highlighting.....
Tags : Patna High Court, Judicial Infrastructure Development
Central Government set to expand Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure across the nation(19.02.2022)
The Government of India has undertaken multiple initiatives to promote the manufacturing and adoption of electric vehicles in the country. Due to the .....
Tags : Electric Vehicle, Charging Infrastructure, Expansion
Central Government notifies the infrastructure debt fund namely, the Kotak Infrastructure Debt Fund Limited(31.03.2022)
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (47) of section 10 of Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies the infr.....
Tags : Infrastructure debt, Fund, Notification
Master Circular for Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)(26.04.2022)
1. For effective regulation of Infrastructure Investment Trusts, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been issuing various circulars from.....
Tags : Master Circular, Infrastructure, InvITs
ITAT: Business of Infrastructure Development Comes Under The Definition of Developer(19.07.2022)
Income Tax Appellant Tribunal (ITAT), Ahmedabad Bench has held that the business of infrastructure development comes under the definition of developer.....
Tags : ITAT, Infrastructure Development, Developer
SC to States: Give Details of Funds Disbursed for Judiciary from 2017-2022(27.07.2022)
Supreme Court while expressing concerns at the lack of proper judicial infrastructure in many States, has directed the Law Secretaries of all State Go.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Judicial Infrastructure, Budget Allocation
Updated Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors is notified(11.10.2022)
With the approval of the Competent Authority, an updated Harmonized Master List of Infrastructure sub-sectors (Annexure-I) is hereby notified. The new.....
Tags : Master List, Infrastructure, Sub-sectors
All. HC: Senior Bureaucrats of UP Govt Taking No Action in Issue of Court’s Infrastructure(07.11.2022)
Allahabad High Court while observing that no action was being taken by Uttar Pradesh government's senior bureaucrats despite its repeated orders regar.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, Senior Bureaucrats, Court Infrastructure
Del HC to Centre: Take Decision on Attaching DMRC’s Assets for Payment of Dues to Reliance Infra(28.02.2023)
Delhi High Court has directed Central government to take a decision whether it proposes to grant sanction for attachment of the movable and immovable .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, DMRC, Reliance Infrastructure, Attachment
Central Government declares Critical Information Infrastructure of the Indian Bank to be protected systems(26.07.2023)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 70 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000), the Central Govern.....
Tags : Critical Information, Infrastructure, Declaration
Ori. HC: Proper Infrastructure and Manpower Must be Provided by State to Forensic Labs(18.04.2024)
Orissa High Court while explaining the importance of receiving chemical examination reports on time in criminal cases has observed that the State shou.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Forensic Science Laboratories, Proper Infrastructure
SC: Idea of Punishment is Not to Keep Prisoners in Difficult, Overcrowded Prisons(24.04.2024)
SC while pulling up States and Union Territories on implementation of directions regarding jail infrastructure, has observed that the idea behind puni.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Overcrowded Prisons, Jail Infrastructure
Bom. HC: Ensure Availability of Essential Infrastructure to Implement e-Mulakaat System in Prisons(09.05.2024)
Bom. HC has observed that the State shall implement the e-Mulakaat System in all the prisons throughout Maharashtra and shall also provide adequate in.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, e-Mulakaat System, Adequate Infrastructure
CCI approves combination involving acquisition by IRB Infrastructure Trust in Meerut Budaun Expressway Limited(04.06.2024)
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the proposed combination involving acquisition by IRB Infrastructure Trust in Meerut Budaun Exp.....
Tags : Acquisition, Approval,IRB Infrastructure
Circular regarding charges levied by Market Infrastructure Institutions(01.07.2024)
1. Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) being public utility institutions act as first level Regulator and are entrusted with the responsibility .....
Tags : Charges, levy, Market Infrastructure Institutions