12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : India


Bureau of Indian Standards Bill, 2015(06.08.2015)

The Bureau of Indian Standards Bill, 2015 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 6 August, 2015. The Bill provides for the creation of a national body, th.....

Tags : bureau, indian standards


LS passes common medical and dental entrance examination Bills(19.07.2016)

The Lok Sabha passed the Dentists (Amendment) Bill 2016 .....

Tags : neet, dental, indian medical council



PF Settlement Made Quicker(11.08.2015)

The Government of India has granted authorization to market transportation fuels, namely, MS, HSD and ATF to the new entrants including the private s.....

Tags : epfo, social security, india, canada, austria


Blast from the Past

India’s love affair with speed mountains(01.01.1988)

Creaking springs, broken track rods, bent camber and toe fittings and your ruined back. Indian ‘speed mountains’ - officially called speed breakers - .....

Tags : indian roads congress, speed breakers


Taking the discrimination out with the guesswork(28.08.1981)

Courts nowadays usually work off a simple formula when faced with differing terms and conditions for appointment and retirement of men and women for t.....

Tags : Air india, gender discrimination, retirement, air hostess


Top Story

U.S. House of Representatives passes NDA Act, 2018 for improving defence ties with India(15.07.2017)

The United States House of Representatives has passed National Defence Authorization Act, 2018 for providing defence co-operation with India. The NDDA.....

Tags : Defence ties, US-India, Act


Pakistan Breached Vienna Convention on Consular Access Rules ICJ(17.07.2019)

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, on 17th July, 2019, rendered its Judgment in the Jadhav .....

Tags : Detention, Indian National, Obligation, Breach


Central Government Notifies National Startup Advisory Council(21.01.2020)

The Central Government has notified the structure of the National Startup Advisory Council. The Council will advise the Government on measures needed .....

Tags : Startup India, Council, Structure


SEBI notifies simplified norms for processing investor’s service requests by RTAs and norms for furnishing PAN, KYC details and nomination(17.11.2023)

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide its Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2023/181 dated November, 17, 2023, has simplified th.....

Tags : SEBI, Registrars’ Association of India, Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002


Committee of Experts releases report on ‘Onshoring the Indian Innovation to GIFT IFSC’(25.08.2023)

A Committee of Experts to ‘Onshoring the Indian Innovation to GIFT IFSC’ constituted by International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) sub.....

Tags : Report, Submission, India innovation


Patent application pendency numbers(25.04.2016)

Patent Offices in four Indian metros released numbers on application pendency in the country. Awaiting examination and disposal are a total of 2,37,67.....

Tags : Patents, application pendency, india


Notifications & Circulars

Commerce and Industry Minister launches the Startup India Hub(19.06.2017)

The Commerce & Industry Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman today launched the Startup India Virtual Hub, an online platform for all stakeholders of the .....

Tags : Startup India, Hub, Launch


Foreign Jobs for Indians(02.08.2017)

The exact numbers of foreign jobs for Indians in foreign countries is not available with the Ministry as many countries do not have policy to share th.....

Tags : Foreign Jobs, Indians, Availability


Affordable tariff structure for rural and remote areas to promote Digital India(07.11.2017)

BharatNet, a flagship project of the Government of India to provide Broadband services in rural and remote areas has entered in service provisioning p.....

Tags : Remote areas, Tariff structure, Digital India


Timeframe for implementation of Ind AS for scheduled commercial banks(11.02.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India notified scheduled commercial banks are required to comply with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) for accounting periods .....

Tags : Indian accounting standards, commercial banks, implementation


Skill India Initiative by Ministry of Railways - Training of Apprentices, Targets training of 30 thousand Apprentices in its 16 Zonal Units and 7 Production Units(13.02.2018)

As part of Skill India initiative, Ministry of Railways has been contributing in a big way to provide training to Apprentices in various disciplines t.....

Tags : Initiative, skill India, Training


BIS to develop standards for 43 products under Make in India programme(23.09.2015)

Bureau of Indian Standards has taken up development of standards for 43 products for manufacturing quality products. It has also decided to develop or.....

Tags : Bureau, india, standards, construction, water, waste


Facilitating Rupee denominated bonds overseas(29.09.2015)

The Reserve Bank of India has put in place a framework for issuance of Rupee denominated bonds overseas, within the remit of the External Commercial B.....

Tags : Indian rupee, denominate, bond, foreign


Defence India Startup Challenge Deadline Gets Extended(24.09.2018)

The last date for submission of applications to the Defence India Startup Challenge (DISC), being organised by the Defence Innovation Organisation (DI.....

Tags : Start-up Challenge, Defence India, Extension


RBI seeks Comments/Feedback on Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of Indian Accounting (20.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India has released the Report of the Working Group on the Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards by Banks in India. The Report .....

Tags : Rbi, international reporting, accounting, india, standards, budget


Cabinet apprised of jointly issue of postage stamps between India and Canada(30.08.2017)

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was informed today that India and Canada have mutually agreed to jointly issue a set of.....

Tags : Postage stamps, Issuance, India, Canada


Buyers from West Europe to source F and B from India(08.10.2018)

European supermarket chains and top manufactures of processed food will be sourcing their Food and Beverage (F&B) requirements from India at the Indus.....

Tags : Food and Beverage, Sourcing, India



CCI lets Wiley India off the hook(28.06.2016)

The Competition Commission of India dismissed a complaint against pre-eminent publisher of scientific, technical and medical journals, Wiley India, fo.....

Tags : wiley india, journal, distribution, authorised agent, resale price maintenance


Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) Act, 2016 brought into force with effect from 12th October, 2017(14.10.2017)

A new Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) Act 2016 which was notified on 22nd March, 2016, has been brought into force with effect from 12th October, 201.....

Tags : Act, Enforcement, Indian Standard, Bureau


Launch of Media Registration: Aero India 2019 Website(20.11.2018)

The 12th edition of 'Aero India 2019' would be held at Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, (Karnataka) from 20 to 24 February 2019.


Tags : Launch, Media registration, Aero India


Ensuring Hygienic and Quality Food in Indian Railways(27.12.2018)

To maintain hygiene and quality, only potable drinking water is used for cooking of food on Indian Railways. Further, in its endeavour to provide hygi.....

Tags : Food, Quality, Indian Railways


Coal India free to exercise ‘consumer choice’ in tender(14.07.2016)

The Competition Commission of India dismissed a complaint alleging abuse of market position against Coal India Limited, holding that Coal India had ‘c.....

Tags : coal india, tender, scientific, samples, consumer, freedom to choose


CCI begins nosing around fishy Uttarakhand alcohol wholesaling(19.07.2016)

The Competition Commission of India ordered an investigation into claims that the State-owned wholesalers in Uttarakhand are indulging in one-sided a.....

Tags : wholesale, india made foreign liquor, uttarakhand, discrimination


India and ADB sign $206 million loan to strengthen urban services in 5 Tamil Nadu cities(03.12.2019)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of India on 2nd December 2019 signed a $206 million loan to develop water supply and sewerage infr.....

Tags : India, ADB, Loan, Urban services


Cabinet approves MoU between India and Kuwait in the field of accounting, finance and audit knowledge base(23.10.2019)

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for capacity building and streng.....

Tags : MOU, Approval, India and Kuwait


Amendment in First Schedule to Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984(20.01.2020)

WHEREAS a request has been received from ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh for inclusion of the Bachelor o.....

Tags : Amendments, Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984


System for reporting banks’ associations discontinued(30.06.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India discontinued the Quarterly Reporting System - foreign branches/subsidiaries/joint ventures/associates of Indian Banks , with.....

Tags : quarterly reporting system, foreign branches, associations, indian banks


Guidelines for Implementation of Shipbuilding Financial Assistance Policy(05.07.2016)

The Ministry of Shipping approved guidelines for implementing the Shipbuilding Financial Assis.....

Tags : india, shipbuilding, financial assistance


INR spend limit at duty free shops raised(06.07.2016)

The Ministry of Finance raised the ceiling for payments at duty free shops at international airports from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 25,000.

In 2005,.....

Tags : duty free shops, payments, indian rupee


Demand of Indian products in international market(17.03.2021)

India's share in world merchandise exports remained constant at 1.7% in 2017, 2018 and 2019 (Jan-Dec). However, India's rank as an exporter improved f.....

Tags : Demand, Indian products, International market


State Government had no authority to tinker with the lists of Scheduled Castes published under Article 341 of the Constitution of India(15.07.2024)

The present appeal arises out of the Patna High Court Division Bench judgment where the court upheld the resolution dated 1st July, 2015 of the State .....

Tags : Tanti-Tantwa community, Scheduled Castes, Constitution of India


Cabinet gives 'in principle' approval for disinvestment of Air India and five of its subsidiaries(28.06.2017)

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval to fourth tranche recommendations .....

Tags : Disinvestment, Air India, Approval


Indian Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 - Draft(24.02.2022)

The following draft regulations to amend the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950, which the Central Boilers Board proposes to make in exercise of the powe.....

Tags : Indian Boiler, Amendment, Regulations


DRI unearths Customs duty evasion of Rs. 4389 crore by Oppo India(13.07.2022)

During an investigation pertaining to M/s Oppo Mobiles India Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as 'Oppo India'), a subsidiary company of "Guang.....

Tags : Customs duty, Evasion, Oppo India


Zee Turner saved from service tax liability(01.04.2016)

The Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal saved Zee Turner from service tax levies after accepting submissions that it was merely acting a.....

Tags : Service tax, foreign broadcaster, indian agent


Injunction granted against title phonetically similar to ‘Indian Express’(23.10.2015)

The Bombay High Court accepted arguments that the Defendant’s use of the title ‘Indian Express’ in Devnagari script for its newspaper infringed the tr.....

Tags : Indian express, title, trade mark


Startup India launches Startup applications for MAARG Portal(23.11.2022)

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has launched a call for startup appl.....

Tags : Startup India, launch, Applications


International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees(11.07.2022)

1. In order to promote growth of global trade with emphasis on exports from India and to support the increasing interest of global trading community i.....

Tags : International Trade, Settlement, Indian Rupees


RBI signs Memorandum of Understanding on "Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Supervisory Information" with the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, Turkey(21.12.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on "Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Supervisory Information" with Banking.....

Tags : MOU, India, Turkey


Reserve Bank of India imposes monetary penalty on Indian Bank(20.11.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, by order dated November 18, 2019, monetary penalty of Rupees One crore on Indian Bank (the bank) for non-.....

Tags : Penalty, Imposition, Indian Bank


Export and Import of Indian Currency(20.03.2019)

Attention of Authorised Persons is invited to Regulation 8 of Foreign Exchange Management (Export and import of currency) Regulations, 2015, in terms .....

Tags : Indian Currency, Export, Import


AIFIs to submit balance sheets, consolidated prudential reports(23.06.2016)

RBI introduced the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements of All India Financial Institutions - Presentation, Disclosure and Reporting) Direction.....

Tags : all india financial institutions, disclosure, balance sheet, yearly


Six institutions incorporated as IITs(25.05.2016)

The Union Cabinet granted retrospective approval to amendment of the Institutes of Technology Act 1961 for the incorporation of six new Indian Institu.....

Tags : indian institution of technology, incorporation, 2016


Reserve Bank of India imposes monetary penalty on South Indian Bank Limited(19.06.2019)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed, by order dated June 13, 2019, monetary penalty of Rs.1 million on South Indian Bank Limited (the bank) fo.....

Tags : Monetary penalty, Imposition, South Indian Bank Limited


Union Cabinet approves contract signing with L&T for three Cadet Training Ships, worth over Rs. 3,100 crore, under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category(01.03.2023)

The Union Cabinet has accorded approval to sign a contract with Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) for acquisition of three Cadet Training Ships, at an ove.....

Tags : Approval, Contract, Indian-IDDM


Ministry of I and B inks partnership with Amazon India in the field of Media, Entertainment and Public Awareness(05.04.2023)

Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting Shri Anurag Thakur today announced a partnership between the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and A.....

Tags : Partnership, Amazon India


Review of the capacity planning framework of stock exchanges and clearing corporations(08.10.2015)

Due to an increase in trading volume resulting from a growth of the stock market, the Securities and Exchange Board of India has reiterated the need f.....

Tags : Due to an increase in trading volume resulting from a growth of the stock market, the Securities and Exchange Board of India has reiterated the need for stock exchanges and clearing corporations to maintain sufficient capacity to be able to handle the increased demand. Some of new directions with regards to capacity are: installed capacity being at least one and a half times of projected peak load; and all software and hardware needs to be adequately sized to meet the requirements.


Appointment of Election Officer to conduct 13th council elections of Indian Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors for 1/3rd members who are due to retire on 28th July 2021(24.05.2021)

Authority hereby appoints Ms. Nimisha Srivastava, DGM, IRDAI as the Election Officer for conducting the 13th Council Elections for 1/3rd vacancy arisi.....

Tags : Indian Institute of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Assessors, Election Officer


Customs preparations for returnees from Indian enclaves(18.11.2015)

The Central Board of Excise and Customs has appointed places as Land Customs Stations to clear baggage brought into the Indian mainland by those retur.....

Tags : Indian enclave, Bangladesh, customs


Another 10 per cent divested in Coal India Limited(18.11.2015)

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved a further disinvestment of 10 per cent of share capital in Coal India Limited. The paid up equi.....

Tags : Coal india, disinvestment, 2015


Toy imports down by 70% and exports up 61% over last three years as Make in India yields positive results for the sector(05.07.2022)

Government interventions in the Toy Sector after Prime Minister's call have helped the industry: Shri Anil Agrawal, Additional Secretary, DPIIT

Tags : Toy imports, Make in India, Positive results


Submission of statement in XBRL(19.05.2016)

The Reserve Bank of India advised Indian Agents (Authorised Dealer Category – I banks) under the Money Transfer Service Scheme to report MTSS transact.....

Tags : Xbrl, money transfer service, 2016, indian agent


RBI Working Paper No. 05/2018: India's Investment Cycle: An Empirical Investigation.(16.10.2018)

The Reserve Bank of India today placed on its website a Working Paper titled "India's Investment Cycle: An Empirical Investigation" under the Reserve .....

Tags : Series, Working Paper, India's Investment



SC to Centre and BCI: Review Rules to Ensure Lawyers Are Fit to Conduct Full Trial(14.09.2015)

SC has asked Centre and Bar Council of India (BCI) to revisit Advocates Act and pertinent rules to make certain that lawyers who start arguing a case .....

Tags : SC ,Bar Council of India


SC Orders Appointment of Arbitrator in Odisha Case Involving Rs 900 crore Insurance Claims(15.09.2015)

Supreme Court has ordered Essar Steel India and New India Assurance Co. to appoint an arbitrator to settle dispute in case involving about Rs 900 cror.....

Tags : Supreme Court,Essar Steel India , New India Assurance Co.


RBI Cancels Sahara's NBFC Licence for Flouting Know-Your-Customer Norms(15.09.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled licence of Sahara India Financial Corporation Ltd (SIFCL), Sahara group’s Non-Banking Financial Co.(NBFC), e.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sahara


Supreme Court Seeks AG’s Assistance in Hearing Assets Plea Against Ex-CJI K G Balakrishnan(16.09.2015)

Supreme Court has sought help of Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi to hear PIL, seeking CBI inquiry into alleged amassing of wealth by kin of Ju.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi,Justice K G Balakrishnan


Madras HC Grants Interim Stay on Cancellation of Greenpeace's FCRA Registration(17.09.2015)

Madras High Court has granted an interim stay to Greenpeace India Society for eight weeks on cancellation of NGO's registration under Foreign Contribu.....

Tags : Madras High Court ,Greenpeace India Society


CCI Dismisses Complaint against Hindustan Sanitaryware(17.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices made in complaint filed by Shubham Sanitarywares against .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,Shubham Sanitarywares,Hindustan Sanitaryware and Industries Ltd


RBI Notifies Increase in FPI Holding Limits(07.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified that Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) would be able to hold up to R1.66 lakh crore worth of government secur.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,Foreign Portfolio Investors


Bombay High Court Quashes Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Ruling in Rs 8500 crore Transfer Pricing Case(09.10.2015)

Bombay High Court has quashed and set aside an order of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, which had ruled that I-T department had powers to raise tax dem.....

Tags : Bombay High Court ,Income Tax Appellate Tribunal,Vodafone India


RBI Boosts Affordable Housing(09.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that banks could provide home loans up to 90% for properties that cost up to Rs 30 lakh, giving a boost to low-co.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India,banks


SEBI Reviews Norms for Trading Capacity of Exchanges and Clearing Corporations(09.10.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has directed exchanges and their clearing corporations to have an installed capacity of at least 1.5 tim.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India ,exchanges , clearing corporations


Delhi High Court Directs MCDs to Deseal Towers, Fix Network(12.10.2015)

Delhi HC on application moved by a telecom company and Cellular Operators Association of India claiming that around 130 of their mobile towers have be.....

Tags : Delhi HC , Cellular Operators Association of India


Delhi High Court Confirms Order Quashing CIL's Revised Transportation Rates(12.10.2015)

Delhi High Court has upheld its order quashing Coal India Ltd's (CIL) decision on revision of rates of coal transportation by companies run by ex-serv.....

Tags : Delhi High Court , Coal India Ltd


CCI Rejects Complaint against Arasu Cable TV(12.10.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed complaint filed by Makkal Tholai Thodarpu Kuzhumam Ltd against Arasu Cable TV and rejected allegat.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Arasu Cable TV


CCI Approves Heidelberg-Italcementi Deal(25.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Heidelberg Cement's proposed acquisition of Italcementi SpA. Heidelberg and the Italian company are.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India,Heidelberg,Italcementi


RBI Orders Concurrent Auditors to Submit Reports on Non-Performing Loans Directly to Banks(25.09.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed concurrent auditors of commercial banks to submit their review of non-performing loans directly to the banks .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India,concurrent auditors of commercial banks


BCI Suspends Licence of 15 Lawyers(25.09.2015)

Bar Council of India (BCI) has suspended licences of 15 advocates with “mob mentality“ who created a ruckus in Madras High Court last week and barred .....

Tags : Bar Council of India , Lawyers


Supreme Court Confirms Air India Engineer Union Head's Termination in Mangalore Crash Case(28.09.2015)

SC has confirmed Air India's decision to terminate from service General Secretary of an Employees' Union, for calling a strike 3 days after crash of a.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Mangalore Crash Case ,Air India


CCI Bans 2 Repetitive Violators for Violating Competition Norms(28.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI), has passed directions against two repetitive violators (P V Basheer Ahmed and M C Bobby, office bearers of a Ke.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,Competition Norms


SEBI Orders Attachment of 134 Properties of Saradha Realty(29.09.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has ordered attachment of 134 properties of Saradha Realty and its Managing Director Sudipta Sen to reco.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India,Saradha Realty


Bombay HC Grants Interim Relief to 12 FTII Students from Arrest(28.10.2015)

Bombay HC has granted a conditional interim relief to 12 Film and Television Institute of India students facing arrest over August 17 gherao of the in.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Film and Television Institute of India


RBI Says No Fresh Permission to Foreign Law Firms for Liaison Office(30.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said it would not grant fresh or renewed permission to any foreign law firm to open a liaison office in the country.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Law Firms


RBI Permits Custodians or Banks to Short-Sell in Govt. Bond Market(30.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted custodians or banks to short-sell in Government Bond Market with primary members or individual bank customer.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Government Bond Market, Custodians , Banks


RBI Allows NRIs to Investment in National Pension Schemes(30.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to subscribe to pension scheme, which is governed, administered by Pension Fund Re.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Resident Indians, National Pension Schemes


RBI Grants NBFCs More Power to Change Ownership in Stressed Firms(30.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) to upgrade credit facilities extended to borrowing entities whose owners.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Banking Finance Companies


SC Nods to BCI to “Continue With the New Rules"(03.11.2015)

Supreme Court has said that apex regulatory body for lawyers can "continue with the new rules" for verifying advocates, while giving its nod to Bar C.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India


Deepak Singhal Takes Over as RBI Executive Director(04.11.2015)

Deepak Singhal has taken over as new Executive Director at the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Tags : Reserve Bank of India


CCI Approves Pramerica's Acquisition of Deutsche MF Business(10.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Deutsche Bank's asset management business in India by global fund house Pramerica As.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Deutsche MF Business, Pramerica Asset Managers Pvt Ltd.


CCI Approves DLF-GIC Joint Venture Scheme(17.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the joint venture scheme of India's largest real estate developer, DLF with Singapore's sovereign .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,DLF-GIC Joint Venture Scheme


CCI Slams Rs 258 cr Fine on IndiGo, SpiceJet & Jet(18.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has slammed a penalty of Rs 257.91 crore on Jet Airways, IndiGo and SpiceJet for colluding in fixing fuel surcha.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Jet Airways, IndiGo , SpiceJet


Justice T.S. Thakur, The Next Chief Justice of India(19.11.2015)

Justice T.S. Thakur has been appointed as the Chief Justice of India. Justice Thakur, who is the seniormost judge after the Chief Justice of India H......

Tags : Justice T.S. Thakur, Next Chief Justice of India


CCI Asks CIL to Examine Spot E-Auction Scheme Afresh(19.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has asked Coal India Ltd (CIL) to examine afresh its spot e-auction scheme to obviate possible violation of com.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Coal India Ltd


CCI Rejects Complaint Against DIAL on High Office Rent(19.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations leveled by Airline Operators Committee (AOC), that Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIA.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Airline Operators Committee , Delhi International Airport Ltd


SC to Vodafone: Deposit Rs 2,000 crore for Merger(24.11.2015)

Supreme Court has directed Vodafone to make an interim payment of Rs 2,000 crore to department of telecommunications, following which the latter will .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Vodafone India


SC Appoints Arbitrator to Adjudicate Dispute between Sidhu and Star India(24.11.2015)

SC has appointed retired judge Justice S B Sinha as an arbitrator to adjudicate a dispute between former Indian cricketer Navjot Singh Sidhu and TV ch.....

Tags : SC, Navjot Singh Sidhu , TV channel Star India


CCI Rejects Complaints Against RIL, Reliance Gas Infra(25.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations of unfair business practices made against Reliance Industries, BSE and Reliance Gas Tra.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Reliance Industries, BSE ,Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure


CCI Approves Aviva's Additional 23% Stake Buy in Indian Joint Venture(25.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved UK insurer Aviva's proposal to acquire additional 23 per cent stake in its Indian insurance joint v.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Aviva


RBI Postpones Issue Date of Sovereign Gold Bonds(25.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has postponed issue date of sovereign gold bond by four days to November 30 to enable their smooth uploading into the cent.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sovereign Gold Bonds


CCI Junks Complaints against Sony, HP(30.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations against Sony India and Hewlett Packard India Sales, alleging anti-competitive business.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Sony, HP


CCI Junks Complaint against DLF Qutab Enclave Complex Educational Charitable Trust and DLF Ltd.(01.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has junked allegations of anti-competitive business practice against two DLF Group firms, DLF Qutab Enclave Comp.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, DLF Group firms


SAT Sets Aside SEBI Approval to Set up SRO for MF Distributor(04.11.2015)

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside an approval granted by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to Institution for Mutual Fund .....

Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Institution for Mutual Fund Intermediaries, Self-Regulatory Organization


Bombay HC: If Hubby Earns a Lot, Family Still Depends on Wife(04.11.2015)

Bombay HC while directing New India Assurance to pay compensation to Sangli resident Sunil Garud and his two young sons for the death of his wife in a.....

Tags : Bombay HC , New India Assurance


NGT Seeks Reply from IIT-M over Tondiarpet Oil Leak Case(05.11.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed investigating team of Indian Institute of Technology-Madras to give its reply on detailed site characterisa.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras, Tondiarpet oil leak case


RBI Issues Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines(05.11.2015)

Reserve Bank has issued operational guidelines for Sovereign Gold Bonds, 2015-16 and mandated some operational procedures for Commercial banks and pos.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Commercial banks , post offices, Gold Bonds Operational Guidelines


CCI Rejects Case against Goa's Chemists and Druggists Association(06.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected complaint filed by Royal Agency, Margao alleging of unfair business practices made against Goa's Ch.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Royal Agency, Goa's Chemists and Druggists Association


RBI Includes Bandhan Bank in Second Schedule List(06.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that Bandhan Bank is now included in the second schedule list, making it eligible for loans from the central bank.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Bandhan Bank


RBI Cut Repo Rate by 50 bps(29.09.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cut its repo rate by 50 basis points to 6.75%, while keeping the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) unchanged at 4%. This was fo.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Repo Rate


RBI Permits Companies to Raise $750 mn through Rupee Bonds(30.09.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted companies to raise up to $750 million from overseas markets under automatic route, through rupee-denominated.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,companies


Sebi Exempts 3 PSBs From Takeover Code Obligations(30.09.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has exempted Centre from discloser of takeover code obligations for its investment in Dena Bank, Bank of.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India,Dena Bank, Bank of India, Corporation Bank.


RBI: No Foreign Exchange Act Action against Declarant for Disclosure Under Black Money Window(01.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said no action under FEMA will be taken against declarations under one-time black money compliance window. RBI has alr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India ,FEMA ,black money compliance window


RBI Eases MFI Norms to Provide Cheaper Loans to SCs Below Double Poverty Line(05.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased micro finance norm of maximum 4 % variance in interest rates for small loans offered to Scheduled Castes (SCs ).....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , SC


New Sebi Rules for Commodities Trading(05.10.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has tightened margin and collateral requirements for commodities trading, to align these with practices .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Sebi Rule,Commodities Trading


CCI Orders Inquiry against Max Super Speciality Hospital(19.11.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered inquiry against Max Super Speciality Hospital and Becton Dickinson India for alleged anti-competitiv.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Max Super Speciality Hospital , Becton Dickinson India


RBI Clears Way for Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking Industry(20.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that it permit promoters/investors to own more than 10% if applicant meets certain conditions including if `it is.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Mergers and Acquisitions in Banking Industry


RBI Permits Regional Rural Banks (RRB) to Launch Internet Banking(20.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed strong regional rural banks to launch online transaction through internet banking. Profitable RRBs with minimu.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , RRB


RBI’s Nod Mandatory to Buy 5% or More in Banks(20.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that its prior approval will be required for acquisition of shares or voting rights in a private bank for increas.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , private bank


Bombay HC Allows Shri Warna Minerals (India) PVT. Ltd. to Carry Mining Activities in Kolhapur(23.11.2015)

Bombay High Court has granted interim relief to Shri Warna Minerals (India) Private Limited, for carrying out mining activities in Kolhapur and allowe.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, hri Warna Minerals (India) Private Limited


Madras HC Put Stay on Cancellation of Greenpeace India’s Registration(23.11.2015)

Madras HC has stayed Government order cancelling Greenpeace India's registration, stating that Tamil Nadu Registrar of Societies had not followed pri.....

Tags : Madras HC , Greenpeace India's registration


SC Rejects FIMI Plea Against Retrospective Levy of Social Impact Fund(08.12.2015)

SC has refused to entertain plea by lobby group Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI), which challenged retrospective levy of royalty for its.....

Tags : SC, Federation of Indian Mineral Industries


SAT Sets Aside SEBI Order of Imposing Penalty on Reliance Petroinvest(09.12.2015)

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside an order by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) against Reliance Petroinvestments in a ca.....

Tags : Securities Appellate Tribunal, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Reliance Petroinvestments


Supreme Court Directs ASI to Frame Guides' Policy by December 30(09.12.2015)

Supreme Court has given time till December 30, 2015 to Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to comply with its direction of seeking a policy for guide.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Archaeological Survey of India


CCI Approves Novartis Sale of Animal Health Division(11.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Novartis India’s plan to sell the animal health division to Elanco India Pvt Ltd, the Indian arm o.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Novartis India, Elanco India Pvt Ltd


CIC to Centre: Reveal Names of Those Applying for Lokpal’s Posts(11.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered Centre to reveal names of applicants for the Lokpal's posts to ensure transparent process.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Centre


CIC: Disclose Educational Qualifications of Haridwar MP Pokhriyal(11.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has directed Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University to disclose educational qualifications of Haridwar MP Ra.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Haridwar MP Ramesh Pokhriyal


RBI Announces Timetable Reduction in SLR(11.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a reduction in share of government securities known as Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) that banks have to ma.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Statutory Liquidity Ratio


Madras HC Gives 3 Months Time to CLB to Complete Hearing in FTIL Case(15.12.2015)

Madras High Court has given three more months time for Company Law Board (CLB) to complete hearing in matter on supersession of Board of Financial Tec.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Financial Technologies (India) Ltd


Delhi HC Directs Govt. to Issue List of Particulars to Cairn India(15.12.2015)

Delhi HC has directed Centre to give Cairn India a list of particulars Government needs to take a decision on the company's request for extending till.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Cairn India


CCI Nods for Kuoni Travel's Acquisition By Thomas Cook(16.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Kuoni Travel by Thomas Cook (India).

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Kuoni Travel, Thomas Cook


SC: RBI Must Disclose All Info About Banks Under RTI(17.12.2015)

Supreme Court has ruled that Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is bound in law to give information regarding private and public banks under the Right To Inf.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Right To Information , Reserve Bank of India


RBI Issues New Guidelines for Banks to Fix Lending Rate(18.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines on how banks can calculate their lending rates in a bid to make them more closely based on marke.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , lending rates


RBI to Banks: Allow Mobile Banking Registration at ATMs(18.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked all National Financial Switch (NFS) member banks to make changes in ATM switches by March 2016 to help customers.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, National Financial Switch


CCI Junks Complaints against Prestige Estates Projects(18.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices made against Bengaluru-based Prestige Estates Projects.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Prestige Estates Projects


RBI: Small Finance Banks Can Join Payment System(23.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that entities who received in-principle approval for setting up payments banks and small finance banks can join a.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, payment system


RBI Says No Deadline for Resolving Complaints under Banking Ombudsman Scheme(23.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that there is no time limit for resolution of complaints under Banking Ombudsman scheme, aimed at seeking redress.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Ombudsman scheme


Delhi HC Issues Notice to Air India, DGCA, Aviation Ministry over 'Overbooking Policy'(23.12.2015)

Delhi HC has issued notices to Air India, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Aviation Ministry over the state-owned airline’s policy of .....

Tags : Delhi HC, Air India, DGCA, Aviation Ministry


IPO Freezes Software Patent Rules(28.12.2015)

Indian Patent Office (IPO), after strong opposition from several associations, has put in abeyance the new guidelines on examination of computer-relat.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office


Bombay High Court Serves Notices to Vedanta, Cairn India to Explain Merger(29.12.2015)

Bombay High Court has issued notices to Vedanta, Cairn India -and their directors over a shareholder's petition alleging that Vedanta used complex tra.....

Tags : Bombay High Court , Vedanta, Cairn India


CCI Permits Euro 2.75 Billion Lanxess-Saudi Aramco Joint Venture Deal(30.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved speciality chemicals company Lanxess and Saudi Aramco deal to form a joint venture for synthetic ru.....

Tags : Competiition Commission of India, Lanxess , Saudi Aramco


CCI Dismisses Meru’s Complaint against Uber(30.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed a complaint filed by Meru Cabs Company against Uber alleging that they were following predatory pr.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Meru Cabs , Uber


RBI Issues 17 Master Directions Related to FEMA(05.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued 17 Master Directions covering foreign exchange transactions on various regulatory issues in order to simplify .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Master Directions


CCI: Syringemaker, Hospital Gouging Patients(06.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has found Max Super Specialty Hospital, Patparganj and Becton Dickson India Pvt Ltd, a manufacturer of disposabl.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Max Super Specialty Hospital, Patparganj , Becton Dickson India Pvt Ltd


CCI Approves Reliance Capital-Goldman Sachs Deal(06.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Reliance Capital Asset Management (RCAM) acquisition of Goldman Sachs' onshore asset management bu.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Reliance Capital Asset Management


CCI Approves BNP Paribas' Acquisition of Sharekhan(06.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved BNP Paribas' proposed acquisition of home-grown brokerage firm Sharekhan in an estimated Rs 2,000-c.....

Tags : Competition Commi, ssion of India , BNP Paribas, Sharekhan


SEBI Bans 27 Entities from Capital Markets(06.01.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has barred 27 entities from the securities market for indulging in fraudulent trading in shares of Gemst.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Gemstone Investments, Spectacle Infotek


CCI Permits Konecranes-Terex Merger(07.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has permitted US cranes and mining equipment maker Terex's merger with Finland-based Konecranes, which will crea.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Terex, Konecrane


Delhi HC to TRAI: Have You Considered Objections on Call Drops(08.01.2016)

Delhi High Court has asked Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) if it had considered objections raised by cellular service providers to its ne.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


RBI Relaxes ECB Norms for Accessing Foreign Loans(01.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has unveiled a revised External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) policy, entailing, among other things, a more liberal approach.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, External Commercial Borrowing


SEBI Eases Listing for Stock Exchanges(01.12.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has amended existing Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations (SECC) regulations to make it easier for .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations


SEBI Relaxes Delisting Procedure for Small Companies(01.12.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in order to weed out a large number of illiquid stocks has relaxed delisting norms for small companies a.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Small Companies


Hyderabad HC Directs Election Commission on Mass Deletions from Voters List(04.12.2015)

Hyderabad High Court has directed Election Commission of India to pass final orders and intimate final decision by December 10, on mass deletion of 6......

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, Election Commission of India


RBI Revises Priority Sector Lending Norms for RRBs(04.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised the priority sector lending target for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) to 75% of total outstanding loans from 60% .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Regional Rural Banks


CCI Fines IPO-Bound Alkem Laboratories for Rs 74 Crore(07.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a penalty of over Rs 74 crore on IPO-bound Alkem Laboratories and its two officials for indulging in.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Alkem Laboratories


NGT Issues Notice to Chandigarh Administration(08.01.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued a notice to the Chandigarh Administration for January 14 on a petition filed by the Confederation of All Indi.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Confederation of All India Traders


CCI Allows General Atlantic Acquisition of 21.61% Stake in IIFL Wealth(08.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has allowed Global private equity firm General Atlantic Singapore Fund acquisition of 21.6% shareholding in IIFL.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , IIFL Wealth Management


CCI Approves Panasonic-GS Yuasa Acquisition Deal(08.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Panasonic's battery business by Japan's GS Yuasa Corp.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Panasonic, GS Yuasa Corp.


CCI Approves Rs 850-cr Acquisition of GTL's OME Business by E2 Energy Service(08.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Rs 850 crore acquisition of network services firm GTL Ltd's OME business by E2 Energy Service.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, GTL Ltd, E2 Energy Service


RBI Allows IFSCs Bank Branches to Open Foreign Currency Current Accounts(08.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted bank branches at International Financial Services Centres (IFSCs) to open foreign currency current accounts .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , International Financial Services Centres


RBI Allows Banks to Extend Non-Fund Based Credit(08.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to extend non-fund based credit, not the usual form of normal loans and thereby lifted the old age ban.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, non-fund based credit


Ministry Of Overseas Indian Affairs To Merge With Ministry of External Affairs(08.01.2016)

Government has announced that Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) will be merged with Ministry of External Affairs, in keeping with its broad p.....

Tags : Government, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs


RBI Permits Banks to Offer More Services Via Offsite ATMs(15.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that banks are now free to offer all their products and services through the ATM channels provided technology per.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ATM


FSSAI Issues New Rules for Ensuring Quality Imports(15.01.2016)

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued new rules for importing products, seeking to address concerns over the entry of sub-st.....

Tags : Food Safety and Standards Authority of India ,rules for importing products


RBI: Aadhaar is Not Mandatory for DBT Scheme(15.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said in a clarification on Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme that use of Aadhaar cards and seeding of bank accounts.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Direct Benefit Transfer, Aadhaar


Punjab and Haryana HC Issues Notice to NHAI and Others(15.01.2016)

Punjab and Haryana HC has issued notices to National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Central Government and Millennium City Expressways Pvt Ltd on.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana HC, National Highways Authority of India


CCI Dismisses Complaint Against Maruti Suzuki(18.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed complaint of anti-competitive practices made against Maruti Suzuki.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Maruti Suzuki


SEBI Curbs Speculative Trades in Agricultural Commodities(18.01.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), in order to curb speculative trades in agricultural commodities, has permitted daily price limit moveme.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Agricultural Commodities


Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi Launches Start-Up India Initiative(18.01.2016)

PM, Shri Narendra Modi, has launched Start-up India initiative in New Delhi. Start-ups will be exempted from paying income tax on their profit for the.....

Tags : Start-Up India Initiative


RBI Operationalise CFR(22.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in order to minimize frauds, has operationalised a Central Fraud Registry (CFR) with effect from January 20.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Central Fraud Registry


Bombay HC Suggests Railway to Set Up Special Team for Accident Victims(27.01.2016)

Bombay High Court has asked Indian Railways to set up special team to attend suburban railway accident victims and provide them with medical assistanc.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Indian Railways


Delhi HC Asks RBI to Submit its Latest Circular on FDI Policy(27.01.2016)

While hearing a public interest litigation seeking a thorough investigation against all firms that have received FDI, Delhi High Court has sought a re.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Reserve Bank of India, FDI policy


CCI Dismisses Complaint Against Asian Paints(28.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected a complaint of unfair business practices made against Asian Paints with regard to painting services.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Asian Paints


RBI Cancels Rs 9k crore T-bill Auction(28.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled a Rs 9,000-crore auction of Government's 91-day Treasury Bills (T-bills) as it was not willing to accede to .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, T-bills


Cipla Gets CCI’s Approval to Sell 26% in Consumer Healthcare Business(29.01.2016)

Cipla Health Ltd has received approval from Competition Commission of India (CCI) to sell about 26 per cent stake in its consumer healthcare business.....

Tags : Cipla Health Ltd , Competition Commission of India


Religare Gets CCI’s Approval to Sell 51% in MF Business to Invesco(29.01.2016)

Religare Enterprises has received approval from Competition Commission of India (CCI) to sell a controlling 51 per cent stake in its mutual fund busin.....

Tags : Religare Enterprises, Competition Commission of India


Air Liquide Arm Gets CCI Nod(29.01.2016)

Air Liquide's subsidiary Schulke has received Competition Commission of India (CCI) approval to acquire Healthcare Antisepsis Solutions (HAS) business.....

Tags : Schulke, Competition Commission of India


CCI Dismisses Complaints Against Ola, Uber(16.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business ways against taxi hailing apps Ola and Uber after finding no eviden.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Ola and Uber


SEBI Tweaks OFS Norms(16.02.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has agreed to Govt.’s suggestion for cutting advance notice period for OFS (Offer For Sale) to one day a.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, OFS Norms


SC to RBI: Disclose Names of India's Biggest Loan Defaulters(17.02.2016)

SC has sought list of companies from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) who have defaulted in paying back loan to PSU banks and have contributed to massive l.....

Tags : SC, Reserve Bank of India


CCI Nods for JVs to Set Up LNG Terminal in AP(17.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved two Joint Ventures (JVs) involving GAIL India and Andhra Pradesh Gas Distribution Corporation for .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Joint Ventures , LNG Terminal


Indian Patent Office Refuses to Grant Patent to Google for ‘Invention’ on Obsolete Data(18.02.2016)

The Indian Patent Office has refused to grant a patent to Google for its claimed invention relating to a system for efficiently identifying and removi.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office , Google


SEBI Bars 22 Entities for Tax Evasion via Bourses(18.02.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has barred 22 entities from the market for their role in using stock options to generate artificial capi.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Tax Evasion


CCI Directs Investigation against Monsanto on Govt. Complaint(18.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered a detailed inquiry against Monsanto as it found it to be violating competition law in the market of .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Monsanto


CCI Dismisses Complaints Against Govt's LTC Policy, Air India(11.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed complaints that Government's Leave Travel Concessions (LTC) policy was resulting in anti-competiti.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Leave Travel Concessions policy


CCI Junks Compliant Against GVK Power, 2 Others(11.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected complaints against Bangalore International Airport, GVK Power & Infrastructure and Airports Authori.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Bangalore International Airport, GVK Power & Infrastructure and Airports Authority of India


CCI Rejects Allegation of Unfair Trade Practices Against Ansal(11.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected complaint of anti-competitive practices made against Ansal Properties regarding a commercial projec.....

Tags : Competition Commis, sion of India, Ansal Properties


CCI Rejects Complaint of Unfair Trade Practices Against Aura Real Estate and Waghere Promoters(11.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations of abuse of dominant position made against Aura Real Estate and Waghere Promoters relat.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Waghere Promoters, Aura Real Estate


Supreme Court Irks Over FCI(11.01.2016)

Supreme Court has irked over Food Corporation of India (FCI), where 370 departmental labourers were paid Rs 4.5 lakh a month, a salary that was much m.....

Tags : Supreme Court , Food Corporation of India


RBI Tightens Provisions for Yet to Fail CDR Accounts(12.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked lenders to increase provisioning for accounts that may not have yet failed Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) bu.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Corporate Debt Restructuring


SEBI Raises Norms for MF Investment in Corporate Debt(12.01.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has tightened norms for investment by debt-oriented Mutual Fund (MF) plans and introduced caps on how mu.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Mutual Fund


Govt.: MUDRA Not to Regulate Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)(18.01.2016)

Government has said that Reserve Bank of India would continue to regulate MFIs registered as Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) with central bank. .....

Tags : Government ,R eserve Bank of India , MFIs, MUDRA


Delhi HC Reserves Order over TRAI Regulation(18.01.2016)

Delhi High Court has reserved its order on a writ petition challenging a new regulation of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), which provide.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (


CCI Approves Strides Shasun’s Acquisition Plan(19.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Strides Shasun’s acquisition of seven brands from consumer healthcare firm Johnson and Johnson.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Strides Shasun, Johnson and Johnson


India Patent Office Dismisses Compulsory License Application of Lee Pharma(21.01.2016)

Indian Patent Office has dismissed application of Lee Pharma for a compulsory licence to make a copy of AstraZeneca's antidiabetes drug saxagliptin, w.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office , Lee Pharma


Delhi High Court Seeks Govt’s Response on MakeMyTrip’s Plea(21.01.2016)

Delhi HC has sought reply from Government on plea by MakeMyTrip India Pvt. Ltd against arrest of one its senior officials for alleged service tax evas.....

Tags : Delhi HC, MakeMyTrip India Pvt. Ltd


CCI Nods for Investment by FIL Capital(22.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has granted approval to proposed investment by FIL Capital Investments (Mauritius) II Limited in Cipla Health Li.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, FIL Capital Investments, Cipla Health Limited


RBI Simplifies Gold Monetisation Scheme(22.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has simplified Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS) for bulk depositors, in order to help temple boards to do so and also allowe.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Gold Monetisation Scheme


RBI Revises SDR Norms(26.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks going in for Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) scheme to make sufficient provisions to the tune of 15 per.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Strategic Debt Restructuring


Google Books India Patent for Method to Determine Ad-Spot Value(26.02.2016)

Google Inc has secured an Indian patent for an invention regarding a method that could help online advertisers with different value propositions in fi.....

Tags : Google Inc, Indian patent


SEBI Relaxes Mutual Fund Norms on Unclaimed Investor Money(26.02.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has relaxed mutual fund norms to allow Asset Management Companies (AMCs) to invest unclaimed redemption .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Unclaimed Investor Money


SC: Conducting AIBE is Violation of the Fundamental Right?(02.03.2016)

Supreme Court has questioned whether conducting All India Bar Examination (AIBE) was a violation of the fundamental right to practice a profession, le.....

Tags : Supreme Court, All India Bar Examination


Delhi HC Slams Delhi Government on MakeMyTrip Service Tax Default Case(04.03.2016)

Delhi HC, while hearing plea by online travel company MakeMyTrip India Pvt. Ltd against arrest of one its senior officials for alleged service tax eva.....

Tags : Delhi HC, MakeMyTrip India Pvt. Ltd


RBI Issues Draft Norms for Account Aggregators(04.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued draft guidelines for setting up of Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) that would act as account aggregators a.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Non-Banking Finance Companies


SC Pulls Up TN Govt. for Ordering GAIL to Change Pipeline Alignment(03.02.2016)

Supreme Court has pulled up Jayalalithaa Government in Tamil Nadu for ordering GAIL India to change alignment of a major gas pipeline to appease agita.....

Tags : Supreme Court , GAIL India


RBI Updates Norms of Fema(05.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI), with an aim to promote ease of doing business, has come out with nine updated rules under the Foreign Exchange Management.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , oreign Exchange Management Act (Fema), 1999


RBI Announces Rs 10,000 Crore OMO Purchases(05.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced an Open Market Operation (OMO) purchase of government securities worth Rs 10,000 crore on February 8.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Open Market Operation


CIC Says Demands of Trade Union Before Employer is Fiduciary Information(09.02.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC), while rejecting case relating to R K Mishra seeking information from Steel Authority of India in his nine-point .....

Tags : CIC, Steel Authority of India


Tribunal Stays CCI's Ruling Against Alkem Labs(09.02.2016)

Competition Appellate Tribunal has stayed an order by Competition Commission of India's (CCI) imposing a penalty of over Rs 74 crore on Alkem Laborato.....

Tags : Competition Appellate Tribunal , Competition Commission of India


CCI Nods for LafargeHolcim Revised Divestment Plan(10.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given its nod to the divestment of LafargeHolcim Ltd ‘s interest in Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , LafargeHolcim


CCI Nod for Nippon’s Stake Hike in Reliance Life to 49%(12.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Nippon Life's additional 23 per cent stake purchase plan in Reliance Life Insurance in a deal worth.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Nippon Life, Reliance Life Insurance


CCI Approves HealthFore-Oscar Investments Deal(12.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved e proposed merger of healthcare IT solutions provider HealthFore Technologies with Oscar Investment.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , HealthFore Technologies, Oscar Investments


CCI to PVR: Sell Some Assets for Acquiring DT Cinemas(22.03.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has asked PVR Cinemas to first divest some of its assets if it wants to acquire DT Cinemas, which is real estate.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, PVR


Punjab Assembly Passes Indian Penal Code (Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2016(23.03.2016)

Punjab Assembly has passed Indian Penal Code (Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2016 that seeks life imprisonment for sacrilege of the Guru Granth Sahib.

Tags : Punjab Assembly, Indian Penal Code (Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2016


RBI Eases LCR Norm(25.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given bankers more flexibility in maintenance of Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) under Basel III by tweaking certain no.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Liquidity Coverage Ratio


Madras High Court: Beef Eating is not an Offence under Indian Penal Code(28.03.2016)

Madras High Court while ruling that beef eating is not an offence under the Indian Penal Code has said that there is no restriction on the eating habi.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Penal Code, Beef Eating


RBI: Fixed Rate Loans up to 3 Years to be Based on Marginal Cost(30.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to price fixed rate loans of up to three years based on their marginal cost of fund from April 1.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Fixed Rate Loans


RBI Increases Investment Limit of FPIs(30.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has increased investment limit of Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) in central government bonds to Rs 2 lakh crore, from .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Portfolio Investors


RBI Extends E-Payment Deadline and Banking Hours(30.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued instructions wherein it has been decided that all agency banks shall keep counters of their designated branches.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, E-Payment


Companies Now to Pay Service Tax on Services Availed from Govt. from Next Fiscal Year(09.03.2016)

Govt. has notified provision making Indian companies to pay service tax on any service they avail from Government or local authority from the next fis.....

Tags : Govt., Indian companies , service tax


Parliament Clears Bureau of Indian Standards Bill 2015(09.03.2016)

Parliament has passed the Bureau of Indian Standards Bill 2015 with the Rajya Sabha approving it.

Tags : Parliament, Bureau of Indian Standards Bill 2015


SEBI Decides to Restrain Wilful Defaulters(14.03.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has decided to restrain ‘wilful defaulters’ from accessing capital markets for raising funds from the pu.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Wilful Defaulters


RBI to Banks: Pay Interest on Savings Account Every Quarter(16.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to pay interest on their customers’ savings accounts on a quarterly basis or shorter duration.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, savings accounts


SEBI Allows FPIs to Invest in REITs, AIFs and Bonds under Default(16.03.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors or FPIs to invest in units of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REI.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, REITs, AIFs


CCI Orders Inquiry Against AFI(17.03.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered inquiry against Athletics Federation of India (AFI), the apex body for athletics in India, for an al.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Athletics Federation of India


CCI Dismisses Complaint Against 6 Individuals in Land Sale Case(18.03.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected a complaint against six individuals pertaining to sale of land plots in Dehradun, saying it is a di.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Land Sale Case


RBI Issues Guidelines on PSLCs(08.04.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI), has released guidelines for Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLCs), where banks can buy and sell instruments to man.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Priority Sector Lending Certificates


CCI Nods for Nomura's 35% Stake Sale in LIC Nomura Mutual Fund(08.04.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has permitted Japanese financial services major Nomura’s 35 per cent stake sale in the mutual fund business join.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Nomura


Delhi HC Asks Replies from Regulators over Warrant Issue(08.04.2016)

Delhi High Court has asked Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on what decision they have taken with regard .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bombay Stock Exchange, Securities and Exchange Board of India


SC Cancels Case Against Thiess India, Ex-Chief Executive(11.04.2016)

Supreme Court has quashed all criminal proceedings initiated against Thiess India and its Ex-Chief Executive, Raman Srikanth, in Hyderabad, in an orde.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Thiess India,Raman Srikanth


SC Pulls Up Air India over Lack of Air Connectivity to Shimla, Northeast(13.04.2016)

SC, while taking strong note of lack of air connectivity to places in the North East and Shimla, has rapped Government and Air India for “promoting in.....

Tags : SC, Air India


CIC Slams BCI for Not Following Mandatory RTI Clause(18.04.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has slammed Bar Council of India (BCI) for not following mandatory proactive disclosure clause of the Right to In.....

Tags : Central Information Commission , Bar Council of India


RBI Relaxes Stressed Asset Restructuring Rules for Banks(14.06.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed guidelines for restructuring of large stressed assets by lenders in a move that would allow the banks to more .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Asset Restructuring Rules


CCI Dismisses Complaint against Digital Cinema Initiatives(20.06.2016)

Competition Commission India (CCI) has dismissed K Sera Sera Digital Cinema's allegations of unfair business practices made against US-based Digital C.....

Tags : Competition Commission India, Digital Cinema Initiatives


CCI Rejects Allegations against Nissan Motor(20.06.2016)

Competition Commission India (CCI) has rejected allegations that Nissan Motor abused its dominant position in terms of after-sales service.

Tags : Competition Commission India, Nissan Motor


CCI Junks Complaint against Vodafone India(20.06.2016)

Competition Commission India (CCI) has dismissed allegations that Vodafone India abused its dominant position by imposing discriminatory charges for i.....

Tags : Competition Commission India, Vodafone India


Decathlon Books Patent for Invention Related to Bicycle(20.06.2016)

Decathlon has booked Indian patent for its invention related to a bicycle with rear suspension which makes riding of the bicycle better experience in .....

Tags : Decathlon, Indian patent


CCI Clears Blackstone-Mphasis Deal(21.06.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has cleared private equity major Blackstone's multi-billion dollar deal to buy over 50 per cent stake in Mphasis.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Blackstone, Mphasis


Calcutta HC Scraps Management Fetters on IndianOil Officers(22.06.2016)

Calcutta HC has put an end to agreement signed by management of State-run refiner IndianOil with its officers' association to put fetters on executive.....

Tags : Calcutta HC , IndianOil


Income-Tax Tribunal: Gains from Penny Stocks Not Bogus(22.06.2016)

Income-Tax Tribunal has ruled that gains from penny stocks cannot be termed as bogus just because the Securities and Exchange Board of India is inquir.....

Tags : Income-Tax Tribunal , Securities and Exchange Board of India , Penny Stocks


SEBI Issues Listing Guidelines for InvITs(12.05.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued listing guidelines for Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs).

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, InvITs


RBI Issues Shareholding Norms for Private Sector Banks(13.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued new guidelines on ownership in private sector banks by bundling shareholding patterns into two broad categories.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Private Sector Banks


RBI Issues Guidelines for Voluntary Surrender of Licence by PSOs(13.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines for voluntary surrender of licence by Payment System Operators (PSOs) under Payment & Settlements Sy.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , PSOs


CIC to Green Ministry: Make Coastal Area Expert Panel Report Public(17.05.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has asked Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar’s office to submit the response and to make action taken on expe.....

Tags : Central Information Commission , Environment Minister , India’s coastal areas


RBI’s Nod to FPIs to Invest in Unlisted Debt Securities(17.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) to invest in unlisted debt securities as well as in securitised debt instru.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Portfolio Investors


Delhi HC Refuses to Intervene with WFI’s Decision on the 74kg Rio Olympics Berth(17.05.2016)

Delhi HC, while hearing plea filed by Indian Wrestler Sushil Kumar regarding the 74kg Rio Olympics berth, has refused to intervene in the matter and a.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Wrestling Federation of India, Sushil Kumar


COMPAT Stays Rs 1,773-cr Penalty on Coal India, Imposed by CCI(18.05.2016)

Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) has set aside Rs 1,773-crore penalty imposed on Coal India by the Competition Commission of India (CCI). It al.....

Tags : Competition Appellate Tribunal, Competition Commission of India


RBI: SDR Norms Applicable to NBFCs Too(27.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that modifications made to Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) mechanism by RBI in February this year will now be .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NBFCs, SDR


Yahoo Books Indian Patent for Invention to Classify Image(27.05.2016)

Yahoo has secured an Indian patent for an invention regarding a method for processing image data for the purpose of classifying the images into either.....

Tags : Yahoo , Indian patent , method for processing image data


SEBI’s Directions to Listed Firms on Audit Qualifications(30.05.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has asked all listed companies to disseminate the cumulative impact of all audit qualifications in a sep.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Listed Firms


SEBI Notifies Winding Down Policy for Depositories(31.05.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified new framework for orderly winding down of depositories in the events like a depository goin.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Depositories


SEBI Appointment: Delhi HC asks Economic Affairs Secretary to Reply to Contempt Plea(07.06.2016)

Delhi High Court has directed the economic affairs secretary to reply to a contempt plea for not complying with a court order related to the re-appoin.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, economic affairs secretary, Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI )


Indian Patent Office Issues Guidelines for Startups(13.06.2016)

Indian Patent Office has issued guidelines for facilitators and startups with respect to filling and processing of applications for patent, designs an.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office, Startups


SEBI Tightens Norms on P-Notes, Effective July 1(13.06.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has tightened its Know-Your-Client (KYC) and disclosure rules on issue of Participatory Notes (P-notes),.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , P-Notes


SEBI Eases Norms for Foreign Portfolio Investors(30.06.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors who had issued participatory notes under the erstwhile regulatio.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Foreign Portfolio Investors


CCI Junks Complaint Against Kanoria Chemicals(01.07.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has junked allegations that Kanoria Chemicals & Industries abused its dominant position by imposing unfair price.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Kanoria Chemicals


RBI Relaxes Rules for ECBs(01.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said eased rules for External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) and said that Indian companies will need to submit for appr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ECBs


SC Seeks Response from AWBI on Plea to Stop Cruelty to Animals(01.07.2016)

Supreme Court has sought response of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) on a petition against rising instances of “barbaric cruelty” to animals and .....

Tags : Supreme Court , Animal Welfare Board of India


Supreme Court: 3 Percent Quota in Promotion for Disabled Must in All Posts(04.07.2016)

Supreme Court while quashing the central government’s earlier orders on restricting reservation for the differently-abled in promotion to Group A and .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Government of India


NGT: Environmental Clearance Must for Railway Projects(07.07.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has made it mandatory to obtain environmental clearances for Indian Railway projects before any work begins on the groun.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal , Indian Railway


RBI Notifies Rates for Small Saving Schemes for Q2(08.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has notified the interest rates for different small savings schemes for the quarter ending September. The interest rates h.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, small savings schemes


Bombay HC Denies Relief to FTIL(28.07.2016)

Bombay HC has yet again refused to grant any relief to Financial Technologies (India) Ltd (FTIL) seeking to operate bank accounts for day to day expen.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Financial Technologies (India) Ltd


RBI Imposes Rs 27-Crore Penalty on 13 Banks for FEMA Violations(28.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has penalized 13 banks and slapped a fine of Rs 27 crore for violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) provision.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , FEMA, banks


CCI Junks Complaint against E-Retailers(29.07.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has junked complaint alleging unfair trade practices by 23 online retailers and sellers on e-commerce websites.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , E-Retailers


RBI: Retail Investors can Access G-Sec Market(29.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that retail investors can access Government Securities (G-Sec) market, in a seamless manner from August 16.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, G-Sec, retail investors


Delhi HC Grants Relief to Ex-CJI's Sons in Property Case(29.07.2016)

Delhi HC has granted relief to businessmen sons of Ex-Chief Justice of India Y K Sabharwal and upheld legality of their purchase of a Sikandra Road pr.....

Tags : Delhi HC , Ex-Chief Justice of India Y K Sabharwal , Property Case


CCI Slaps Rs 73-crore Fine on Lupin for Anti-Competitive Practices(02.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a fine of Rs 73 crore on Lupin for 'co-operating' with Karnataka Chemists and Druggist Association (.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Karnataka Chemists and Druggist Association, Lupin


Rajya Sabha Passes Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill and Dentist (Amendment) Bill(02.08.2016)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2016, and the Dentist (Amendment) Bill, 2016, seeking to amend the Indian Medical .....

Tags : Rajya Sabha , the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2016,, the Dentist (Amendment) Bill, 2016


Bombay High Court Directs SEBI to Inquire Role of FTIL in NSEL Payment Fraud(13.08.2015)

Bombay High Court has directed Security and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) to inquire role of Financial Technologies India Limited(FTIL) in Rs. 5574 cr.....

Tags : Bombay High Court,Security and Exchange Board of India,FTIL,NSEL Payment Fraud


RBI Strikes Down Registration Certificate of Seven NBFCs(18.08.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled certificate of registration of seven Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) including that of Religare Fina.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India,NBFCs


NCDRC Issues Notice to Nestle India, Orders Fresh Sample Testing of Maggie(18.08.2015)

NCDRC has issued notice to Nestle India seeking its response to Government's allegations that the company had resorted to unfair trade practice and s.....

Tags : NCDRC,Nestle India


Supreme Court Seeks Reply from Search Engines Over Ads On Sex Determination of Foetus(19.08.2015)

Supreme Court has sought reply from search engines like Google India, Yahoo India and Microsoft Corporation (I) Pvt Ltd on a plea that they were viola.....

Tags : Supreme Court ,Google India, Yahoo India,sex determination


CCI Nods for A&E's Additional Sake in Vardhman Yarns(30.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has permitted American & Efird (A&E) Global to buy an additional 40 per cent stake in Vardhman Yarns and Thread.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , A&E, Vardhman Yarns


CCI Imposes Rs 6,700-Crore Penalty on 11 Cement Firms for Cartelisation(01.09.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed more than Rs 6,700 crore penalty on 11 cement companies - UltraTech, Binani, Ramco, Jaiprakash Assoc.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Cement Firms


SEBI Tightens Risk Norms of Commexes(02.09.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), while tightening risk norms of commixes, has removed five per cent of annual gross revenue cap on SGF c.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Commexes


RBI Eases NBFC Loan Restructuring Norms(31.07.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted non-bank lenders to retain the 'standard asset' tag on a restructured loan for an extended period if an infr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India


NGT Raps NHAI Over Delay in Installation of Weighbridges(31.07.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has pulled up National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for delay in installation of weighbridges at different entry p.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, National Highways Authority of India


Kerala High Court: Street Vending Needs Prior Permission for Land Use(11.08.2015)

Kerala High Court has held that one could use land of National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) for street vending only with prior permission of auth.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, National Highway Authority of India


SC Imposes Rs 25,000 Fine on Bar Council of India over CLAT(16.08.2016)

Supreme Court has imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on Bar Council of India, the apex body for lawyers, for failing to respond to a plea seeking setting up .....

Tags : Supreme Court, CLAT, Bar Council of India


RBI Authorises Select Bank Branches to Collect Advance Tax(16.08.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has authorised various bank branches, including those of SBI, ICICI, HDFC Bank, PNB and Bank of Baroda, to collect income .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Advance Tax


India Notifies Protocol Amending Mauritius Tax Treaty(16.08.2016)

India has notified a landmark Protocol that has now amended an existing 33-year-old Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Mauri.....

Tags : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and Mauritius


Bombay HC: No VAT Payable by Subway on Franchise Fees in Maharashtra(19.08.2016)

Bombay HC has held that franchise and royalty fees received by Subway Systems India, a group company of the international fast food chain, cannot be s.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Subway Systems India


SEBI Notifies Tight Transfer Norms for P-Notes(14.07.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified new norms restricting transfer of Participatory Notes (P-Notes), offshore instruments only .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , P-Notes


CCI Junks Complaint against Coal India, CIMFR(15.07.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations of unfair business ways against Coal India and CIMFR pertaining to a global tender for .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Coal India , CIMFR


Lok Sabha Passes Bills to Replace NEET Ordinances(20.07.2016)

Lok Sabha has passed The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill and The Dentists (Amendment) Bill, which seek to amend The Indian Medical Council Act.....

Tags : Lok Sabha, The Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, The Dentists (Amendment) Bill


CCI Endorses NCPCR Guidelines in Schools(25.07.2016)

Central Information of India (CCI) has endorsed guidelines laid down by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), for Eliminating Co.....

Tags : Central Information of India, NCPCR


RBI Imposes Penalty on 3 Banks in Forex Scam(26.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed penalties of Rs.5 crore on Bank of Baroda, Rs.3 crore on Punjab National Bank and Rs.2 crore on HDFC Bank, in .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex Scam


Gujarat HC Dismisses PIL against Sudhir Mankad’s Appointment to RBI(26.07.2016)

Gujarat HC has junked PIL challenging appointment of ex-Chairman of Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT-City) Sudhir Mankad as a Non-Officiat.....

Tags : Gujarat HC, Sudhir Mankad , Reserve bank of India


Bombay HC Issues Contempt Notice to RBI Regional Director(27.07.2016)

Bombay HC has issued contempt notice to Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Regional Director in a contempt plea filed by Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari.....

Tags : Bombay HC , Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Karmachari Sanghatna, Reserve Bank of India


NGT Allows Widening of Highway through Karnala Bird Sanctuary(07.09.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has allowed National Highways Authority of India's plea seeking approval for diversion of a stretch of land in core area.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal ,National Highways Authority of India


NGT Serve Notices to Maharashtra Government and NHAI for Cutting Trees(08.09.2015)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued show-cause notices to Maharashtra Government and National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for cutting tree.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal,Maharashtra Government , National Highways Authority of India


Madras High Court Dismisses Plea Against BCCI(09.09.2015)

Madras High Court has dismissed a public interest litigation petition, seeking direction to Centre to take over management and administration of crick.....

Tags : Madras High Court ,Board of Control for Cricket in India


Supreme Court Gives 3 Months Time to Air India to End Labour Disputes(10.09.2015)

Supreme Court has given three months time to Air India management to settle nearly eight year-old contentious labour disputes pertaining to pay, worki.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Air India


SC Directs Search Engines to Block Sex Determination Websites(20.09.2016)

Supreme Court has asked search engines of companies, like Google India, Microsoft India and Yahoo India, to take steps to block sex determination adve.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Google India, Microsoft India, Yahoo India


CCI Gives Approval to Pfizer-Piramal Deal(21.09.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Piramal Enterprises' proposed acquisition of four brands from pharmaceutical major Pfizer.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Pfizer-Piramal Deal


SEBI to MFs: Disclose Absolute Commission Paid to Agents(21.09.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), with an aim to bring in greater transparency in dealings of mutual funds, markets regulator, has asked .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , Mutual Fund


“Advantage Healthcare India – 2015” inaugurated(05.10.2015)

The Commerce Secretary inaugurated 'Advantage Health Care India, 2015" , an international summit on Medical Value Travel on 5 October, 2015. Running f.....

Tags : Health, care, export, india, summit


MP High Court Dismisses Plea Seeking Cancellation of Second ODI Between India and South Africa(13.10.2015)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has denied to stay second ODI between India and South Africa that is to be held on October 14 and dismissed a PIL that soug.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Second ODI Between India and South Africa


RBI Turns Net Seller of Foreign Currency in August(13.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the first time in the past one year has turned net sellers of foreign currency in August to help arrest the slide in t.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India (RBI),Foreign Currency


Yes Bank Gets RBI Approval for MF and AMC(13.10.2015)

Yes Bank has received Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approval to set up a mutual fund asset management company and trustee company as wholly owned subsid.....

Tags : Yes Bank, Reserve Bank of India


CCI Rejects Allegation over Power Grid Corporation(06.10.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations that Power Grid Corporation abused its dominant position with policy that materials us.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, CCI, Power Grid


Delhi HC Slams ASI for Failure to Maintain and Preserve Historical Monuments(06.10.2016)

Delhi HC has pulled up Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) over its failure to maintain and preserve the historic Tughlaqabad Fort and protect it fro.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Archaeological Survey of India, Tughlaqabad Fort


Delhi HC Allows RBI to Intervene in Tata-NTT Docomo Case(06.10.2016)

Delhi HC has allowed the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to file an intervention application in the enforcement proceedings initiated by NTT Docomo to rea.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Reserve Bank of India, Tata-NTT Docomo


RBI Clears 11 Payments Banks(20.08.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given 'in principle' clearance to 11 entities to set up 'payments banks'. These entities include department of posts, .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Payments Banks


Sebi Approves New Norms for Commodity Derivatives Market(25.08.2015)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), has approved new norms for India’s commodity derivatives market and its brokers for regulating the comm.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi),commodity derivatives market


Karnataka High Court Disposes Case Against Nikon India(27.08.2015)

Karnataka HC has disposed of petition filed by Flipkart against Nikon India as Nikon withdrew names of e-commerce portals from caution notice on its w.....

Tags : Karnataka HC,Nikon India


RBI Withdraws Banks' 25% Compensation(28.08.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has withdrawn 25 per cent compensation to banks for detecting fake notes.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India,25 per cent compensation


CCI Nods for Acquisition of L&T General Insurance by HDFC ERGO(12.09.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition process of L&T General Insurance by HDFC ERGO General Insurance.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, L&T General Insurance, HDFC ERGO General Insurance


CIC Orders Hockey India to Disclose Sponsorship Details(13.09.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed Hockey India to disclose details of sponsorship amount it received during last two years and the com.....

Tags : CIC, Hockey India


CCI Directs Inquiry against Jaiprakash Associates in Majority Orders Involving Real Estate Projects(16.09.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered inquiry against Jaiprakash Associates Ltd through majority orders in two separate cases involving re.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Jaiprakash Associates


CCI Rejects Complaint against SMV Agencies(17.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected complaint alleging that Jaipuria Group's SMV Agencies indulged in unfair business practices with re.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,Jaipuria Sunrise Greens


Patent Office Rejects AcelRX's Application for Nanotab Sufentanil(18.09.2015)

Indian Patent Office has refused patent application of US-based AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc, for a nanotab sufentanil,which is supposed to be adminis.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office ,AcelRX,Nanotab Sufentanil


CCI Orders Enquiry Against A Leading Taxi Aggregator For Predatory Pricing(21.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered an enquiry against a leading taxi aggregator company in India for alleged indulging in predatory pri.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India,taxi aggregator company


CCI Approves Koneru Holdings Multi-Layered Deal(24.09.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved multi-layered deal under which Koneru Holdings Ltd would acquire engineering, procurement, construc.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,Koneru Holdings Ltd


CIC Orders Indian Navy to Make Public, Report on Lt Cdr Rahul Nair Death(28.09.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has ordered Indian Navy to make public the inquiry report on death of Lt Cdr Rahul Nair during a 2010 air show ev.....

Tags : Central Information Commission , Indian Navy, Lt Cdr Rahul Nair


Competition Commission of India Clears Coffee Day Overseas-Coffee Day Enterprises Deal(03.10.2016)

Competition Commission of India has cleared proposed amalgamation of Coffee Day Overseas with Coffee Day Enterprises, which operates popular CCD chain.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, CCD , Coffee Day Overseas


Madras High Court Asks Bar to Retain Only 5-year Law Degree Courses(07.10.2015)

Madras High Court has asked Bar Council of India to abolish 3-year law degree courses at earliest and retain only 5-year courses in stream on par with.....

Tags : Madras High Court,Bar Council of India


Reserve Bank Asks to Replace 17.5 Lakh Debit Cards(20.10.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to replace debit cards whose security is suspected to have been compromised after being used in some Autom.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Automated Teller Machines


Rajasthan HC Rejects Cairn India’s Plea to Refund Education Cess(21.10.2016)

Rajasthan High Court has rejected a petition of Cairn India Energy seeking refund of Education Cess and Secondary Education Cess amounting to Rs.300 c.....

Tags : Rajasthan High Court, Cairn India, Education Cess


CCI Clears Konecranes-Terex Corporation deal(21.10.2016)

Finland-based Konecranes has received Competition Commission of India’s (CCI) approval to acquire 'material handling and port solutions business' of i.....

Tags : Commission of India, Konecranes-Terex Corporation deal


RBI Permits 100% FDI in Regulated Financial Services(21.10.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted 100 % foreign direct investment in 'Other Financial Services' carried out by NBFCs, a move which will help a.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 100% FDI , Regulated Financial Services


SC Limits BCCI's Financial Powers, Asks Panel to Appoint Independent Auditor(21.10.2016)

Supreme Court, while imposing limits on Board of Control for Cricket in India's (BCCI) financial powers, has said that, India’s cricket board will hav.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Board of Control for Cricket in India, BCCI, Lodha Panel


Bombay HC Slams Assessing Officer For Holding Back Company’s Refund(21.10.2016)

Bombay HC has slammed an I-T Assessing Officer for holding back refunds without sufficient reasons of Group M India, world's largest Media Investment .....

Tags : Bombay HC, Income Tax, Assessing Officer, Group M India


RBI Issues Revised Guidelines for FIF(16.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued revised guidelines for scope of activities and objectives of its Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF). The corpus of .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, FIF


RBI: No Relaxation in CRR, SLR Norms(19.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has junked the plea of entities that have secured licences to set up small finance banks that they be given some leeway in.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, small finance banks


Indian Patent Office Denies Patent for ‘Invention’ on Providing Hypertext to Phones(21.10.2015)

Indian Patent Office has denied to entertain an application by US technology, Google for its 'claimed invention' regarding a computer-implemented meth.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office, US technology, Google


RBI Issues Guidelines for the Gold Monetisation Scheme(23.10.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines for the Gold Monetisation Scheme. RBI has issued directions for banks on implementation of the gold .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Gold Monetisation Scheme


Bombay HC to Magnasound and Sony: Hand Over Masters and Other Material Back to Official Liquidator(23.10.2015)

Bombay HC has ordered Sony Music and Magnasound India to hand over masters and other material back to official liquidator. Magnasound India had made a.....

Tags : Bombay HC, Sony Music , Magnasound India


Bombay HC Denies to Grant Relief to Doctors against MCI Action(26.10.2015)

Bombay HC has denied to grant relief to a bunch of doctors who challenged orders of Medical Council of India and Maharashtra Medical Council against t.....

Tags : Bombay HC , Medical Council of India


Delhi HC Dismisses Cairn India Plea on Oil Export from Rajasthan Field(18.10.2016)

Delhi HC has dismissed plea of UK-based Vedanta Group Company, Cairn India Ltd’s seeking permission to export excess crude from its oil field in Rajas.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Cairn India, crude oil


CCI Approves Piramal’s Acquisition(21.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Piramal Enterprises' lab diagnostics and point-of-care business by DiaSys India.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Piramal Enterprise


CCI Permits $150-mn JBF Group-KKR Credit deal(21.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved polyster products manufacturer JBF Industries' $150 million deal with global investment firm KKR Cr.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, JBF Industries, KKR Credit


PFRDA Switches to PAN for Online Enrolment Under NPS Scheme(21.12.2015)

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India (PFRDA) has started using PAN instead of Aadhaar for validation of new customers who can no.....

Tags : Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India, National Pension System (NPS) scheme


Supreme Court Notices Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft over Rising Cybercrimes(06.12.2016)

Supreme Court of India has issued notice to tech giants Google India, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook on their role in curbing rising cyber crimes in India.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Google India, Yahoo India, Microsoft, cyber crimes


CCI Rejects Anti-competitive Practices Complaints Against DLF(07.12.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected a complaint of anti-competitive practices against DLF pertaining to 1995-96 period saying competiti.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, DLF, anti-competitive practices


RBI Eases Authentication Rules for Online Card Transactions(07.12.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has removed two-factor authentication for online card transactions involving sums up to Rs2,000 in a move aimed at simplif.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Online Card Transactions


RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17; Kept Repo Rate Unchanged(07.12.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17 wherein it has kept Repo rate unchanged at 6.25 percent, .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Monetary Policy, Reverse Repo, Repo rate


RBI Stop to Barter Trade on Indo-Myanmar Border(06.11.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to officially stop barter system, which is trading of goods without exchange of money, at Indo-Myanmar border......

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Barter Trade , Indo-Myanmar Border


Delhi HC Grants Relief to Indian Jewellers(09.11.2015)

Delhi HC while giving relief to Indian jewellers who import gold ornaments from Indonesia under a free trade agreement, has directed customs authoriti.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Indian Jewellers,


Government Notifies Revised Double Taxation Agreement with South Korea(27.10.2016)

Government has notified a new Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and South Korea, which was signed by Prime Minister Narendra Mo.....

Tags : Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, India, South Korea


Delhi HC Seeks Government Response over Illegal Construction in Tughlakabad(02.11.2016)

Delhi High Court has sought response of Government and Archeological Survey of India (ASI) over plea seeking demolition of a factory allegedly built i.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Archeological Survey of India , Tughlakabad


CCI Approves Ashok Leyland's Deal to Buy Nissan Stake in Three JVs(04.11.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI's) has approved Ashok Leyland to buyout its Japanese partner Nissan Motors' stake in JVs, which were floated to m.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Ashok Leyland, Nissan Motors


RBI Allows Banks to Raise Funds Via Masala Bonds(04.11.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to issue Rupee-Denominated Bonds, or Masala Bonds, in overseas market to shore up their capital base as .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Masala Bonds


Hyderabad HC: No Age Limit for Law Courses This Academic Year(07.11.2016)

Hyderabad High Court has said that age limits prescribed by Bar Council of India for admission into Law courses would not be applicable for admissions.....

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, age limits, Bar Council of India


SEBI Approves Norms to Make “e-Book” Must for Pvt. Placement Debt(12.01.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has approved new norms to make electronic book mandatory for all private placement issues on debt basis,.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, electronic book


SEBI Stiffens Operating Conditions for Commodity Exchanges(12.01.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has stiffened operating conditions for commodity exchanges and said, “If there is no trading operation o.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , commodity exchanges


CCI Issues Combination Regulations to Streamline Norms for M&A Filings(13.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Amendment Regulations, 2016, has been no.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India (Procedure in regard to the transaction of business relating to combinations) Amendment Regulations, 2016


CCI Approves Strides Shasun’ Acquisition Plan(13.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Strides Shasun’ plan to acquire Sun Pharmaceutical's two business divisions in India for Rs 165 cro.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India (CCI), Strides Shasun, Sun Pharmaceutical


CCI Dismisses Complaint of Unfair Trade Practices against Omaxe(14.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed a complaint against real estate developer Omaxe and another entity for indulging in anti-competiti.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Omaxe


CCI Nods for Jaypee-Suraksha Group Deal to Sell 5 Wind Projects(14.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved proposed acquisition of Jaiprakash Associates' five wind power plants by Suraksha Group entities.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Jaiprakash Associates, Suraksha Group


Delhi HC Asks J&K: Do J&K HC Judges Takes Oath Under Indian Constitution(03.01.2017)

Delhi High Court sought to know from State of Jammu and Kashmir if its High Court judges take oath owing allegiance to Indian Constitution.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Constitution


CCI Approves RBS India-Sanctum Wealth Acquisition Deal(30.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Group's India wealth management business by Sanctum Wea.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Royal Bank of Scotland , Sanctum Wealth


CCI Permits Avago's Acquisition of Broadcom(04.01.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given its nod to $37 billion acquisition of Broadcom Corporation by chipmaker Avago Technologies Ltd.

Tags : Competi, tion Commission of India, Avago Technologies Ltd., Broadcom Corporation


RBI Tightens Norms for Banks Lending to Overseas Subsidiary of Indian Companies(04.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened norms for banks lending to overseas subsidiary of Indian companies by raising the provisions substantially a.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , subsidiary of Indian companies


Supreme Court Irks over Air India’s Running into Losses(05.01.2016)

Supreme Court has irked over Air India and said that while private airlines were prospering, Air India was running into losses and wondered who should.....

Tags : Supreme Court , Air India


Hyderabad Court Convicts IM Co-founder Yasin Bhatkal & Others for Dilsukhnagar Blasts(13.12.2016)

Hyderabad Court has convicted Indian Mujahideen (IM) co-founder Yasin Bhatkal and four others for Dilsukhnagar blasts in 2013.

Tags : Hyderabad Court, Indian Mujahideen, Dilsukhnagar blasts


Bombay HC Adjourns FTIL-NSEL Merger Case till December 20(14.12.2016)

Bombay High Court has adjourned Financial Technologies of India Ltd’s (FTIL) plea against a Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) order which proposed t.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, National Spot Exchange Ltd, Financial Technologies of India Ltd’s


Supreme Court: Air Force Officers Cannot Grow Beard on Religious Ground(15.12.2016)

Supreme Court has held that personnel working in Indian Air Force cannot sport a beard based on religious grounds.

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Air Force, beard, religious grounds


Delhi HC Puts on Hold AIFF Election for Violating Sports Code(16.12.2016)

Delhi High Court has stayed All India Football Federation (AIFF) elections for non-adherence to Sports Code.

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Football Federation


RBI Cancels License of 56 NBFCs(07.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cancelled a bulk of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) Licence, for either violating regulatory norms or surrende.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Non-Banking Financial Companies


CCI Approves TATA Chemicals-Yara Fertilisers Deal(28.11.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved proposed acquisition of Urea and Customised Fertilisers business of Tata Chemicals by Norway's Yara.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, acquisition, Tata Chemicals, Yara Fertilisers


CIC: Records of Loans to Adani Groups Cannot be Disclosed under RTI(28.11.2016)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has held that records related to loans given to industries promoted by Gautam Adani cannot be disclosed as these .....

Tags : Central Information Commission, Gautam Adani , State Bank of India , Loans


RBI Capped Withdrawal From Jan Dhan Accounts to Rs. 10000 Per Month(30.11.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a notification saying that Jan Dhan Account Holders will be allowed to withdraw only Rs 10,000 a month, as a te.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Jan Dhan Account, money laundering, withdraw


Delhi HC Notices TATA, Docomo over RBI Application(02.12.2016)

Delhi High Court has asked NTT Docomo Inc. and Tata Sons Ltd to respond to a Reserve Bank of India (RBI) application seeking to be heard in a dispute .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Docomo, Tata, Reserve Bank of India


Karnataka High Court Summons Vijay Mallya in Contempt Case(05.12.2016)

Karnataka High Court has ordered Businessman Vijay Mallya to appear before Court on 19 January for charges to be framed in a contempt case filed by pu.....

Tags : Karnataka High Court, Vijay Mallya, State Bank of India


NGT Notices Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum over Air Pollution(05.12.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued notice to two public sector oil companies asking them whether they use any diesel vehicle which is more than .....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, diesel vehicle, Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum, Air Pollution


RBI Nods to Hike Service Charge on Deposits by Non-Chest Branches(22.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said currency chest holding branches can raise service charges to be levied on cash deposited by non-chest bank branch.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Chest Branches


RBI Asks Banks to Extend loans to Women SHGs at 7 % Rate(22.01.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans up to Rs 3 lakh at 7 per cent interest rate to Women Self-Help Group (SHG) under the Nati.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Women Self-Help Group


RBI Relaxes Deposits Norm of More Than Rs 5,000 in Old Denominations For KYC A/Cs(21.12.2016)

Reserve Bank of India has relaxed its notification, specifying that deposits of over 5000 rupees could be made only after furnishing a satisfactory re.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Old Denominations, Deposits, KYC A/Cs, demonetisation


Bombay HC: Can’t Authorize to Reside in Country Without Valid Papers(22.12.2016)

Bombay High Court has observed that a person cannot be authorized to reside in country without valid papers even if he is entitled to Indian citizensh.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Indian citizenship,


Delhi HC Notices BCI over Attendance Norms Relaxation in Delhi University(26.12.2016)

Delhi High Court has sought an explanation from Bar Council of India (BCI) for its alleged action in writing to Delhi University’s Law Faculty to rela.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bar Council of India, Delhi University


Presidents Re-Promulgates Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Fifth Ordinance, 2016(26.12.2016)

President of India has re-promulgated Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Fifth Ordinance, 2016, aimed to guard against claims of succession or .....

Tags : President of India, Enemy Property, Ordinance


CCI Approves Madison India- Micromax Deal(28.12.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has accepted request from investment fund Madison India Opportunities Ltd to acquire an equity stake in mobile p.....

Tags : CCI, Madison India, Micromax


SEBI Changes Comex Rules(01.02.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has reduced position limits in agri commodities derivatives trading segment which, market players said, .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Comex Rules


CCI Nods for Sun Life’s Acquisition in BSLI(01.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given approval to Sun Life's acquisition of 23% more stake in Birla Sun Life Insurance (BSLI), a joint ventu.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Sun Life, Birla Sun Life Insurance


Madras HC Asks Immigration Department to Issue Passport Without Insisting on Father’s Signature(01.02.2016)

Madras High Court has directed Immigration Department to consider issuing an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Passport to an infant in the United Kingd.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Overseas Citizen of India


CCI Approves Marriott-Starwood Deal(02.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given its approval for acquisition of Starwood Hotels and Resorts by Marriott International.

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Starwood Hotels , Marriott International


RBI Mandates Online Filing of FDI Forms from February 8(02.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to file forms related to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) only online on the e-Biz portal from February 8.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Direct Investment


RBI Eases FDI Norms to Boost Start-Ups(03.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed several rules including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) norms to boost start-up activity in the country.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Foreign Direct Investment , Start-Ups


Delhi HC Directs Cairn India to Initiate Arbitration in Ravva Oil Field Dispute(12.01.2017)

Delhi High Court has asked Cairn India Ltd to initiate arbitration proceedings within two weeks in a dispute at its Ravva oil field off the coast of A.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Cairn India, Ravva oil field


Delhi HC Directs ASI to Check Illegal Construction in Tughlaqabad Fort Area(12.01.2017)

Delhi High Court has directed Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to ensure that there is no unauthorised activity or construction taking place withi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Archaeological Survey of India, Tughlaqabad Fort


SC Orders IEX to Pay Rs 31 Crore Dividend to FTIL(15.02.2016)

Supreme Court has asked India Energy Exchange to pay Rs 31 crore dividend to Financial Technologies (India) within two weeks.

Tags : Supreme Court, India Energy Exchange


CCI Nods for GSPL’s Stake Hike in Sabarmati Gas(15.02.2016)

Gujarat State Petronet (GSPL) has received approval from Competition Commission of India (CCI) to raise stake in Sabarmati Gas Ltd by 13.71 per cent t.....

Tags : Gujarat State Petronet, Competition Commission of India


CCI Clears Reliance Aerostructure- Dassault Aviation Joint Venture Deal(30.01.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved proposed joint venture between Anil Ambani-led group firm Reliance Aerostructure and Rafale-maker D.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Reliance Aerostructure, Dassault Aviation


RBI Rejects EC Request to Enhance Withdrawal Limits For Poll Candidates(30.01.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has rejected request of Election Commission (EC) to enhance weekly cash-withdrawal limit, imposed after demonetisation, fo.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Election Commission


Supreme Court Questions Feasibility of All India Judicial Services(31.01.2017)

Supreme Court has questioned feasibility of All India Judicial Services, saying how could power of High Courts to appoint Judicial Officers in trial c.....

Tags : Supreme Court, All India Judicial Services


Supreme Court Bars Litigants For Life From Filing PILs(31.01.2017)

Supreme Court has barred two litigants for life, who cast aspersions on Chief Justice of India J S Khehar and his predecessor Justice T S Thakur, from.....

Tags : Supreme Court, PILs, Chief Justice of India


RBI: No Restrictions on ATM Withdrawals From Feb 01(31.01.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said that limits on ATM withdrawals will further be eased from February 1 and curbs on branch withdrawals from current.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ATM Withdrawals


RBI Revises Norms for NBFC Factor Firms(19.02.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has came out with clarifications for NBFC factor companies to remove any possible regulatory arbitrage with banks that pro.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , NBFC factor companies


Pfizer Books Patent for Cholesterol Lowering Formulation(19.02.2016)

Indian Patent Office has granted Pfizer Inc patent for drug that addresses issues related to cholesterol and related disorders, including cardiovascu.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office, Pfizer Inc


CCI Junks Air India's Complaint Against IndiGo(22.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected Air India's allegation of predatory recruitment ways made against no-frills carrier IndiGo's parent.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Air India


CCI Nods for Reliance Communications-Sistema Shyam Merger(22.02.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved proposed merger of Sistema Shyam Ltd's operations into Reliance Communications, paving way for the .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Sistema Shyam Ltd, Reliance Communications


COMPAT Stays CCI's Rs 151-Crore Penalty on Jet Airways(23.02.2016)

Competition Appellate Tribunal (COMPAT) has stayed Competition Commission of India (CCI) ‘s penalty of Rs 151.69 crore imposed on Jet Airways for alle.....

Tags : Competition Appellate Tribunal , Competition Commission of India , Jet Airways


CCI Permits Virtusa to Acquire 53% Stake in Polaris(24.02.2016)

Virtusa Corp has received Competition Commission of India (CCI)’s nod to acquire 53 per cent stake in Polaris Consulting & Services for about Rs 1,173.....

Tags : Virtusa Corp, Competition Commission of India


RBI Releases Fifth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, Maintains Status Quo on Repo Rate(08.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued its sixth Bi-monthly Policy Statement for the year, wherein Apex Bank decided to hold on to repo rate at 6.25 p.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bi-monthly Policy Statement, repo rate


RBI Issues Norms for PDs in Exchange-Traded Currency Futures(18.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued guidelines permitting standalone Primary Dealers (PDs) to participate in exchange-traded currency futures on ap.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Primary Dealers, Currency Futures


RBI Revises Rules for Resolution of Stressed MSME Loans(18.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has revised rules pertaining to revival of advances to small businesses and asked lenders to form district-level committee.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , MSME


RBI Permits Banks to Adjust Excess Pension(18.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to adjust excess or wrongful payments to pensioners with their accounts. In case the entire amount could.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Pension


RBI Relaxes Reporting Requirement of NEFT Transactions(18.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has said it is discontinuing provision where banks had to submit data pertaining to NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfe.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT Transactions


RBI Signs MOU on Information Exchange With Bank of Zambia(16.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has inked an information exchange pact with Bank of Zambia aimed at forging greater cooperation.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Zambia


RBI Releases Draft MDR Norms(17.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released draft norms for revamping Merchant Discount Rate (MDR), with an aim to make it more cost effective and appeal.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Merchant Discount Rate


SEBI Permits Foreign Players to Buy Shares Via Primary Markets(17.02.2017)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has allowed foreign investors to acquire shares through primary markets in depositories and clearing cor.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, foreign investors


RBI Relaxes ECB Norms for Infrastructure Sector(31.03.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed all companies engaged in infrastructure sector to raise external commercial borrowings with a minimum maturity.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, ECB Norms


SC: Provide Security to Expedite Work on Peripheral E-Ways(01.04.2016)

Supreme Court, while providing big relief to National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) to expedite construction of two peripheral expressways around.....

Tags : Supreme Court, National Highways Authority of India


Delhi HC: CCI Can Entertain Patent Rights Abuse Complaints(04.04.2016)

Delhi HC has said that Competition Commission of India (CCI) can entertain complaints regarding abuse of dominance of patent rights as there is no "ir.....

Tags : Delhi HC , Competition Commission of India


RBI Releases First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17(05.04.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17, lowered key interest rates by 25 basis points to 6.5 per.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2016-17


CCI Gives a Go Ahead to Goldman Sachs-Amber Enterprises Deal(06.04.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Goldman Sachs' stake purchase in Amber Enterprises India.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Goldman Sachs


Supreme Court Seeks MCI’s Clarification Over Power to Fix Age Limit For MBBS Admission(28.02.2017)

Supreme Court has asked Medical Council of India (MCI) to clarify if it had power to fix an upper age limit of 25 years for admission to MBBS/BDS cour.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Medical Council of India, Age Limit


Hyderabad High Court Grants Telangana 3 Months Time to Consider Revival of CCI Adilabad Unit(28.02.2017)

Hyderabad High Court has granted three months’ time for Government of Telangana to take all appropriate steps to see that Adilabad unit of Cement Corp.....

Tags : Hyderabad High Court, Cement Corporation of India, Adilabad


SC Quashes Madras HC Order Allowing Partial FTIL Asset Transfer(18.04.2016)

Supreme Court has set aside a Madras HC order which partially suspended a stay on Financial Technologies (India) Ltd (FTIL) to sell its assets.

Tags : Supreme Court, Financial Technologies (India) Ltd (FTIL)


RBI Amends Norms on Bank Frauds(19.04.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI), while amending disclosure norms, has asked banks to disclose fraud cases and make provisions for them not exceeding four .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bank Frauds


CIC Prevents Indian Seed Companies’ (Using Monsanto Technology) Obligatory Destruction of Seeds(20.04.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has said in interim order that Indian seed companies that use global agriculture firm Monsanto's technology will.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Monsanto's technology


Delhi HC Seeks Centre's Response over RBI's Circular on E-Retail(22.04.2016)

Dellhi HC has sought Centre's response on petition challenging a circular by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), as per which retail trading in any form thro.....

Tags : Dellhi HC , Reserve Bank of India


SEBI Makes E-Book Must for Pvt. Placement Debt Issues(22.04.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has made electronic book mandatory for all private placement issues on debt basis for more than Rs 500 c.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , E-Book


Supreme Court Notices Centre Over RBI's Refusal to Exchange Demonetised Notes(06.03.2017)

Supreme Court has issued a notice to Central Government on a plea challenging Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) refusal to accept Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 note.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India


Bombay HC Upholds FTII Decision Refusing Admission to Colour Blind to Film Editing Course(08.03.2017)

Bombay High Court has upheld decision of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) not to grant a colour blind candidate admission to film editing.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Film and Television Institute of India


Govt. Relaxes CCI Financial Threshold Limits(08.03.2016)

Government, with a view to improve ease of doing business, has raised financial threshold limit for companies seeking nod from Competition Commission .....

Tags : Government, ompetition Commission of India


CCI Approves Sony Pictures Deal to Buy Ten Sports(19.01.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has cleared Sony Pictures Networks’ proposed purchase of Ten Sports, owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Ten Sports, Zee Entertainment, Sony Pictures


CCI Slaps Rs. 2.92 Crore Fine on Three Firms For Bid rigging of Tenders by Indian Railways(20.01.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed penalties totaling about Rs. 2.92 crore on three firms for bid rigging of tenders floated by Indian .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Bid rigging


CCI Fines Seven Cement Companies For Bid rigging, Cartelization(20.01.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has held seven cement companies guilty of bid rigging and cartelization and imposed a total fine of nearly Rs 20.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Bid rigging, Cartelization


Delhi HC Slams ASI For Failing to Protect Tughlaqabad Fort(27.01.2017)

Delhi High Court has questioned Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) on its failure to protect Tughlaqabad Fort from encroachments.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Tughlaqabad Fort, Archaeological Survey of India


RBI Bans Investments in ‘Non-cooperative Countries’(27.01.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has prohibited Indian entities from making direct investments in any entity located in 'non co-operative countries and ter.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-cooperative Countries, investments


Punjab & Haryana HC: ‘Paramilitary Jawans’ Are Akin to Soldiers in Indian Army(30.01.2017)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that work of paramilitary jawan is "arduous and akin to soldiers in Indian Army", and hence it calls for a high.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Indian Army, Paramilitary Jawans’


SC: Common All-India Medical Entrance Test to be Held This Year(28.04.2016)

SC has said that a common all-India medical entrance test will be held this year for admissions to MBBS and BDS courses.

Tags : SC, common all-India medical entrance test


CCI Dismisses Allegations Against Real Estate Websites(05.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations that five real estate websites, including Housing.com and Magicbricks.com, abused thei.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Real Estate Websites


CCI Rejects Complaint against Case New Holland(06.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected a complaint alleging that Case New Holland Construction Equipment (India) Ltd indulged in anti-comp.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, New Holland Construction Equipment (India) Ltd


RBI Relaxes Deposit Norms for Foreign Missions, Diplomats(06.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has repealed and superseded regulations under the Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000, in consultation.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000,


CCI Permits PVR-DT Cinemas Deal(06.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved multiplex chain PVR's proposed acquisition of DT Cinemas from DLF while directing the companies to .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , PVR , DT Cinemas


CCI Rejects Complaint against Realty Firm Ambika Trading & Construction(09.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations that Ambika Trading & Construction indulged in anti-competitive practices with regard t.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Ambika Trading & Construction


Supreme Court Notices Army, Centre Over Plea to Review Sahayak System(25.04.2017)

Supreme Court has issued notices to Indian Army and Centre on a plea seeking a review of Sahayak system and its alleged misuse.

Tags : Supreme Court, Sahayak System, Indian Army


SEBI Relaxes Currency Derivatives Rules(23.06.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has relaxed currency derivatives rules, allowing participants to continue to hold on to their open posit.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Currency Derivatives Rules


RBI Permits Start-Ups to Open Currency Account Abroad(24.06.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed startups with an overseas subsidiary to open foreign currency accounts abroad to credit foreign exchange earni.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, startups


CCI Dismisses Complaint against KAMP Developers(28.06.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices made against KAMP Developers with respect to residential .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , KAMP Developers


TRAI Directs Reliance Jio to Withdraw 15-days Extension on Jio Prime plan(07.04.2017)

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has directed Reliance Jio to withdraw 15-days extension on Jio Prime plan.

Tags : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Jio Prime, Reliance Jio


Supreme Court: BCI Cannot Remand Back The Complaints Transferred To It By State Bar Councils(07.04.2017)

Apex Court has held that the Bar Council of India (BCI) cannot remand back a complaint which is transferred to it by the State Bar Council.

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India


Bombay HC Grants No Relief to Zee in Copyright Case on Kid's Talent Show 'India’s Best Dramebaaz'(10.04.2017)

Bombay High Court has refused to grant any relief to Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd and dismissed the notice of motion in a commercial suit filed a.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, India’s Best Dramebaaz, Zee, Sony


CCI Gives Nod to Acquisition of Reliance Retail's Dairy Business by Heritage Foods(11.04.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of Reliance Retail's dairy business by Heritage Foods, owned by Andhra Chief Minister N.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Heritage Foods


ITAT Delhi Orders Cairn UK to Pay Rs 10,000 Cr Tax For Transfer of Shares to Cairn India(15.03.2017)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi (ITAT), has ordered UK's Cairn Energy Plc to pay Rs 10,000 crore capital gains tax on transfer of ownership from.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi, Cairn India


Orissa High Court Puts On Hold State’s Tax Recovery Notice to IOCL(17.03.2017)

Orissa High Court has ordered to “keep in abeyance” a demand notice of VAT recovery issued by Odisha Government asking Indian Oil Corporation Limited .....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Vat, Indian Oil


CCI Annuls Anti-competitive Charges Against BookMyShow(20.03.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected allegations of anti-competitive practices made against Big Tree Entertainment, which runs movie tic.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, BookMyShow


Delhi High Court Moots For 'No Biasness' in Indian Air Force Over Study Leave(21.03.2017)

Delhi High Court has ruled that an airman in Indian Air Force (IAF) can't be denied study leave on grounds that he is not an officer.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Air Force, Study Leave


LCI 265th Report: No Tax Relief on Interest on Money Deposited for Maintenance of Minor Child(21.03.2017)

Law Commission of India in its 265th report has recommended to Government that interest earned on money deposited by a parent for maintenance of a min.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, Minor Child, Maintenance


Supreme Court to Sahara India: Pay Rs 5092.64 Crore or Get Ready For Aamby Valley Auction(22.03.2017)

Supreme Court has threatened to auction off Aamby Valley if Sahara India Group does not deposit Rs 5,092.64 crore with Securities and Exchange Board o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Sahara India, Aamby Valley


Supreme Court: Can BCI’s Disciplinary Panel Members Analyse Documents In Unfamiliar Language?(23.03.2017)

Supreme Court, while setting aside a disciplinary proceedings against a lawyer, has asked ‘how Disciplinary Committee consisting of members, who were .....

Tags : Supreme Court, disciplinary proceedings, Bar Council of India


Delhi High Court Rejects Swaraj India's Plea For Common Symbol to Contest MCD Elections(30.03.2017)

Delhi High Court has dismissed a case by Yogendra Yadav-led, Swaraj India, challenging Delhi State Election Commission’s decision to not allot the par.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Swaraj India, MCD Polls


Punjab & Haryana HC Seeks Air India Response on Route Change For Amritsar-Birmingham Flight(30.03.2017)

Punjab and Haryana High Court has asked Air India to explain and produce relevant record pertaining to circumstances under which it changed route of A.....

Tags : Punjab and Haryana High Court, Air India, Amritsar-Birmingham flight


RBI: Banks to Remain Closed on April 1(31.03.2017)

Reversing its earlier order, Reserve Bank (RBI) has said that the bank branches dealing in government businesses need not remain open on April 1 in vi.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, April 1


Status Quo on MDR: RBI(31.03.2017)

RBI has said that its mid-December 2016 ‘special measures’ on rationalisation of merchant discount rate (MDR) will continue whereby MDR for transactio.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, merchant discount rate


ECI Tightens Poll Code Norms for Electronic and Print Media(31.03.2017)

Election Commission of India (ECI) has tightened poll code norms for electronic and print media by disallowing poll outcome forecasts by political ana.....

Tags : Election Commission of India, poll code norms


MCA Relaxes Norms for M&A Deals Clearance by CCI(31.03.2017)

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has eased the criteria for notifying Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) deals to the Competition Commission of India (.....

Tags : Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Competition Commission of India


Delhi HC Refuses Common Symbol to Swaraj India in the MCD polls(03.04.2017)

Delhi High Court has rejected the Yogendra Yadav-led Swaraj India’s plea for allotting a common symbol to its candidates in the upcoming MCD elections.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Swaraj India


Delhi HC Reserves Order on Swaraj India’s Plea on Denial of Common Symbol(24.03.2017)

Delhi High Court has reserved its order on a plea by activist-turned-politician Yogendra Yadav’s Swaraj India, challenging Delhi State Election Commis.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Common Symbol, Swaraj India


Kerala High Court Dismisses Plea Challenging Bank Merger(27.03.2017)

Kerala High Court has dismissed a batch of Public Interest Petitions challenging decision of State Bank of India (SBI) to acquire State Bank of Travan.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, State Bank of India


Reserve Bank of India to Allow Exchange of Rs 4500 in Old Notes in Nepal(27.03.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will allow exchange of up to Rs 4,500 in banned Indian currency notes to each Nepali national.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Demonetisation


CCI Imposes Rs 591.1 Crore Fine on CIL, Subsidiaries For Unfair Trade Practices(27.03.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a penalty of Rs. 591.1 crore on CIL (Coal India Ltd) and its subsidiaries for indulging in unfair/ d.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Coal India


LCI 267th Report: Panel Calls For Wider `Incitement' Definition to Curb 'Hate Speech'(27.03.2017)

Law Commission of India (LCI) in its 267th Report has recommended introducing more provisions in Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Code of Criminal Procedur.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, Hate Speech


LCI 266th Report: Panel Moots For Banning Strikes by Lawyers, Calls For Amending Advocates Act(27.03.2017)

Law Commission of India (LCI) in its 266th Report has recommended to Centre to amend law to ban strikes by lawyers which had reached "terrifying propo.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, Advocates Act


SEBI Bans Reliance Industries, Others From Equity Derivative Market For 1 Year(27.03.2017)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi)has barred Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and 12 other entities from dealing in equity derivatives futures.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Reliance Industries


CCI Approves Acquisition of 2 HUL Rice Brands(18.05.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved acquisition of two rice brands of Hindustan Unilever by LT foods, the owners of Daawar brand.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, HUL Rice Brands


CCI Rejects Allegations of Anti-Competitive Practices against REC Power Distribution Company(20.05.2016)

Competition Commission India (CCI) has rejected allegations of anti-competitive practices against REC Power Distribution Company even as it said that .....

Tags : Competition Commission India, REC


RBI Eases Norms on FDI in CICs(20.05.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased norms around Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in credit information companies (CICs) in India.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, FDI


SEBI Tightens P-Note Norms(20.05.2016)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has tightened rules on issue of Participatory Notes (P-Notes) to bring in more transparency and curb mis.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India , P-Notes


NGT Slams NHAI over Chopping of Trees for Road Widening(24.05.2016)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has slammed the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for reckless chopping of trees in the name of development of.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, National Highways Authority of India


Supreme Court Puts on Hold Grant of Rs.55.5 Lakh Compensation to Injured Air Warrior(24.05.2017)

Supreme Court has stayed award by Delhi High Court of Rs.55.5 lakh to a Wing Commander in Indian Air Force, who sued Ministry of Defence and Hindustan.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Air Force


Madhya Pradesh High Court Acquits Man 10 Years After His Death(25.05.2017)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has acquitted a deceased person from charges under sections 294 and 506 II of IPC due to lack of evidence.

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, Indian Penal Code, Acquittal


Delhi HC Protects Singers’ Right(24.08.2016)

Delhi HC has directed a Delhi-based restaurant to stop playing music or performing songs in any manner without obtaining permission from the Indian Si.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Indian Singers’ Rights Association


SC: Two Indian Firms May Conduct Arbitration Outside India(26.08.2016)

Supreme Court has upheld Madhya Pradesh HC decision holding that two Indian firms, Sasan Power Ltd and North American Coal Corporation India Pvt Ltd.,.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Madhya Pradesh HC, Sasan Power Ltd., North American Coal Corporation India Pvt Ltd.


RBI to Banks: Provide Loans to Women SHGs at 7%(26.08.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to provide loans to women self-help groups (SHGs) at 7 per cent per annum, as per the government's revised.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, self-help groups


Delhi HC: Why is LLB given Second-Hand Treatment?(29.08.2016)

Delhi HC, while hearing a plea against the Bar Council of India’s (BCI) order on change in the timing of evening classes at Delhi University’s Faculty.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Bar Council of India


CCI Orders Investigation on Italy's Esaote for over Unfair Business Practices(29.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered a detailed investigation against Italy's Esaote after finding that the imaging diagnostic systems ma.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , Italy's Esaote


CIC Directs RBI To Appoint Nodal CPIO(14.06.2017)

Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed Reserve Bank of India to appoint a Nodal Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), in addition to c.....

Tags : Central Information Commission, Reserve Bank of India


Govt Notifies New Exemptions to Private Ltd Companies(15.06.2017)

Govt has notified exemption to Pvt Ltd Companies which says that exceptions, modifications and adaptations provided in it shall be applicable to a com.....

Tags : Government of India, Companies Act, 2013


RBI Launches Website “Sachet” to Tackle Fraud(05.08.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has launched a website named “Sachet” from which anyone can obtain information regarding entities that are allowed to acce.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Sachet


RBI Relaxes Norms in Cheque Dishonour Cases(05.08.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms in cheque dishonour cases of Rs 1 crore and above.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , Cheque Dishonour Cases


Delhi HC Denies to Lift Ban on BBC Documentary ‘India’s Daughter’(08.08.2016)

Delhi HC has refused to interfere with ban on BBC documentary India’s Daughter on the December 16 gangrape case, saying the issue of its telecast was .....

Tags : Delhi HC, BBC Documentary, ‘India’s Daughter’


CCI Junks Complaint against Parsvnath Developers(09.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has rejected a complaint alleging that realty player Parsvnath Developers abused its dominant position by imposi.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Parsvnath Developers


CCI Rejects Allegation of Unfair Business Practices against HSC India(10.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices against government-owned HSCC India with regard to certai.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, HSCC India


CCI Approves UltraTech Cement’s Rs16,189 Crore Deal with Jaiprakash Associates(11.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved UltraTech Cement’s Rs16,189 Crore deal with Jaiprakash Associates.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, UltraTech Cement, Jaiprakash Associates


#Breaking on Nirbhaya Case: SC Upholds Capital Punishment for Convicts in 2012 Delhi Gang Rape Case(05.05.2017)

Supreme Court of India has upheld Death penalty of all four convicts in December 16, 2012 gang rape and murder.

Tags : Supreme Court of India , Nirbhaya Case


Supreme Court Cuts Competition Commission's Penal Powers(09.05.2017)

Supreme Court has upheld an order by Competition Appellate Tribunal (Compat) that penalties imposed by Competition Commission of India (CCI) on compan.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Competition Commission of India


LCI 268th Report on Bail Provisions: Reduce Incarceration Period for Unconvicted Undertrials(25.05.2017)

Law Commission of India in its 268th report related to bail system, made significant suggestions to change bail provisions keeping in mind that poor p.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, bail provisions, 268th report


Islamabad High Court Allows Indian Girl 'Forced to Marry at Gun Point' to Return Home(25.05.2017)

Islamabad High Court has allowed Indian national Uzma, who has accused her Pakistani husband of marrying her at gunpoint, to return to India and has a.....

Tags : Islamabad High Court, Indian national, Uzma


TRAI Says 'No' to Discriminatory Tariffs to Subscribers in Same Class(26.05.2017)

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has directed operators not to provide discriminatory tariffs to subscribers in same class.

Tags : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Discriminatory Tariff


CCI Approves Tata acquisition of Docomo Stake in Tata Teleservices(26.05.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved Tatas’ purchase of 21.63% stake in group firm Tata Teleservices from Japan’s NTT Docomo, taking lon.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Docomo


Government Tweaks Startup Definition, Allows SIAP Benefit to Business Not Older Than 7 Years(26.05.2017)

Government has introduced minor changes to the startup definition, saying a business not older than seven years will now qualify for benefits under St.....

Tags : Startup India Action Plan, startup


Supreme Court to Punjab Government: Reconsider Rural Medical Officers Incentive(26.05.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Punjab Government to reconsider incentive to be given to Rural Medical Officers afresh by keeping in mind the objective wit.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Rural Medical Officers, Medical Council of India Regulations


Supreme Court to Punjab: Reconsider Incentive to be Given to Rural Medical Officers(29.05.2017)

Supreme Court has directed Punjab Government to reconsider incentive to be given to Rural Medical Officers afresh by keeping in mind objective with wh.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Rural Medical Officers, Medical Council of India Regulations


SEBI Tightens Disclosure Norms, Imposes Hefty Penalty for Non-compliance(16.06.2017)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has tightened compliance norms by levying hefty penalty of up to Rs. 1 crore and provision to prosecute .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, disclosure norms


Supreme Court: Women Sacrificing Love for Parents Common in India(19.06.2017)

Supreme Court, while setting aside conviction & life sentence of a man who had survived a pact with a woman to commit suicide immediately after secret.....

Tags : Supreme Court, India


IBBI Notifies Inspection And Investigation Regulations(19.06.2017)

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has notified Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Inspection and Investigation) Regulations, 2017 which .....

Tags : Inspection And Investigation Regulations, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India


Insolvency And Bankruptcy Board Notifies Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process(19.06.2017)

IBBI has notified IBBI (Fast Track Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2017 which provide process from initiation of ins.....

Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Fast Track, Insolvency Resolution Process


CCI Slaps Rs 87 Crore Fine on Hyundai for Unfair Discount Curbs(20.06.2017)

Competition Commission of India has imposed a penalty of Rs 87 crore on Hyundai Motor India for unfair business practices with respect to providing di.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Unfair Discount Curbs


SC Rejects Justice (Retd.) CS Karnan’s Bail Plea(22.06.2017)

Supreme Court of India has rejected former Calcutta High Court Judge Justice CS Karnan’s application for bail and suspension of sentence.

Tags : Supreme Court of India, Justice CS Karnan


Kerala HC: AIIMS Dress Code Prohibiting Headgear, Scarf For MBBS Entrance Test Unconstitutional(29.05.2017)

Kerala High Court has allowed challenge to dress code prescribed by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for MBBS entrance examination.

Tags : Kerala High Court, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Dress Code


IRDA Specifies Procedure to be Followed to Deal with Resignation of ISPs of IMFs(29.05.2017)

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has issued procedure to be followed to deal with resignation of ISPs of IMFs which says that s.....

Tags : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, Insurance Sales Persons (ISPs), Insurance Marketing Firms (IMFs)


RBI Issues Norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds(29.05.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has issued norms for Partial Credit Enhancement to Corporate Bonds making it mandatory for corporate bonds to have rating by a m.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Partial Credit Enhancement


RBI Revises Guidelines on Rationalization of Branch Authorization Policy(29.05.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has liberalised Branch Authorization Policy and has also widened role of bank boards, making them responsible for complyin.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Branch Authorization Policy


Madras High Court Restrains AAI From Taking Up Construction Work in Coimbatore(30.05.2017)

Madras High Court has restrained Airports Authority of India (AAI) from proceeding with any construction work on more than 100 acres of land acquired .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Airports Authority of India


Government Notifies Merger of COMPAT with NCLAT(30.05.2017)

Government of India (GoI) has notified May 26, 2017 as the day on which appeals that were previously being heard by Competition Appellate Tribunal (CO.....

Tags : Government of India, Competition Appellate Tribunal, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal


Madras HC: No Bar on Using Kalam’s Name for Party(23.09.2016)

Madras HC, while observing order of Election Commission refusing to restrain anyone from using the name of former President Abdul Kalam as part of the.....

Tags : Madras HC , Abdul Kalam Vision India Party


Gujarat HC Refuses to Quash Charges against Pepsico in Food Adulteration Case(26.09.2016)

Gujarat HC has denied to quash charges against PepsiCo India Holdings Pvt Ltd and its nominee Hasmukh Mewada in the 2002 case over criticizing it for .....

Tags : Gujarat HC, PepsiCo India Holdings Pvt Ltd


Welspun Secures 'Interactive Textile Article and Augmented Reality System' Patent(26.09.2016)

Welspun India has secured 'Interactive Textile Article and Augmented Reality System' patent which protects the company's new product line TILT." The .....

Tags : Welspun India, patent


Calcutta HC Directs Private Medical Colleges to Follow MCI Admission Rules(27.09.2016)

Calcutta HC has asked private medical colleges in West Bengal to follow Medical Council of India Guidelines on admission of students under management .....

Tags : Calcutta HC , Medical Council of India


#Timely Payment of Salaries in Pvt Eng Colleges: Supreme Court Asks AICTE to Take a Call(02.08.2017)

Supreme Court has directed All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to decide on issue of regularizing and ensuring timely payment of salarie.....

Tags : Supreme Court, All India Council for Technical Education


#RBI Monetary Policy: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Cut by 25 bps(02.08.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has reduced its repo rate by 25 bps to 6% and the reverse repo rate by 25 bps to 5.75%.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Monetary Policy


Delhi High Court: “Rules of Game Cannot be Changed After Game is Over”(04.08.2017)

Delhi High Court has reiterated the settled position of law that selection criteria cannot be changed after admission process is over, while hearing p.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


RBI Permits Indian Subsidiaries of MNCs to Hedge Forex Exposure(07.11.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Indian subsidiaries of multinational companies to hedge their foreign currency exposure through derivatives, O.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Indian subsidiaries, foreign currency


Delhi HC Directs Hotel Leela to Pay Rs. 258 Crore to AAI(07.11.2016)

Delhi High Court has directed Hotel Leela Venture Ltd to pay Rs.258 crore to Airport Authority of India (AAI) regarding land leased by Airport Operato.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Hotel Leela, Airport Authority of India


Delhi HC Gives Centre 60 Days for Finalizing Cairn’s Barmer PSC Extension(08.11.2016)

Delhi High Court has given Central Government another two months to arrive at its decision regarding extension of a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Production Sharing Contract, Cairn India


SC Defers NDTV India Ban Hearing till Dec 5(09.11.2016)

Supreme Court has adjourned hearing of a plea challenging a day’s ban on NDTV India to December 5 as Attorney General informed Court that Government w.....

Tags : Supreme Court, NDTV India, Ban


SC Allows BCCI to Release Funds For Ind-Eng Series(09.11.2016)

Supreme Court has released Rs 58.66 lakh to Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to conduct test match between India and England scheduled for.....

Tags : Supreme Court, BCCI, India- England Series


RBI: New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes From November 10(09.11.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, Urjit Patel has said that Apex Bank will launch new Rs 500 and Rs 2,000 currency notes from November 10.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, New Rs. 500, 2000 Notes


RBI Eases Stressed Asset Resolution Norms(11.11.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has eased rules for various stressed asset resolution schemes and expanded scope of a loan recast plan previously limited .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , infrastructure sector, Stressed Asset Resolution


Competition Commission of India Fines Aditya Birla Group Firm Grasim for Bid Rigging(06.10.2017)

Competition Commission of India has imposed fines totalling Rs 6.27 crore on Aditya Birla group firm Grasim Industries and two others for bid rigging .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Bid Rigging, Aditya Birla Group


RBI Revises Norms for 'When issued' Security(11.12.2015)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in order to encourage trading in ‘When Issued’ transactions in government securities, has allowed banks to take short posi.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India , ‘When Issued’ transactions


Allahabad HC Junks Termination Orders for 16 IIIT-A Teachers(14.12.2015)

Allahabad High Court has junked a resolution of board of management of Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad (IIIT-A) and subsequent or.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad


CCI Seeks Public Comment over 500cr PVR-DT Cinemas Deal(14.12.2015)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has sought comments from public over PVR’s proposed Rs 500-crore worth acquisition of DT Cinemas, after finding .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India , PVR


Supreme Court to Search Engine Companies: Block Pre-Natal Sex Determination Ads(16.11.2016)

Supreme Court has directed companies that operate search engines like Google India, Yahoo India and Microsoft Corp. India Pvt. Ltd to block advertisem.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Google India, Yahoo India, Microsoft, Pre-Natal Sex Determination Ads


Madras HC: Hate Politics Practised in South India(18.11.2016)

Madras High Court has observed that politics of hate is practised by parties in South India without being cordial and friendly unlike politicians of N.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Hate Politics, South India


SC Issues Notice to Air India for Denying Job to Transgender(07.11.2017)

Supreme Court has issued notice to Air India and the Civil Aviation Ministry on a petition by a transgender who said she was denied a cabin crew job b.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Air India, Transgender, Civil Aviation Ministry


Delhi HC Quashes Praful Patel’s Appointment as President of All India Football Federation(07.11.2017)

Delhi High Court has set aside the election of the office-bearers of the All India Football Federation, including its President Mr. Praful Patel, whil.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Football Federation, Mr. Praful Patel, S.Y. Quraishi


Delhi HC Extends Relief to JNU Students over Feb. 9 Event(20.10.2016)

Delhi High Court has extended relief granted to the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students against University's decision holding them guilty of in.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Jawaharlal Nehru University, "anti-India" slogans


Supreme Court Directs NGO to File Short Submissions Over Irregularities in Aircraft Purchase(22.08.2017)

Supreme Court has asked an NGO, which has alleged "serious irregularities" in purchase or hiring of 111 aircraft for Air India in 2005-06, to give sho.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Air India


Indian Patent Office Grants Pfizer Patent for Pneumonia Vaccine(23.08.2017)

India’s Patent Office has granted US pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. a patent for its pneumonia vaccine Prevnar 13, despite opposition from the hea.....

Tags : Indian Patent Office, Pfizer, Pneumonia


Supreme Court Rejects Plea Against Justice Misra For Non-Prosecution(28.08.2017)

Supreme Court has dismissed a petition mentioned before it for urgent hearing seeking a declaration that Justice Dipak Misra be disqualified from bein.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India


Justice Dipak Misra Sworn In As 45th Chief Justice Of India(28.08.2017)

Justice Misra was sworn in as the 45th Chief Justice of India at a brief ceremony in the Darbar Hall of Rashtrapati Bhavan. President Ram Nath Kovind .....

Tags : Chief Justice Of India


Supreme Court Refuses E-auction of Media Rights of IPL Matches(29.08.2017)

Supreme Court has said that it was not inclined to change the method for the upcoming auction of media rights for Indian Premier League (IPL).

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Premier League


Delhi High Court Restores All India Carrom Federation(01.09.2017)

Delhi High Court has empowered All India Carrom Federation (AICF), elected on November 29, 2015, to function and recalled the earlier order that resul.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Carrom Federation


CCI Rejects Abuse of Dominant Position Plea Against Toyota(29.12.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed allegations that Japanese auto major Toyota abused its dominant position with regard to sale of a .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Toyota, dominant position


RBI Eases Bad Loan Classification Norms For Small Borrowers, Farmers(29.12.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has relaxed norms for bad loan classification for small borrowers, including farmers, giving them additional 30 days to re.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, loan, repayment, Small Borrowers


Karnataka HC Directs KMC Not to De-register IMA Members(30.12.2016)

Karnataka High Court has directed Karnataka Medical Council (KMC) not to de-register until further orders doctors who are members of Indian Medical As.....

Tags : Karnataka HC, Karnataka Medical Council, Indian Medical Association


Delhi HC Notices Ex-Indian Air Force Chief SP Tyagi over CBI Plea Challenging his Bail(30.12.2016)

Delhi High Court has issued notice to Ex-Indian Air Force Chief SP Tyagi, over CBI's plea challenging his bail in AgustaWestland chopper bribery scam.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Air Force, SP Tyagi, AgustaWestland chopper


RBI Extends Note Exchange Deadline for NRI’s till June 30(02.01.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has said that Non-resident Indians (NRIs) can exchange old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes till June 30, 2017.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000, Demonetisation


President Clears Currency Ban Ordinance(02.01.2017)

President Pranab Mukherjee signed the Specific Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Ordinance, 2016 that seeks to extinguish RBI’s liability in respe.....

Tags : Demonetisation, Ordinance, President of India, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000


Rajya Sabha Passes Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Bill, 2017(28.12.2017)

Rajya Sabha has passed a bill that provides for establishing Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE) in Andhra Pradesh to impart high quality .....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Bill


RBI Allows Use of OTP for Account Opening(09.12.2016)

To quicken the process of opening of bank account, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has amended its know your customer (KYC) rules to allow banks to open n.....

Tags : RBI, Reserve Bank of India


AP High Court Fixes Remuneration of Hyderabad Cricket Association CoA at Rs. 1 Lakh Per Day(17.10.2017)

Telangana and Andhra Pradesh High Court has agreed to a proposal submitted by the Board of Control for Cricket in India and Hyderabad Cricket Associat.....

Tags : Telangana and Andhra Pradesh High Court, Hyderabad Cricket Association, Board of Control for Cricket in India


Bombay High Court: INC Cannot Grant Recognition to Institutes Imparting Nursing Training in a State(27.10.2017)

Bombay High Court has held that Indian Nursing Council (INC) has no authority to grant recognition to institutes imparting nursing training in a state.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Indian Nursing Council


Delhi HC Slams MCI’s Ethics Committee For Debarring Cardiology Professor Without Proper Probe(31.10.2017)

Delhi High Court has slammed the Ethics Committee of Medical Council of India (MCI) for debarring a Professor of Cardiology from undertaking any post .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Medical Council of India


LCI 273rd Report: Law Panel Moots Life Term for Torture(31.10.2017)

Law Commission of India in it’s 273rd Report recommended the implementation of ‘United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman and.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, 273rd report


Delhi High Court Sets Aside AIFF Elections(01.11.2017)

Delhi High Court has set aside election of Praful Patel as All India Football Federation (AIFF) president while ordering fresh elections within five m.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Football Federation


Bombay HC Slams RBI For Not Exchanging Old Notes in Deceased’s Locker(03.02.2017)

Bombay High Court came down heavily on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for not complying with its order to change demonetised currency notes totalling Rs .....

Tags : Bombay High Court , Reserve Bank of India


TRAI Gives Clean Cheat to Jio’s Happy New Year Plan(03.02.2017)

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has given a clean chit to billionaire Mukesh Ambani-run firm Jio’s free voice calling and data plan on it.....

Tags : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. JIO, Mukesh Ambani


RBI Directs Banks to Report Cyber Crimes within 6 Hours(03.02.2017)

RBI, while asking banks to report any cyber security incident within two to six hours of its happening, has warned lenders that any delay in reporting.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cyber security


RBI Allows NRIs to Access ETCS Market(03.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed NRIs access to Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives (ETCD) market to hedge currency risk arising out of their .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives


RBI Issues Revised Guidelines For Commercial Papers(03.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued revised guidelines for commercial papers, including mandating that the issuer must disclose end-use of such fun.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, commercial papers


RBI Allows Banks to Use Statutory Reserves for AT1 Bond Coupon Payment(03.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has allowed banks to use statutory reserves to pay coupon (interest) on additional Tier-I bonds, subject to certain riders.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Tier-I bonds


Delhi High Court to Indian Railways: Stop Giving Contaminated Water to Passengers(20.02.2018)

Delhi High Court has told the Indian Railways to stop giving contaminated water to passengers as their health is important.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Railways


National Green Tribunal Orders Zero Discharge Deadline For Nitta Gelatin India Ltd(01.03.2017)

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has issued an order to Nitta Gelatin India Ltd (NGIL) to ensure zero discharge of chemical waste from its factory at Kat.....

Tags : National Green Tribunal, Nitta Gelatin India Ltd


Supreme Court: Verify Educational Certificates of Law Grad Without Fee From BCI(02.03.2017)

Supreme Court has directed all Universities to verify educational certificates of law degree holders without charging a fee from Bar Council of India .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India


Bombay HC Permits Construction of Temporary Jetty At Chowpatty For Power Boat Indian Grand Prix(02.03.2017)

Bombay High Court, while observing that Mumbaikars cannot be deprived of an International level power boating event for petty reasons raked up by City.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Power Boat Indian Grand Prix


Supreme Court Annuls BCI Order Capping Age Limit For Law Courses(06.03.2017)

Supreme Court has stayed an order issued by Bar Council of India (BCI) fixing an age limit of 45 years for three-year LLB degree courses and 22 years .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India, Age Limit


TRAI: Don’t Charge More than Rs 130 For 100 SDCs(06.03.2017)

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has asked cable TV operators not to charge subscribers more than Rs.130 for 100 standard definition chann.....

Tags : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


RBI Refuses to Extend Deadline for PPIs to Complete Customer Verification(27.02.2018)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has refused to extend the 28 February deadline for prepaid payment instruments (PPIs) such as mobile wallets to complete k.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, prepaid payment instruments, know-your-customer


Supreme Court Admits Plea Seeking Implementation of Lodha Reforms on Badminton Association of India(05.03.2018)

Supreme Court has admitted a petition seeking the ouster of ministers like Himanta Biswa Sarma as office-bearers of the Badminton Association of India.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Badminton Association of India


RBI Says ‘Banks Can Accept Coloured Notes’ Appeals to Avoid Dirtying Them(10.03.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has clarified that banks can accept colour-stained notes amid messages circulating on WhatsApp that public sector banks have bee.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Coloured Notes


Gauhati High Court Rejects Plea For Separate Time Zone For NE India(14.03.2017)

Gauhati High Court has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation seeking a direction to Central government to have separate time zone for North East Indi.....

Tags : Gauhati High Court, North East India, time zone


Reserve Bank of India Lifts All Limit on Cash Withdrawals(14.03.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has lifted all limits on cash withdrawals from banks and ATMs.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, cash withdrawals


Delhi HC Grants One More Day to RBI For Finalizing Stand on Tata-Docomo Arbitration Award(15.03.2017)

Delhi High Court has allowed Reserve Bank of India (RBI) a further day to finalise its stand on enforcement of $ 1.18 billion Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo arb.....

Tags : Delhi High Court , Reserve Bank of India, Tata Sons-NTT DoCoMo


Calcutta High Court: Indian Army Best Judge on Who is Fit to Join Army(15.03.2017)

Calcutta High Court has made it clear that it is for Indian Army to judge who is medically fit to join force and doctors in civilian hospitals should .....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Indian Army


Delhi High Court Asks Air India To Release Salary Of Pilot Grounded In 2016(11.04.2018)

Delhi High Court has directed national carrier Air India to release the salary of a pilot, who was grounded in 2016 after being allegedly tested posit.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Air India


Delhi HC Reduces Sentence Imposed on Man Who Killed Five(16.04.2018)

Delhi High Court has reduced the sentence imposed upon an Indian Reserve Battalion Constable who had shot dead five of his colleagues for trying to so.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Reserve Battalion Constable, sudden provocation


RBI Sets Rupee Reference Rate against US Dollar and Euro(08.07.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has fixed reference rate of the rupee at 67.4972 against the US dollar and 74.8274 for the euro.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, reference rate


Delhi HC Issues Restraining Orders on Bank Strike(12.07.2016)

Delhi HC has issued interim orders restraining staff and officers associations from going on strike against proposed merger of associate banks with St.....

Tags : Delhi HC, State Bank of India


Delhi High Court Seeks Medical Record of Accident Victim Forcibly Discharged From Hospital(20.04.2017)

Delhi High Court has directed All India Institute of Medical Science to furnish medical records of 18-year-old accident victim, Sunil, whose sister ha.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Institute of Medical Science


Bombay HC Upholds Divorce on Grounds of Cruelty, Says 'False Complaint U/S 498A Amounts to Cruelty'(24.04.2017)

Bombay High Court has upheld order of a Family Court dissolving a marriage between a couple who had been married since 1987, on grounds that act of th.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, 498A, Indian Penal Code, Cruelty, Divorce


MCI to Medical Practitioners: Say 'No' to Brand Name Drugs, Say 'Yes' to Generic Drugs(24.04.2017)

Medical Council of India (MCI), while asking all registered Medical Practitioners to ensure that they prescribe drugs with generic names only, has war.....

Tags : Medical Council of India, Generic Drugs


Is IAF Protecting Its Land on Yamuna Banks from Sand Mining: Delhi HC(18.05.2018)

Delhi High Court has asked the Centre whether the Indian Air Force (IAF) was protecting its land on the banks of the Yamuna, where the Tilpat station .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Air Force


SEBI Eases Foreign Investors' Access to International Finance Hub(25.05.2018)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has eased rules for foreign investors to trade in securities at a new international finance centre.

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, SEBI


RBI Issues Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks(07.10.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed payments banks and small finance banks to use digital banking to open bank accounts while streamlining their r.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, finance banks, payments banks, Guidelines


Delhi Court Seeks Clarification from Election Commission on Smriti Irani’s Educational Qualification(07.10.2016)

A Delhi Court has sought further clarifications from the Election Commission of India over a plea alleging Smriti Irani’s educational qualifications t.....

Tags : Delhi Court, Election Commission of India, Smriti Irani, Educational Qualifications


Supreme Court: Spell Out Stand on Panel Regulating MCI(18.07.2017)

Supreme Court has given Centre until Tuesday to spell out its stand on status of Oversight Committee (OC), constituted by the apex court last year to .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Medical Council of India


Lahore High Court Lifts Ban on Airing of Indian Content on Television(19.07.2017)

Lahore High Court has lifted the ban placed on Indian serials being aired in Pakistan by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA).

Tags : Lahore High Court, Indian serials


SC Notices RBI, FM Over Plea For Exchange of Old Notes Found in Dead Parents’ Bank Locker(24.07.2017)

Supreme Court has issued notice to RBI and Finance Ministry on a fresh plea seeking permission to deposit Rs 60 lakh in old notes which were lying in .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Demonetised Notes, Reserve Bank of India


LCI 271st Report: Proposes Setting Up Of National And Regional DNA Data Banks(28.07.2017)

Law Commission of India has submitted its 271st report titled “Human DNA Profiling – A Draft Bill for the Use and Regulation of DNA Based Technology” .....

Tags : Law Commission of India, 271th report, DNA


NCLT Clears Way for Liquidation of Moser Baer India(25.09.2018)

National Company Law Tribunal has allowed insolvency proceedings against debt-ridden Moser Baer India, a manufacturer of CDs and DVDs.

Tags : NCLT, Moser Baer India


RBI Notifies P2P Lending Platforms as NBFCs(21.09.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has notified that Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending platforms will fall under the ambit of a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC).

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Non-Banking Financial Company


RBI Amends Investment, Trading Rules for Banks(26.09.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has barred banks from investing in category III Alternative Investment Funds, specified norms for their participation in c.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Alternative Investment Funds


Delhi HC Issues Notice to Centre on Petition for Making Rape Provisions Gender-Neutral(28.09.2017)

Delhi High Court has issued notice to the Centre on a Petition challenging the Constitutional validity of Sections 375 and 376 of the Indian Penal Cod.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Penal Code


Bombay High Court Junks MCA Plea Against Shifting of India-West Indies ODI to Brabourne(25.10.2018)

Bombay High Court has dismissed a petition filed by the Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) against the BCCI’s decision to shift the October 29 India-Wes.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, India-West Indies ODI


Government of India Changes Rules for Renouncing Indian Citizenship(25.10.2018)

The Government of India has published a revised form for declaration of renunciation by Indian citizens and those renouncing Indian citizenship on acc.....

Tags : Government of India, Renouncing Indian Citizenship


NCLAT Stays Resolution Plan for Assam Company on SEBI Plea(26.10.2018)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has stayed the resolution plan approved by the Guwahati Bench of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) .....

Tags : NCLAT, Assam Company (India) Ltd.


NCLAT Stays Resolution Plan for Assam Company on SEBI Plea(26.10.2018)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has stayed the resolution plan approved by the Guwahati Bench of National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) .....

Tags : NCLAT, Assam Company (India) Ltd.


Rajya Sabha Passes Indian Forest Bill, Excludes 'Bamboo' from 'Tree' Category(28.12.2017)

Rajya Sabha has passed Indian Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2017, which excludes bamboo from the definition of "tree".

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Indian Forest Bill


President Gives Assent to Law to Protect Unauthorised Colonies, Slums in Delhi(02.01.2018)

The President of India has given assent to Indian Institutes of Management Bill, 2017 which gives more autonomy to these institutes in their functioni.....

Tags : Indian Institutes of Management


CCI Fines Gujarat Chemist Association for Limiting Medicine Supply(08.01.2018)

Competition Commission of India has fined the Chemists and Druggists Association of Baroda and Federation of Gujarat State Chemists and Druggists Asso.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Chemist


Creation of All India Judicial Services can't be Done by Judicial Order: Supreme Court(03.12.2018)

Supreme Court has refused to entertain a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition seeking creation of All India Judicial Services for recruitment of .....

Tags : Supreme Court, All India Judicial Services


Bombay HC Directs Payment of Over Rs. 4.5 Cr to Family of Person who Died in Road Accident(07.12.2018)

Bombay High Court has directed New India Assurance (NIA) to pay a sum of Rs 4.56 crore as compensation to the family of deceased Ravindra Kulkarni, wh.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, New India Assurance, Road Accident


Supreme Court Refuses Urgent Hearing on Petition Against Ex-Chief Justice(07.12.2018)

Supreme Court has declined a petition seeking urgent hearing on allegations against former Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra in the light of Justice .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Former Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra


CCI Amend Regulations, Advocates Can Accompany Persons Summoned By DG With Conditions(12.12.2018)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has amended its regulations to allow advocates to accompany parties summoned during an investigation by the Dire.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, amended Regulations


RBI: Now Withdraw Rs 50,000/Week From Your Saving Accounts(21.02.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has enhanced withdrawal limit on saving accounts from February 20, 2017 to Rs 50,000 per week.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, withdrawal limit


IRDAI Bars Insurers from Rejecting Claims Based on Genetic Disorders(22.03.2018)

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (Irdai) has sent directives to all General and Health insurers to not include ‘Genetic Disorde.....

Tags : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India


CRIMINAL - Orissa HC Rejects Bail Plea Of 'Good News India' Chairman Accused of Sexually Abusing Children(25.02.2019)

Orissa High Court has rejected bail applications filed by Dr. Fayaz Rahman, Founder and Chairman Good News India, and Udit Kumar Lima, Asst. Project D.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Good News India


CRIMINAL - Orissa HC Rejects Bail Plea Of 'Good News India' Chairman Accused of Sexually Abusing Children(25.02.2019)

Orissa High Court has rejected bail applications filed by Dr. Fayaz Rahman, Founder and Chairman Good News India, and Udit Kumar Lima, Asst. Project D.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Good News India


CRIMINAL - Madras HC Issues Ultimatum to External Affairs Ministry Regarding Sailors Missing in Russian Waters(28.02.2019)

Madras High Court has warned secretary to external affairs ministry to submit a report on efforts taken to rescue missing Indian sailors in Russian wa.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Sailors Missing in Russian Waters


MRTP/ COMPETITION LAWS - CCI Clears SoftBank’s 22.44% Stake Buy in Delhivery(28.02.2019)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has said it has approved acquisition of 22.44 % stake in logistics firm Delhivery by SoftBank Vision Fund.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Delhivery, SoftBank Vision Fund


CIVIL - Madras HC Issues Ultimatum to External Affairs Ministry Regarding Sailors Missing in Russian Waters(28.02.2019)

Madras High Court has warned secretary to external affairs ministry to submit a report on efforts taken to rescue missing Indian sailors in Russian wa.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Sailors Missing in Russian Waters


CCI Rejects Complaint Against Coal India(07.02.2018)

Competition Commission of India has dismissed allegations of unfair business practices against state-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) with regard to sale of.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Coal India


RBI Notifies Levy of Penal Interest on Banks for Delayed Reporting of Transactions(12.02.2018)

Reserve Bank of India has issued a notification regarding levy of penal interest on the Banks for delayed reporting of transactions.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India


RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)

Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency


RBI Withdraws CDR, SDR, S4A, JLF Schemes to Restructure Bad Loans(13.02.2018)

Reserve Bank of India has scrapped Corporate Debt Restructuring, Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets, Strategic Debt Restructuring, & Flexible .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Insolvency


Delhi HC Refuses to Restrain India TV Journalist from Joining Rival News Channel(06.02.2019)

Delhi High Court has dismissed an injunction application filed by Independent News Service Pvt. Ltd. (INSPL), to restrain Sucherita Kukreti, newsreade.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, India TV


Madras HC Stays Tender Notification Issued by Indian Ports Association(11.02.2019)

Madras High Court has stayed a tender notification of Indian Ports Association for selection of law firms for legislative drafting of proposed revamp .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Ports Association


Madras HC Asks for Details from Centre on Indians 'Victimised' Overseas(13.02.2019)

Madras High Court has directed Centre to apprise it of steps taken to ensure safety and well-being of Indians abroad and asked whether it has taken ef.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indians victimised overseas


CCI Imposes Rs 54 cr Penalty on Jet, SpiceJet, IndiGo for Fixing Fuel Surcharge(08.03.2018)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has imposed a penalty of over Rs 54 crore on Jet Airways, SpiceJet and IndiGo for fixing fuel surcharge, after t.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Coal India


RBI Imposes Penalty on Equitas for Selling MF, Insurance Products Without Approval(09.03.2018)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on Equitas Small Finance Bank for distributing mutual fund (MF), insurance and wealth .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Equitas Small Finance Bank


Supreme Court Seeks Response of BCI on Plea to Ban Legislators from Practising Law(13.03.2018)

Supreme Court has issued a notice to the Bar Council of India (BCI) seeking its response on a petition seeking to restrain lawmakers from practising a.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India


Madras HC Orders Sale of Shares Owned by Disc Assets Lead India Ltd(19.03.2018)

Madras High Court has directed the registry of its Madurai bench not to entertain any plea moved by the directors of Disc Assets Lead India Limited wh.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Disc Assets Lead India Ltd


COMPANY - NCLAT Slams RCom's Lender SBI over Rs. 37,000 Crore Asset Sale(12.03.2019)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has slammed lenders of Reliance Communications, State Bank of India, for painting a rosy picture of Anil Amban.....

Tags : NCLAT, State Bank of India, Reliance Communication


EDUCATION - Reconsider Upper Age Limit for Admission to LL.B. Courses: SC to BCI(13.03.2019)

Supreme Court has directed Bar Council of India to reconsider, after hearing various stakeholders, the upper age-limit for taking admission to five-ye.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India, Upper Age Limit for Admission to LL.B. Courses


EDUCATION - Reconsider Upper Age Limit for Admission to LL.B. Courses: SC to BCI(13.03.2019)

Supreme Court has directed Bar Council of India to reconsider, after hearing various stakeholders, the upper age-limit for taking admission to five-ye.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India, Upper Age Limit for Admission to LL.B. Courses


Delhi High Court Upholds Constitutionality of CCI's 'Confidentiality Regulations'(13.04.2017)

Delhi High Court has rejected ‘constitutionality’ challenge against Regulation 35 and proviso to Regulation 37(1) of Competition Commission of India (.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Confidentiality Regulations, Competition Commission of India


Madras High Court Orders Status Quo on Service Conditions of Migrant Bank Employees(13.04.2017)

Madras High Court has ordered status quo on service conditions linked to terminal benefits, pension and seniority of migrant employees of five banks w.....

Tags : Madras High Court , State Bank of India


Delhi HC: Why Should Speaker of Legislative Assembly Fight For Secretary(13.04.2017)

Delhi High Court has asked Speaker Ram Niwas Goel whether Legislative Assembly would collapse in absence of the its present Secretary PK Suryadevara, .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Legislative Assembly, All India Radio


RBI Revises Norms For Action Against Weak Banks(14.04.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has tightened rules that trigger regulatory action on lenders when they fall short of capital or exceed bad loan limits.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Weak Banks


Delhi High Court: What is the Role of BCI in Maintaing Legal Education Standards?(05.06.2018)

Delhi High Court has said that it will consider the scope of powers of the Bar Council of India (BCI) and the steps that can be taken by the BCI to en.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bar Council of India


CCI Gives Nod to Schneider-L&T Deal(19.04.2019)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has said it has given approval to Schneider's acquisition of Larsen & Toubro's electrical and automation busines.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Schneider-L&T Deal


CCI Approves DHFL’s 50% Stake Sale in Pramerica MF(19.04.2019)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given its nod for transaction involving US-based Prudential Financial buying out DHFL’s 50 percent sharehold.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, DHFL Pramerica Mutual Fund


CCI: Movie Producers Have Right to Choose Digital Cinema Provider(29.06.2017)

Competition Commission of India has said there was no contravention of S. 3 & 4 of Competition Act on part of producers for entering into an agreement.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Competition Act


Kurnool Consumer Court Orders 4.5 lakh Compensation to Patient for Kidney Removal Without Consent(29.06.2017)

Karnool District Consumer Forum has ordered Indian Medical Association based in Hyderabad, to pay Rs 4.5 lakh as compensation and medical expenses to .....

Tags : Karnool District Consumer Forum, Indian Medical Association


LCI 269th Report on Poultry Birds: New Rules to Stop Cruel Practices Against Egg-laying Hens(04.07.2017)

Law Commission of India has submitted its 269th Report titled 'Transportation and House-keeping of Egg-laying hens (layers) and Broiler Chickens' sugg.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, 269th report


LCI 270th Report: Registration of Marriage Should be Made Compulsory(05.07.2017)

Law Commission of India has submitted its 270th Report titled ‘Compulsory Registration of Marriages’ to Government suggesting compulsory registration .....

Tags : Law Commission of India, 270th report


Delhi High Court Rejects 'Make In India' Notification Giving Preference to Indian Built Ships(04.06.2019)

Delhi High Court has rejected a notification under the 'Make in India' program, which provided preferential commercial treatment to 'Indian built ship.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Make in India


Competition Commission of India Levies Rs 74 Cr Fine on Himalaya Drug and Three Others(05.06.2019)

Competition Commission of India has imposed a total fine of over Rs 74 crore on Himalaya Drug Company and Intas Pharmaceuticals along with its senior .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Himalaya Drug


Petition of Impeachment Motion Against CJI Withdrawn by Congress(08.05.2018)

Petition of impeachment motion filed against the Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra by the Congress MPs has been withdrawn by senior party leader Kapi.....

Tags : Chief Justice of India, Impeachment Motion, Kapil Sibal


BANKING - CBI Court Convicts Ex Indian Bank CMD for Fraud(30.03.2019)

A Special CBI Court has convicted and sentenced former Indian Bank Chairman and Managing Director M Gopalakrishnan and 11 others to three years Rigoro.....

Tags : CBI Court, Ex Indian Bank CMD, M Gopalakrishnan


CRIMINAL - CBI Court Convicts Ex Indian Bank CMD for Fraud(30.03.2019)

A Special CBI Court has convicted and sentenced former Indian Bank Chairman and Managing Director M Gopalakrishnan and 11 others to three years Rigoro.....

Tags : CBI Court, Ex Indian Bank CMD, M Gopalakrishnan


SC Strikes Down RBI Circular on Defaulting Firms, Calls it Unconstitutional(02.04.2019)

Supreme Court has quashed a Reserve Bank of India circular of February 12, 2018, asking banks to classify a loan account as stressed if there was even.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India


RBI Releases First Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20(04.04.2019)

Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced its resolution under first bi-monthly monetary policy statement for 2019-.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, RBI, First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20


Delhi HC Tells AIIMS to Set Up Panel on Cause of Indian’s Death in Maldives(05.04.2019)

Delhi High Court has directed AIIMS to set up an expert panel to examine the forensic and post-mortem reports of a man, who died allegedly due to medi.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian’s Death in Maldives


CCI Clears Star Health Acquisition by WestBridge, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, others(05.04.2019)

Competition Commission of India has said that it has approved a deal involving acquisition of over 90 per cent stake in Star Health and Allied Insuran.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Star Health, WestBridge, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala


SC Awards 6 Months Jail Term to J. Karnan For Contempt, Prohibits Media Reporting of His Statements(09.05.2017)

Supreme Court has held Calcutta HC Judge CS Karnan guilty of Contempt of Court and sentenced him to six months in jail and asserted that its order nee.....

Tags : Justice C S Karnan, Chief Justice of India


Madras HC Rejects Plea to Ban Popular Front of India(18.06.2018)

Madras High Court has dismissed a plea seeking ban on Popular Front of India observing that it cannot decide which organisations should be banned and .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Popular Front of India


'Make In India' Function Caused Damage to Mumbai Beach: Bombay High Court(22.06.2018)

Supreme Court has refused to allow CBSE's appeal against a Bombay High Court order asking it to give proportionate marks to a batch of candidates, who.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Make In India


FSSAI is Independent Authority and CAT has No Jurisdiction Over It: CAT(24.04.2019)

Central Administrative Tribunal has said that Food Safety & Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) is an independent statutory authority and unless a spe.....

Tags : Central Administrative Tribunal, Food Safety & Standard Authority of India (FSSAI)


SC Asks Lawyer for Proof on Claim of Conspiracy to Frame CJI(24.04.2019)

Supreme Court has asked a Punjab-based lawyer to furnish material in support of his claim that there was a conspiracy to frame Chief Justice Ranjan Go.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India, Sexual Harassment


SC Tells Archery Association to Hold Fresh Polls in Four Weeks(02.05.2019)

Supreme Court has directed the Archery Association of India (AAI) to hold fresh polls within four weeks for various positions of office-bearers in the.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Archery Association of India


RBI to CICs: Give FFCR to Individuals Once a year(02.09.2016)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed Credit Information Companies (CICs) to provide access to one Free Full Credit Report (FFCR), including credit.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, CICs, FFCR t


CCI Junks Complaint against Bestech(09.09.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed charges against Gurgaon-based realty firm Bestech India with regard to unfair terms and conditions.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India ,Bestech


Delhi HC Upholds Eviction Order to Aero Club of India(12.07.2017)

Delhi High Court has asked Aero Club of India, the apex body of all flying clubs in India to be in unauthorised occupation of a land it was granted 30.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Aero Club of India


Jharkhand High Court Quashes Ban on Popular Front of India(28.08.2018)

Jharkhand High Court has quashed the State Government’s notification passed under section 16 of Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1908 declaring the Popular.....

Tags : Jharkhand High Court, Popular Front of India


CBDT Notifies Income Tax Exemption to Press Trust of India(06.09.2018)

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified Income Tax Exemption to Press Trust of India.

Tags : Income Tax, Press Trust of India


Reserve Bank of India to Lift All Charges on Fund Transfers via RTGS and NEFT from July 1(12.06.2019)

Reserve Bank of India has said that it will lift all charges on fund transfer through popular RTGS and NEFT systems from July 1, 2019 and asked banks .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS


Madras High Court Recognises Right of Sri Lankan Refugees to Seek Indian Citizenship(20.06.2019)

Madras High Court has noted that Centre has implied power to grant relaxation under Citizenship Act, 1955 to asylum seekers. The Court has while recog.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian citizenship


CCI Dismisses Complaint Against Timex Group India(20.08.2018)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has dismissed a complaint alleging unfair business practices against Timex Group India with regard to sale of wr.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Timex


Delhi HC to MCI: Put In Place the Sentencing Guidelines For Delinquent Doctors(24.08.2018)

Delhi HC has asked Medical Council of India (MCI) to frame a policy with regard to punishment to be accorded to delinquent doctors for infractions com.....

Tags : Delhi HC, Medical Council of India


SC to PCI: Mend Ways Or Be Superseded(24.08.2018)

Supreme Court has warned Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) that it would be superseded if it did not mend its ways of functioning in relation to grant o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Pharmacy Council of India


Delhi High Court Grants Anticipatory Bail to Air India Pilot Who Eluded Breath Analyser Test(01.07.2019)

Delhi High Court has granted anticipatory bail to an Air India pilot who was suspended for allegedly violating aircraft rules, including evading a bre.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Air India Pilot


Lok Sabha Passes Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019(03.07.2019)

Lok Sabha has passed the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare noted that the Bill would be .....

Tags : Lok Sabha, Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019


Rajya Sabha Passes Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019(05.07.2019)

Rajya Sabha has passed the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019. The Bill, introduced by Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, allows for the supers.....

Tags : Rajya Sabha, Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019


CCI Finds All-Kerala Chemist & Druggist Association Guilty Of Anti-Competitive Practices(03.11.2017)

Competition Commission of India has held the All Kerala Chemist and Druggist Association (AKCDA) and its district units in Thrissur and Kasaragod to b.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Anti-Competitive Practices


CCI Finds All-India Film Employees Confederation, Affiliates Guilty of Anti-Competitive Practices(03.11.2017)

Competition Commission of India has held All-India Film Employees Confederation (AIFEC), Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) & its affi.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Anti-Competitive Practices


Supreme Court Declines to Interfere with Ongoing Elections of Archery Association of India(20.11.2018)

Supreme Court has refused to interfere with the ongoing election process of Archery Association of India (AAI), but made it clear that its result woul.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Archery Association of India


SC Invalidates MP State Bar Council Election to the Post of Representative to BCI(26.11.2018)

Supreme Court has upheld Madhya Pradesh High Court order that invalidated the election conducted by the State Bar Council in 2014 to the post of repre.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India, MP State Bar Council Election


Airports Authority of India can’t be Permitted to Shoot Dogs: Gujarat HC(03.12.2018)

Gujarat High Court has denied permission to the Airports Authority of India (AAI) to relocate or shoot the stray dogs which enter its operational area.....

Tags : Gujarat High Court, Airports Authority of India


ITAT Delhi Orders Withdrawal of Tax Exemption to Congress-Controlled Young Indian(18.11.2019)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Delhi has ruled that the withdrawal of income tax exemption to Young Indian, an entity controlled by Congress president.....

Tags : ITAT Delhi, Young India


BCI Can’t Act Like Appellate Authority Over Its Own Order While Exercising Review Powers: SC(22.02.2018)

Supreme Court has observed that Bar Council of India cannot act like an appellate authority over its own order while exercising review powers.

Tags : Supreme Court, Bar Council of India


NCLAT Sets Aside NCLT’s Insolvency Order Against ECL(15.02.2019)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) has set aside an order by Kolkata bench of National Company Law Tribunal which allowed initiation of i.....

Tags : NCLAT, NCLT, Coal India


CIVIL - Madras HC Seeks External Affairs Ministry’s Response on Indian Sailors Missing in Russian Waters(21.02.2019)

Madras High Court has sought response of external affairs ministry on steps it has taken to find missing Indian sailors in Russian waters.

Tags : Madras High Court, Indian Sailors Missing in Russian Waters


CRIMINAL - Orissa HC Rejects Bail Plea Of 'Good News India' Chairman Accused of Sexually Abusing Children(25.02.2019)

Orissa High Court has rejected bail applications filed by Dr. Fayaz Rahman, Founder and Chairman Good News India, and Udit Kumar Lima, Asst. Project D.....

Tags : Orissa High Court, Good News India


Securities and Exchange Board of India Confirms Ban on BMA Wealth Creators Ltd(03.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has issued an order confirming its ban against stock broker BMA Wealth Creators Ltd., its promoters and four ot.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, BMA Wealth Creators Ltd


Reserve Bank of India Permits Banks to Trade in Forex Outside of Market Hours(07.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has said that it has permitted category–I banks to offer foreign exchange prices to users at all times, out of their Indian book.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Forex


Reserve Bank of India Revises PCA Regime for UCBs Facing Financial Stress(07.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has decided to revise its Supervisory Action Framework to place restrictions on urban cooperative banks (UCBs) for deterioration.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, PCA Regime


CIVIL - Delhi HC Directs Pakistan Woman to Leave India Within 2 Weeks(01.03.2019)

Delhi High Court has dismissed plea of woman seeking quashing of the government's ''leave India notice'', and directed her to leave India within two w.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Pakistan Woman, Leave India Notice


Competition Commission of India Orders Probe into Amazon and Flipkart for Abuse of Competition Law(14.01.2020)

Competition Commission of India has ordered a probe into the alleged Competition Law violations by Amazon and Flipkart over allegations that the e- co.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Amazon, Flipkart


Securities and Exchange Board of India Bans Former Diageo Executive for 7 Years(15.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has banned the Nishat Shailesh Gupte, a former official of Diageo Plc, from the capital markets for 7 years for.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Diageo


Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restrictions on Catholic Syrian Bank on Opening Branches(15.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has lifted a restriction that was imposed on the Catholic Syrian Bank for opening new branches, given the delayed initial public.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Catholic Syrian Bank


Securities Appellate Tribunal Upholds SEBI’s Order Levying Fine on PACL Limited(15.01.2020)

Securities Appellate Tribunal has upheld the order of Securities and Exchange Board of India levying a fine of Rs. 2423 Crores on four directors of PA.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Securities Appellate Tribunal, PACL Limited


Bombay High Court Asks TRAI to Respond to Broadcasters’ Petition Within a Week(15.01.2020)

Bombay High Court has asked the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to respond by January 20 to the Broadcasters’ Petition challenging its amended N.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


ELECTION - Why No Order Yet to Ban Political Ads on Social Media: Bombay HC to ECI(08.03.2019)

Bombay High Court has asked Election Commission of India (ECI) why it was hesitant to issue specific directions to prohibit political advertisements o.....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Election Commission of India, ECI, Political Ads


RBI Allows Financial Institutions to Conduct Business in Indian National Rupee in IFSC(20.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has allowed the Financial Institutions to conduct businesses in Indian National Rupees in International Financial Services Centr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Financial Institutions, Business in Indian National Rupee


Supreme Court Indicts Indian Bank for Negligence(20.01.2020)

Supreme Court has directed the Indian Bank to pay Rs. 25 lakhs as compensation to Dayanand Anglo Vedic Public School in West Bengal for negligence lea.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Bank


Competition Commission of India Approves Divestment of Reliance Jio’s Telecom Towers(21.01.2020)

Competition Commission of India has approved the divestment of Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd’s telecom tower assets to Canada’s Brookfield Infrastructure .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Divestment, Reliance Jio


Delhi HC Directs Revenue Department to Allocate Vacant Seats in PH Category to Blind Persons(21.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed the Central Government to identify the vacancies in the Physically Handicapped (PH) category which can be filled up by p.....

Tags : Delhi High Court,Indian Revenue Service, Allocation of Vacant Seats in Physically Handicapped Category


Reserve Bank of India Cancels Vodafone’s Certificate of Authorization for M- Pesa(22.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has said that it has cancelled the Certificate of Authorization of Vodafone M- Pesa on account of voluntary surrender of authori.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Vodafone


BANKING - Bombay HC Refuses Interim Relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Promoter Stake Issue(13.03.2019)

Bombay High Court has refused to grant any interim relief to Kotak Mahindra Bank on Reserve Bank of India’s direction to dilute promoter shareholding .....

Tags : Bombay High Court, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Reserve Bank of India


MRTP/ COMPETITION LAWS - CCI Gives Green Signal to Radiant Life Care-Max Healthcare Merger(14.03.2019)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has cleared purposed deal between KKR-backed Radiant Life Care and Max Healthcare.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, CCI, Radiant Life Care-Max Healthcare Merger,


EDUCATION - Delhi HC Stays Dental Council of India's Orders for Cancellation of Admission(18.03.2019)

Delhi High Court has stayed all orders passed by Dental Council of India (DCI) through which admissions of more than 50 students in various private de.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Dental Council of India (DCI)


Reserve Bank of India Allows Kotak Bank to Retain 26% Promoter Stake(31.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has allowed Kotak Mahindra Bank’s founder Uday Kotak to retain 26 % promoter stake in a dispute over the bank’s promoter shareho.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding


IRDAI Fines ICICI Lombard Company and Tata AIG Company Rs 1 Crore Each(31.01.2020)

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has fined ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company and Tata Group and American International Gr.....

Tags : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, ICICI Lombard, Tata AIG


Reserve Bank of India Extends Deadline to Opt for Oversight Cadre(03.02.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has extended the cut-off date for its officers to opt for the specialized supervisory and regulatory cadre till July 31.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Oversight Cadre


Securities and Exchange Board of India Unveils New FPI Registration Application(05.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has come out with a common application form for registration of foreign portfolio investors, to enhance operati.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Application for Foreign Portfolio Investors Registration


CCI Approves NBCC's Takeover of Hindustan Steelworks Construction(04.04.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved the proposal of NBCC India Ltd to acquire Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, NBCC India Ltd., Steelworks Construction Ltd.


Allahabad HC: Food and Food Habits Part of Right To Life(05.04.2017)

Allahabad High Court while hearing a petition filed by retail meat shop owner to renew his licence has held that food, food habits and vending thereof.....

Tags : Allahabad High Court, Constitution of India, Right to life


LCI 274th Report: Not Necessary to Make Any Amendment to Contempt of Court Act(19.04.2018)

Law Commission of India has submitted the 274th report titled “Review Of Contempt Of Court Act 1971 (Limited To S.2 Of The Act)” to the Ministry of La.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, Contempt of Court Act


LCI 275th Report: Make BCCI an Answerable Public Body, Bring it Under RTI Ambit(19.04.2018)

Law Commission of India has recommended to the Centre that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) be classified as a national sports federat.....

Tags : Law Commission of India, BCCI


Supreme Court Held Naval Officer Guilty for Sexually Harassing Wives of Other Officer(19.04.2018)

Supreme Court has held an Indian naval officer guilty of making sexually explicit calls to wives of fellow officers, but reinstated him in service aft.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Indian Navy


CIVIL - Centre Appoints Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose as First Lokpal of India(20.03.2019)

Centre has appointed former Supreme Court judge Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose as Chairperson of first Lokpal under the Act.

Tags : First Lokpal of India, Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose


SEBI Issues Notice to National Stock Exchange over Chief Operating Officer Pick(12.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has issued show-cause notices to the National Stock Exchange over the appointment and promotion of Anand Subram.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, National Stock Exchange, Chief Operating Officer


Competition Commission of India Orders Probe Against Asian Paints(16.01.2020)

Competition Commission of India has ordered a probe against Asian Paints for allegedly using its domination of the market to hinder the entry of JSW P.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Asian Paints


Delhi High Court Asks AIIMS to Provide Medical Care to Boy Suffering from Rare Disease(17.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has asked the All India Institute of Medical Sciences to immediately provide necessary treatment to a 11- year old boy suffering from.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Institute of Medical Sciences


Securities and Exchange Board of India Allows Trading in Options on Commodities(17.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has allowed exchanges to start trading in options on goods. The Board further has said that the contract specif.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Trading in Options on Commodities


SEBI Exonerates 9 Officials in National Stock Exchange ‘Dark Fibre’ Case(17.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has cleared nine people in a case in which it was alleged that a host of the exchange’s executives had colluded.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Dark Fibre Case


Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI): Unclaimed Dividend to Go to IBBI Account(17.01.2020)

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has notified an amendment to the Voluntary Liquidation Process Regulation, 2017, whereby all unclaimed divide.....

Tags : Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India, Amendment in Voluntary Liquidation Process Regulation, 2017


President of India Rejects Mercy Plea of Death Row Convict Mukesh Singh(17.01.2020)

President of India, Mr Ram Nath Kovind has rejected the mercy petition of Mukesh Singh, one of the four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya gang-rape a.....

Tags : President of India, Mercy Plea, Nirbhaya Case


SEBI Puts Norms for Rights of Issue of Units by Listed REITs and InvITs(20.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Bank of India (SEBI) has put in place a framework for the rights of issue of units by listed Real Estate Investment Trusts and.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Norms on Rights Issue


Securities and Exchange Board of India Reaffirms Earlier Ruling in Sahara Case(22.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has reaffirmed its ruling in the Sahara India Commercial Corporation Limited case, which had directed the legal.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Sahara Case


IRDAI Defers Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards in Insurance Sectors(22.01.2020)

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has decided to defer the implementation of Indian Accounting Standards in the Insurance Sector.....

Tags : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, Indian Accounting Standards


SEBI Asks Franklin Templeton to Explain Vodafone Idea Write- Down(23.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has asked Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund to explain its decision to assign zero value to Vodafone Idea debentur.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Vodafone Idea Write Down


Reserve Bank of India Raises Investment Cap for FPIs in Corporate and Government Debt Instruments(24.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has raised the investment limit for foreign portfolio investors in Government and Corporate Bonds, in a bid to bring in more for.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Investment Cap for Foreign Portfolio Investors


Securities and Exchange Board of India Fines Jindal Cotex Officials for GDR Fraud(24.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has slapped a fine of Rs. 10.7 Crores on Jindal Cotex and its three officials in a matter related to manipulati.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Jindal Cotex, GDR Fraud


Reserve Bank of India Issues Directions for Permitting Rupee Derivatives to be Traded in IFSCs(24.01.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has released directions under Section 45 W of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 permitting Rupee derivatives to be traded in I.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Trading of Rupee Derivatives in IFSCs


Delhi HC Stays Direction to Centre to Prior Inform Foreigners, OCIs About Denial of Entry into India(08.04.2019)

Delhi High Court has put on hold its single judge order of August 2018 directing the Centre to inform in advance all blacklisted Overseas Citizen of I.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Denial of Entry in India


CCI Gives Green Signal to Larsen and Toubro's Proposal to Take Over Mindtree(08.04.2019)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has said that it has approved Larsen and Toubro's proposed acquisition of Bengaluru-based IT firm Mindtree.

Tags : Competition Commission of India, L&T, Mindtree


Reserve Bank Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)

Madras High Court has observed that the employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees.

Tags : Supreme Court, Reserve Bank of India


RBI Employees are Not Central Government Servants: Madras HC(15.04.2019)

Madras High Court has held that employees of Reserve Bank of India cannot be called as Government employees and also observed that fact that Central G.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Reserve Bank of India


ITAT, Bangalore Extends Stay Period for Google India Due to Delay in Disposal of Appeal(19.02.2020)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Bangalore has granted an extension of stay period to Google India citing a reason for the delay in non-disposal .....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Google India


Reserve Bank of India Approves Kotak Mahindra’s Proposal to Trim Stake of Promoters(20.02.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has given final approval to Kotak Mahindra Bank’s proposal on reducing promoters’ stakes and capping their voting rights.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Promoters Shareholding


Securities and Exchange Board of India Bans Resurgere Executives for GDR Violation(24.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has restrained the officials of Resurgere Mines and Minerals India from accessing securities market for up to t.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Resurgere Mines and Minerals India


RBI Widens Scope of Ombudsman Scheme, Mobile And Electronic Banking Brought Under Purview(26.06.2017)

Reserve Bank of India has widened scope of its Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006, to include inter alia deficiencies arising out of sale of insurance/ mut.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006


RBI Hikes Repo Rate by 25 bps to 6.5%(01.08.2018)

Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) monetary policy committee (MPC) has raised repo rate by 25 basis points (bps) to 6.5%.

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Repo Rate


President of India Approves Vivad Se Vishwas Bill, 2020(19.03.2020)

President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has given his assent to the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill, 2020, which was introduced with the intent to reduce.....

Tags : Preseident of India, Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020


Calcutta High Court Sets Aside Leave-India Notice to Polish Student(19.03.2020)

Calcutta High Court has set aside the expulsion order issued by Foreigner Regional Registration Offices to Kamil Siedcynski, a Polish student, for all.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Leave-India Notice, Polish Student


SEBI Relaxes Compliance Norms as Covid-19 Disrupts Operations(20.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has eased compliance requirements for listed companies, including allowing an additional 45 days to file their .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Compliance Requirements


SEBI Exempts Offshore Funds from Submitting Physical Forms(20.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has provided exemptions for off-shore funds from submitting physical forms in wake of the Corona outbreak, allo.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Offshore Funds


CCI Approves HDFC ERGO - L&T General Insurance and HCL-Geometric Deal(22.08.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has given approval to HDFC ERGO - L&T General Insurance deal and also to HCL Technologies' equity swap deal to b.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, HDFC ERGO - L&T General Insurance , HCL-Geometric


RBI Maintains Status Quo, Keeps REPO Rate Unchanged at 6.25%(07.06.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has held on to policy rate at 6.25 percent in its monetary policy review on June 7, 2017, the second bi-monthly review for.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, REPO Rate


CCI: Reliance Jio’s Free Services Not Anti-Competitive(12.06.2017)

Competition Commission of India has rejected telecom major, Bharti Airtel’s predatory pricing complaint against Reliance Jio and Reliance Industries L.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Anti-Competitive, Jio


Delhi High Court to IAF: Review, Change your Protocols on Stress and Substance Abuse(16.07.2018)

Delhi High Court has directed Indian Air Force (IAF) to review and change its protocols dealing with issues of stress and substance abuse in the force.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Air Force


Delhi High Court Asks Air India to Replace Panel Chief on Air Hostess’ Complaint(16.07.2018)

Delhi High Court has asked Air India to replace the chairperson of its panel looking into sexual harassment allegations by an air hostess against one .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Air India


RBI Increases Short-Term Borrowing Capacity of Central Government(21.04.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has increased the short-term borrowing capacity of the Central Government by over 65% to temper market fears that excessive borr.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Short-Term Borrowings of Government


SEBI Norms in Place till May 28(21.04.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has said its directions issued on 20th March, 2020 to curb market volatility will continue till 28th, May 2020......

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Norms to Curb Market Volatility


CCI Orders Probe Against Telecom Giants for 'Cartelisation'(12.05.2017)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered a probe of telecom majors, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India and Idea Cellular, for allegedly trying to .....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India, Idea Cellular, Jio


Calcutta HC: Larger Bench to Decide Upon Power to Settle Dispute Between Consumer, Tele Company(18.05.2017)

Calcutta High Court has directed the formation of a larger Bench to decide whether a dispute between a consumer and a private basic or cellular teleph.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Indian Telegraph Act


Delhi High Court Says 'No' to Audit of India Against Corruption Accounts(18.05.2017)

Delhi High Court has dismissed a plea seeking an audit of accounts of India Against Corruption (IAC), an anti-corruption movement spearheaded by Anna .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, India Against Corruption


International Court of Justice: Pak Must Ensure Jadav is Not Executed(18.05.2017)

International Court of Justice at Hague stays execution of Kulbhushan Yadav. Says, "India has right to consular access".

Tags : International Court of Justice, Kulbhushan Jadhav, India, Pakistan


SC Issues Notice on Plea Seeking 'Immediate Evacuation' of Indian Students Stranded in UK(08.04.2020)

Supreme Court has issued a notice in the Petition regarding the immediate evacuation of Indian students stranded in the United Kingdom due to the lock.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Evacuation of Indian Students


President of India Promulgates Ordinance to Reduce Salary of MPs By 30% for One Year(09.04.2020)

President of India, Ram Nath Kovind has promulgated the "Salary, Allowances & Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Ordinance 2020" to reduce s.....

Tags : President of India, Ordinance to Reduce Salary of MPs


Kerala HC Seeks Centre's Response on Plea to Repatriate Indians Stranded in UAE(13.04.2020)

Kerala High Court has sought the response of the Central Government on a Public Interest Litigation seeking directions for the repatriation of Indian .....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Indians Stranded in UAE


Competition Commission of India Approves NTPC’s Stake Buy in NEEPCO, THDC India(25.02.2020)

Competition Commission of India has approved the acquisition of Centre’s entire stake in THDC India Limited and North Eastern Electric Power Corporati.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, NTPC Limited


Reserve Bank of India Lifts Restriction on Bandhan Bank(26.02.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has lifted the restriction on Bandhan Bank to expand its branch network after considering the efforts made by the private lender.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Bandhan Bank


Securities and Exchange Board of India Bars Transfer of Client Securities to Accounts of Brokers(26.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has banned the transfer of client securities to Demat accounts of trading and clearing members. The Board furth.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Transfer of Client Securities to Accounts of Brokers


Securities and Exchange Board of India Allows Direct Sales of Mutual Funds on Exchanges(27.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has allowed investors to directly use the infrastructure of stock exchanges to purchase and redeem units direct.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Direct Sales of Mutual Funds on Exchanges


Securities and Exchange Board of India Imposes Rs 10 Lakhs Fine on Muthoottu Mini Financiers(27.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed a penalty of Rs. 10 Lakhs on Muthoottu Mini Financiers for issuing misleading advertisements relate.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Muthoottu Mini Financiers


SEBI Imposes a Penalty of Rs 5 Crore on Mehul Chokshi in PNB Fraud(28.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has slapped a penalty of Rs. 5 Crore on Gitanjali Gems Ltd. and its promoter, Mehul Chokshi for non- disclosure.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Mehul Chokshi, PNB Fraud


SEBI: Non-Compliance of Provisions to attract Procedure for Revocation and Suspension of Trading(27.01.2020)

Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued a circular stating that if in case the recognized stock exchange and depositors do not comply with .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Non- Compliance


Securities and Exchange Board of India Fines 21 Entities for Fraudulent Trading(28.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has slapped a total fine of Rs 1.89 Crores on 21 entities for executing fraudulent trading in Sarang Chemicals .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Fraudulent Trading


SEBI Prescribes Higher Margins for Trades in Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Commodities(28.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has prescribed higher margins for future trade in agricultural and non- agricultural commodities to address the.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Trading in Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Commodities


SEBI Prescribes Higher Margins for Trades in Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Commodities(28.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has prescribed higher margins for future trade in agricultural and non- agricultural commodities to address the.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Trading in Agricultural and Non- Agricultural Commodities


Securities and Exchange Board of India Probes Rakesh Jhunjhunwala for Alleged Insider Trading(28.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has directed a probe into Rakesh Jhunjhunwala for alleged insider trading in the shares of Aptech Limited.

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala


Securities and Exchange Board of India Gives Burger King Go-Ahead to Float IPO(29.01.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has approved Burger King India’s proposal to float an initial public order.

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Burger King India


Delhi High Court Issues Notice to Bar Council of India and Bar Council of Delhi(29.01.2020)

Delhi High Court has issued notices on a plea challenging the levy of exorbitant enrollment and other fees by the Bar Council of Delhi and the Bar Cou.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Bar Council of India, Bar Council of Delhi


SEBI Levies Penalty on Aksh Optifibre and Its Directors(03.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has imposed a total fine of Rs 10.75 Crore on Aksh Optifibre and its five directors in a matter related to mani.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Aksh Optifibre


National Anti- Profiteering Authority Imposes Penalty on Samsung India(03.03.2020)

National Anti- Profiteering Authority has levied a penalty of Rs 37.85 Lakhs on Samsung India for not passing on the benefits of lower Goods and Servi.....

Tags : National Anti- Profiteering Authority, Samsung india


Competition Commission of India Dismisses Unfair Practices Complaint Against Eastern Railway(03.03.2020)

Competition Commission of India has dismissed a complaint of unfair business practices made against Eastern Railway by Abhiraj Associates Pvt. Ltd., n.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Amazon, Eastern Railway


Competition Commission of India Approves BCP’s 40% Stake Buy in Indostar Capital(04.03.2020)

Competition Commission of India has approved the acquisition of up to 40% stake in Indo Star Capital Finance by BCP V Multiple Holdings on a fully dil.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Indostar Capital


President Rejects Pawan Gupta’s Mercy Petition(05.03.2020)

President of India, Mr Ram Nath Kovind has rejected the mercy plea of Pawan Gupta, one of the four death row convicts in the Nirbhaya gang-rape case.

Tags : President of India, Mercy Plea, Nirbhaya Case


NCLAT Upholds CCI Order on Adani Gas for Abuse of Dominant Position(11.03.2020)

National Company Law Appellate Tribunal has upheld the Competition Commission of India’s order holding Adani Gas Ltd. guilty of abuse of dominant posi.....

Tags : National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Competition Commission of India, Adani Gas


Securities and Exchange Board of India Bars Sonu Nigam from Selling Agricultural Land(12.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has barred Sonu Nigam from disposing or transferring agricultural land in Karjat area, Maharashtra that he had .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Sonu Nigam


AAR, Maharashtra: 18% GST Applicable on Transformers Supplied to Indian Railways(12.02.2020)

Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR), Maharashtra has held that the ‘transformers’ supplied to Indian Railways is covered under HSN ‘8504’ and Sr. No. 3.....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, Transformers Supplied to Indian Railways


SEBI Asks National Stock Exchange to Divest Entire Stake in Computer Age Management Services Ltd.(13.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has asked the National Stock Exchange of India to divest its 37% stake in the Computer Age Management Services .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, National Stock Exchange, CAMS


Securities and Exchange Board of India Asks CARE Board to Remove Chairman Mainak(13.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has asked the board of rating agency CARE Ratings to remove chairman S B Mainak after a forensic report said th.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, CARE Rating Chairman


SEBI Introduces System to Detect Misuse of Client Securities by Brokers(14.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has introduced a system to monitor and detect misuse of client securities by stockbrokers in the wake of Karvy .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Misuse of Client Securities by Brokers


Calcutta High Court Asks Reserve Bank of India to Act Against Bank of Baroda(17.02.2020)

Calcutta High Court has asked the Reserve Bank of India to consider “appropriate steps” against the Bank of Baroda, including cancelling its banking l.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Reserve Bank of India, Bank of Baroda


Securities and Exchange Board of India Puts Curbs on Financial Advisers to Prevent Mis-selling(18.02.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has barred investment advisers from simultaneously selling financial products and advisory services, and capped.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Curbs on Financial Advisers


Calcutta HC: Not Mandatory to Possess Valid Foreign Passport for Indian Citizenship by Registration(28.02.2020)

Calcutta High Court has held that it is not mandatory to possess a valid foreign passport to apply for the grant of Indian Citizenship by Registration.....

Tags : Calcutta High Court, Indian Citizenship by Registration


Authority for Advance Rulings Denies Tax Exemption Under India-Mauritius Treaty(28.02.2020)

Authority for Advance Ruling has denied any benefit of the India-Mauritius tax treaty under which the applicable rates are a bit lower. The Authority .....

Tags : Authority for Advance Ruling, Tax Exemption Under India-Mauritius Treaty


SC Asks Kerala HC to Decide Challenge Against Airport Authority of India Decision on Merits(28.02.2020)

Supreme Court has set aside the decision of the Kerala High Court which held the Writ Petition filed by the Kerala Government challenging the decision.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Airport Authority of India


CESTAT, Mumbai: Sahara India TV Network Can Utilize Cenvat Credit for Payment of Service Tax(28.02.2020)

Customs, Excise & Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) Mumbai has ruled that Sahara India TV Network is entitled to utilize Cenvat credit for payme.....

Tags : Customs Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Sahara India TV Network


SEBI Slaps Rs 17 Lakhs Fine on Motilal Oswal for Misuse of Clients’ Funds(02.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has slapped a fine of Rs 17 Lakhs on Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. for misuse of client funds as it fai.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Motilal Oswal


Reserve Bank of India Removes Charges on NEFT, RTGS Transfers(07.06.2019)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced that it is waiving off charges that are applied on bank transfers carried out either by National Electronic .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, NEFT, RTGS


Reserve Bank of India Revises Stressed Asset Norms(10.06.2019)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a new prudential framework for resolution of stressed assets, effectively replacing its 12 February 2018 circul.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Stressed Asset


Reserve Bank of India Eases Norms for No-Frills Accounts(11.06.2019)

Reserve Bank of India has eased the norms for the Basic Savings Bank Deposit (BSBD) accounts popularly known as no-frills accounts by allowing banks t.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, No-Frills Accounts


SEBI Relaxes Rule for Minimum 25% Public Stake in Listed Companies(15.05.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has eased the 25% minimum public shareholding norm for listed companies in the wake of the Covid-19 outb.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Public Stake in Listed Companies


SC Asks Petitioner to Move Representation Before Centre in Plea for Repatriation of Indians(18.05.2020)

Supreme Court has instructed the Petitioner to make appropriate representation before the Government in a plea seeking repatriation of Indian citizens.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Repatriation of Indians from Kuwait


SEBI Relaxes Rules for Maintaining Records, Extends Deadlines(24.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has relaxed rules for maintaining records of all calls made by institutional dealers during trading hours, acce.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Maintaining Records, Extends Deadlines


Delhi HC Directs Centre to Ensure Welfare of Indian Students Stranded At Kazakhstan Airport(26.03.2020)

Delhi High Court has directed the Ministry of External Affairs to promptly appoint a Nodal Officer from the Indian Embassy in Kazakhstan to ensure the.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indian Students Stranded At Kazakhstan Airport


NHAI to Suspend Toll Collection on National Highways(26.03.2020)

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) will be suspending collecting toll across National Highways in the country during the 21 days' nationwide .....

Tags : National Highways Authority of India, Suspension of Toll Collection


SEBI Relaxes AGM Rules for Top 100 Listed Companies(27.03.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has relaxed Annual General Meeting (AGM) rules for the top 100 listed companies and allowed an extra month till.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, AGM Compliance Requirement


RBI Permits Lending Institutions to Allow 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans(27.03.2020)

Reserve Bank of India has announced that all commercial banks and non-banking financial companies are permitted to allow 3-month moratorium on the pay.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, 3-Month Moratorium on Term Loans


RBI Announces Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate(27.03.2020)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced a 75 basis points cut in repo rates, 90 basis points cut to 4% in reverse repo rate as a measure to counter .....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Cut in Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate


Madras HC Issues Notice on Plea for Repatriation of Indians Stranded in Maldives(04.05.2020)

Madras High Court has issued notices on a Public Interest Litigation seeking repatriation of Indian citizens who are stranded in Maldives, due to the .....

Tags : Madras High Court, Repatriation of Indians Stranded in Maldives


Karnataka Govt Passes Amendment Act to Provide Horizontal Reservation for Karnataka Students(05.05.2020)

Karnataka Government has given the assent to the National Law School of India (Amendment) Act, 2020, whereby National Law School of India, Bengaluru s.....

Tags : Karnataka Government, National Law School of India (Amendment) Act, 2020


SEBI Rejects Proposal on Easing QIP Pricing Norms(06.05.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has rejected a proposal seeking relaxation of pricing norms for Qualified Institutional Placements (QIPs.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, QIP Pricing Norms


SEBI Eases Norms for Rights Issues Until July 31(07.05.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has given a one-time relaxation on strict enforcement of certain compliance norms related to rights issu.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Rights Issues


SEBI Asks Franklin to Return Money to Investors in 6 Funds(08.05.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has asked Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds to focus on returning the money to investors stuck in six funds as so.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds


NCLT Refuses Petition Against India Steel(11.05.2020)

National Company Law Tribunal has refused to admit an insolvency Petition filed by India Resurgence Asset Reconstruction Company, a joint venture betw.....

Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, India Steel


Kerala HC: Centre to Take Steps for Free of Cost Repatriation of Indians Unable to Meet Flight Fare(11.05.2020)

Kerala High Court has observed that the Government of India must take adequate steps to ensure repatriation of those who are unable to meet the flight.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Free of Cost Repatriation of Indians


Delhi HC Grants Indiabulls Permission to Not Pay Debenture Holders Till RBI’s Moratorium(21.04.2020)

Delhi High Court has granted Indiabulls, the permission to not pay its debenture holders, including fund houses, interest and principal as long as the.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indiabulls


Competition Commission of India Adjourns All Cases Listed Upto May 3(21.04.2020)

Competition Commission of India has adjourned all matters listed before it for hearing up to 3rd May, 2020, stating that fresh dates will be issued fo.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Adjourning of All Cases


SEBI Extends IPO Nod Validity by Six Months(22.04.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has extended the validity of regulatory nod for launching initial public offer (IPO) and rights issue by six mo.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, IPO Nod Validity


SEBI Relaxes Valuation Norms for Mutual Funds(24.04.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has relaxed valuation norms on money and debt market instruments held by mutual funds in the wake of the loan m.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Mutual Funds Valuation Norms


SEBI Cuts Broker Turnover Fee by 50%(28.04.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has reduced broker turnover fee by 50% of the existing structure from June, 2020 till March, 2021. The Board ha.....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Broker Turnover Fee


RBI Opens Rs 50kcr Flexible Liquidity Window to Aid MFs(28.04.2020)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has opened a Rs 50,000 Crores flexible liquidity window to help mutual funds cope with redemption pressure, tempering inve.....

Tags : Reserve Bank of India, Liquidity Window


Delhi HC Stays Interim Relief for Indiabulls on NCD Payouts(01.05.2020)

Delhi High Court has stayed the interim relief given to Indiabulls Housing Finance from paying dues to investors who hold non-convertible debentures (.....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited


Delhi HC Stays Grants Interim Relief to Hockey India over Furnishing Sponsorship Details(04.10.2016)

Delhi HC has stayed a Central Information Commission’s (CIC) order directing Hockey India to disclose details of sponsorship amount received by it in .....

Tags : Delhi HC , CIC, Hockey India


Govt Exempts Bonds of Indian Railway Finance Corporation from Income Tax(14.08.2017)

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified that Bonds of Indian Railway Finance Corporation will be exempted from Income Tax under section 54EC.....

Tags : Bonds, Indian Railway


Delhi HC Grants John Doe Order In Favour Of Amway India In Non-IPR Suit(12.09.2018)

Delhi High Court recently had occasion to pass a John Doe order against retail/wholesale shops for selling Amway products without due authorisation.

Tags : Delhi High Court, Amway India


President of India Appoints Justice Ranjan Gogoi as the 46th Chief Justice of India(14.09.2018)

President of India has appointed Justice Ranjan Gogoi as the next Chief Justice of India. He will assume the office of Chief Justice on 3rd October, 2.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India


ICAI Announces Cut-off Date for Conversion from Earlier Scheme to Revised Scheme(28.07.2020)

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ( ICAI ) has announced the cut-off date for conversion from Earlier Scheme to Revised Scheme of CA Final E.....

Tags : Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Conversion from Earlier Scheme to Revised Scheme


BCI Postpones All India Bar Examination to be Held on August 16(31.07.2020)

Bar Council of India has decided to postpone the date of the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) which was to be held on 16th August, 2020 in wake of the.....

Tags : Bar Council of India, All India Bar Examination


SC: Charge Under IPC Can Continue Irrespective of Sanction Under Prevention of Corruption Act(31.07.2020)

Supreme Court has observed that the charge against an accused for offence punishable under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 can continue irrespective of th.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Change under Indian Penal Code


Indian Oil Corporation Can’t Claim ITC on GST Paid on Railway Freight for Transportation of ATF: AAR(27.09.2018)

Authority for Advance Rulings, West Bengal has held that the Indian Oil Corporation is not eligible to avail Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the GST paid on.....

Tags : Cabinet, Indian Oil Corporation


Raise Qualifying Marks for Pursuing Medical Courses Abroad: Madras High Court to MCI, Centre(01.10.2018)

Madras High Court has asked the Medical Council of India (MCI) to raise the minimum qualifying marks for foreign medical education aspirants and restr.....

Tags : Madras High Court, Medical Council of India


Kerala HC Directs Indian Railways to Accept Lawyers’ ID Card as Valid Proof for Train Journey(01.10.2018)

Kerala High Court has directed the Indian Railways to treat identity cards issued to lawyers by respective Bar councils as a valid identity proof to u.....

Tags : Kerala High Court, Indian Railways


Air India Sexual Assault Case: Bombay High Court Grants Clean Chit to Pilot(30.07.2019)

Bombay High Court has quashed a criminal case of sexual assault registered against an Air India pilot by a woman pilot last year.

Tags : Bombay High Court, Air India


Delhi HC Grants Time to TRAI to Show Action Taken Against Compliance of TCCCPR Regulations(15.07.2020)

Delhi High Court has granted six weeks to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India to show action taken to ensure compliance with the Telecom Commercial .....

Tags : Delhi High Court, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India


SEBI’s New Margin Rules Postponed to December 1(21.07.2020)

Securities and Exchange Board of India has postponed the implementation of the enhanced margin requirements for trading in the stock market, aimed at .....

Tags : Securities and Exchange Board of India, Margin Rules


SC Registers Suo Moto Contempt Case Against Prashant Bhushan, Twitter India(22.07.2020)

Supreme Court has registered a suo moto contempt of Court case against Advocate Prashant Bhushan and Twitter India.

Tags : Supreme Court, Pranshant Bhushan, Twitter India


IRDAI: Link All Your Insurance Policies to Aadhaar and PAN(09.11.2017)

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has directed and made it mandatory for companies to link Aadhaar and PAN with every in.....

Tags : Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India


Supreme Court: Cases for Early Hearing Can Only Be Listed Before Chief Justice(13.11.2017)

Supreme Court’s registry has issued an administrative order saying that lawyers can only ask the Chief Justice of India (CJI) to list their cases for .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India


CCI Finds Indian Railways to be Abusing Dominance, Orders Investigation(14.11.2018)

Competition Commission of India has made finding that practice of Railways to round off base price to next higher multiple of 5 for tickets booked onl.....

Tags : CCI, Indian Railways


SAT Sets Aside Rs 3 Lakh Penalty on Central Bank of India(10.09.2019)

Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has set aside a penalty of Rs 3 lakh levied by markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) on C.....

Tags : SAT, Central Bank of India


SC Issues Notice on PIL Seeking Rescue of Indian Workers from Gulf Countries(08.10.2020)

Supreme Court has issued notice to the Centre in a plea seeking directions to the Government for bringing back Indian workers from the Gulf Countries.

Tags : Supreme Court, Rescue of Indian Workers


CCI Asks Google to Respond in Complaint Alleging Abuse of Android Operating System(08.10.2020)

Competition Commission of India has asked Google to respond to a complaint by two lawyers accusing the US-based tech major of abusing its Android oper.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Google


Madhya Pradesh HC Seeks NHAI’s Response over Steps Taken to Improve Roads(19.12.2016)

Madhya Pradesh High Court has directed National Highway Authority of India’s (NHAI) Bhopal Regional Officer to furnish details of steps it has propose.....

Tags : Madhya Pradesh High Court, National Highway Authority of India


CCI Approves Abbott Laboratories- St Jude Deal With Certain Limitations(19.12.2016)

Competition Commission of India (CCI) has approved pharma major Abbott Laboratories' proposed acquisition of heart device-maker St Jude Medical Inc, s.....

Tags : Competition Commission of India, Abbott Laboratories, St Jude


RBI Keeps Repo Rate Unchanged at 6%, Raises Inflation Forecast for Next Two Quarters(06.12.2017)

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has kept repo rate unchanged at 6 percent. The inflation forecast for the next two quarters has been increased from 4.2 - .....
