12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Grounds of Arrest


Supreme Court: Difference Between ‘Reasons of Arrest’ and ‘Grounds of Arrest’ Stated(16.05.2024)

SC explained difference between reasons of arrest and grounds of arrest and stated that reasons of arrest would apply to any person arrested on charge.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Reasons of Arrest, Grounds of Arrest


Supreme Court: Written Grounds of Arrest Must be Given to the Accused in UAPA Cases Too(16.05.2024)

SC has held that the ratio laid down in the case of Pankaj Bansal vs. Union of India (UOI) and Ors. (MANU/SC/1076/2023; 2023 INSC 866) that mandated .....

Tags : Supreme Court, Grounds of Arrest, UAPA
