Search Results for Tag : FTS
Bombay HC: Accept Cheques & Demand Drafts For Bails and Sureties(02.12.2016)
Bombay High Court has issued a notice directing all subordinate Courts in State to begin accepting cheques and demand drafts instead of provisional ca.....
Tags : Bombay High Court, Cheques, Demand Drafts, Bails, Sureties
Supreme Court: Public Servant Can’t Show Gifts As Income From Legal Sources(16.02.2017)
SC has said that while it may be “legal” for public servants to accept gifts in cash and kind and later show it as part of their professional income f.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Public Servant, Gifts
Supreme Court: Public Servant Can’t Show Gifts As Income From Legal Sources(16.02.2017)
SC has said that while it may be “legal” for public servants to accept gifts in cash and kind and later show it as part of their professional income f.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Public Servant, Gifts
Gujarat High Court Issues Notice Over Input Tax Credit on Gifts(20.02.2020)
Gujarat High Court has issued notices to the Centre, State Government, Goods and Services Tax Council and Indirect Tax Board in a case related to the .....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Input Tax Credit on Gifts
AAR, Maharashtra: Design and Development of Patterns is a Supply of Service(31.03.2022)
Authority of Advance Ruling ( AAR ), Maharashtra has reiterated that the activity of design and development of patterns used for manufacturing of cams.....
Tags : Authority of Advance Ruling, manufacturing camshafts, supply of service
Del. HC: BCCI Utilizes Services Provided by IMG Outside India, Income Cannot be Taxed in India(05.07.2024)
Delhi High Court has held that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) utilizes the services provided by International Management Group (IMG).....
Tags : Delhi High Court, BCCI, FTS, International Management Group
Extent of permissible judicial review in matters of contracts, procurement, etc. would vary with the subject matter of the contract(14.12.2018)
The issues arising in present group of writ petitions, filed as Public Interest Litigations, relate to procurement of 36 Rafale Fighter Jets for the I.....
Tags : Aircrafts, Procurement, Judicial review
Notifications & Circulars
Standardisation of Handicrafts Industry(03.01.2019)
To organize and standardize the Indian Handicrafts, Government has registered approximately 22.85 lakhs artisans under Pahchan initiative. Moreover, 3.....
Tags : Standardisation, Handicrafts Industry, Artisans, Registration
Geographical Indications tagging of Handicraft and Handloom products(20.07.2017)
Government has started Geographical Indications (GI) tagging of handicraft and handlooms for the benefit of weavers and artisans. A total of 149 craft.....
Tags : Geographical Indications, Handicrafts, Tagging
ITAT: TDS Not Applicable to Client Referral Fee as it Won’t Amount to FTS(06.07.2022)
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi Bench has held that the provisions of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) cannot be made applicable to fees for .....
Tags : ITAT, Client Referrals, FTS
J&K&L HC to Judicial Officers: Don't Offer Gifts to Visiting High Court Judges(23.06.2022)
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court has issued circular restricting judicial officers of the subordinate courts from receiving, seeing off, arrangin.....
Tags : Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court, Judicial Officers, Gifts
Conditional Gifts Incomplete Until Conditions are Complied With: Supreme Court(29.10.2018)
Supreme Court has held that a conditional gift only becomes complete on compliance of the conditions in the deed and the donor is within rights to can.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Conditional Gifts
NGT Junks Plea Against Banning Spray of Disinfectants in Aircrafts(18.10.2018)
NGT Junks Plea Against Banning Spray of Disinfectants in Aircrafts.
Tags : Madras High Court, Disinfectants in Aircrafts
Gifts up to a value of Rs. 50,000/- per year by an employer to his employee are outside the ambit of GST(10.07.2017)
It is being reported that gifts and perquisites supplied by companies to their employees will be taxed under GST. Gifts upto a value of Rs. 50,000/- p.....
Tags : Gifts, Ambit, GST