Search Results for Tag : Exposures
Notifications & Circulars
Draft Frameworks for Sale of Loan Exposures and Securitisation of Standard Assets(08.06.2020)
The Reserve Bank has today placed on its website two draft documents for public comments - the 'Draft Framework for Securitisation of Standard Assets'.....
Tags : Frameworks, Sale, Loan Exposures
Reporting of Large Exposures to Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC) - UCBs(16.01.2020)
1. Attention is drawn to RBI Circular DOR (PCB). BPD.Cir.No.7/13.05.000/2019-20 dated December 27, 2019 on "Reporting of Large Exposures to Central Re.....
Tags : Reporting of, Exposures, CRILC
RBI Orders Large Co-Op Banks to Report Exposures Above Rs 5 Crore(28.12.2019)
Reserve Bank of India has directed large Co-operative Banks to report all exposures of Rs 5 Crore and more to the Central Repository of Information on.....
Tags : RBI, Exposures
Large Exposures Framework(03.06.2019)
Please refer to the instructions contained in circulars DBR.No.BP.BC.43/21.01.003/2016-17 dated December 01, 2016 and DBR.No.BP.BC.31/21.01.003/2018-1.....
Tags : Concentration risk, Exposures, Framework