Search Results for Tag : Entities
J&K HC Directs Trial Courts to Avoid Disclosing Identities of Rape Survivors(28.12.2020)
Jammu and Kashmir High Court has directed the trial Courts of the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh "to avoid disclosing identity of .....
Tags : Jammu and Kashmir High Court, Disclosing Identities of Rape Survivors
Orissa HC: Disclosure of COVID Patients' Identities Must Pass 'Triple Test' of Privacy Judgment(13.08.2020)
Orissa High Court has cautioned the Authorities to ensure that in case they reveal the identity of a COVID patient/ suspect, the same is done in accor.....
Tags : Orissa High Court, Disclosure of COVID patients’ Identities
Private Entities Duty-Bound to Ensure That Their Facilities are Disabled Friendly: Gauhati HC(08.04.2019)
Gauhati High Court has held that even a private entity has a duty to ensure that its facilities and services are friendly to the differently abled.
Tags : Gauhati High Court, Private Entities, Disabled Friendly Facilities
Supreme Court Starts Concealing Identities of Accused in Rape Cases Turning Out to be False(20.03.2024)
Supreme Court on an interesting note has started concealing the names of the accused in rape cases that turn out to be false.
Tags : Supreme Court, Identities, Accused
Supreme Court: Bidders to Exercise Greater than Ordinary Degree of Care(17.07.2024)
SC while imposing cost of Rs. 3 Crore cost on a bidder for negligence, has observed that bidders being experienced corporate entities are expected to .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bidder, Corporate Entities
Supreme Court: Bidders to Exercise Greater than Ordinary Degree of Care(17.07.2024)
SC while imposing cost of Rs. 3 Crore cost on a bidder for negligence, has observed that bidders being experienced corporate entities are expected to .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bidder, Corporate Entities
Supreme Court: Bidders to Exercise Greater than Ordinary Degree of Care(17.07.2024)
SC while imposing cost of Rs. 3 Crore on a bidder for negligence, has observed that bidders being experienced corporate entities are expected to exerc.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Bidder, Corporate Entities
SC: UP & Utt. Govt.’s Direction to Shop Owners on Kanwar Route to Display Owner & Staff Name, Stayed(23.07.2024)
Supreme Court has stayed the direction passed by Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Government directing the food sellers along the Kanwar Yatra route to d.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Kanwar Yatra, Identities of Owners
Notifications & Circulars
Format for Business Responsibility Report(04.11.2015)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India released a ‘Suggested Format for Business Responsibility Report’ pursuant to the SEBI (Listing Obligations .....
Tags : Business responsibility, listed entities, format
Format for Business Responsibility Report(04.11.2015)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India released a ‘Suggested Format for Business Responsibility Report’ pursuant to the SEBI (Listing Obligations .....
Tags : Business responsibility, listed entities, format
'Grievance Resolution between listed entities and proxy advisers' - Extension of timeline for implementation(27.08.2020)
1. SEBI had issued 'Procedural Guidelines for Proxy Advisors' vide Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF1/CIR/P/2020/147 dated August 03, 2020. Further, SEBI ha.....
Tags : Grievance Resolution, listed entities, Extension, Timeline
Scheme(s) of Arrangement by entities who have listed their Non-convertible Debt securities (NCDs)/Non-convertible Redeemable Preference shares(17.11.2022)
1. The SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "Listing Regulations") was amended vide no.....
Tags : Scheme, Arrangement, Entities
SEBI cautions public against dealing with unregistered entities(13.02.2024)
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has observed a rising trend of unscrupulous entities and online platforms that falsely claim to be r.....
Tags : Unregistered entities, fake certificates, Cautions
Schemes of Arrangement by Listed Entities and (ii) Relaxation under Sub-rule (7) of Rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957(03.11.2020)
1. SEBI Circular No. CFD/DIL3/CIR/2017/21 dated March 10, 2017 has laid down the framework for Schemes of Arrangement by listed entities and relaxatio.....
Tags : Listed Entities, Relaxation, Rules
Schemes of arrangement by listed entities(16.11.2021)
1. SEBI Master Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL1/CIR/P/2020/249 dated December 22, 2020 has laid down the framework for Schemes of Arrangement by listed e.....
Tags : Schemes, Arrangement, Listed entities
RBI convenes Conference of Internal Ombudsmen of select Regulated Entities(18.01.2024)
As part of the Reserve Bank's continuing engagement with regulated entities, the second Conference of Internal Ombudsmen on the theme "Orchestrating C.....
Tags : Conference, Internal Ombudsmen, Regulated Entities
Schemes of Arrangement by Listed Entities and (ii) Relaxation under Sub-rule (7) of Rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957(23.03.2017)
This is with reference to SEBI Circular No.CFD/DIL3/CIR/2017/21 dated March 10, 2017 on the captioned subject. Para 8 of the aforesaid circular provid.....
Tags : Entities, Scheme, Arrangement
E-Voting Facility Provided by Listed Entities(09.12.2020)
1. Under Regulation 44 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, listed entities .....
Tags : E-Voting, Facility, Listed Entities
Schemes of arrangement by listed entities(01.02.2022)
1. SEBI vide Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/0/2021 dated November 16, 2021 and Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/DIL2/CIR/P/2021/0000000659 dated November 1.....
Tags : Schemes, Arrangement, Listed entities
RBI cautions public against prepaid payment instruments (non-closed) issued by unauthorised entities(22.02.2022)
It has come to the notice of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that sRide Tech Private Limited, a company having its registered office at 1201, Tower-7, Clo.....
Tags : Prepaid payment instruments, Un-authorised entities, Caution