12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Economic Survey


Economic Survey: GDP Expected to Grow at 7-7.5% in 2019(29.01.2018)

Economic Survey 2018 tabled by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Parliament expects India’s GDP growth in 2019 to be between 7 and 7.5%, against 6.5% i.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Budget


Economic Survey: 50% Increase in Indirect Taxpayers Post GST(29.01.2018)

The Economic Survey 2018 tabled by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in Parliament points to a 50% increase in the number of indirect taxpayers after the .....

Tags : Economic Survey, Budget


Notifications & Circulars

Economic Survey Reiterates India's Commitment to Achieve the Targets Under SDG-3 and to Strengthen Health Delivery Systems(29.01.2018)

The Economic Survey 2017-18 reiterates India's commitment to achieve the targets under Sustainable Development Goals-3 (SDG-3) with some of them also .....

Tags : Economic Survey, Commitment, Strengthening of, Health Delivery Systems


Sector-Wise Performance of Major Services and Some Recent Government Policies to Boost the Growth of the Sector(29.01.2018)

The Services sector, with a share of 55.2 per cent in India's Gross Value Added (GVA), continued to be the key driver of India's economic growth contr.....

Tags : Major Services, Performance, Economic survey


Economic Survey: GDP Growth for 2019-20 At 7%, Oil Prices to Slow Down(04.07.2019)

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has tabled the Economic Survey in both Houses of Parliament. The Survey projected the GDP growth for 2019-20.....

Tags : Economic Survey, GDP, Oil Prices


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Centre Fixes Farm Credit Target at Rs. 16.50 Lakh Crores(31.01.2022)

Central Government has fixed a farm credit target of Rs 16.50 lakh crore for the current fiscal. The government has also announced Rs 2 lakh crore con.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Central Government, Farm Credit Target


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Govt Sets Up National Land Monetisation Corporation(31.01.2022)

Economic Survey has stated that National Land Monetisation Corporation (NLMC) is being incorporated as a 100% Government of India owned entity with an.....

Tags : Economic Survey, National Land Monetisation Corporation


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: India can Withstand Monetary Policy Normalisation(31.01.2022)

Economic Survey has noted that due to accretion of large foreign exchange reserves, vulnerability indicators relating to reserves have shown marked im.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Monetary Policy Normalisation


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: India to Spend USD 1.4 Trillion to Step Up Infrastructure Investment(31.01.2022)

Economic Survey has said that to achieve USD 5 trillion GDP by FY'25, India needs to spend about USD 1.4 trillion over this period on infrastructure t.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Infrastructure Investment


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Overview of Pharmaceutical Sector(31.01.2022)

In the April-September 2021 period, the FDI inflows in the Pharmaceutical Sector continued to be at Rs 4,413 Crores, growing at the rate of 53%. Furth.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Pharmaceutical Sector


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Railways to Emerge as Engine of National Growth(31.01.2022)

The Indian railway sector in the next 10 years will see a very high level of capital expenditure leading to it eventually becoming the engine of natio.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Railways


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Banking System(31.01.2022)

The banking system is well capitalized and the overhang of Non-Performing Assets seem to have structurally declined.

Tags : Economic Survey, Banking System


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Capital Markets(31.01.2022)

India’s capital markets has done exceptionally well and has allowed record mobilization of risk capital for Indian companies.

Tags : Economic Survey, Capital Markets


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Balance of Payments(31.01.2022)

India’s balance of payments remained in surplus throughout the last 2 years, allowing the Reserve Bank of India to keep accumulating foreign exchange .....

Tags : Economic Survey, Balance of Payments


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Trend in Centre's Debt-GDP Ratio(31.01.2022)

Total liabilities of the Central Government, as a ratio of GDP, has risen sharply in 2020-21, due to COVID-19 pandemic as well as sharp contraction in.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Debt-GDP Ratio


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Exports and Imports of Goods and Services(31.01.2022)

Exports of both goods and services have been exceptionally strong so far in 2021-22, but imports also recovered strongly with recovery in domestic dem.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Exports and Imports of Goods and Services


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Impact of Pandemic on Consumption(31.01.2022)

India's consumption story is intact despite third wave, having grown at 7% in 2021-22 with significant amount coming in from government spending. Simi.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Impact on Consumption


#Economic Survey 2021-2022: Overview of Agriculture and Service Sector in View of Pandemic(31.01.2022)

Economic Survey has highlighted that that in 2021-2022, Agriculture sector was least hit by pandemic, sector to grow by 3.9% and services sector hit t.....

Tags : Economic Survey, Overview of Agriculture and Service Sector
