Search Results for Tag : Disciplinary Proceedings
International Cases
Council’s disciplinary functions are not limited to instances relating to criminal conviction; it is the Council’s duty to act against conduct that is improper, unethical(15.01.2021)
In present matter, on 25 November 2014, the Respondent, Dr. David Grieve, appeared before the professional conduct committee (the committee) of the fi.....
Tags : Council, Jurisdiction, Disciplinary proceedings
Madras High Court Quashes Disciplinary Proceedings Against IPS Officer(13.01.2017)
Madras High Court has quashed disciplinary proceedings and charge memo against senior IPS officer and additional DGP Pramodkumar who was under suspens.....
Tags : Madras High Court, disciplinary proceedings
Madras HC: Disciplinary Proceeding in Case of Perfunctory Investigation Should be Initiated(13.11.2020)
Madras High Court has held that disciplinary proceedings should be initiated against investigating officers in case of 'perfunctory investigation'. Th.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
SC: HC Not Appellate Authority While Exercising Writ Jurisdiction in Disciplinary Proceedings(26.11.2020)
Supreme Court has observed that while exercising writ jurisdiction with respect to disciplinary proceedings, the High Court must not act as an appella.....
Tags : Supreme Court, High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
Madras HC Disapproves of Suspension of Doctor Who was Witness in Disciplinary Proceedings(27.10.2021)
Madras High Court has disapproved of punishment of suspension imposed by Tamil Nadu Medical Council (TNMC) against a gastroenterologist who was only a.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Witness in Disciplinary Proceedings
Tel. HC: Employee Can’t be Denied Promotion on Pretext of Pendency Disciplinary Proceedings(28.09.2023)
Telangana High Court has held that employee cannot be made to suffer for long period of time without his case being considered for promotion on the pr.....
Tags : Telangana High Court, Promotion, Disciplinary Proceedings
SC: Acquittal by Court Doesn’t Lead to Automatic Discharge in Disciplinary Proceedings(06.10.2023)
Supreme Court has held that acquittal in criminal proceedings does not entitle the delinquent employee for any benefit in the latter or automatic disc.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Discharge
Supreme Court: Can BCI’s Disciplinary Panel Members Analyse Documents In Unfamiliar Language?(23.03.2017)
Supreme Court, while setting aside a disciplinary proceedings against a lawyer, has asked ‘how Disciplinary Committee consisting of members, who were .....
Tags : Supreme Court, disciplinary proceedings, Bar Council of India
Ker. HC: Employer Entitled to Continue Disciplinary Proceedings Even After Retirement of Employee(20.09.2022)
Kerala High Court has held that under Rule 198 (7) of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Rules, the employer is entitled to continue disciplinary proce.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Retiral Benefits
SC: Disciplinary Proceedings can be Quashed if Accused is Acquitted in Criminal Case on Same Charges(07.12.2023)
Supreme Court has held that although acquittal by a criminal court will not confer on the employee a right to claim any benefit, including reinstateme.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Acquittal
Delhi HC: Quashing Disciplinary Proceedings On Procedures Does Not Exonerate Employee(06.02.2017)
Delhi High Court has ruled that if disciplinary proceedings against an employee are set aside on account of violation of procedure and not on merits, .....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
Supreme Court: High Court have Power to Dispense with Disciplinary Proceedings by Recording Reasons(11.11.2019)
Supreme Court has noted that the High Courts have power to dispense with the disciplinary proceedings by invoking clause (b) of the second proviso to .....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
Delhi HC: Credibility of Woman Not Diminished Because of Pending Disciplinary Proceedings(18.12.2020)
Delhi High Court has held that when a woman makes allegations of sexual harassment against her male colleague for, her credibility is not diminished b.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Pending Disciplinary Proceedings Against Woman
Supreme Court Issues Notice to Madras HC, Stays Disciplinary Proceedings Against Labour Judge(04.03.2021)
Supreme Court has issued notice in plea filed by a Labour Court Judge against disciplinary proceedings against him ordered by the Madras High Court. T.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
Allahabad HC Orders Actions Against Cop for Absolving Accused of Charges During POCSO Probe(12.12.2022)
Allahabad High Court has directed State's Director General of Police (DGP) to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a police officer for deliberat.....
Tags : Allahabad High Court, DGP, Disciplinary Proceedings
Gujarat HC: ICAI Not Empowered to Conduct Disciplinary Proceedings Without Written Allegations(17.03.2020)
Gujarat High Court has held that the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) is not empowered to conduct any disciplinary proceedings withou.....
Tags : Gujarat High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, ICAI
Ker. HC: Writ Jurisdiction Cannot be Invoked to Re-Appreciate Evidence in Disciplinary Proceedings(01.04.2024)
Kerala High Court has held that the Court cannot consider the question about the sufficiency or adequacy of evidence in support of a particular conclu.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Writ Jurisdiction
Mad. HC: Supporting Driver Before MACT Doesn’t Preclude Transport Corp. from Initiating Disc. Proc.(03.04.2024)
Madras High Court has held that if State Express Transport Corporation management has taken a stand for the driver before the Motor Accident Claims Tr.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Transport Corporation, Disciplinary Proceedings
Mad. HC: Supporting Driver Before MACT Doesn’t Preclude Transport Corp. from Initiating Disc. Proc.(03.04.2024)
Madras High Court has held that if State Express Transport Corporation management has taken a stand for the driver before the Motor Accident Claims Tr.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Transport Corporation, Disciplinary Proceedings
SC: Order of Compulsory Retirement Can be Set Aside if Found to be Punitive(07.03.2023)
Supreme Court has observed that order of compulsory retirement can be set aside if it is punitive in nature and was passed to circumvent the pending d.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Compulsory Retirement, Punitive, Disciplinary Proceedings
Ker. HC: Emp. Messaging in Pvt. Whatsapp Group About Safety of Company Doesn’t Attract Disc. Proc.(21.06.2024)
Kerala High Court has held that an employee sending messages on a private WhatsApp group regarding the safety of company cannot attract disciplinary p.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Whatsapp Group, Disciplinary Proceedings, Freedom of Speech
Mad. HC: Disciplinary Procee. to be Initiated Against Lawyers Soliciting Work Through Online Service(04.07.2024)
Madras High Court has directed State Bar Councils to initiate disciplinary proceedings against lawyers soliciting work through online websites and add.....
Tags : Madras High Court, State Bar Councils, Disciplinary Proceedings
Kerala HC States it can Initiate Disciplinary Proceedings Against Judges in Lakshadweep(22.06.2023)
Kerala High Court has stated that it has got the power to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the presiding officers of the district court and c.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Judges, Lakshadweep
SC Stays Disciplinary Proceedings Against Madhya Pradesh District Judge(07.09.2020)
Supreme Court has issued notice & also stayed disciplinary proceedings against a Senior District Judge from Madhya Pradesh on account of sexual harass.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings
Madras HC: Only ‘Preponderance of Probability’ Required in Disciplinary Proceedings(25.10.2024)
Madras High Court while upholding the dismissal of two workers, has affirmed that in matters of disciplinary proceedings only preponderance of probabi.....
Tags : Madras High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Preponderance of Probability
SC: Recording Evidence is Mandatory in Disciplinary Proceedings Imposing Major Penalties(19.11.2024)
Supreme Court while reinstating a government employee who was terminated, has reiterated that this Court in a catena of judgments has held that the re.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Major Penalties
Cal HC: In Case of Identical Charges, Trial Findings Should Have Bearing on Disciplinary Proceedings(30.08.2024)
Calcutta High Court has held that when the charges against the employee are similar, findings of the criminal proceedings should have bearing on disci.....
Tags : Calcutta High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Identical Charges
Delhi HC: Disciplinary Proceedings Continuing Ad Infinitum Would be Destructive of Rule of Law(06.07.2022)
Delhi High Court while granting relief to CBIC Officer, has held that allowing Disciplinary Proceedings to continue ad infinitum would not only be hig.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Disciplinary Proceedings, Ad Infinitum
Departmental inquiry can continue despite acquittal of delinquent in a criminal case(18.08.2018)
The present writ petition has been filed for quashing the order issued by the District & Sessions Judge, whereby and whereunder, the Petitioner has be.....
Tags : Disciplinary proceedings, Inquiry, Legality
Punishment which is grossly in excess to allegations remains open for interference under scope of judicial review(21.10.2019)
In present case, departmental proceedings initiated against Appellant for which he was served a memorandum under Rule 14 of Central Civil Services (cl.....
Tags : Disciplinary proceedings, Removal, Legality
If the disciplinary authority accepts the findings recorded by the Enquiry Officer and passes an order, no detailed reasons are required to be recorded in the order imposing punishment(08.02.2021)
Issue in present case is relating to confirmation of the order of compulsory retirement in disciplinary proceedings initiated against the Appellant. L.....
Tags : Disciplinary proceedings, Punishment, Legality
Disciplinary proceeding initiated prior to the retirement of a bank employee would continue even after his retirement(28.03.2022)
In facts of present case, the Petitioner who was lastly working as Senior Branch Manager with the Respondent-Bank, has retired on 31 May 2013 on attai.....
Tags : Retirement, Disciplinary Proceedings, Bank Employee
Employer has a right to withhold the gratuity during the pendency of the disciplinary proceedings(27.05.2020)
In the facts of present case, Respondent ¬employee was in service and posted as Chief General Manager. He was served with the charge-sheet. There was .....
Tags : Gratuity, Pendency, Disciplinary proceedings
Executive Directors are authorized to extend validity of waiting lists of candidates for further period of one year(13.11.2017)
The Petitioner, working as Junior Engineer with Respondent No. 1-the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Limited ("the MSEDCL") has approached .....
Tags : Disciplinary proceedings, Pendency, Selection