12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Deposit Rates

Notifications & Circulars

Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - September 2023(28.09.2023)

Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of Septe.....

Tags : Scheduled Commercial Banks, Lending Rates, Deposit Rates


Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - November 2023(30.11.2023)

Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) received during the mo.....

Tags : Lending rates, Deposit Rates, Commercial Banks


Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - January 2024(31.01.2024)


Lending Rates:

• The weighted average lending rate (WALR) on fresh rupee loans of SCBs stood at 9.32 per cent in Decembe.....

Tags : Lending rates, Deposit Rates, Highlights


Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks - January 2023(31.01.2023)

Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) for the month of Janua.....

Tags : Lending, Deposit Rates, Commercial Banks


Lending and Deposit Rates of Scheduled Commercial Banks-March 2024(28.03.2024)

Data on lending and deposit rates of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) (excluding regional rural banks and small finance banks) received during the mo.....

Tags : Lending rates, Deposit Rates, SCBs
