Search Results for Tag : Cut-Off Date
Delhi High Court Refuses To Extend Internship Cut-Off Date for Ayush PG Entrance Test 2021(04.04.2022)
Delhi High Court has rejected an appeal that seeks to extend the cut-off date for completion of Internship towards determination of eligibility for Al.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, All India Ayush Post-graduate Entrance Test, 2021, cut-off date, completion of Internship
Madras HC: Dept. Failing to File TRAN-1 Timely; Amount Must be Credited to Electronic Cash Register(11.05.2022)
Madras High Court has ruled that if the department is unwilling to allow the late filing of TRAN-1, it must credit the comparable amount to the electr.....
Tags : Madras High Court, TRAN-1, cut-off date
Del. HC: Auth. Asking for OBC-NCL Certificate Should Keep Cut-Off Date of Issuance In Line With FY(05.02.2024)
Delhi HC observed that authority asking for Other Backward Classes (OBC)-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) certificate should keep the cut-off date of its issuan.....
Tags : Delhi High Court, Cut-Off Date, OBC-NCL Certificate, Financial Year
Fixation of cut off dates is permissible and is largely immune from judicial scrutiny, unless the person aggrieved makes out a positive case of arbitrariness(03.06.2024)
In facts of present case, the Petitioner is the ward of an Insured Person (“Ward of IP”) within the meaning of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. T.....
Tags : Cut-off date, Fixation, Legality
NCLAT: Claims Subsequent to Cut-off Date to be Dealt as Per RP by Adjudicating Authority(14.01.2025)
NCLAT New Delhi bench has held that claims that are filed subsequent to cut off date shall be dealt in accordance with the Resolution Plan approved by.....
Tags : NCLAT New Delhi, Adjudicating Authority, Cut-off Date
Kerala HC: Can’t Deny Compassionate Employment to Dependants ‘Fighting for Claim’(21.02.2025)
Kerala High Court has stated that the Government cannot deny the benefits of compassionate employment to the dependents who have been fighting for the.....
Tags : Kerala High Court, Compassionate Employment, Cut-Off Date