12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Circumstantial evidence


An inference of guilt of father cannot be reached, on mere fact that, daughters were last seen with their fathers(13.10.2016)

Accused Mahendra Bhaskar Pavre has been sentenced to death by Additional Sessions Judge (Link Court), Mehkar vide judgment. There is no.....

Tags : Murder, Circumstantial evidence


Direction to give foot-prints for corroboration of evidence is not violative of protection guaranteed under Article 20 (3) of Constitution(02.05.2017)

Present appeals is against judgment passed by High Court, whereby judgment passed by Additional Sessions Judge, was set aside and Accused-Respondent w.....

Tags : Acquittal, Validity, Circumstantial evidence


Statements of a person who dies, are admissible, if the statements relate to the cause of death, or explain circumstances leading to the death(07.09.2017)

The Appellants faced trial for offence punishable under Sections 306 and 498-A read with Section 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 ('IPC'). They have been.....

Tags : Conviction, Legality, Circumstantial evidence


Mere circumstance of Accused being last seen with the deceased is an unsafe hypothesis for conviction under Section 302 of IPC(19.09.2017)

Present appeal arises from a judgment of a Division Bench of High Court. The High Court affirmed the conviction of the Appellant under Section 302 of .....

Tags : Conviction, Legality, Circumstantial evidence


When any fact is especially within the knowledge of any person, the burden of proof to prove that fact is upon him(12.10.2017)

Present two criminal appeals have been preferred by the Appellants Dr. Nupul Talwar and Dr. Rajesh Talwar under Section 374(2) of the Code of Criminal.....

Tags : Acquittal, Circumstantial evidence, Benefit of doubt


When there are strong circumstances proving the guilty, absence of evidence on motive cannot be a circumstance for discarding the evidence(20.11.2017)

The Appellant is convicted for the offence punishable under Section 302 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) and he is sentenced to suffer imprisonment fo.....

Tags : Conviction, Legality, Circumstantial Evidence


Suspicion howsoever strong cannot substitute proof(26.02.2018)

Present appeals are against the judgment passed by the learned Additional Sessions Judge arising out of FIR registered at Police Station ('PS'), convi.....

Tags : Conviction, Circumstantial evidence, Proof


Circumstances must be proved which unerringly points out finger towards the accused and none else(25.04.2018)

Appellants assailed the judgment by which Appellants are convicted for the offences punishable under Sections 302, 109, 120-B, read with Section 34 o.....

Tags : Conviction, Validity, Circumstantial evidence


In a criminal case, resting entirely on circumstantial evidence, all circumstances are required to be proved solidly beyond reasonable doubt(20.07.2018)

The Appellant was convicted by the Additional Sessions Judge, under Section 302 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) in Sessions Case and was sentenced to.....

Tags : Conviction, Circumstantial evidence, Credibility


Non-collection of FSL report might be a defect of investigation which could not result in acquittal of an accused, when enough evidence was available for conviction(13.09.2018)

Present appeal has been preferred by the Appellant assailing the judgment, order of conviction and sentence respectively passed by the learned Additio.....

Tags : Conviction, Circumstantial evidence, Validity


Essence of crime of conspiracy is unlawful agreement and not its accomplishment(08.10.2018)

Present appeals are directed against the judgment passed by the trial Court whereby the Appellants were convicted for the offence punishable under Sec.....

Tags : Conspiracy, Circumstantial evidence, Conviction


Prosecution is required to establish continuity in links of chain of circumstances, so as to lead to conclusion of Accused being the assailant(31.10.2018)

The Appellant is the wife of the deceased convicted under Section 302 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) and sentenced to life imprisonment with fine of.....

Tags : Circumstantial evidence, Conviction, Legality


Measure of punishment should be proportionate to gravity of offence, to protect society and to deter criminal in achieving avowed object of law(24.01.2019)

Present Criminal Appeal has been filed by convict Appellant against judgment passed by Additional Sessions Judge/Special Judge related with Case Crime.....

Tags : Conviction, Legality, Circumstantial evidence


Credibility of witnesses is ordinarily not re-visited by Supreme Court in an appeal by special leave(12.02.2019)

Present appeal by special leave is directed against the judgment of the High Court dismissing the appeal filed by the Appellant against his conviction.....

Tags : Conviction, Circumstantial evidence, Validity


There must be a complete chain of evidence as not to leave any reasonable ground for a conclusion consistent with innocence of Accused(16.07.2019)

Present appeals have been filed by the prosecution assailing the judgment of the High Court acquitting the Respondents charged for the offences under .....

Tags : Circumstantial evidence, Acquittal, Legality


Accused is obliged to furnish explanation under Section 313 of CrPC with regard to circumstances under which deceased met an unnatural death inside the house(07.11.2019)

The Appellant, husband of the deceased, is aggrieved by his conviction under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) affirmed by the High Cou.....

Tags : Conviction, Circumstantial Evidence, Credibility


Circumstances howsoever strong cannot take place of proof and the guilt of the accused have to be proved by the prosecution beyond reasonable doubt(15.02.2022)

The present appeal filed by the Appellants-accused emanates from the Judgment passed by the High Court, whereby the High Court has dismissed the said .....

Tags : Circumstantial evidence, Conviction, Legality



SC: Judgment Allowing Circumstantial Evidence Doesn’t Dilute Need of Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt(21.03.2023)

Supreme Court has observed that the Constitution Bench judgment that direct evidence of demand or acceptance of bribe is not necessary for a convictio.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Prevention of Corruption Act, Circumstantial Evidence, Reasonable Doubt


SC: Chain of Circumstantial Evidence has to be Complete in All Respect(20.06.2023)

Supreme Court has held that in case of circumstantial evidence the chain has to be complete in all respects so as to indicate the guilt of the accused.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Circumstantial Evidence, Chain


SC: If Accused Are Already Shown to Witnesses in Police Station, Sanctity of TIP is Doubtful(09.08.2023)

Supreme Court while hearing an appeal against the conviction based on circumstantial evidence, has observed that if the accused are already shown to t.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Circumstantial Evidence, Test Identification Parade


SC: Circumstantial Evidence Has to Be Supported With Other Evidence in Order to Make it Strong(22.02.2024)

Supreme Court has observed that for proving a case on the basis of circumstantial evidence it must be established that the chain of circumstances is c.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Circumstantial Evidence
