Search Results for Tag : Caste claim
Wide powers conferred upon the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, cannot be invoked as a matter of right(21.10.2016)
By present petition, Petitioner challenged judgment passed by caste scrutiny committee, the order passed by Commissioner, Solapur Municipal Corporatio.....
Tags : Election, Invalidation, Caste claim
Caste is acquired by birth and the caste does not undergo a change by virtue of marriage and adoption(04.02.2019)
The Petitioner claims to be belonging to "Mahar" caste, which is included in Scheduled Caste Category. The Petitioner has been appointed as Staff Nurs.....
Tags : Caste claim, Certificate, Validity
SC: To Determine Correctness of Caste Claim, Affinity Test is Not Essential(24.03.2023)
Supreme Court has held that affinity test is not a litmus test to decide a caste name and is not an essential part in the process of the determination.....
Tags : Supreme Court, Affinity Test, Caste Claim
SC: HCs and SC Should Refrain from Interfering in Scrutiny Committee's Findings on Caste Claims(05.04.2024)
SC has held that High Courts as well as the Supreme Court should refrain from deeper probe into factual issues in the scrutiny committee's findings on.....
Tags : Supreme Court, High Court, Scrutiny Committee, Caste Claims