12 August 2024

Search Results for Tag : Balance sheet

Notifications & Circulars

AIFIs to submit balance sheets, consolidated prudential reports(23.06.2016)

RBI introduced the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements of All India Financial Institutions - Presentation, Disclosure and Reporting) Direction.....

Tags : all india financial institutions, disclosure, balance sheet, yearly



ITAT, Delhi: Unsigned Balance Sheets Not Admissible as Evidence(02.03.2020)

Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi has held that the unsigned balance sheets by Auditor or the Director of Company cannot be treated as relia.....

Tags : Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Unsigned Balance Sheets


SC: Entries in Balance Sheets Can Amount to Acknowledgement of Debt(16.04.2021)

Supreme Court has held that entries in balance sheets can amount to acknowledgement of debt for the purpose of extending limitation under Section 18 o.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Entries in Balance Sheets



Balance Sheets entries can amount to acknowledgement of debt for purpose of extending limitation(15.04.2021)

In present matter, Corporate Power Ltd. ["the corporate debtor"] set up a thermal power project in Jharkhand, and for so doing, availed of loan facili.....

Tags : Balance Sheets, Entries, Provision, Applicability


NCLT, Kochi: Entry in Balance Sheet Amounts to Acknowledgment of Liability(23.02.2022)

National Company Law Tribunal, Kochi has reiterated that acknowledgement of debt in the balance sheet of the Corporate Debtor comes within the meaning.....

Tags : National Company Law Tribunal, Entry in Balance Sheet


Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Presentation and Disclosures) Directions, 2021-Reporting of reverse repos with Reserve Bank on the bank's balance sheet(19.05.2022)

1. Please refer to the 'Notes and Instructions for Compilation' given in Part A of Annexure II to the Reserve Bank of India (Financial Statements-Pres.....

Tags : Reporting, Reverse repos, Balance sheet


SC: Entries in Balance Sheet of Corporate Debtor Can be Treated as Acknowledgment of Liability(02.08.2022)

Supreme Court has held that the entries in Books of Account/Balance sheet of a company can be treated as acknowledgement of liability in respect of de.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Balance Sheet, Liability, Financial Creditors


SC: No Compulsion for Companies to Give Names of All Secured/Unsecured Creditors in Balance Sheet(24.10.2024)

Supreme Court while dismissing plea of corporate debtor's suspended director against initiation of CIRP, has observed that it is not compulsory for co.....

Tags : Supreme Court, Unsecured Creditors, Balance Sheet, Secured Creditors
