12 August 2024


High Court of Delhi

Honeywell International Inc. v. Pravin Thorat and Ors.



Intellectual Property Rights

Court grants injunction against use of trademark 'Honeywell' by bakery

The Court, noting that Honeywell, a multi-national with revenues of $39 billion, and employing 13,000 persons in India alone, could suffer aggravated infringement if the Defendants continued to use the name 'Honeywell' for their three bakeries in Pune. It noted the possibility of confusion in consumers who may be falsely induced into believing that the Defendant had a direct nexus or affiliation with Honeywell. The Court held that use of the trademark by the Defendant would lead to a “gradual whittling away of the exclusivity and uniqueness of the goods and services that are associated with the Plaintiff's trademark Honeywell".


Time Incorporated Vs. Lokesh Srivastava & Anr., MANU/DE/0104/2005
Microsoft Corporation Vs. Rajendra Pawar & Anr., MANU/DE/9851/2007

Tags : Trademark honeywell bakery

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